"Ah? Ah! yes! yes! Yes The scholar was reminded by the black robed man, and this just reflected that there was another person in front of him. He was busy showing a flattering smile and said to the black robed man in front of him: "don't worry about this adult. What the villain has promised will be done." Although the book grew similar to that of Yang Bai, the expression now is similar to that of Hu Liu.

"Oh?" There was a trace of disdain in the voice of the man in black? I heard that Chen Ren, the first general in the world, led the army this time! You can't steal chicken, but it's not a big deal to lose your own life, but you must not damage my master's business! "

"No! Dare not The scholar quickly nodded and said, "Hanzhong has been controlled by villains. Zhang Wei thought he had a trick, but he didn't think that their brothers were in the hands of villains. How could they not jump out! Hee hee hee After saying that, the scholar a series of strange smile, let the person who hears can't help but shiver.

I am y d's divide cut line. The city is solid and empty. There is no one in the city.

Chen Ren frowned and looked at everything in the city, as if thinking. At Chen Ren's side, Lu Meng came forward and said, "governor! This, this is? "

Chen Ren sighed, shook his head and said, "I have already guessed why there are so many people in Hanzhong all of a sudden! It's just that I don't understand that Zhang Lu should not do such a thing! "

Lu Meng on one side was still in fog. On the other side, He Qi ran from the other end of the street and said to Chen Yiyi, "governor! There is no grain in the city! Not even a bit of food! "

Chen Ren has been locked eyebrows, this situation has been vaguely guessed when he just stepped into the city. He sighed and said: "take a rest, we are ready to start!"

"Go? Where are you going? " LV Meng's face full of doubts, is not he staying in the city? If there are so many people on the other side, if they don't follow the city, how can they be defeated? Besides, there is no city between here and Shangyong city. Although the soldiers of Shandao camp carry tens of days of dry food with them, there is no need to worry about supplies. But if they are caught up by the enemy during the rest, it will be troublesome.

Chen Yiyi waved his hand and said, "instead of going to Shangyong City, we will continue to go north, cross the Han River by force, and then cross the Ziwu Valley, and then turn southeast to the south-east township." With that, Chen Ren squatted on the ground, picked up a stone and drew a simple map on the ground to explain to the two generals.

"Good plan!" He Qi had some dim eyes suddenly lit up. The enemy thought they would flee to Shangyong City, but they went to Nanxiang. According to Chen Ren's plan, he can completely avoid the pursuit and interception of the other side.

"Well!" Chen Ren stood up and threw away the stones, but he was not as happy as He Qi. I don't know why, Chen Ren still felt a little uneasy, which was more intense than when he was outside Hanzhong a few days ago.

After a short rest, Shandao camp moved on to the north. Before crossing the Han River, the terrain was very flat. However, when Shandao camp crossed the Han River, it was found that the terrain north of the Han River began to turn into a hilly terrain, which brought a lot of difficulties to Shandao camp's March. Fortunately, during the training of Shandao camp, Chen Ren took them to March training on various terrain. Although it was difficult, Shandao camp was able to cope with it.

About five days after starting from Chenggu, Shandao camp finally arrived at the edge of Qishan mountain, and then entered the deep mountain. Looking at the continuous mountains in front of him, Chen Ren felt that strong uneasiness again. Chen Ren can't help but stop Shandao camp and stare at the mouth of the valley. Chen Ren clearly feels the murderous spirit spreading from the mouth of the valley.

"Governor?" He Qi looked at Chen Ren strangely, just ready to ask. Chen Ren suddenly waved his hand and said, "the whole army changes direction! March southeast

"Ah?" He Qi and LV Meng looked at Chen Ren in surprise. They didn't understand why Chen Ren suddenly changed his plans. But as Chen Ren's subordinates, it has become their instinct to carry out Chen Ren's orders. The two generals immediately conveyed Chen Ren's military order to the army, and the soldiers of Shandao battalion immediately turned right, changed their formation, and marched rapidly toward the southeast.

Just at the beginning of the Shandao camp's March, from the entrance of the valley where the Shandao camp was supposed to enter, suddenly there was a sound of killing. Chen Ren and other three people listened, and their faces suddenly changed. Chen Ren yelled at the soldiers of Shandao camp in a hurry: "don't worry! Go! Retreat! Come on! Come on

Not long after Chen Ren gave the order, he saw countless soldiers pouring out of the valley, and then a flag came out. It was a "Lu" flag with a black background and gold characters! Chen Ren could not help but take a cold breath. He finally knew where the uneasiness in his heart came from, because he also omitted to calculate one factor: Dong min!

After the soldiers poured out, a powerful general, waving a huge square halberd and riding a bloody horse, rushed out. It was Lu Bu, the God of war in Bingzhou!

