Looking at the two strong men who fought bravely, Guan Yu turned his lips. His hands suddenly caught the two men like lightning and grabbed the collars of the two men. He picked up the two men like chickens.

"This brave man! Be merciful The young man quickly exclaimed, "strong man, it's just the servants who don't understand the rules. After that, I will punish them well. Now, please be merciful and spare their dog life for the time being."

Guan Yu then turned his head and glanced at the young man. There was a chill in his eyes. Rao was always boasting of his bravery, but he couldn't help getting upset.

Guan Yu threw the two strong men on the ground with his hands. He suddenly turned to the young man and asked, "who are you?" Although Guan Yu depends on Xindu himself, he is also one of Cao Cao's generals. If you can see the suspicious person, you should ask him carefully.

The young man couldn't help swallowing his mouth. Looking at Guan Yu's old green robe, he looked like an ordinary man. Although he didn't know what Guan Yu meant by this question, he still replied, "I'm just a businessman. I'm just a businessman. I'll stop when I pass by with my servants. I don't know why they ask each other so much? "

"Merchant?" With a cold smile, Guan Yu suddenly reached out and grabbed the young man's wrist by surprise. He ignored the young man's cry of pain and glanced at the young man's palm. However, the strong men around the young man couldn't ignore it. They drank a lot, drew out their swords and pointed to Guan Yu. If it is not for fear that the young man is still on Guan Yu's hand, he will stab him in the past.

Guan Yu looked at the young man with a sneer as if he didn't see the bright blade around him. He said, "an ordinary businessman, why are there such thick calluses at the mouth of the tiger? This is clearly caused by holding the sword for a long time! Say it! Who on earth are you? "

"Hero! A strong man At this time, the young man's face changed greatly, and he was busy shouting, "strong man, you are just a cloth clothes. Why do you have to worry about so much business?" As he spoke, his eyes were still spinning, apparently thinking of a way to escape.

The shopkeeper, who was pushed down by a strong man before, is now happy and worried. The reason for his happiness is that Guan Yu has taught him a lesson for being rude to himself. However, he is worried that these people will fight in his tavern and break many tables and chairs. On hearing that the young man didn't know Guan Yu's identity, the shopkeeper said in a hurry: "this is the general under Cao Gong's account, general Guan Yu! If he wants to ask you something, you should answer it well! " Obviously, I still have the idea of peace.

"Guan Yu?" However, the young man and his entourage took a deep breath as soon as he heard Guan Yu's name. As soon as he fell into Guan Yu's eyes, he became more and more suspicious.

When Guan Yu turned his hand hard, the young man was suddenly in a cold sweat. Guan Yu ignored the swords around him and asked the young man, "who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Xindu? Say it

Although the young man kept shouting in pain, he still refused to speak. In fact, this is not because the young man is so tough, but the young man does not dare to say his identity. I am afraid he will die more miserably. This young man is no other than yuan Shang, Yuan Shao's favorite third son.

Although yuan Shang was favored by Yuan Shao, he was still a young son. Although Yuan Tan was gradually hated by Yuan Shao over the years, and he lost Xindu last time, Yuan Shao lost most of the territory of Jizhou. But after all, Yuan Tan is the eldest son. Even if Yuan Shao loves yuan Shang any more, he still dares not to do it.

When he learned that Cao Cao led his troops to attack Bingzhou, only one Cao Ren remained in Dongjun. If he could lead his troops to help Yuan Shao seize the Xindu lost by Yuan Tan, those old diehards under Yuan Shao's account would not be so resistant to becoming Yuan Shao's heirs. However, as the saying goes, if yuan wants to capture Xindu, he must first find out the distribution of troops in Xindu. Yuan Shang was also brave enough to come to Xindu with a few soldiers.

After Yuan Shang entered Xindu, he had no time to investigate the actual situation of the garrison. Now he took a rest in the tavern, but he found Guan Yu such a strong man. Yuan Shang saw that Guan Yu's clothes were simple, and he thought that Guan Yu was an unsuccessful martial arts man. He saw that Guan Yu could hurt a good soldier if he didn't do it. It can be seen that Guan Yu was good at martial arts, so he began to accept him. However, he didn't expect that it was Guan Yu who had deep hatred for yuan family.

Yuan Shang knew that Guan Yu had a feud with the yuan family. Now it fell to Guan Yu. Naturally, Yuan Shang refused to name himself because he died. Guan Yu didn't know the reason. He didn't know that he was the son of his enemy. Seeing yuan Shang's face turned pale with pain, he still clenched his teeth and refused to give in. Guan Yu couldn't help nodding his head and saying, "good! He's also a hero After that, he let go and threw yuan Shang directly on his soldiers.

