In Shangdang County of Bingzhou, Cao Cao's army, which had just left Shangdang City, was marching towards Jinyang. At the head of the army, it was the two Xiahou brothers who led the army, while lejin and Li Dian, deputy generals of XiahouDun, were pressing behind the army. It has been three days since Cao Cao ordered the four of them to take Jinyang. However, from Hanoi to Jinyang, we must go through the big county of Bingzhou to join the party. According to the prior information, there are less than 3000 defenders in Shangdang city.

Yesterday, XiahouDun, with his army, attacked Shangdang town on the way. However, Xia Hou Dun was eager to take Jinyang. He had only a night's rest and left thousands of people to guard the city. He came out of the Shangdang in a hurry and marched on Jinyang.

"Big brother! I think we will be able to capture this attack in Jinyang! I didn't expect that the famous Xiliang army was just like this! Ha ha ha Xia Hou Yuan said with a smile that he took the lead in shooting the general who guarded the city to death with an arrow. Now he is beautiful in his heart! Thinking about how Cao Cao would reward him, Xia Hou yuan could not help laughing.

Xia Houdun frowned tightly. Although the first battle was very smooth yesterday, it was a little strange in his eyes. As the shadow of the so-called man's famous tree, the Xiliang army's reputation for being tough is out there. It's impossible that the Xiliang army has no resistance at all.

XiahouDun's appearance fell into his younger brother's eyes, and XiaHouYuan said with a smile: "big brother! I don't think you should worry about it. Although the Xiliang army was a strong force in the world, it was a matter of several years ago. In recent years, Dong Zhuo indulged these troops in the pass without fighting. It is reasonable that the quality of the Xiliang army has declined so much. You can attack Jinyang city with confidence and boldly, and then you will kill Xu Rong. What else can Tian Feng say about the sour old man? "

Xia Hou Dun nodded, then shook his head and said, "second brother, I still feel that something is wrong with this matter. Although I have never met Xu Rong, I heard the LORD say that he was defeated by Xu Rong's army when he pursued Dong Zhuo. It can be seen that Xu Rong is also a good soldier. How could he allow his troops to become so? "

Xia Houyuan widened his eyes and looked at Xia Houdun. He said in surprise: "big brother! Don't you believe the old man Tian Feng's nonsense? Our brothers have fought hundreds of battles since they joined the Lord. Who have they ever been afraid of? Brother, you are not afraid of Xu Rong now, are you? If so, my elder brother will give me the military power! I'll go and fetch Xu Rong's head on behalf of my elder brother! "

Xiahou Dun was so angry that his brother could not help but say, "what nonsense! I'm just careful! When did I say I was afraid! Wen Qian! Wen Qian XiahouDun turned and called to the army behind him.

Yue Jin, riding on his horse, quickly came from behind the army and said to Xia Hou Dun, "Yuan rang, what's the matter?"

XiahouDun pulled the horse, stopped moving, and asked, "Wenqian, how long will it take to get to Jinyang city?"

When he heard Xia Houdun's question, he looked around before and after lejin. All the way from Shangdang to Jinyang was mountainous, which was not conducive to the advance of the army. Lejin estimated it and replied, "if we march at this speed, we can't get to Jinyang until tomorrow afternoon at least."

Xia Hou Dun frowned and exclaimed, "order the whole army to speed up its March, and make sure to get out of Jinyang today!"

"Today?" Lejin was startled and said, "Yuan rang, I'm afraid it's not appropriate. Even if we march by force, we can barely make it. But it's difficult to walk on the mountain road. If we march fast, there will be danger, which will lead to unnecessary death of soldiers

Xia Hou Dun shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the news of our army attacking Shangdang has reached Jinyang now! I'm afraid Xu Rong is already making preparations. If he doesn't arrive in Jinyang until tomorrow, and the army is tired and unable to attack the city, he will have to wait another day. I'm afraid Xu Rong will have any measures to deal with it. Today, I arrived outside the city of Jinyang and camped for a night's rest. I'll attack the city tomorrow. I'll fight for the Xiliang army and have no time to prepare. "

After listening to Xia Houdun's reasons, lejin frowned and said, "Yuan rang, your opinion is not wrong, but I always feel that if you March so forcibly..."

With a big wave of his hand, Xia Houdun forcibly interrupted Le Jin's words below, and said, "OK! That's it! speed is the soldier 's asset! You go and announce the military order Xia Houdun was the commander-in-chief of the army. Since Xia Houdun had made a decision, lejin could not resist. He had to turn around and carry out XiahouDun's orders.

The soldiers at the bottom of the army have no right to put forward opinions. They can only do their best to carry out the military orders. After a while, the whole army began to march forward rapidly, and the speed of the March increased several times. Xia Houdun took a look at Xia Houyuan around him, whipped his horse whip and galloped forward quickly.

