From the original intention of Chen Ren, he wanted to agree with Cai Yan. After all, Chen Ren could understand Cai Yan's mood. But Chen Ren is no longer a lonely man in those days. He has three wives and three children. A man with a family can't take risks casually any more. If Chen Ren wants to help Cai Yan, he has no reason to do it unless it is of great help to Chen Ren.

Although Li Min and Guo Si are the few generals in Dong min's hands, their ability is very mediocre, and they have no help at all for Dong min. On the contrary, there is a great contradiction between Li Zhen and Guo Si, and Li Ru. If Li Zhen and Guo Si are removed in this way, Li Ru will only gain power around Dong min. Chen Ren is willing to face the 100000 Xiliang army, but he is not willing to face Li Ru, such a ruthless, but very smart guy. If Li Ru is allowed to gain power around Dong min, who knows if Dong min will play any tricks.

At the thought of Li Ru, Chen Ren's eyes suddenly brightened. The last news from Chang'an Branch of the snake department showed that Dong min was very dissatisfied with Li Ru because of the death of Lv Bu. Later, on the way to pursue the Han Emperor, Yang Feng, who was originally a member of Li Ru, rebelled, which made Dong min suspicious of Li Ru. It can't be said that the assassination of Li Yu and Guo Si can add some firewood to the fire under Li Ru's feet!

Thinking of this, Chen Ren began to think about the feasibility of this matter, and even began to plan how to plan the whole thing.

In the city of Chang'an, Li Yu's family is on the way to divide and cut the line.

Although it was midnight, it was still full of lights. At this time, it was Li Zhen who was entertaining Guo Si.

The two men have always been close friends since they joined the army with Dong Zhuo. Such mutual banquets are held several times a month. A few years ago, they both kept a low profile because of the massacre of Gongqing. After seeing that the tide had passed, they began to return to normal. Today, it was only at Zishi that Guo Si walked out of the gate of Li Fu in the company of Li Zhen.

"Oh! Brother Li! I told you not to send it! I'm not drunk Guo Si pushed Li Yu away and tried to hold him, but he didn't expect to push him. He almost pushed himself down.

Li Liang helped Guo Si to the right side and glared at the Sergeant: "what are you doing standing there? Put General Guo on his horse Those sergeants, just like waking up from a dream, hurriedly and carefully helped Guo Si to mount the horse.

Li Yu said to the soldiers, "we must escort General Guo back to his house! Do you hear me? "

"Here it is Although the quality of the Xiliang army has declined, these are the elite selected from the Xiliang army. Even compared with the Xiliang army that followed Dong Zhuo to fight in the mountains and rivers, it is not much worse.

Looking at Guo Si under the escort of several sergeants, so gradually disappeared in the night of the street, Li Liang this was relieved to go to the house. In the banquet just now, although Li was not as drunk as Guo Si was, he also had some footwork. After entering the gate, Li Ying turned around and asked the sergeant guarding the gate to close it.


Before the sergeant closed the door, a shrill scream drifted into the Li mansion from the street. Li Zhen, who had just entered the front yard, heard the scream, and his hair stood up. He immediately turned around and ran outside the gate. After running to the gate, he saw that the sergeants also stretched out their heads from the crack of the gate to look outside. Li immediately raised his foot and kicked: "don't you show me what's going on in the street! And you! Call up the elite soldiers in the mansion for me at once

Although Li Zhen's ability is not very good, but after all, he has been fighting for many years, and he still has some experience in dealing with emergency measures. He can be sure that the place where the scream just came out will not be too far away! This is a burst of shouts and shouts from the gate. The sergeant who was just kicked out of the gate looked in the street for a while, and immediately called out to Li Ju in the gate: "general! It's General Guo! General Guo, they met the assassin

"Assassin?" Li Zhen shrunk his head even more when he heard that. Although he and Guo Si are close friends, it does not mean that he will fight for Guo Si. Who knows how many assassins are hiding outside. He doesn't have the courage to take several soldiers to rescue people for Guo Si's sake. Fortunately, all the sergeants in Li's residence reacted very quickly. After a while, a small team of dozens of people came. Looking at so many elite soldiers, Li Ying was emboldened. He led his troops to kill Li Fu and kill them in the street.

After a few steps, I saw that in the street, several men in black were jumping up and down, killing several Knights standing in the middle of the street. Those knights were just Guo Si and his group who had just come out of Li's mansion! Seeing that there were only a few men in black, Li Yu felt more relieved. With a wave of his hand, he directed the soldiers behind him to come forward to help.

