In the autumn of the eighth year of Chuping, with the surrender of Zhangying and Gaolan, the city guards of Zhongshan, Jizhou was finally under the rule of Cao Cao. After seeing that Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty also withdrew from Hanguguan, he chose to withdraw from Bingzhou. A powerful anti Dong alliance ended in vain. As for the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, they became the only two victims of this anti Dong alliance, and they withdrew from the historical stage early.

In the eastern County of Yanzhou, Cao Cao, who was defeated by the state, held a banquet in his official residence to entertain his ministers. Now, Cao Cao's camp is not as cold as before. Among the left-handed generals, Xia Houdun, with a somewhat gloomy face, led by Dianwei, XiaHouYuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Xiu, Li Dian and Yujin, as well as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Ying, Gao Lan, Lu Kuang, and LV Xiang. On the right hand side, it was much more lively than before. Apart from Lu Qian, man Chong and Mao Lin, there were Tian Feng, Ju Xun, Xu you, Feng Ji, Xin Ping and Xin PI. It's much better than before, when only the actors were able to support the scene alone.

"Zixiao!" Cao Cao said with a happy smile, "this time you sent troops in time to help me unify Jizhou. It's really a great achievement! Come on! Son filial piety! Here's to you Having said that, he raised the wine bottle with both hands and paid homage to Cao Ren.

Cao Ren immediately raised the wine bottle in his hand and drank it with Cao Cao. After drinking, Cao Ren said with a red face: "Lord! Cao Ren doesn't dare to be greedy! It is not Cao Ren's credit to send troops this time and plan after that! It was actually the plan of an aide in Cao Ren's house. Today, Cao Ren is going to recommend him to the Lord! "

"Oh?" Cao Cao put down the wine bottle in his hand, but there was no surprise on his face. Cao Ren was his younger brother, and he knew how much he had. The capture of Bohai Sea and the surrender of Zhongshan state were well-organized and accurate. It was obviously not Cao Ren's ability to do so. The only explanation was that Cao Ren had some experts behind him. Cao Cao said with a smile, "so filial piety, don't you please come out quickly?"

Cao Ren immediately hugged his fist, but he got up and went out of the hall himself, which also made the noisy hall quiet. After a while, he saw Cao Ren leading the middle-aged scholar into the hall. All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were focused on the middle-aged scholar behind Cao Ren, but the middle-aged scholar was calm in the face of so many people's eyes, and his expression did not change at all.

Seeing the middle-aged scholar's appearance, Cao Cao secretly praised him from the bottom of his heart, which showed that the middle-aged scholar might not be under the instruction of Tian Feng and Ju. Cao Cao stood up, quickly walked to the middle-aged scholar, facing him is a deep bow: "thank you for your stratagem, achievement of the great cause of Cao!"

The middle-aged scholar didn't dodge, so he was worshipped by Cao Cao. The middle-aged scholar said with a smile, "why do you need to be like this? I can't afford to be Cao Gong's great ceremony because I'm only white." And then he bowed to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao quickly picked up the middle-aged scholar, took him by the hand and went to his position. He walked to his desk, but he only saw a cushion of his own. Cao Cao frowned and said to his servant, "go and get another cushion quickly!" With that, he took the middle-aged scholar to sit on the seat, pulled his cushion, and waved his hand at the middle-aged scholar: "please take your seat!"

All the people present were shocked, even the middle-aged scholar himself. How could Cao Cao say that he was a vassal? Today, only the power of Sun Jian in Jiangdong could compare with him. With such a noble identity, he even offered his seat to the middle-aged scholar? Tian Feng, Ju, and other officials who came down to him involuntarily compared Cao Cao in front of him to Yuan Shao, who was also a gentleman. However, Yuan Shao could not do as much as Cao Cao. They could not help shaking their heads. Yuan Shao was not unjustly defeated!

A touch of moving expression flashed on the middle-aged scholar's face, but then disappeared, and recovered the plain appearance before. He bowed his hand to Cao Cao and said, "I'm sorry that Cao Gong is so generous!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cao Cao laughed: "don't be polite, sir! You are always thirsty for talents like Mr. Right! "

At this time, the servant also brought a cushion, and Cao Cao again made a gesture of invitation to the middle-aged scholar. The middle-aged scholar and Cao Cao sat on the cushion together. Cao Cao said to the middle-aged scholar, "do you know your name?"

The middle-aged scholar arched his hand and said with a smile to Cao Cao: "my surname is Jia, and my name is Xu. I'm Wenhe. I'm from guzang in Wuwei."

"Oh Cao Cao said with a smile, "it's Mr. Jia! Mr. Guan is older than Cao, but I don't know where he was before? "

Jia Xu said with a smile: "before I went to work under the general Niu fuzhang of Dong Zhuo. A few years ago, Dong Zhuo died of illness, so I took the opportunity to get out. A few months ago, I passed through Dongjun and became a member of general Cao Ren because of lack of food and clothing."

Hearing that Jia Xu had served under Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao couldn't help asking curiously, "Mr. talent, why did Niu Fu let him go?"

