"Ha ha ha ha! Isn't this Xianfu's nephew? Why did you come here all of a sudden Lu Qian laughed and ridiculed yuan Shang, who was lying on the ground. When he went to Luoyang to ask for an official, he was not spared Yuan Shao's white eyes. Now he saw the life of Yuan Shao's third son in his own hands. How can he not be happy.

Guan Yu, on the other side, was confused. He didn't know that Xianfu was written by Yuan Shang. He only knew that the young man seemed to recognize Lu Qian. When Yuan Shang was called out of his identity by Lu Qian, his face became even paler. His eyes widened and he did not know how Lu Qian knew his identity. Yuan Shang looked at LV Qian in horror and asked, "you, who are you? How, how to recognize me? "

Guan Yu went to LV Qian and asked, "Lord Lu, who is this son?"

Lu Qian said with a smile, "general Guan! You've done a great job this time! This son is yuan Shang, Yuan Shao's third son. Although he is young, he is his favorite son. "

"The son of Yuan Shao?" Guan Yu's eyes turned red as soon as he heard it. Yuan Shao, who was Guan Yu's big enemy, now Yuan Shao's favorite son is in front of Guan Yu. How can Guan Yu not be angry. Seeing Guan Yu's face black and blue, he turned around and grabbed a long gun from a soldier's hand. He picked up the gun and tried to stab yuan Shang.

Lu Qian remembered that Guan Yu and Yuan Shao had a feud against each other. Seeing that Guan Yu's spear was about to hit yuan Shang, LV qiangen could not stop him, so he called out: "general Guan! No way But how could Lu Qian's skill stop Guan Yu? Seeing the spear go down like this, he immediately took a piece of blood.

"Ah!" Lying on the ground, Yuan Shang uttered a shrill scream. Lu Qian saw that Guan Yu had temporarily changed the direction of the gun. Originally, he stabbed yuan Shang in the chest, but finally landed on Yuan Shang's thigh. Guan Yu waited for his red eyes to gasp. The long spear had already been in half of Yuan Shang's thigh. Yuan Shang's whole thigh can be said to be completely nailed to the ground, the blood flowed like a flood, and soon it merged into a small depression.

Lu Qian was relieved. Fortunately, Guan Yu didn't kill yuan Shang. Although yuan Shang's injury seems serious, there is no shortage of good medical officers in the capital city, as long as Yuan Shang's life is saved.

Lu Qian quickly ordered the soldiers to take yuan Shang and the six soldiers in custody. However, Yuan Shang was in trouble. Guan Yu tried his best to insert the spear. How could ordinary soldiers pull it out. Lu Qian didn't dare to let Guan Yu do it again. Although Guan Yu resisted this time, he couldn't help it next time. However, LV Qian had to let those soldiers move yuan shangshun's spear up. The gun rod rubbed in Yuan Shang's thigh, which could be regarded as the pain of Yuan Shang. He kept screaming, and LV Qian on the side of the gun felt flustered. On the other side, Guan Yu, seeing yuan Shang's painful appearance, showed a trace of revenge in his eyes.

Seeing Guan Yu's appearance, Lu Qian sighed. When the soldiers carried yuan Shang and others down with all their hands and feet, he went to Guan Yu, patted Guan Yu on the shoulder and said, "general Guan! Thank you for your kindness

Guan Yu had recovered his apathy and said, "Lord Lu, you are welcome. At the end of the day, you will be able to attack Yuan Shao. Now that Yuan Shao's son has fallen into our hands, I don't know when we can send troops to attack the Bohai Sea? "

Lu Qian gave an unnatural smile and said, "well, the 20000 troops left in Jizhou are under the command of general Cao Ren. If general Cao Ren does not give orders, I will not command them."

Guan Yu's eyes revealed a trace of disappointment, but then returned to normal. He said to LV Qian, "Lord Lu, this time yuan Shang came to Xindu to spy on the military defense of the capital city. It can be seen that Yuan Shao is ready to move for Xindu! If you don't start first, I'm afraid that when Yuan Shao's army comes to the city, the city will not be protected! Lord Lu might as well report this situation to general Cao Ren. He must have made the right choice! "

Lu Qian didn't dare to disobey Guan Yu's meaning. He quickly bowed his hand and said, "what general Guan said is very true. I will tell general Cao Ren the truth about this matter."

Guan Yu didn't expect LV Qian to make any more promises. He clasped his fist and said, "in this case, I will leave at the end of the day." After that, he turned and left, and LV Qian gave him a gift. When Guan Yu was far away, Lu Qian raised his head and couldn't help shaking his head with a bitter smile. Although there were more Guan Yu, the safety of the letter was guaranteed, but he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a disaster if he had such a killer in his jurisdiction.

