Chen Ren, who was just grateful for Tong Yuan's care, was stunned when he heard Zuo Ci's words. He looked at Zuo Ci and asked, "master, you, you, what you said is that I will take the test?"

"Not bad!" Maybe I think Chen Ren's expression is interesting now. Zuo Ci's smile is a little thicker. Even Cai Yan, who was dejected by the thought of his father's tragic death, can't help laughing. Zuo CI points to Wang Yue and says, "has Zici just passed brother Wang's test? Although brother Wang belongs to the same vein of martial arts, your martial uncle is qualified to give you the test task first! But next, you have to pass the other five tests! "

It is not necessary to discuss with Zuo Tuo and Zuo huazi that we should use the same method to search for the four methods of divination! Zici is now the governor of Dongwu, but there are many talents in his hand. I believe this problem should be solved very well. "

"No problem! No problem! " At this time, Chen Ren naturally knew that Hua Tuo and Huang Chengyan were helping themselves. They were afraid that Ma Jun and Guan Ke would put forward some harsh requirements for themselves, so they jointly gave Chen Ren such a simple task. However, Chen Ren didn't know that the problem was not entirely to help Chen Ren. The talent problem of one or two branches was not a problem in controlling the half occupied area of Soochow. However, for these reclusive experts, they had no power in their hands, so it was very difficult to find a satisfactory disciple. Otherwise, the immortal gate would not end up in such a decline.

Five of the six schools in Xianmen have been solved, which means the last one represented by Cai Yan. Cai Yan may be a few years younger than Chen Ren. Naturally, there is no problem of inheritors. Therefore, the moves of Hua Tuo and Huang Chengyan were useless to Cai Yan. Chen Ren looked at Cai Yan's beautiful face nervously, but he did not know what kind of questions Cai Yan would ask.

Cai Yan and Zuo CI looked at each other. Zuo CI nodded to Cai Yan. Cai Yan summoned up his courage and said to Chen Ren, "Mr. Chen! I have one thing to ask for. Please allow me. If I come to the public trial, then I will finish it

Chen Ren immediately cocked up his ears for fear that he might miss a word. However, all the other immortal disciples were calm, and seemed to have known what Cai Yan would ask for. Cai Yan's eyes slowly showed a trace of hatred and said: "this matter is even more difficult in the eyes of others, but it is easy for Mr. Chen! I hope Mr. Chen can avenge my father and kill Li and Guo Si

"Li Li and Guo Si?" Chen Ren frowned. The two men are hiding in Chang'an. It is not as simple as Cai Yan said to kill them. However, this is not the time for Chen Ren to pretend to be a counsellor, especially in front of a beautiful woman like Cai Yan. Chen Ren immediately patted his chest and said, "no problem! I will leave this matter to me! The day when Chang'an city was broken, it was the time when Li and Guo Si died! "

But Cai Yan shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen misunderstood me. My wife's request is not to wait until Mr. Chen leads his troops to attack Chang'an, and then kill Li and Guo Si. Instead, he hopes that Mr. Chen will kill these two evil thieves now!"

"Now?" Chen Ren glared at Cai Yan. "Does Miss Cai mean that she wants to go down and assassinate these two people?"

Cai Yan nodded: "originally, I hoped that Tong Shi could make a move this time, but I didn't expect that Tong Shi didn't come. But Mr. Chen's skill is no less than that of Tong Shi, so I hope Mr. Chen can help me to avenge my father's death! "

Chen Ren was silent. It was not so easy to promise. According to Chen Ren's personality, although he is usually very lazy, but as long as he promised to come down, it will certainly do. As for Li Li and Guo Si, if they only fight with each other, Chen Ren is confident that they can be killed in one fell swoop. But the problem is that these two people seem to know that killing Gongqing made public anger before, and now they all hide in Chang'an city all day, and they don't come out at all.

Although Chen Ren successfully sneaked into Chang'an a few years ago and rescued Diao Chan, Chang'an city is different from Chang'an city a few years ago. Since the Bingzhou army defected with the Han Emperor, Dong Min has put Chang'an City under martial law, surrounded like an iron barrel, and could not get in and out at all. Even the snake branch in Chang'an has now completely withdrawn from Chang'an city. It is very difficult for Chen Ren to sneak into Chang'an City as he did a few years ago.

Chen Ren raised his head and looked at Cai Yan and said, "Miss Cai, this is too difficult. Could you please consider one day and give Miss Cai a satisfactory answer tomorrow?"