Jia Xu said with a smile: "I'm also a scholar. How can I really help Dong Zhuo when he's in trouble with the people? I'm just in his position, but I don't plan for it. I quit my official post. I think Niu Fu is very happy! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cao Cao was very happy by Jia Xu's words, and said with a smile to the audience: "Dong thief is so ignorant of employing people, how can he be invincible?" The generals were more or less affected by the great defeat of Bingzhou before. Hearing Cao Cao say this, they can't help laughing, and the shadow in their hearts has also dispersed a lot."Sir, the cow is blind. Now that you are in Yanzhou, you can't learn from Niu Fu. I hope you can give me a hand to help you and make the great man prosperous After Cao Cao said these words, he looked at Jia Xu nervously. Although Jia Xu was able to give advice to Cao Ren, it can be seen that he had the intention to submit to the account, but he did not hear Jia Xu agree to the effect, so Cao Cao was still a little worried.

Jia Xu looked at Cao Cao with a smile. In fact, before leaving Niu Fu, Jia Xu had already made up his mind. Although Cao Cao is not the most powerful vassal at present, compared with Dong min, Cao Cao has a lot of future. As for the eastern Wu Sun Jian, although more powerful than Cao Cao, but now that the eastern Wu is rich in talent, he Jia Xu is not paid attention to at all, it is better to go to the account of Cao Cao, who is short of counsellors.

Since he had already made up his mind, Jia Xu stopped pretending. He stood up, bowed to Cao Cao, and said, "Jia Xu is willing to serve the great cause of the Lord!"

"Good! Good! Great Cao Cao was so happy that he drank several times. He immediately helped Jia Xu up. In his heart, he was happy! Before the battle of Bingzhou, Cao Cao felt that Tian Feng and juxu were not suitable for the position of military adviser of Cao's army. He was determined to find another one to replace him. However, it is not so easy to find a first-class counselor in the world. After returning to Dongjun, although Xu you, Fengji, Xinping, and Xinpi who surrendered from Yuan Shao were more intelligent talents, they were not as good as Tianfeng and juxu. Now there is a Jia Xu. Although he has no in-depth contact with him, we can see that Jia Xu's intelligence is not inferior to that of the playwright of that year by looking at the Jizhou strategy that Jia Xu planned for Cao Ren.

Cao Cao immediately took out a square seal from his arms and handed it to Jia Xu. He said, "I heard that Sun Jian of Jiangdong recruited Chen Ren, the Dragon general. He directly appointed him to be a civil and military officer, so as to attach importance to Chen Ren. Today, Cao is following the example of the tiger in the east of the river, but it is not the appointment of Mr. what position. This seal is the seal of the governor of Yanzhou. Yanzhou is the foundation of Cao. Today, Cao will deliver this Yanzhou to you! "

"My Lord As soon as Cao Cao said this, he was shocked. Immediately, all the old and new civil and military officials stood up and admonished Cao Cao, even Xia Houdun, who had been depressed all the time, and Cao Ren, who recommended Jia Xu, was no exception.

"Lord!" Xia Hou Dun hugged his fist and exclaimed, "although Mr. Jia Xu is a talented man, but after all, Yanzhou is the foundation of the Lord, so an Neng delivers the new man!"

"Not bad!" Tian Feng on the other side also immediately admonished, "Mr. Jia Xu has just come from Dong thief's account. It is unknown whether he is an enemy or a friend. How can he entrust Yanzhou so easily?" Although Tian Feng has been dissuaded several times by Ju, how can his personality and speaking habits developed over the years be changed so easily? His speech is still straightforward.

Even Jia Xu himself, after a brief shock, immediately stepped back to Cao Cao's seat, bowed his hands and said, "the Lord's trust in Jia Xu is greatly appreciated by Jia Xu, but what you have said is true. Jia Xu is a new member of Cao Gong's account. How can he accept this responsibility? I hope the Lord will take it back!"

Cao Cao looked at the people's eyes against him, and said with a smile, "you don't have to say much. I've made up my mind! Mr. Jia has great talent. If I can't reuse it, I will regret it later! Mr. Jia! Please accept the seal of the governor of Yanzhou! "

Jia Xu still worshipped on the ground, lowered his head and said, "please take back your life!"

With Fang Yin in one hand, Cao Cao went to Jia Xu's body, lifted Jia Xu up with the other hand, and put Jia Xu in Jia Xu's arms, regardless of whether Jia Xu would take it or not, and said to Jia Xu, "sir! The seal of the assassin must be accepted! "

Seeing that Cao Cao had forced Fang Yin into his arms, Jia Xu knew that Cao Cao had made up his mind, which was also a way to win over himself. Although he was clear in his heart, Cao Cao attached such importance to himself that Jia Xu, who had always been indifferent to society, could not help but feel warm from his chest. He immediately said, "Jia Xu should do his best to help the Lord achieve hegemony."

When Cao Cao heard Jia Xu's words, he immediately laughed and said, "I have a gentleman. Great achievements can be achieved! Gentlemen! From today on, Mr. Jia has been our commander in charge of all affairs of the Cao army! "

Seeing that Cao Cao had already made a speech, although he did not quite agree with him, people still worshipped him directly: "here