Lu Bu looked at Chen Ren with disbelief on his face. He even doubted that it was an illusion, because in the confrontation just now, he obviously felt that Chen Ren's power seemed to be a little bigger. How long did it take? Last time at Hangu pass, the two men were able to draw. But this time, Lu Bu tried his best to fight back Chen Ren, and even was forced back by Chen Ren. This shows that Chen Ren's strength is far above himself!

Chen Ren shook the steel gun in his handshake. Since Yu Ji told him that Wuqinxi passed on to him by Hua Tuo was an internal mental skill, Chen Ren practiced harder than before, and the effect was remarkable. Chen Ren can clearly feel the endless power in his body. Looking at Lv Bu's surprised look, Chen Ren is full of confidence to defeat the other side.

As the soldiers of Shandao camp who regarded Chen Ren as the God of war, when they saw that Lu Bu was forced back by Chen Ren, they all cried out at the same time. Originally, these soldiers who had left behind were all holding the idea of death. However, seeing Chen Ren's performance, they can't help but feel confident.

Lu Bu was not a man who gave up easily because the enemy was strong. At this time, those backward soldiers in Xiliang had already arrived. Lv Bu yelled: "the whole army is attacking!" With that, he drove the red rabbit horse again and killed Chen Ren.

This time, however, Lv Bu would not compete with Chen Ren any more. This heavy Fang Tian Hua halberd seemed as light as nothing in Lv Bu's hands, and countless gun shadows flashed in front of Chen Ren.

Chen Ren also calmed down. He had seen the battle of Hangu pass last time. Lu Bu's drawing halberd was not only about strength. Facing the shadow of the halberd in the air, Chen Ren quickly shot out the steel gun in his hand. Suddenly in the two people, flashing countless sparks, and there are dense percussion sound.

On the battlefield, not only Chen Ren and Lu Bu were fighting, but also a large number of Xiliang soldiers were pounding into the defense line of Shandao camp. In the face of the fierce Xiliang soldiers, the soldiers of Shandao camp are equally ferocious, with their round shields held high in front of them. The next moment, Xiliang soldiers' bodies hit the shield, feeling the powerful force from the shield. The soldiers in the front of Shandao camp were biting their teeth to resist.

"Damn it! Compared with the Bingzhou iron horse, this is a bird A soldier of Shandao camp raised his voice and roared. The knife in his hand was slashed towards his own front. Suddenly, a cavity of hot blood gushed out and directly sprinkled on his face. The soldiers of Shandao camp took the lead, and the soldiers of Shandao battalion began to fight back against the enemy in front.

"Kill!" The reputation of the Xiliang army for its cruelty is not empty. Maybe their ability is not as good as those soldiers in Shandao camp, but the Xiliang soldiers are definitely better than each other, that is, they are ruthless! Although the soldiers in the front were cut and killed by the other party, the soldiers in Xiliang area in the back still kept on fighting against the enemy. If your hand is cut off, bite it with your teeth and hit it with your body. It was under the fierce impact of Xiliang soldiers that many soldiers of Shandao camp were also washed down, but the soldiers in the back quickly made up for them. At the junction of the two groups of soldiers, it was like a meat grinder, drowning the soldiers of the two armies here.

In the middle, it was the battlefield between Chen Ren and Lu Bu. The soldiers of both armies skilfully bypassed the two men. Neither of them wanted to be victimized by the two men.

After Chen Ren and Lv Bu made some explorations, they began a real contest. Chen Ren's steel gun was like a dragon in the air, bringing out bursts of air breaking sound, and quickly stabbed Lv Bu's several key points. Lu Bu once again used the defensive skills that he had practiced over the years to block Chen Ren's attack. However, every time he took over Chen Ren's steel gun, he could feel Chen Ren's terrible power. Now Chen Ren is forcing Lv Bu to fight with him, but Lv Bu has no way. In terms of skillful moves, Lv Bu is far less than Chen Ren, who has always been under the guidance of a good teacher.

No matter how good the defense is, there will be a moment of loss. With Chen Ren's gun getting faster and faster, he has left several shadows in the air. Moreover, each impact of weapons brought a lot of pressure to Lv Bu's hands. Lv Bu gradually felt the pain in his hands, which was accompanied by the slow movement of Lv Bu.

How familiar all this is, as if it was a copy of the first battle of Hangu pass. However, Lv Bu did not dare to attack Chen Ren by attacking instead of defending. At this time, Chen Ren's power was far above him. To attack Chen Ren forcefully would be tantamount to humiliating himself.

Seeing a flaw in Lv Bu's anxiety, Chen Ren's eyes flashed, and a steel gun like Youlong chased Lv Bu's neck and stabbed it. Seeing the steel gun pass through the halberd in Lv Bu's hand, Lv Bu could feel the chill of the gun tip and subconsciously turned his head. The next moment, a tingling sensation came from Lv Bu's neck. Lu Bu squeezed his eyes in pain. It seemed that something was flowing down his neck and slid directly into his collar. Looking at the side of his head, the steel gun just flew over Lv Bu's neck, making a big hole in Lv Bu's neck.

