"Big brother!" Xia Houyuan rushed into XiahouDun's tent and said to Xia Houdun, who was looking up the documents, "elder brother! It's been three days! Are we really going to stay here for a month? "

Xia Houdun smiles and looks at his second younger brother. He answers the wrong question: "second brother, it's so late now. Why don't you go to rest?"

Today, the 120000 Cao troops led by him have been besieged around Jinyang city for three days. During this period of time, the garrison in the city also made several breakthroughs, but they were all repulsed by Cao's army, and the whole army of Xiliang army, which broke through the encirclement once, was wiped out. From this, Xia Houdun judged that there should not be much surplus food in the city, otherwise these troops who broke through the encirclement would not be so crazy, which strengthened his plan to besiege the city.

Seeing Xia Houdun's smile but no answer, Xia Houyuan became more anxious and said to him, "brother! You forget that you promised to attack Jinyang city before the Lord's arrival. If we had waited for a month, the LORD would have arrived, wouldn't that sour old man Tian Feng be proud of? "

Xia Hou Dun could not help but feel cold when he thought of Tian Feng, but then returned to normal. He said to Xia Houyuan, "don't worry. I have sent a letter to the Lord, telling him that I will besiege Xu Rong's main force in Jinyang City, and suggest that the Lord take the opportunity to seize other cities and counties in Bingzhou. When the LORD came back from seizing other cities and counties, the city of Jinyang must have been broken. "

Xia Houyuan heard that XiahouDun had arranged all the arrangements, and there was no hope. He had to go out in a huff. It seemed that he still expected that the enemy would break through the city to kill him tomorrow.

Seeing Xia Houyuan go, Xia Houdun laughed and looked down at the military documents. The besieged city does not mean doing nothing. He should be the commander-in-chief of the army to ask about all the major and minor affairs in the army, otherwise it will be a mess. At present, Cao Cao's power is becoming more and more powerful, but the civilian officials are in urgent need. Originally, these things were done by the leaders of the army or joining the army. However, in Xia Houdun's army, there were only military generals and no civil servants. Now only Xia Houdun came to do these things himself.

There was a great difference between Cao Jifeng and Cao Tianli, but there was a contradiction between them.

Xia Hou Dun was dumbfounded. It seems that this kind of thing should be something that Cao Cao's civil servants should worry about, and there is no need for him, a general, to get involved. He tossed his head, forced to drive away those meaningless thoughts, picked up the bamboo slips on the table, and began to carefully check the consumption of food and grass on this day.

XiahouDun had just read a few lines, and felt that his mouth was dry. He reached out to take the water plate which was set aside. He had just touched it with his hand, but he found that the water dish was constantly shaking, which made Xia Houdun feel very strange. At this time, suddenly heard outside the big tent the noise and roar, XiahouDun frowned, how these soldiers are still noisy so late. He immediately forgot about the shaking of the water dish and stood up and went out.

As soon as the curtain door of the big tent was lifted, the noise and roar grew louder and louder. XiahouDun frowned and asked the guard standing outside the tent: "what's the matter? Where is the noise? "

The guard Sergeant clasped his fist and said, "general! It's like the noise coming from the camp on the west side of the city, but I don't know why. "

"West of the city?" XiahouDun frowned. Did the enemy break through? However, the one who guards the west of the city is Yuejin. With him, the enemy forces will not leave unless the whole city army pours out. However, even so, lejin can support for a period of time and send people to deliver letters.

Though he could not think of any more problems, XiahouDun always had some uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and said to the guard, "go and find out what's going on? Go and come back

"Here it is As soon as the guard turned around to leave, he saw a horse not far from the front. XiahouDun looked by the moonlight, but it was the general in the west of the city who was happy to enter.

At this time, lejin was not as steady as usual, and his face was full of panic. As soon as he saw XiahouDun standing outside the tent, speeding up the speed of his mount, he waved to him and called out, "Yuan rang! Yuan rang! Not good! It's a big deal

"Wen Qian? How did you come from the west of the city? " When XiahouDun looked at this picture of lejin, he was suddenly shocked.

At this time, lejin had already run to Xia Houdun's side. When XiahouDun looked at it, he could only describe his present appearance with embarrassment. His armor was askew, and it was obvious that he had just got up from bed and put on his body in disorder. It is estimated that the helmet on the head has not been put on in time, but the spear in the hand has not been forgotten, and it is still held in the hand.

