"Newspaper --!" A sergeant quickly came to Chen Ren and said, "governor! Hanzhong city is already ahead of us! "

Chen Ren looked ahead. A magnificent city was standing on the horizon. Chen Ren took a deep breath, nodded and said, "very good! Order the whole army! Attack Hanzhong City! But don't hurt innocent people more! " After several days of thinking, Chen Ren still couldn't find a way to get Zhang Lu to agree to the three ways in one. Now that he is outside Hanzhong City, he can't delay any more. He has to take Hanzhong first. However, according to the historical records of Zhang Lu, he should be a rare ruler who was diligent and devoted to the people. If he could not hurt the lives of the common people, he might be able to get some favor from the other side.

"Here it is The sergeant went down. Soon, with the sound of a horn, LV Meng set out from the right with 10000 people, Hezi with 10000 people from the left, and Chen Ren led 30000 people to march toward Hanzhong City.

Thanks to this forest, Shandao camp was not found several miles away from Hanzhong City. But even so, after all, it was not a short distance. By the time Shandao camp attacked the city, the gate of Hanzhong had been closed tightly. However, Chen Ren had prepared a lot of ladders before he attacked the city. Now he was caught off guard by surprise. When the defenders in Hanzhong city had no time, he put up the ladder and directly attacked the city.

One after another, a cloud ladder was built on the wall, and the soldiers from the Shandao camp also climbed to the head of the city. Just before the soldiers of Shandao camp were about to climb up the city head, countless soldiers flashed out of the city. All the soldiers were holding bows and arrows at the soldiers of Shandao camp. At the next moment, those arrows flew out directly. Fortunately, the soldiers of Shandao camp were good at defense, and they raised their round shields to resist the arrows. After this round of flying arrows, Shandao camp lost only about 100 people.

It seems that the garrison of Hanzhong City has arrived, and the speed is still very fast! The pupil of Chen Ren's eyes suddenly contracted. This is just a normal battle round of attacking and guarding the city, but Chen Ren is smelling a trace of abnormal smell!

Several soldiers from Shandao camp on the top of the city had climbed up, but they were soon lost because they were outnumbered. Chen Ren's mouth twitched, and suddenly raised his hand and called out, "Shandao camp! Retreat

Retreat? The soldiers around Chen Ren looked at Chen Ren suspiciously. The new army had fought so many battles and had never retreated like this! However, Chen Ren's prestige in the new army was not so high. With Chen Ren's military orders issued, the soldiers of Shandao camp quickly withdrew from the wall. They raised their shields to resist the arrows flying down from the head of the city.

At the head of the city, there were almost full of defenders, at least more than 10000 people. Except for the archers in the front row, the other soldiers had bright knives in their hands. Among these soldiers, a general in high-grade armor punched his fist in frustration and looked at the mountain sword camp retreating like the tide under the wall, swearing.

At this time, outside the city, LV Meng and He Qi all arrived at Chen Ren's side. LV Meng asked anxiously, "governor! Why suddenly ordered to withdraw! Brothers are about to rush to the head of the city

Chen Ren looked at the city with a frown and said, "something is wrong! Don't you think the defenders are coming too fast? And they are all so well prepared. You see, the front of the garrison at the head of the city is clear. This is obviously a long time ago Listening to Chen Ren's words, both of them looked at the city head, as Chen Ren said.

"Governor!" Lu Meng quickly asked, "is there a trick in this?"

Chen Ren nodded and said, "very likely! Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case! Go! Withdraw With a big move, he ordered the retreat of Shandao camp, and LV Meng and He Qi also followed with their troops.

The sergeant next to the general at the head of the city asked the general, "little general! The enemy is going to withdraw! "

The general's face was gloomy and said with a grim smile: "it's worthy of being the first general in the world, but even if you see something, it's already too late! Come on! Go and blow the horn now

"Here it is The sergeant immediately clasped his fist, then turned around and withdrew. Before long, bursts of intensive drums sounded, and the drums immediately spread all over the battlefield outside the city.

When Chen Ren, LV Meng and He Qi heard the drum sound, they could not help but change their faces. Chen Ren's face suddenly changed. There was indeed a trick! Chen Ren said in a hurry: "hurry up! Come on! Get out of here

Before the Shandao camp retreated to the woods outside Hanzhong City, the sound of shaking heaven and earth shouting to kill came out from the left and right sides of Hanzhong City. This time, not only Chen Ren, but also LV Meng and He Qi changed their faces. Everyone could see that they were ambushed by the enemy. I saw in Hanzhong City on the left and right sides of the sudden emergence of countless people, visual inspection at least say there are about 100000 people!

