Looking at Xi Zhicai's half talk, he suddenly stopped talking. Xia Houdun was so anxious that he could not even care about the majesty of the general. He took the playwright's arm and asked, "my good sir! You can tell me quickly. It's killing me to hang on like this Xia Houyuan and lejin are both deeply affected. How could they not have found such a vicious taste before.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "in fact, I offered to take Jizhou for nothing else, just for the two people who were left in Xindu by Yuan Shao this time! One is Tian Feng, the other is Ju. It's a pity that these two people have the talent of heaven and earth, and they were reduced to the hands of yuan Benchu! Several times ago, Yuan Shao sent troops, and the two men repeatedly remonstrated. However, Yuan Shao listened with a deaf ear and refused to accept the advice. He also blamed them. This time, he even simply left them in Xindu. Now the Lord is thirsty for talents. It's better to take them back to Yanzhou and serve him! "

Xia Houdun didn't care who Xi Zhicai wanted to catch back to Yanzhou. In his opinion, there were only two scholars. If he could break Xindu, Xia Houdun could catch them alone. What he cared about was how to break Xindu.

As soon as he saw Xia Houdun's expression, he knew what he was thinking. He immediately burst into a burst of laughter and said, "in fact, it's easy to win a letter. Why should the general worry? The news that our army had taken Qinghe River had been strictly blocked. Yuan Tan had no idea that our army had entered Jizhou. The general can choose a few fine soldiers from the army and dress up as soldiers of Qinghe County. They all lie about the military situation when they send letters. In other words, more than 50000 yellow turban bandits were found in Qinghe County, but the garrison of Qinghe County did not dare to move lightly, so they only asked Xindu to send troops to exterminate it. In order to show his achievements, Yuan Tan will send troops to deal with 50000 yellow turban bandits. Yuan Tan will send out most of the troops in Xindu city. By then, the general only needs to ambush on the way here, and Yuan Tan's army will surely be defeated. If there is no garrison in Xindu City, it is not a worry! "

"Wonderful XiahouDun, XiaHouYuan and lejin called out a clever plan at the same time. XiahouDun laughed and said, "Sir, you are really resourceful! I don't think it's necessary to pick up Tian Feng and Ju Yu. It's enough for you to have a gentleman, my Lord! "

When Xi Zhicai heard Xia Houdun's words, he looked pale. In terms of wisdom, not to mention Tian Feng and Ju, he thought that he would not be inferior to each other even when he met Guo Jia and Xun Yu, who are very important under Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty. But his own body is the most clear, recently is often in the middle of the night was awakened by a cough, vomiting blood is not a twice thing, in this way, I am afraid it will not be delayed until next year.

But now Cao Cao has a lot of powerful generals, but not many real counsellors. Mao Xuan is competent to be an official, and manchong and lvqian sometimes look more like a military general. Although Tian Feng and Ju teach are too rigid, they can also temporarily relieve their urgent need. Otherwise, when they can't bear it any longer, Cao Cao's men have no other counselors to deal with. Then the foundation of Cao Cao and his dramatists' painstaking planning will be destroyed.

Seeing that the two brothers of Xiahou and lejin were happily discussing how to ambush, how to pursue, and how to break the city in the end, it was as if they had already broken the Xindu city. Xi Zhicai shakes his head gently. In fact, there is a big defect in his strategy, that is, whether he can evade Tian Feng and juxu, who are left in Xindu. Both of them are resourceful people. This strategy can deceive Yuan Tan, who is not experienced enough, but can't cheat these two people.

But before he came back, Xi Zhicai already got the news. Yuan Tan knew that Yuan Shao didn't like these two counselors. He simply found an excuse to lock up the two men. He also made a false accusation. He prepared to report to Yuan Shao when he came back, so as to get rid of them. Now without the hindrance of these two people, Xi Zhicai believes that no one in Xindu can see through his plot any more.

Looking at the three generals, he suddenly thought of something. He immediately grabbed Xia Houdun and asked, "general Xia Hou, have you seen him?"

Xia Hou Dun was stunned, which "he" was still in his mind? On the other side, Xia Houyuan replied, "I just seemed to see it on the north of the city."

"Oh As soon as he thought about it, he immediately understood it and said to the three, "generals, Xi Zhicai has left first!"

Xia Houdun was also busy summoning the sergeant to accompany and protect the playwright, who stopped the three people's intention to get up and send him off. Accompanied by the sergeant, Xia Houdun left the official residence directly.

After coming out of the official residence, Xi Zhicai and two soldiers ordered to protect him went directly to the north of the city. After a long walk, they could see the city wall in the north of the city. They saw a man standing alone on the top of the city. Xi Zhicai sighed a little and continued to walk towards the city wall.

