"Go! Get out of here Chen Ren, who had always been calm, was a little livid at this time. The last time he had this feeling, it was the battle of Yuzhang city. It was not a good premonition. If there were only 200000 enemy troops, Chen Ren would be sure to win. Even if he could not win, he would still be sure to retreat. But looking at the gate of the city, where soldiers were still pouring out, Chen Ren's heart was sinking all the time, and a hunch told him that there must be something wrong.

Shandao camp always obeyed Chen Ren's orders. Just after Chen Ren's orders were given, Shandao camp began to retreat orderly towards the rear. But Chen Ren is standing still in the same place, with his performance before, Yang Ren is guarding the army, Leng is afraid to pursue.

When all the Shandao camp was withdrawn into the forest, Chen Ren turned his horse and got into the forest. The soldiers on Yang Ren's side asked, "general! The enemy has fled! Don't we chase? "

"Hum!" Yang Ren snorted coldly, ignoring the sergeant. Chase? Do you want to catch up with Chen rensha? Look back, or wait for the big army to come! Anyway, from here to Shangyong, there is no city to provide rest and barrier for the Dongwu army, so there is no need to worry about the Dongwu army escaping.

It was because of Yang Ren's relaxation that Chen Ren was very lucky to withdraw with Shandao camp. Through the woods, LV Meng and He Qi are waiting for him with Shandao camp.

"Governor! How about it? " LV Meng first came to Chen Ren's side, his face full of anxiety.

Chen Ren frowned and thought for a while, then he said, "don't worry about that much! Go north! Come on

"North?" LV Meng was stunned. If he retreated, it should be Shangyong city to the southeast. How could it go north. However, He Qi seemed to think of something and said with a clear look: "the governor is right! If you retreat to Shangyong City, you will be surrounded by the enemy! To the north, we can seize the city solid first. With the city as a cover, we can be sure to deal with the enemy. "

Chen Ren didn't care if he Qi was right. He waved his hand and said, "don't say so much! Lead the troops to retreat! The other party won't wait too long, and they will soon come after him! "

"Here it is The two generals clasped fists at Chen Yiyi and turned their horses to command the soldiers of Shandao camp to march northward. When the ordinary army encounters such a sudden change, the morale of the ordinary army may plummet and even flee. However, there is no sign of this happening in Shandao camp. As long as Chen Ren is there, Shandao camp will always have a cohesive force.

At the other end of the woods, Yang Ren's army finally converged with the number of terrifying troops pouring out of Hanzhong City. The former general on the head of the city also rode to Yang Ren's side. As soon as he saw Yang Ren, the general swore: "Yang Ren! How dare you! How could they let the enemy escape so helplessly

Yang Ren glanced at the general and said scornfully, "Zhang Wei! Be polite! You and I have the same military position, you are not qualified to order me! I am the only one who wants to be punished

"You Even if Zhang Wei wanted to get angry, a skinny general was busy holding Zhang Wei and comforting him: "don't be angry, general! There must be some reason for General Yang Ren to do so. The primary goal now is to defeat the Dongwu army! " Then the thin general turned his head and said, "Hu Liu! Hu Liu

As soon as the thin general's voice dropped, a small soldier ran out of the line of soldiers and said to several generals, "little Hu Liu, I've seen the major general! General Yang Ren! General Yang Bai If he Qi were present at this time, he could immediately recognize that Hu Liu was the spy who misled him to take the water thieves to attack the Dongwu Navy.

The thin General Yang Bai asked Hu Liu, "I'll ask you! Did you really see with your own eyes that the water troops of Dongwu stopped at Shangyong

"Yes! Yes! The villain saw with his own eyes that the water army of Dongwu put down the Dongwu army in Shangyong, and then stopped at the dock beside Shangyong city. The villain also specially looked there for a day, this just hastened to rush over

Yang Bai nodded and praised: "well done. After this war, I must like to show you your credit!"

Hearing this sentence, Hu Liumei opened his eyes and began to kowtow to Yang Bai: "thank you for your support! The villain is unforgettable! Thank you, General Yang Bai

Ignoring Hu Liu, Yang Bai said to Zhang Wei and Yang Ren, "two generals! The Soochow army must be heading for Shangyong. We don't have to worry. We have arranged for the army to block the way to Shangyong. It is not so easy for the Dongwu army to reach Shangyong! "

Zhang Wei nodded and agreed, but Yang Ren turned his eyes and said, "General Yang ang has died miserably, and the morale of the 100000 army I have with is no longer available. You two should lead the army to chase after him."