"Chen Zici! Why should old friends leave in such a hurry when they get together Lu Bu yelled at Chen Ren. He could not help but let Lu Bu vomit the evil spirit that Chen Ren had been pressing on his head in recent years.Seeing Lv Bu come out, Chen Ren's eyebrows frowned more tightly. He turned to LV Meng and He Qi and said, "you take 30000 people down the Han River! Leave 20000 men with me to resist the enemy Then he pulled up the mount and faced Lv Bu. Only Chen Ren, who was the only one, came out in person. But now the terrain of Shandao camp is very favorable. There are high mountains on both sides, only this intersection.

"What?" LV Meng immediately grabbed his mount and said to Chen Ren, "governor! I should stay if I want to stay! Governor and Gongmiao, let's go

Chen Yiyi glared and roared at LV Meng: "don't talk too much! Can you resist Lv Bu? Obey orders However, Chen Ren saw that LV Meng still did not want to move, turned his head to He Qi who had stopped and said, "Gongmiao! I am now removing the post of leader of Lvmeng mountain Sabre camp! You take his place! As the governor of Dongwu, I command you to escort LV Meng to retreat! "

He Qi was stunned, but even though he understood the meaning of Chen Ren, he clasped his fist at any Chen, and then said to LV Meng, "brother Ziming! What the governor said is not wrong! This is the best way

Lu Meng didn't know that this was the best way to deal with it. But if he wanted him to stay with Chen Ren, he ran for his life, and Lvmeng couldn't do it. Chen Ren saw this and cried anxiously, "Lu Ziming! Do you want the brothers of Shandao camp to be buried with you? Obey orders

Lu Meng took a look at the soldiers in the Shandao camp nearby, bit his teeth, and said to Chen Ren, "governor! The task of Ziming is still waiting for the governor to accept it! The governor must take care of yourself With that, he pulled the horse's head and took the soldiers from the mountain sword camp to the southeast. And He Qi is to give Chen Yiyi a fist, a deep line of salute, also turned the horse head, followed LV Meng.

Chen Ren took a look at the more than 20000 soldiers left in Shandao camp. In their eyes, there was no trace of fear and confusion. Only blood and madness appeared on their faces. Chen Ren smiles and says to the soldiers, "fight! Defend

"Here it is At the same time, the soldiers of Shandao camp drank and pulled out their swords, forming a defensive formation at the narrow intersection.

Not far away, Lu Bu took the lead, and behind him were the black soldiers of Xiliang. It seems that the last battle of Hanguguan did great damage to the Bingzhou army of Lvbu, and even the Bingzhou cavalry of Lvbu's trump card was not brought. Fortunately, if there were Bingzhou iron cavalry, I'm afraid the enemy would have rushed to kill him before Chen Ren formed a formation. Now, although Lv Bu's red rabbit horse is very fast, but in the face of Chen Ren, Lv Bu dare not rush to kill him alone. Instead, he takes his soldiers to cover up here slowly.

Chen Ren looked at the soldiers in Xiliang on the opposite side and roughly estimated that there were about 560000 soldiers. Chen Ren's eyes were cold. He set up a dark cloud and stepped on the snow. He stood in front of the battle and was ready to wait for the arrival of the other party.

As soon as Lv Bu looked at it, his whole body was full of fighting spirit again. This time, it should be his fourth time to fight Chen Ren. The first three times could be said to have ended with Lv Bu's failure, but Lv Bu never gave up the idea of defeating Chen Ren. With his legs clamped, he drove the sitting red rabbit horse. Lu Bu took up Fang Tian Hua halberd and rushed to Chen Ren.

"Ah, ah!" Seeing the distance from Chen Ren getting closer and closer, Lu Bu gave a big drink, held up the Fang Tian Hua halberd in his hand, and smashed it on Chen Ren's head.

Chen Ren's eyes flashed with cold light. During this period of time, Chen Renke had no lack of communication with the dark clouds and snow, and he had been able to reach the point of mutual understanding with this horse. Chen Ren's legs were pinched, driving the mount to rush to Lv Bu. The gun in his hand was also waving from the lower right to the upper left with the momentum of Wanjun.

The steel gun and Fang Tian Hua halberd collided with each other, and a little spark burst out. Although Lu Bu came flying with a red rabbit horse with a strong impact, he was so hard to stop the momentum of advance by Chen Ren. The two hooves behind the horse were deeply sunk in the earth, but they were not allowed to advance any further.

"Ah!" Chen Ren also gave a strong drink, his arms suddenly put out a force, and pushed forward against Lu Bu's Fang Tian Hua halberd. He pushed Lu Bu's Fang Tian Hua halberd aside, and even made Lu Bu sit down with the red rabbit horse passively back several steps. Of course, this force is also counterproductive, Chen Ren sat down in the dark clouds and snow can not help but step back a few steps.