Although Cai Yan was disappointed that Chen Ren didn't agree with him in person, Chen Ren didn't die. Cai Yan also knew that this matter could be regarded as a near death. It's human nature for Chen Ren to think about it carefully. Immediately Cai Yan nodded his head and said, "it's my recklessness. Mr. Chen can think about it for a while. If Mr. Chen really has difficulties, he can also refuse. Naturally, my body gives him another trial task, which is not difficult for him!" With that, Cai Yan saluted the crowd, then turned away and went straight back to her own cottage.All of them were relieved. Wang Yue fixed his eyes on Chen Ren and said, "although Chang'an is a tiger's den, you should not be afraid as a descendant of martial arts. I think you should accept it!"

As soon as Wang Yue's voice fell, Huang Chengyan over there began to grumble: "no way! no way! Brother Wang, it's light of you to say this. I dare not to go! There are many crises in Chang'an city. Although brother Cai is not a descendant of martial arts, his sword skill is no worse than you! As a result, there are at least 100000 Xiliang troops in Chang'an City, and there are countless strong generals under Dong min's account! Zici, you can't go! If you have an accident, what will Yueying do? Although I'm sorry for Yan'er, it's not the same that you lead your troops to capture Chang'an City, capture Li Li and Guo Si alive and send them to Yan'er to avenge herself with her own hands! "

"Hum!" Wang yueleng snorted, "how can you understand the thoughts of our warriors when you study the array from behind all day long? Chen Ren was first a warrior. As a warrior, he should be brave and fearless! No matter how many enemy troops there are in Chang'an City, they can't retreat! "

"Fart!" Concerning his daughter's happiness, Huang Chengyan did not care about his image. He immediately stood up and roared, "he is my son-in-law first! It's my daughter's husband! It's not some bullshit

In the face of Huang Chengyan's rude words, Wang Yue obviously had some hot work. However, Wang Yue's hot work was not like Huang Chengyan's, who could only move his mouth. Wang Yue's eyes radiated cold light and kept a close eye on Huang Chengyan, as if he were about to pull out his sword at the next moment. Hua Tuo grabs Wang Yue's arm and Zuo CI stops Huang Chengyan in case they fight at any time.

Hua Tuo said, "two! After all, it's Zici's own business. It's up to Zici to make a decision. Let's not interfere with Zici. "

At this time, Chen Ren was frowning and thinking. As soon as he heard Hua Tuo's words, he realized that Huang Chengyan and Wang Yue at the round table were at daggers' ends, but they didn't know what was going on. But now Chen Ren didn't have the mood to pay attention to it. He threw his fist at the crowd and said, "gentlemen, I'd like to go back to my room and have a rest. Please forgive me."

Knowing that Chen Ren is going to go back to his room and think about it quietly, Zuo CI smiles and says, "Zici is just tired. Go to have a rest first."

Chen Ren line a gift, this just picked up the dazzle gun, turned back to his own cabin. Now that the protagonist of the discussion has left, Wang Yue and Huang Chengyan have no excuse to quarrel. They both look at each other and sit down at a glance. However, they also let Hua Tuo and Zuo CI breathe a sigh of relief.

All of a sudden, Ma Jun said to Guan Ke, "aren't you claiming to be able to predict the future? How about divination to see if Chen Ren will agree to Yan'er's request? "

Guan Ke shook his head and said: "my divination can only recognize things but not people. This choice is made by Chen Ren himself. I can only divine for him after he has made a decision, but I can't make a choice for Chen Ren."

Hearing Guan Ke's words, Ma Jun immediately let out his anger and turned to Zuo Ci and said, "brother Zuo, do you also advise Yan'er? Originally, we thought that she just wanted Chen Ren to lead the army to attack Chang'an, but we didn't expect that she could not wait for this time. Now, it's too difficult to go to Chang'an city to assassinate Dong min's senior general! "

Zuo CI smiles bitterly and shakes his head: "since Yan'er has made a decision, I can't change it. You don't think Yan'er is soft and weak, but her character is soft and hard inside. The hatred of killing her father can't be shared. Yan'er just doesn't want to wait for a day. If her constitution was not too weak to cultivate advanced martial arts, I am afraid she would have abandoned her father's school and devoted herself to the cultivation of martial arts. As a matter of fact, the girl is suffering in her heart. Don't be too harsh on her. "

Everyone was also silent down, we think about it, how can we easily forget the Revenge of killing my father. As a weak woman, Cai Yan couldn't avenge herself. I'm afraid that the pain in her heart is even deeper. On weekdays, Cai Yan tries to smile, but who can think of her pain!

Chen Ren, who had already returned to the hut, did not know the feelings of the people outside the house. However, he kept wondering whether he would agree to Cai Yan's request and go to Chang'an city to assassinate Li and Guo Si.