"Marquis Wu!" Yu Ji said to Sun Jian, "I have been in Jiangdong for decades. I have treated people's diseases and saved tens of thousands of people. I have never taken anything from anyone. Why does Marquis Wu say that I am a demagogue?"

"Hum!" Sun Jian snorted coldly: "didn't you take anything from someone? So how did you get your basic necessities? Clear is the evil way! If I don't kill you today, I will suffer in the future! Somebody! I'll drag it out and chop it! "

As soon as he heard Sun Jian's orders to kill Yu Ji, all the officials kneeling on the ground pleaded for mercy. Chen Ren frowned. He just saw a glimmer of light in Yu Ji's eyes. He didn't have the slightest fear on his face. He didn't seem to be afraid of the impending death. Is it true that he has witchcraft as recorded in history?

"Marquis Wu! I know I can't escape death, but please see one! Do you have a dragon general, Chen Renchen But there was no fear of sun's voice.

Hearing that Yu Ji suddenly mentioned his name, Chen Renxian was stunned. Although he was worried, he still got up and said to Ji: "I'm Chen Ren, but I don't know why Yu Shenxian wants to see him!" Chen Ren never had much affection for Yu Ji, so his sentence "Yu Shen Xian" was completely ironic.

As if he didn't recognize Chen Ren's words, Yu Ji looked at Chen Ren with wide eyes, and suddenly burst into laughter, laughing and saying: "ha ha ha ha! As expected, it is a strange appearance! My apprentice was not unjustly defeated! " At this time, the two sergeants called by Sun Jian had already come to Yuji's side and were about to escort Yuji to the execution ground.

"Slow down!" Chen Ren suddenly stopped the two sergeants and turned to Sun Jian and said, "Lord! I have a few things to ask this evil way! I hope you can leave me some time! "

Sun Jian looked at Chen Ren with doubts on his face, but his trust in Chen Ren for a long time made Sun Jian nod his head and agreed. Chen Ren took a look at Yu Ji, then waved to the two sergeants, indicating that the two sergeants were holding Yuji, and then followed him out of the hall. In the hall, the officials of Yuji's followers all wanted to follow, but when they saw Xu Chu's fierce eyes, they all withdrew their heads.

In fact, it can't be said that Sun Jian was too overbearing or overbearing. This kind of thing is not allowed for any ruler. In history, both Cao Cao and sun CE suppressed the religious belief beyond their control. The only difference is that Cao Cao succeeded, but Sun CE failed.

However, it can be said that Sun Jian does not have to worry about this problem at all. With the help of Chen Ren and other powerful generals, Sun Jian has achieved the centralization of power. Although on the surface, Sun Jian delegated all the power to the town's general, but the premise of Sun Jian's decentralization was to ensure the absolute loyalty of these town guards to Sun Jian. It can be said that Sun Jian has mastered all the power within the scope of his rule in his own hands, so he can completely ignore these believers and order Yu Ji to be killed. In history, sun CE ordered the killing of Yu Ji, which was called impulse, while Sun Jian had a plan in mind.

Chen Ren led Yu Ji to a side hall. After entering the side hall, Chen Yiyi waved and sent the two soldiers out. Only Chen Ren and Yu Ji were left in the hall. Closing the door of the partial hall, Chen Ren turned his head and looked at Yu Ji and said, "Taoist Yu Ji, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Yu Ji shakes the filth on his body with his hand, but since those black dog blood has been stained, where is it so easy to shake off. Yu Ji had no choice but to let it go. He looked up at Chen Ren and asked, "General Chen, why do you think I have something to say to the general?"

Chen Ren stares at Yu Ji tightly and says with a smile: "it's not hard to guess. I've never been able to figure it out. I heard Lu Jun say that the Taoist priest always preached in Wujun and Kuaiji, but now he has come to Jianye, and he specially preaches at the gate of the marquis. If I can't guess that the Taoist priest has something to look for me, isn't I stupid? "

Yu Ji listened with a smile on his face, one hand on the back of his waist, and the other hand was constantly stroking at the beard of his chin. Chen Ren could not help sighing in his heart that he was worthy of being a monk. Although he was already dishevelled and his hair was messy, half of his face was still stained with black dog blood, and his body still smelled of stink. However, there is such an air of immortality between people's actions and actions.

Yu Ji didn't know that Chen Ren was secretly criticizing him in the bottom of his heart. He said with a smile, "General Chen is really smart. It's said that the general is a martial arts man. Today, I see that the general's intelligence is not superior to those first-class advisers. It seems that my two apprentices are really right to lose!"

This is the second time Chen Ren has heard Yu Ji say so. Chen Ren can't help being surprised. Looking at Chen Ren's strange appearance, Yu Ji laughs, waves his hand at Chen Ren and says, "general! Please have a seat With that, Yu Ji found a seat and sat down.