Lv Bu could not help but have a cold sweat on his forehead. If the point of the gun was slightly deviated, he was afraid that Lv Bu's life would be accounted for in this gun. Lv Bu hurriedly opened the gun with his drawing halberd, and the other one consciously covered his neck. A greasy feeling spread to the palm of his hand.Seeing this shot avoided by Lv Bu, Chen Ren did not have the slightest annoyance or pity, and with a murderous look on his face, he said to Lv Bu: "Lv Fengxian! Take your life As soon as the words fell, the gun shot out again. This time it aimed at the heart of Lv Bu's chest.

It was very clear that he was defeated by Chen Ren this time. Although Lv Bu was unwilling, he did not want to die here. Lu Bu was in a hurry, holding his halberd in both hands, and then he put up Chen Ren's steel gun. With all his strength, he finally blocked Chen Ren's full shot. Chen Ren's purpose is very obvious, is to take advantage of his own strength, not to play so much ostentatious, recruit Lu Bu to fight strength. Seeing that the gun was blocked by Lu Bu, Chen Ren took back the steel gun again, but this time it was no longer used to stab. He saw Chen Ren throw up the steel gun with one hand, and even swung it round and hit Lv Bu's head.

The gun that Chen Ren just held up had exhausted Lv Bu's remaining strength. Now how dare he block this gun again. Seeing the steel gun falling down, Lv Bu dodged to one side in a hurry. But Lv Bu dodged, but the red rabbit that Lu Bu sat down on couldn't escape. This shot directly hit the horse's head.

Chen Ren's shot has used 100% of his strength. Even a rock has to be shot in two. On hearing a sad cry of red rabbit horse, he fell down without any accident, and Lu Bu, who was sitting on the horse's back, also fell down directly.

At the sight of Lv Bu falling down, the soldiers in Xiliang were stunned. The people around him were better. The soldiers in the distance could not see the specific request for payment. They just saw that any gun of Chen fell down and Lv Bu even fell down with his horse. They thought Lv Bu had been defeated. How could the soldiers of Shandao camp let go of the rare opportunity and cut them down in the face of these stunned enemies.

Their lives were threatened. How surprised they were, these soldiers would immediately come back to their senses. However, the defeat of the commander-in-chief had left them no courage to kill the enemy. They were defeated by Shandao camp.

At the side of Chen Ren, those Xiliang soldiers, seeing that Lv Bu had been brought to the ground by the red rabbit horse, went to the Savior one after another, and blocked Chen Ren who wanted to take the opportunity to solve Lv Bu with their bodies.

"Hou Wen! Wenhou! Let's go first! Wen Hou Lu Bu's personal soldiers, who are close to Lv Bu's soldiers, are their primary task to protect Lv Bu's safety. On weekdays, it is Lv Bu who kills other people. They can't play a role at all, but this time it's their turn to perform. Relatives and soldiers anxiously urged Lv Bu to escape, but Lv Bu was kneeling beside the red rabbit horse, and the whole person was in a daze.

"Red, red rabbit!" Lu Bu touched his comrade in arms with trembling hands. Since he got the red rabbit horse, the king of the horse has been with him for so many years. In Lv Bu's heart, he no longer regarded the red rabbit as a horse, more like his comrades in arms and his brother. Lv Bu did not think that this battle, which was inevitable, would make him lose his red rabbit horse.

"Wen Hou!" Seeing that the Xiliang soldiers around him had already begun to resist Chen Ren, who was possessed by the God of killing, he could not help but get anxious and said to his colleagues: "hurry up! Take Wenhou down with me

Several of the soldiers around him woke up like a dream. Lu Bu set up his arms and legs and walked back. Lu Bu watched the body of the red rabbit getting farther and farther away, trying desperately to get rid of his own soldiers' hands. However, the war just now had exhausted Lv Bu's strength. Now Lv Bu was too weak to earn the hands and feet of these close soldiers. He could only watch himself carried away by his own soldiers.

"Hum!" Chen Yiyi saw that Lv Bu was getting farther and farther away, but the Xiliang soldiers in front of him seemed to be unable to kill him forever. Knowing that he had lost another chance to kill Lv Bu this time, he scattered his discontent and anger on these soldiers.

"Woo!" A bugle sounded, the Xiliang soldiers in front of him began to stop the forward attack. Chen Ren killed the last Xiliang soldier who had no time to retreat in front of the Shandao camp defense line. Looking coldly at the Xiliang soldier who was slowly retreating, he suddenly raised his steel gun in his hand and yelled: "Shandao camp!"

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible The cry was earth shaking.