Yuejin gasped and said to XiahouDun: "Yuan rang! Come on! Come on! Get out of here! Fenshui has burst its bank! "

As soon as XiahouDun heard lejin's last words, he felt as if he had been struck by thunder and rushed to lejin's side at once. But now he walked awkwardly and almost fell to the ground. XiahouDun ran to lejin's Mount, seized the reins of the mount, drank and asked, "what's the matter! Why did Fenshui burst its dike suddenlyLejin just wanted to answer with a bitter smile. Suddenly, looking at the direction of his coming, he put XiahouDun on his mount, clamped his legs, and urged him to run to the south. Xia Houdun was confused by the sudden attack of lejin. He turned his head on his horse and just wanted to ask what happened to lejin, but he just saw the direction to the west of the city. Suddenly, Xia Houdun was stunned.

In the west of the city, under the light of the moon, there was originally a valley. The Cao army led by lejin set up camp there. At this time, from the mouth of the valley, waves were pouring out, the barracks were submerged in an instant, and many Cao soldiers who did not have time to escape were swallowed up by the huge waves.

"Why, how could it be so?" XiahouDun sat behind lejin and grabbed the armor that had been worn by lejin. He could not see the front at all when he was pulled by XiahouDun. But the huge wave has already submerged the camp in the west of the city. Now it is running towards this side rapidly. Even if it is invisible, lejin dare not stop.

"Big brother! Big brother XiahouDun was attracted by the familiar call, and then came back to his senses. His strength was relaxed a lot, and lejin was also relieved. Otherwise, he would have to be strangled to death by XiahouDun.

Xia Houdun turned his head and looked. On the other side, Xia Houyuan and Li Dian came here with a group of soldiers. Lejin didn't dare to slow down. On the one hand, he still ran to the south. On the other hand, he turned to Xia Houyuan and others and said, "wonderful talent! Man cheng! Come on! Come with me quickly. There is a highland in the south, which can avoid the flood! "

Without the disturbance of XiahouDun, lejin soon took XiaHouYuan and others to the highland. It's a highland. In fact, it's just a small hill. Not long after climbing the hill, I saw a wave of turbid waves hitting it. It just hit the foot of a soldier standing at the bottom, which scared the soldier to climb up a few steps in a hurry.

At this time, looking at the turbulent river ahead, XiahouDun slowly calmed down. Although he did not know why the Fenshui River beside Jinyang city suddenly burst the dike, now the 120000 people entrusted by Cao Cao to him have been destroyed, which is an unchangeable fact. XiahouDun looked coldly at the corpses of the soldiers who appeared from time to time in the river. Suddenly he drew his sword from his waist and wiped it on his neck without saying a word.

Li Dian, who had been paying attention to Xia Houdun, quickly stopped Xia Houdun and said, "wonderful talent! Wen Qian! Come and help Xia Houyuan and lejin in front of them are still staring at the river. When Li Dian calls them, they turn around and are immediately startled. At the same time, they go to grab Xia Houdun's sword. Li Dian may not be able to control Xia Houdun alone, but with Xia Houyuan and lejin, it is easy for them to seize Xia Houdun's sword.

Xia Houdun, who had been robbed of his sword, knelt down on the ground directly, beating the ground with one hand incessantly. The three looked at each other and did not know what to say. XiahouDun raised his head, a pair of tiger eyes even shed two lines of hero tears, XiahouDun roared at the night sky: "heaven! How do you want me to see the Lord? "

When Xia Houyuan saw that XiahouDun was so sad, he felt uncomfortable. He squatted beside him and tried to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say. Li Dian sighed and said to Xia Houdun: "Yuan rang! Don't do that! Although this battle is defeated, the Lord will not punish you. "

Li Dian didn't expect that Xia Houdun felt more and more uncomfortable when he said so. His head kept beating on the ground, and the three people could not even stop him. Lejin suddenly and violently knocked XiahouDun on the back of his neck with his knife and knocked him dizzy. Xia Houyuan just wanted to get angry, but he immediately understood the intention of lejin. With a long sigh, he put XiahouDun on the ground.

"Wen Qian! What's going on? Well, how could Fenshui burst its bank suddenly Seeing that XiahouDun had fainted, Li Dian asked with a frown. In Li Dian's opinion, losing is not terrible. If you don't know how to lose, it's terrible.

Lejin frowned and looked to the West and replied, "I'm not sure. After I visited the camp today, I wanted to take a bath by the Fenshui River. But just passing through the mouth of the valley, I heard a loud noise, like the sound of falling boulders. When I turned my head, I saw that Fenshui suddenly became turbulent, and from the upstream of the river, waves of tumbling waves came to me. I immediately knew that this was Fenshui burst. I immediately went back to the camp and ordered people to evacuate, and sent people to report to you two. I went directly to yuanrang. You'll know all about the rest. "