"Looking for the water of five streams in the Yangzi River, we can go straight into Wushan mountain. The scenic spot was handed down by all the people. The king called himself beautiful when he came to nanzhong. Send you do not have August autumn, the rustle of reed flowers to benefit from sorrow. Clouds sail far away from each other, and the Yangtze River flows by itself at dusk. "

"Ha ha ha ha! Zici! Are you sour here again? "

Chen Ren listened to the laughter coming from behind, and turned around with a bitter smile. He saw Gan Ning holding a jar of wine behind him and looking at himself with a smile.

"Xingba, why did you drink it again?" Chen Ren had a headache. Gan Ning had never stopped drinking since he got on the boat in Jianye. He went to sleep when he was drunk and drank again when he woke up. Chen Ren, however, has never seen Gan Ning eat a bite of rice. I really don't know how he survived.

Gan Ning laughs and walks to Chen Ren's side. He puts his arm around Chen Ren's shoulder. Chen Ren immediately smells a strong smell of wine coming from Ganning's mouth. Gan Ning's face was drunk and said, "Zici! Why don't you come to our water army often? I'll have good wine when you come here With that, he began to drink a lot.

Chen Ren really couldn't laugh or cry. Huang Gai is getting older and older. Therefore, the specific affairs of the navy are now handed over to Ganning. It can be said that Ganning is the real leader of the Navy. This time Chen Ren was entrusted by Sun Jian to go to Hanzhong, but it was not Chen Ren or Sun Jian's original intention, but because of an event a month ago.

A month ago, Chen Ren returned to Jianye with the new Jiangdong army and had been recuperating for a while. Sun Jian, on the other hand, called together officials of all sizes in Jianye to discuss affairs in Marquis Wu's mansion, which naturally included Chen Ren.

"Zici, according to the news from the Jizhou branch of the snake ministry, it seems that Cao Cao has indeed won Jizhou. Now, Cao Cao can be said to play a role in Yanzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou, and his power has been expanded again. How do you think we should deal with it? " Sun Jian asked Chen Ren.

Chen Ren lowered his head and thought that Cao Cao was not good at it. Chen Ren had suppressed him a lot, but he still grew up slowly. Today, Cao Cao has become the most powerful vassal in the north, and Dong min's influence after the first World War of Hangu pass has also fallen under Cao Cao. It seems that Cao Cao's pace of unifying the north can not be stopped. The problem is that Sun Jian is still in alliance with Cao Cao. Before Dong min is eliminated, Sun Jian is not good at fighting against Cao Cao.

Chen Ren didn't answer all the time, but Xun Yu below said, "Lord, I don't think the Lord should worry too much. Although Cao Cao's power is more powerful, he is still inferior to the eastern Wu Dynasty. Most of the Yanzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou owned by Cao Cao are barren land, or have suffered from war. Within five years, Cao Cao's strength is absolutely below that of Dongwu! "

"Not bad!" Zhuge Liang also got up and agreed with Xun Yu's opinion, "Lord! Today, Xuzhou, Yangzhou and Yuzhou, the fertile lands to the north of the Yangtze River, are all owned or controlled by Soochow. Although Jizhou and Qingzhou have strong folk customs, they do not have enough food and grass to support them. Cao Cao is still unable to organize a strong army for the time being. "

After listening to the opinions of Xunzi and Zhuge Liang, two advisers in charge of internal affairs, Sun Jian nodded. Just about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard a lot of noise from outside.

Sun Jian frowned and asked, "what's going on? Who's making a lot of noise outside? "

A sergeant came into the hall excitedly, clasped his fist and said, "my Lord! It's a fairy! It's the immortal Yu

"What to the gods!" Sun Jian frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the sergeant's expression. At this time, many officials under the seat got up happily and wanted to run outside. Sun Jian's face immediately showed anger.

Chen Ren, sitting on Sun Jian's left hand side, stopped thinking for a long time. The officials who got up to go outside were all local people in Jiangdong. However, some important officials, such as Lu Jun and Xu Sheng, who had gradually entered the core circle under Sun Jian's account, did not get up.

Yuji! Chen Ren crossed the name in his mind. Although he didn't appear many times in history, he played a very important role. It was his reason that led to sun CE's death. However, after the rectification by Sun Jian and Chen Ren, Jiangdong is no longer the same as in history. Almost all the officials believe in this way. However, when you look at the officials who rush out of the hall, Chen Ren also has the idea of killing this person.

"Lord!" Chen Ren thought definitely, then immediately to Sun Jian a fist. Sun Jian looks at Chen Ren and immediately understands Chen Ren's intention when he sees Chen Ren's killing eyes. However, Sun Jian was not sun CE. He had more things to think about than sun CE. He waved his hand to Chen Ren, and then turned his head and gave a cold drink to those officials who were going out: "be bold!"