Zhang Wei looked at Yang's disdain on any face, turned his horse's head and drove to the direction of the forest. Before leaving, he mumbled a sentence: "coward!" Yang ang and his soldiers just didn't pay attention to Yang Ren's body. Looking at Zhang Wei and Yang Bai with the army in the direction of the escape of the Wu army, Yang Ren can't help but smile coldly.Zhang Wei and Yang Bai are two generals with a large army through the forest, but sometimes, the large number is not a good thing. In this forest, it is not easy to be careful of the ambush left by the Dongwu army and to maintain the formation. After about an hour, the Hanzhong County finally got out of the woods. At this time, the Dongwu army had no trace.

"Hum!" Zhang Wei shook his horse whip fiercely and said, "these Southern barbarians! I'm quite good at running! "

"Don't worry, major general!" Yang Bai comforted him, "these Dongwu troops have no way to escape to Shangyong! We can catch up with Wu Dong in three days

"Good!" Zhang Wei also pounded his fist fiercely and yelled at the army behind him: "the whole army is ready! Chase me! Catch up with those Southern barbarians! Let them know! We men in Hanzhong are not easy to provoke

"Roar!" There are about half a million soldiers. It's really earth shaking!

At this time, Chen Ren was on his way to Chenggu with the soldiers from Shandao camp. After all, Chen Ren was riding horses, while the other soldiers were walking on foot. Chen Ren did not spend much effort on it. Instead, he pressed down behind the Shandao camp, surrounded by Lvmeng and Heqi generals.

Chen Ren looked at the soldiers who were fighting for their lives. He suddenly said with a smile to the two generals: "I didn't expect that Chen Ren would have a day to run away."

Lu Meng also saw that Chen Ren was making a self mockery to ease the oppressive atmosphere in the army. He immediately said with a smile: "it's time for the governor to lose one or two battles. Since ancient times, where has there been a general who has not suffered defeat! What's more, the governor's achievements are frightening to death. With this defeat, others can believe that the governor is still a mortal! "

"Fuck you!" Chen Ren laughed and scolded, turned his head and said to He Qi: "Gongmiao, this just let you join, will run away, is not some wronged you."

He Qi quickly clasped his fist and replied, "the governor, what are you talking about! Being able to follow the governor is the blessing of Gongmiao! What's more, brother Ming of Gangzi also said that there is no general who has never been defeated! Although the governor was defeated this time, he was still proud of his defeat! According to general Mo, there are at least four and a half million troops in Hanzhong City. If we rush into the city in such a way that the ambush troops on both sides are in the back, I'm afraid that our 50000 mountain sword camp will be fully accounted for in this Hanzhong City! "

He Qi's words were a wake-up call for Chen Ren, right! Why are there so many troops in Hanzhong? According to Zhang Lu's character, it is impossible to recruit so many soldiers. Besides, how can such a large number of soldiers and horses survive just by Zhang Lu, a little Hanzhong? Chen Ren was puzzled by this problem.

At this time, in Hanzhong City, at this time, the whole Hanzhong City was empty. Even the doors of those houses were open, and no one could see it. It should have been a prosperous Hanzhong City, but now it has become like a ghost city. The largest house in the city is the residence of Zhang Lu, the ruler of Hanzhong and the leader of wudoumi cult, also known as "Shijun" by believers.

There were soldiers standing around the mansion, and even a fly didn't want to fly. In the innermost garden of the mansion, there was a scholar dressed as a thin Confucian scholar. Looking at his appearance, he was somewhat similar to Yang Bai, who was outside the city before. However, the scholar's image was extremely indecent. He was sitting on a stone bench in the middle of the garden, and a stone table beside the stone bench was filled with colorful jewelry. At this time, the scholar was drooling, his eyes were shining, and he was fiddling with the jewels.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The scholar's voice of laughing was so harsh that people could not help but shiver, "as expected, they are all babies! I'm willing to make a lot of money! Ha ha ha ha! These are all mine! What kind of festival! What power! Where is this treasure useful? " With that, the scholar simply unfolded his arms and put all the jewels in his arms. He buried his whole head in the jewelry and took a breath of enjoyment on his face.

However, the scholar was not alone in the backyard. In front of the scholar, there was a man in a black cloak. It was just that the cloak covered all the body shapes of the man. It was impossible to see that he was tall, short, fat or even male or female.

"Mr. Yang!" A soft voice sounded. Although we can't recognize the man's age, we can clearly confirm that he is a man. However, from the tone of his voice, we can see that he is very dissatisfied with the scholar's appearance. "You have collected this thing. I don't know what my master wants Mr. yang to do. How are you doing?"