If we leave aside the new army trained by Chen Ren, we are afraid that the Cao army's soldiers will not be much worse than the Xiliang army and the Bingzhou army in terms of their quality. Although it was very hard, Cao Jun arrived outside Jinyang city before dark today.

The camp was soon set up, and the soldiers of Cao's army returned to their barracks to rest. In the big tent of XiahouDun, XiahouDun is discussing tomorrow's war with Xia Houyuan, lejin and Li Dian."Today, hundreds of soldiers were lost along the way because of the rush." Le Jin said with heartache on his face.

However, Xia Houyuan said indifferently: "hundreds of soldiers, what's the big deal?" Different from lejin's poor family background, Xia Houyuan was born in a family of aristocratic families. He did not realize the hard taste of lejin's basic soldiers and did not care about these ordinary soldiers.

Lejin is not very happy, but Xia Houyuan is Cao Cao's younger brother. He works for Cao Cao now. Naturally, he won't fall out with Xia Houyuan for such a small matter. Besides, XiahouDun was also a man who cherished his soldiers. In front of XiahouDun's face, lejin would not have the same insight with XiaHouYuan.

As expected, unlike Xia Houyuan, Xia Houdun was also heartbroken and said to lejin, "Wenqian, this military order was issued by me, and the sacrifice of these soldiers is also because of me! After this expedition, the pensions of these soldiers have doubled. "

Lejin clasped his fist at XiahouDun and said, "here it is!" Also ignore Xia Hou yuan's face is not willing.

Li Dian didn't speak from the beginning. Then he said, "Yuan rang, the soldiers are tired now. Even if we have a good rest tonight, we still have no spirit tomorrow. How can we capture Jinyang?"

Xia Hou Dun frowned and thought for a moment, and then said, "although Jinyang is the capital of Bingzhou, there are no cities around it. I want to send troops to besiege Jinyang city and cut off its grain and grass! The land of Bingzhou has always been barren. There must not be much grain in Jinyang city. However, there are 60000 troops stationed in Jinyang City, which consumes a lot of food and grass every day. As long as one month, Jinyang will surely break through without attack! " At this time, XiahouDun had calmed down and recovered his usual composure. According to the present situation and strength of Cao's army, it is obviously unrealistic to attack Jinyang with force. Only by wisdom can we attack Jinyang.

Xia Houyuan was obviously dissatisfied with XiahouDun's plan, but he did not dare to speak after being glared at by him. Both lejin and Li Dian agreed with this idea. Although it took time, it was a great achievement to take Jinyang without bloodshed.

"Good!" Xia Hou Dun clapped his thigh and said, "tomorrow morning, we will start to prepare for the siege. Remember to be careful of the other party's sneak attack or breakthrough!"

"Here it is

One night later, early in the morning, according to Xia Houdun's plan, the whole city of Jinyang became an isolated city.

At the head of Jinyang City, Xu Rong came up with a group of generals. The soldiers on one side saluted Xu Rong, while the leading general who had been guarding the city bowed to Xu Rong and said, "general! As expected, the Cao army was besieged in the early morning

Looking at the endless barracks outside the city, Xu Rong said with a smile: "this XiahouDun is a general who can think of a way to encircle Jinyang and capture my Jinyang with a bloodless sword! But if he doesn't have this degree, but he is the kind of man who chooses to attack the city directly, it is not worth my efforts to deal with him! "

The general at the head of the city flattered Xu Rong and said, "XiahouDun is just a descendant. How can he be as resourceful as the general?"

However, Xu Rong ignored the flatterer. He looked at the flag of the "summer Marquis" outside the city, shook his head, and sighed with regret: "unfortunately, this general, if we take time, our achievements must be above me. I wish he could escape this disaster, so that the world will become more and more interesting With that, Xu Rong's eyes flashed a trace of militant madness.

Another ordinary general behind Xu Rong said to Xu Rong, "general! Li Su, Li Meng and Wang Fang are all ready. Are you ready now... "

"No!" Xu Rong waved his hand, looked at the movement of Cao Jun outside the city and said, "now the other side is more prepared, wait two days! Wait for Cao Jun to let go. by the way! These days, you take a few cavalry to break through the encirclement, do not touch a little, then pretend to be defeated back! We must pretend to be in a hurry and sacrifice more soldiers. If we don't do anything in the face of the besieged city, it will only make XiahouDun suspicious. " Xu Rong said lightly, as if what he said was not human life, but some livestock.

"Here it is All the generals immediately clasped fists at Xu Rong. They had been following Xu Rong for more than ten years. Many of them were rescued by Xu Rong himself. Xu Rong never hesitated to carry out Xu Rong's orders. I'm afraid that if Xu Rong told them to die now, they would not hesitate and jump directly to the city.