Chen Ren is a little depressed. He feels as if he is the guest invited, and Yu Ji is the host. However, Chen Ren sat opposite him according to what Yu Ji said, and prepared to listen to what Yu Ji was going to say.

Yu Ji watched Chen Ren sit down and said with a smile, "I don't know what the general thinks of Taiping Road.""Taiping Road?" Chen Ren slightly bowed his head and thought. When he was in later generations, Chen Ren was very interested in the religion of this era. The religion in the Three Kingdoms period can be said to be very distinctive. There are five kinds of rice religion of Zhang Lu and Buddhism introduced by Tao Qian, but the most mysterious one is Taiping Road.

No one knows the origin of the Taiping Road. It is only known that during the reign of Emperor Shun of the Han Dynasty, a man named Gong Chong came out to offer a copy of the book of peace and Qing Lingshu to Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty, but it was not adopted by Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty. Later, this book of "Taiping qinglingshu" was spread to the people, known as the "Taiping Jing". The legend of this book fell into the hands of Zhang Jiao, a man of the moment deer. Zhang Jiao borrowed this book and founded the Taiping Road.

The next thing, as we all know, Zhang Jiao called himself "great virtuous teacher", founded the Taiping cult, and assigned his eight disciples to various places to spread the doctrine. Finally, he developed to hundreds of thousands of believers and launched an uprising, which was the "yellow scarf uprising".

Chen Ren didn't understand why Yu Ji suddenly mentioned Taiping Road. Did Yu Ji really have anything to do with Zhang Jiao? But no, when Zhang Jiao uprising, Yu Ji had already preached in Jiangdong. If Yu Ji had something to do with Zhang Jiao, why didn't Yu Ji respond to Zhang Jiao's uprising, but watched Zhang Jiao's yellow scarf uprising fail?

Yu Ji's face darkened suddenly. He seemed to think of something sad. He sighed and said, "in fact, Zhang Jiao of the Yellow turban uprising was my junior brother!"

Suddenly hearing the news, Chen Ren immediately stood up and looked at Yu Ji with wide eyes. Yu Ji sighed again and continued: "in fact, the whole thing should be started from the origin of Tao. Do you know the origin of Taoism

Before Chen Ren could answer, Yu Ji gave his own answer: "we all respect Li Er as the founder of Taoism. However, what the founder created was not a sect, but an academic one. However, our descendants have turned the theory of our ancestors into a sect, which is ridiculous

"The founder created the Tao Te Ching and handed it down to later generations. After the founder Li Er, there was another ancestor who inherited the Taoist school, that is, the founder of Zhuangzhou. But, General Chen, do you know the name of the founder of Zhuangzhou? "

Chen Ren frowned. He only remembered that Li Er was Laozi and Zhuangzi was Zhuangzi. They were the founders of Taoism, and they were called Laozhuang by later generations. However, he could not remember the name of Chuang Tzu.

With a deep smile, Yu Ji said, "the founder of Zhuangzhou is called Nanhua. We all respect him as the real man of Nanhua."

"Nanhua?" Chen Ren repeatedly read the Taoist name of Zhuangzi several times. He always felt that he had heard of it. Suddenly, his mind flashed. Chen Ren looked at Yu Ji in front of him with wide eyes and exclaimed, "you mean Nanhua!"

Chen Ren finally remembered where the name Nanhua had been heard. It was said that Zhang Jiao was a scholar who had repeatedly asked for an official position. He went to the mountain to collect herbs in order to make a living. However, he met an old man in the mountain. The old man gave Zhang Jiao three Tianshu and said to him, "this is the name of Taiping Yaoshu. If you get it, you will be rewarded with evil deeds." Later, Zhang Jiao asked the old man about his life, and the old man called himself Nanhua old immortal!

Oh, my God! Is there a God in this world? If the old Nanhua immortal was really Chuang Tzu of the Warring States period, he would be nearly 600 years old by now! This is not what the gods are! Thinking of this, Chen Ren can't help but look at Yu Ji in front of him. It is said that all the immortals can change their skills. Is it that the present Yuji is the result of Zhuangzi's change? As soon as he remembered that he was facing an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years, and even ordered others to pour the filth of immortals all over his body, Chen Ren could not help but feel cold on his back. Chen Ren was stunned and asked, "well, that, that old Nanhua immortal..."

Yu Ji shook his head and said with a smile: "don't be surprised, general. Nanhua immortal has already gone. The old Nanhua immortal who taught Zhang Jiao's Taiping skills is a poor master. Our school has been handed down from the ancestor Zhuang Zhou. It has been more than 500 years since we practiced Taoism based on the Tao Te Ching by founder Li Er. This name of Nanhua is the name of the leader of our school. My master died ten years ago. I am the old immortal of this generation. "