Lu Qian sighed. The soldiers who turned around and commanded scattered all the people around. They went directly to the prison to interrogate yuan Shang and his men to see if they could get any useful clues.

Yuan Shang is just a good-looking man. He's an embroidered pillow. Before long, even without even using the tools of torture, LV Qian extracted all the information yuan Shang knew from Yuan Shang's mouth. After a while, a messenger with information from Yuan Shang's mouth and a secret letter rushed out of the capital city of Xindu and headed for the south.

By the time the secret letter came to Dongjun, the news of XiahouDun's defeat had reached Dongjun. Cao Ren was worried about it. Today, although Cao Cao succeeded in rescuing XiahouDun and XiaHouYuan in Shangdang, and Dianwei also killed Li Meng who came to attack the city, Cao Cao's fierce general lejin also died in Xu Rong's hands. Today, although Cao Cao has occupied nearly half of the territory of Bingzhou, he has lost 120000 troops. Facing Xu Rong's army, Cao Cao has lost the capital to continue to attack and occupy Bingzhou.When Cao Ren untied the military information just sent, his face suddenly changed. It can be seen from the confession that Yuan Shao really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Cao Cao leading the army to seize the letter capital. When Cao Cao left, he gave the Jizhou to Cao Ren. Cao Ren would not lose Jizhou in any case.

In this secret letter, LV Qian really put forward Guan Yu's suggestion. To be honest, Cao Ren was really moved. It must be too late to ask Cao Cao for instructions now. This decision must be made by Cao Ren himself.

First of all, Cao Ren, the ten thousand elite soldiers who stayed in Yanzhou, would also be sent out. With 20000 in Xindu, there would be 30000. But how to use these 30000 troops is a problem. If he stayed in Xindu and waited for Yuan Shao to attack, he would not be able to attack Xindu in a short time. But Yuan Shao still has a hundred thousand troops. Even if he can't attack Xindu, he only needs to leave tens of thousands of people to besiege Xindu, and then take the rest of the army to attack other cities and counties in Jizhou, even Yanzhou and Qingzhou. At that time, I'm afraid that even Cao Cao's foundation will not be preserved, and Cao Ren will have to die to thank him for his trust.

According to Guan Yu, is it possible to strike first? If Cao wancao loses in the Bohai Sea, it can be said that all the people can not fight against the Bohai Sea.

What to do? Cao Ren sat in his seat and knocked on the forehead with his hand. Suddenly, Cao Ren thought of a man and slapped his thigh. He called a sergeant in and said to the sergeant, "you! Go to my house and ask that gentleman to come to the official residence

"Sir?" The sergeant looked at Cao Ren, but Cao Ren said with impatience: "what do you care about so much! Just let you go. If you come to my house, just say you are looking for Mr

"Here it is Seeing that Cao Ren showed signs of anger, the sergeant did not dare to be wordy and retreated quickly.

After more than half an hour, Cao Ren was impatient to wait. The sergeant finally came back, but he also brought a middle-aged scholar behind him. The scholar was about forty or fifty years old. He had white hair on his temples, but his face was extremely emaciated. His slender eyes flashed cold light from time to time, which made people look as if they were being watched by a poisonous snake.

"Ah! sir! You're here As soon as Cao Ren saw the middle-aged scholar come in, he immediately welcomed him, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

"General!" The middle-aged scholar saluted Cao Ren, but he was soon helped up by Cao Ren. Cao Ren welcomed the middle-aged scholar to the upper seat, and he sat under the scholar.

"It's really a shame to say that he was rashly invited this time, but Cao Ren did not make up his mind about one thing and came to ask him for advice. I hope you will give me your advice!" Cao Ren sat on the seat, straightened up and bowed respectfully to the middle-aged scholar.

The middle-aged scholar stroked his chin beard with a smile and said, "general, please come here, but for Jizhou?"

Cao Ren was surprised, but then he was relieved. The middle-aged scholar had already brought him a lot of surprise. If Cao Cao had not been in Bingzhou now, he would have recommended him to Cao Cao. Cao Ren immediately told the story again and showed the middle-aged scholar the intelligence sent from Jizhou. Then Cao Ren again made a big ceremony to the middle-aged scholar and said, "since you already know, please point out a way for Cao Ren!"

The middle-aged scholar scanned the information and then said with a smile, "in fact, the general should have had an idea in his mind. The general asked me, but it was just for peace of mind, wasn't it?"

Cao Ren was stunned and then said with a bitter smile: "since Mr. Cao has made it clear, then Cao Ren is no longer hiding. At present, there is only one way to attack the Bohai Sea first according to Guan Yunchang's words, but Yuan Shao has this 100000 army after all. Cao Ren is so entrusted by the Lord that he dare not gamble on the foundation he has worked so hard for years