Chen Renan scolded and saw that he had reached the edge of the forest. Chen Ren cried out: "all the mountain sword camp! Get together! Get together! Lvmeng! Heqi! Stand on both sides

"Here it is Although the two generals are not around Chen Ren, but the firm voice is still clear. After Chen Ren's military order, all the soldiers in Shandao camp turned around and formed a semicircle formation against the woods.

As soon as the formation was formed, the Fu troops on both sides of Hanzhong city had already been killed. Fortunately, these Fu troops were infantry troops and did not have the powerful impact of Bingzhou iron cavalry. Although the enemy hit the outer lines of Shandao battalion heavily, most of them were resisted by the soldiers, and a few of the broken lines were made up by the soldiers in the rear."Drive!" Chen Ren's legs were clamped. The dark clouds on his seat screeched as he stepped on the snow. After spreading his four hooves, he leaped directly over the top of the soldiers of Shandao camp and landed directly among the enemy troops. It is not Chen Ren's character to be beaten passively all the time. Chen Ren immediately saw a leading general of the enemy. As the saying goes, catch the king first. The steel gun in Chen Ren's hand streaked a shadow of the gun in the air, which brought a cloud of blood.

As soon as the general saw that Chen Ren had dared to kill him, he was still killing himself in his own army. He couldn't help but get angry and said, "that little general! Don't be arrogant! Look at you! Uncle Yang ang comes to arrest you Then he patted the sitting horse towards Chen Ren and killed him.

When he saw that the target was delivered to the door by himself, Chen Ren gave a cold smile and pulled the reins. He kept stabbing the enemy nearby with the steel gun in his hand, and rushed towards Yang ang at the same time. Not to mention that Yang ang is head-on, with the speed of dark clouds and snow, that is also very fast. Chen Ren and Yang ang soon ran into each other head-on. Yang ang also made a spear. Looking at Chen Ren, he raised the spear to stab.

Facts have proved that, in addition to Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and other gun experts, others use guns in front of Chen Ren, that is to teach the class to teach the axe! Chen Ren's eyes were cold, and his gun holding arm left a shadow in the air. The two riders crossed each other and saw that Yang Ang's Mount had become empty. He looked back at Chen Ren, who was sitting on the mount with his steel gun held high. On Chen Ren's steel gun, Yang ang, who was originally sitting on another horse, was hanging on the tip of the gun.

Chen Ren held Yang ang as an adult man, but he didn't have the appearance of reluctance. On the steel gun, the tip of the gun had penetrated into Yang Ang's chest. Yang Ang's spear had disappeared. His hands were powerless to pull the steel gun in his chest, but he could not move. Finally, he couldn't eat the pain. He spat out a mouthful of blood on the barrel of the gun, mixed with blood from his chest, and kept flowing down the barrel.

There are also many blood stains sprayed on Chen Ren's armor. On the black armor, the bright red blood color is so dazzling. Those soldiers around Chen Ren were immediately frightened by Chen Ren's appearance, but the soldiers in Shandao camp were greatly inspired. They held up their swords in their hands and yelled at the enemy in front of them.

The soldiers in each Shandao camp took the same action. First, they bumped forward with the round shield in their hands, causing the other party to keep moving backward. Then, after a big stride, the big sword in their hands fell down. Such a few strides actually drove the besieged enemy out of dozens of steps.

Here Chen Ren swept the soldiers around him coldly. The chill in his eyes made none of the soldiers dare to step forward. Chen Ren threw the steel gun in his hand, then he threw Yang ang on the ground, and then his legs were clamped, and then he drove back to the array with dark clouds and snow. In the past, it was only for the purpose of attacking the enemy's morale. Now that the goal has been achieved, Chen Ren does not need to stay in the enemy.

At this time, the enemy general on the other side looked at it and was busy drinking the army. This general was Yang Ren, a general of Hanzhong, who was known for his steadiness. He immediately saw that the morale of the other side was booming, but his side was demoralized because Yang ang was killed by Chen Ren. If he rushed forward like this, he could only give the other side a massacre. Yang Ren immediately ordered to stabilize his position. His side had an advantage in the number of people and was not afraid of the other side's hard attack. From another point of view, if the other side dares to rush, it is their own side that has the advantage, which is really desirable.

Obviously, Chen Ren was not so stupid. He immediately ordered all the soldiers from Shandao camp who had just rushed out to withdraw. Although he had just made a surprise move and hit the morale of the other side, Chen Ren was not relaxed at all. Obviously, this is a well planned trap, and according to Chen Ren's opinion, the other party will certainly not do so little tricks. I'm afraid the real trick is still behind.

Sure enough, as if to confirm Chen Ren's conjecture, the gate of Hanzhong city behind the enemy slowly opened, and then countless soldiers poured out from the gate like a flood. Chen Ren's eyes were wide open. Judging from the soldiers pouring out of the gate, there were at least 100000, and there were still soldiers pouring out from behind. There were so many soldiers in Lu's hand!