After a while, Xi Zhicai and others came to the city wall. Xi Zhicai waved to the two soldiers behind him and told them not to follow them. Then he turned directly to the wall. The two sergeants looked at each other, thinking that Cao's soldiers were on the top of the city anyway, and there should be nothing wrong with them. So they followed the instructions of the dramatists and stood directly under the wall.

Slowly walking up the city, Xi Zhicai immediately saw the lonely shadow that he had just seen. The wind was strong on the city head, and Xi Zhicai's body was always thin and unstable when he was blown by the wind. But the figure was still in the strong wind, just the cloak behind the wind and the beard left to the chest.In such a strong wind, Xi Zhicai could not stand steadily. He had to support the city wall and walk to the shadow step by step. Looking at him has been staring at the north, his eyes for a while Miss, and then shot out the light of hatred.

"General!" "What is the general thinking at the moment?" he said

At this time, the strong wind suddenly stopped, which made Xi Zhicai feel relieved. The figure turned to look at him. He is a big man, but he has a strange appearance. His face is jujube, his eyes are red and his eyebrows are covered with silkworms. The most distinctive feature is his beard which has been left to his abdomen. This is not Guan Yunchang, who has been silent since the defeat of Zhongshan state!

Guan Yu took a look at Xi Zhicai. Then he turned his head and continued to look at the north. He said, "what do you think I'm looking at?"

Suddenly, Xi Zhicai sighed and said, "general, did you ever want to leave Cao Gong and go to Youzhou to look for your righteous brother, general Zhang Fei?"

Guan Yu's body suddenly shakes, looking at Xi Zhicai's eyes, there is a chill in his eyes. However, Xi Zhicai is still unmoved and calmly faces Guan Yu's eyes. They looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Guan Yu took the initiative to look away.

With a smile, he said, "general, would you like to hear from him?"

Guan Yu turned around directly this time, looked at Xi Zhicai and said, "Sir, Guan Yu has always admired his intelligence. What can you teach him?"

Xi Zhicai still kept smiling and said, "general, you are welcome. Since the general went to Cao Gong, Xi Zhicai has never talked to the general alone. However, despite this, Xi Zhicai knew a little about the general's mind. The general's defection to Cao Gong is the same as general Zhang Fei's defection to Gongsun Zan and General Zhao Yun's defection to Dongwu has only one purpose, that is, to avenge yuan's family. I wonder if what Xi Zhicai said is correct? "

Guan Yu nodded directly and said, "yes! Yuan Shao killed my brother! Elder brother and I have the kindness of knowing each other. Moreover, the oath of friendship between Taoyuan in the past is still there! No matter how loyal you are, you can never revenge him The more he said, the more excited he became. He directly hit the city wall with a big fist. The strong wall of the city was smashed by this fist.

Shaking the dust and stones on his body, he said, "since the general is determined to avenge yuan, I advise the general not to leave Cao Gong!"

What do you mean Guan Yu's pair of lying silkworm eyebrows wrinkled up, and his killing intention shot out from his eyes again.

"Ha ha!" Faced with Guan Yu's intention to kill, Xi Zhicai was not afraid. Instead, he said with a smile: "this is not the playwright's nonsense or his ulterior motives. Please think about it. Besides Cao Gong, who can kill Yuan Shao? Gongsun Zan was in chaos in the north of China. He was too busy to care for himself, let alone attack Jizhou. He was able to ensure that he would not be defeated by Yuan Shao, but he was blessed by general Zhang Fei. Sun Jian of Dongwu really has this strength, but after all, he is far away from Jiangdong. I'm afraid there will be no more than ten years before he reaches Jizhou. As for Dong Zhuo, he is busy enjoying himself in Chang'an. Under his account, the Xiliang army and the Bingzhou army are doing harm to the people in the pass. I'm afraid that time will not be long. The rest of the mediocre generation can not be mentioned. By contrast, only Cao Gong has the strength and the goal to defeat Yuan Shao! What Cao Gong wants is Yuan Shao's territory, and what general wants is Yuan Shao's life. Isn't this the same way? "

Guan Yu seems to have been moved by the analysis of Xi Zhicai, and his intention to kill him in his eyes gradually faded. Then he said, "however, Cao Gong didn't want to completely eliminate Yuan Shao. This time, he only conquered the territory south of Xindu, so he would not move forward. What's the difference between staying here and Gongsun Zan?"

As if hearing a funny joke, Xi Zhicai laughed a few times and said, "Cao Gong doesn't want to completely eliminate Yuan Shao, but he wants to slowly eat Yuan Shao. The attack on Yuan Shao is just taking advantage of Yuan Shao's army to the north. If our army continues to march northward, yuan Shao will fight against Cao Gong. What's the benefit to Cao Gong? After all, Cao Gong's foundation is still shallow, and there are Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty in the south. Naturally, it is the best way to seek perfection. Besides, does the general think that Gongsun Zan really wants to destroy Yuan Shao? "