Those officials, big and small, trembled suddenly, and then remembered that at Sun Jian's meeting, what they had just done was very rude. They immediately turned their heads and knelt on the ground and confessed to Sun Jian. Sun Jian said coldly, "you are all officials of the Soochow kingdom. You should not be surprised. What kind of system are you now?"

After that, Sun Jian turned his head and asked Lu Jun, who is the so-called Yu immortal

Lu Jun quickly arched his hand and replied, "reply to my Lord, the immortals have been preaching in Jiangdong for decades. He claimed to be a Taoist of Langya palace. He used to travel between Wujun and Kuaiji, but I don't know why they appeared in Jianye today."Chen Renyi, listening to the tone of Lu Jun's words, seems to be very disdainful of Yu Ji, and he can't help being surprised. According to historical records, it seems that these local people in Jiangdong respect Ji very much, and even offend sun CE, the ruler of the Soochow, in order to plead for Yu Ji. Why is Lu Jun so disgusted with Ji?

Lu Jun's tone is very obvious, not only Chen Ren heard it, but also those officials kneeling on the ground. They all showed angry faces and looked at Lu Jun one after another. An official immediately stood up and swore at Lu Jun: "Lu Jun! How dare you insult the gods

Sun Jian's face was more chilly. He snored coldly, and Chen Ren was also very dissatisfied. Yu Ji had a great influence on Jiangdong. He could make these officials who had read poems so much have such courage. Chen Ren turned his head to sit behind him and whispered to Xu Chu. When Xu Chu heard Chen Ren's orders, he was surprised, and then returned to his normal color. He nodded his head and went out.

Sun Jian saw that Xu Chu suddenly got up and left. At first, he was full of doubts. Even when he saw Chen Ren nodding to himself, Sun Jian put down his heart again. Obviously, it was Chen Ren who told Xu Chu to do something. For Chen Ren, Sun Jian was still very trustworthy.

After a while, all of a sudden, the noise outside the hall increased a lot, accompanied by a faint cry. After a while, he saw Xu Chu walking in with this thin old man in his hand.

After entering the hall, Xu Chu threw the thin old man in his hand to the ground, and then he clasped his fist at Chen Ren and said, "governor! Yuji will take it Although Xu Chu was already an old minister under Sun Jian's account, he did his work in a strict manner. In such a formal occasion, he did not use the word of Chen Ren as Guo Jia and others did, but he still called Chen Ren.

Chen Ren nodded his head with a smile. This matter could only be done by people like Xu Chu. When those officials knelt on the ground, hearing that the thin old man lying on the ground was Yu Ji, they suddenly exclaimed to help them up. Chen Ren's eyes flashed, and suddenly he said, "Zhongkang! If any of these people are acting without authorization, they will be killed! "

Chen Ren's last four words were said to be roaring out, which immediately frightened all the officials who wanted to take action. After hearing Chen Ren's order, Xu Chu turned his head and looked at Sun Jian. Sun Jian nodded his head slightly to show his agreement. Xu Chu immediately pulled out his sword and stood beside the officials. His eyes were so bloodthirsty that no one would doubt that as long as they moved, Xu Chu's sword would be cut off without hesitation.

It was a good meeting, but it turned out to be such a result. In the final analysis, it was the reason for the thin old man. Chen Ren looked at the thin old man coldly. At this time, he was lying on the ground feebly, and his whole body was filthy. This is also the ghost of Chen Ren. Although Chen Ren doesn't believe that Yu Ji really can do magic and Taoism, Chen Ren himself has passed through from later generations. What else is impossible to happen? Just in case, Chen Ren told Xu Chu to kill a few black dogs, take a lot of black dog blood, and mix some feces, first pour them on his body, and then start to catch them. If this Yu Ji really has any magic method, then the black dog blood is really useful, can also break his magic.

After all, Yu Ji looked sixty or seventy years old. First, he was covered with filth by Xu Chu, and then he was thrown to the ground by Xu Chu, but he was not light.

Sun Jian sarcastically said to Yu Ji, "are you what the outsider called Yu Shen?"

Yu Ji finally got up and wiped the filth on his body, but the more he wiped, the dirtier he was, he had to give up. Seeing that all the people in the hall looked at themselves, he immediately put on the appearance of a worldly expert and worshipped Sun Jian and said, "I am a Taoist of Langya palace. When Emperor Shun went to the mountain to collect herbs, he wrote divinely on the water of Yangqu spring, which was called" taipingqinglingdao ". All the more than a hundred volumes of prescriptions are used to cure people's diseases. The only way that I can get it is to help all the people by Xuanhua on behalf of heaven. I don't dare to be called an immortal by Marquis Wu. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sun Jian looked up and said with a smile, "Taiping Road? You devil! It is clear that the yellow scarf Zhang Jiao flow! What is the purpose of this demagogue? Don't hurry up and call on the truth! "

But Yu Ji didn't look shocked at all. He seemed to have guessed that Sun Jian would say so. He still looks like a fairyland, but he is filthy all over his body. He seems to be a bit of a stranger.