When they saw that Yuan Shang had been thrown over, they hastily put away their swords for fear that Yuan Shang would be hurt by his own sword. Guan Yu watched as the six strong men scrambled to catch yuan Shang, and said in a cold voice, "you all go to the barracks one by one! You can't have a good life if you don't explain your identity and the purpose of your letterHearing Guan Yu's words, the soldiers and relatives looked at each other. Even the strong man whose wrist was broken by Guan Yu's shock was also firm. All of a sudden, five of them raised their swords and rushed to Guan Yu to stab him. The remaining soldier rushed out to the tavern with the wounded yuan Shangfei, apparently to save yuan Shang's life with the lives of the five men.

Guan Yu's eyes twinkled. It seems that the young man's identity is really extraordinary. However, the five people have not been put in Guan Yu's eyes. Before Guan Yu followed Liu Bei, he was a famous local Ranger. Guan Yu was an expert in the art of close combat! Seeing that the five swords stabbed at him fiercely, Guan Yu did not retreat but advanced. He bent forward one by one, and the edge of the five swords crossed Guan Yu's back. After escaping from the five swords, Guan Yu's fists hit the five soldiers in the abdomen accurately, which made them fly upside down.

At this time, Yuan Shang, supported by the only one of his own soldiers, just ran out of the tavern. Guan Yu turned around and grabbed a small bench around him. He threw it hard and threw it away. The small stool hit the back of the soldier who was supporting Yuan Shao. The strong force drove the soldier to fly out.

"Ah The soldier screamed, and immediately spat blood. After flying in the air for a period of time, he fell heavily on the ground. Yuan Shang was also thrown to one side. Originally, one hand was dislocated by Guan Yu. Now, with such a fall, Yuan Shang is even more heartbreaking. However, Guan Yu slowly and leisurely threw out the five strong men in the shop. Just after such a short activity, Guan Yu's drinking sense also dissipated. He took out a token from his arms and turned to the shop owner and said, "now go to the governor's residence, take this token and let the sergeants from the official residence transfer a team of soldiers here!" Having said that, he threw the token to the shopkeeper.

How dare the shopkeeper say no, he quickly bowed and ran out, while Guan Yu still walked out of the tavern slowly and leisurely, kicking all the strong men who were lying on the ground and rolling over and over to Yuan Shang, and said coldly, "stay honest! If you don't want to tell the truth, you'll be punished! "

After a while, the shop owner came with a large group of Cao soldiers. The leader was still Xindu Taishou LV Qian, who was in charge of Xindu affairs. It turned out that when the shop owner arrived at the official residence, Lu Qian had just returned after finishing his business outside. When he heard the shop owner tell the story, LV Qian immediately brought a team of people to rush over.

"General Guan!" As soon as Lu Qian saw Guan Yu, he immediately bowed his hands and made a ceremony. Although Guan Yu usually did nothing but drink wine to drown his sorrow, he still felt much relieved with such a god of killing in Xindu.

Guan Yu was originally arrogant, but after years of polishing, he also learned to be a low-key man. Although LV Qian was nothing to him, he was the letter prefect appointed by Cao Cao, and Guan Yu was still polite to LV Qian. When he saw LV Qian, he also held his fist and made a salute: "Lord Lu! They were found drinking in the pub at the end of the day. Their identities are really suspicious. So they were captured and handed over to Lord Lu for punishment. "

"Oh?" Lu Qian had already learned the whole story from the store. Hearing Guan Yu's words, he raised his legs and walked to the seven men lying in a group. The soldiers behind LV Qian also came forward one after another, pointing their spears at several people on the ground, for fear that these unknown people would hurt LV Qian.

When Lu Qian approached, he first saw the strong men who had been in the army. At a glance, he could see that all six of them were veterans of the long campaign. He could not help nodding. It seems that Guan Yu did not catch the wrong man this time. Looking at the last one, his face suddenly changed. When Lu Qian had not followed Cao Cao Dong, he met Yuan Shao when he was seeking an official in Luoyang. However, the young man in front of him was very similar to Yuan Shao when he was young!

Although LV Qian was not as intelligent as the playwright and Tian Feng, he was also used by Cao Cao for his daring strategy. As soon as he turned his mind, he immediately guessed his identity. It is said that Yuan Shao had several sons. Among them, the third son, yuan Shangshang, is the most similar to Yuan Shao, so he is deeply favored by Yuan Shao. Is this young man yuan Shang?