"Someone's coming! Pull One of the men in black saw that Li Zhen and several ten sergeants rushed over. In his hoarse voice, he gave a drink to his companion. All of a sudden, the other men in black all jumped to the four sides at the same time, and immediately disappeared into the night sky."The unrighteous man who is good at killing Gongqing! The hoarse voice floated in the night sky with the disappearance of the last man in black.

Li Xing's face was livid at once. It was obvious that he and Guo Si had come here. Li Shen, with a gloomy face, roared at the soldiers who were waiting for his orders: "what are you doing! Chase me

As soon as the sergeants heard Li's orders, they immediately divided into several groups and pursued the men in black in the direction of their escape. Li's face was better at this time. He walked quickly to the group of people in Guosi to check. It turned out that Guo Si and a group of sergeants were walking in the street when they met an attack. Guo Si was also drunk, but a sergeant nearby was directly cut off by a sudden assassin. The shrill scream of death made Guo Si wake up from the wine. Seeing the dagger stabbing at his chest, Guo Si hurriedly opened his body, but he didn't get away completely. He was stabbed in the right shoulder socket by the dagger. Now Guo Si's face is pale, but most of the reason is frightened by the assassination. The wound on the shoulder socket didn't shed much blood, so there should be no problem.

"What about Brother Guo?" Li Li squatted beside Guo Si, looking at the pale face of Guo Si, he thought Guo Si had suffered multiple injuries.

Guo Si subconsciously beat a shudder, a look is Li Li, this just relaxed: "no, no, it's OK! Skin trauma! "

Li Ying nodded and said, "no matter how you say it, you'd better go back to my house and dress it up first." With that, he asked the sergeant to help Guo Si back to Li's house. Li Ying was not at ease. He asked a sergeant to take his military Rune to the garrison in Chang'an City and send an army to guard it.

Back in the banquet hall that had just been cleaned up, a medical officer was dressing Guo Si's wound. Although the wound was not deep, it still made Guo Si gasping with cold air. As soon as he saw Li's iron green face coming in, Guo Si immediately asked, "brother Li! What about? Did you catch the assassins? "

Li Ying shook his head and turned to ask the medical officer, "how about it? Is there any problem with General Guo's injury? " Assassins like to put poison on their weapons. Li Zhen has seen that Guo Si's injury is not serious, but he is worried about poisoning the wound.

At this time, the medical officer had already bandaged up and arched his hand at Li Ying and replied: "General Guo's injury is not serious. It only needs to be recuperated for a period of time."

"Well!" Li Ying nodded and waved to the medical officer and the sergeants and servants on the side to leave. When all the people left, the hall was left with only Li and Guo Si.

Li Li said with a gloomy face, "Brother Guo! There's something wrong with your assassination tonight

Guo Si's pale face had some improvement, and coldly hummed: "it's not the remaining Party of those ministers! Until tomorrow, I will search Chang'an city with men and horses! "

"No!" Li Ying shook his head and said, "Brother Guo, don't you think this is something strange?"

Although Guo Si hasn't figured it out yet, he seems to have noticed something wrong with Li's appearance, so he comes up to him and asks, "brother Li! What do you mean? "

Li Ying frowned and said, "the other party can clearly know that you are having dinner in my house, and also know your route back to the house. And most importantly, what the other party said when he left!"

Guo Si, however, was full of mist: "what was said? Don't you mean to avenge those ministers? "

"No!" Li Ying shook his head firmly and said, "if those assassins have already mastered it, it's reasonable to say this. But I was just thinking, they didn't succeed, but they called out their intention. Are you afraid that we will search the city to find them out? "

Guo Si was also understood by Li Li, and he kept a close eye on him: "brother Li, do you mean that it is not the remaining Party of those ministers who started the attack on me this time, but someone else?"

Li Ying patted his thigh and said, "that's right! I suspect that the assassins deliberately said that when they were about to leave, in order to let us focus on the remaining members of the ministers, so that they can be cleared of suspicion successfully! "

"So who on earth would do that?" Guo Si also believed Li's inference and pondered whether he had offended anyone recently. He even let the other party use such vicious means.

However, Li Ying's smile revealed his white teeth and said, "don't think about it! How big can Chang'an city be, who is capable of doing this, and who has a grudge against our brothers, there is no one other than him! "

Guo Si's eyes brightened, and the uninjured hand held Li Xuan: "brother Li, are you talking about..."

"Li Ru!"