However, although Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang are so mischievous, their identities are still there. Their father is now the first and second leader of Soochow. Who dares to treat them in Jianye city? Even if there are a few small thieves with short eyes, they are women who want to bully them, but they are not the opponents of Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang. They are all beaten to pieces.

Speaking of the skills of these two girls, although Chen Ren has already made psychological preparations, she is still shocked. Sun Shangxiang's martial arts talent is far higher than her two mediocre brothers sun Kuang and sun Lang, and even much higher than Sun Quan. Although he has been following the great Wu family for years, his martial arts skills have declined at all. The great Wu family has some opinions about this, but he can't stand sun Shangxiang's hard and soft way. He finally agreed to let Sun Shangxiang continue to learn martial arts. What surprised Chen Ren most was that his precious daughter Chen Ru's martial arts talent was no less than Chen Yang, who could be called a genius. However, Chen Ren did not teach her martial arts because she was a woman. Chen Ru's gunshot skill, coupled with Chen Ru's innate divine power inherited from him, even when Chen Yang encounters this sister's anger, he has to retreat.

In this way, with these two mixed world demons taking the lead, this women's army also gradually gained notoriety in Jianye city. Especially during the period of Chen Yang's departure, the people of Jianye city finally realized that the flowers in the women's army were all with thorns, which led to the scene just now.

"Sister! This hunting is not fun at all Chen Ru was still smiling, but her mother was Diao Chan. The features inherited from Diao Chan and the smiling face were also considered to be the most elegant. But looking at the appearance of the street above, Chen Ru was not very happy, pouted and said.

Sun Shangxiang is quite open-minded. In her opinion, people's fear of the detachment of women proves that the army is powerful and that she and Chen Ru have trained well. This is also a way for sun Shangxiang to express herself. She said to Chen Ru with a smile: "sister ru'er, if it's not fun, how about going to challenge the garrison of Jianye city next time?"

"Cut!" Chen Ru hummed Chen Ren's mantra, and said scornfully, "those who are soft legged shrimps are not as good as our women! boring! No fun

"What are you going to do Sun Shangxiang was a little embarrassed. Although Sun Jian and Chen Ren gave them certain freedom, there was a limit to this freedom. It was impossible for them to go to the border to fight!

Chen Ru turned her eyes, and suddenly said, "sister Xiang'er! Big brother has been running for such a long time. I guess he must have gone to Uncle Bao in Xuzhou. Why don't we also run secretly? "

"How could it be?" Sun Shangxiang gave Chen Ru a look. "Do you think Father Wang and your father will really let us leave Jianye! To be able to move within hundreds of miles of this square is the largest range! Don't think about it any further, let alone go to Xuzhou! " Sun Shangxiang was much smarter after being taught by the great Wu family. He also knew where Sun Jian and Chen Ren had limited their sisters. Within this limit, it was OK for them to make trouble. However, it was not so easy to go beyond this limit.

"Hey, isn't it easy?" Chen Ru laughed, and as like as two peas and Chen Yang came up with a ghosts, she whispered to Sun Shangxiang: "we are carrying a lot of goals for the women soldiers. We can't walk away, but if we walk two people, they want to find out that they can't find it!"

Sun Shangxiang was quite moved. Who would like to be trapped in a cage like a bird without freedom? Of course, she also wanted to walk out of Jianye and go to other places to have a look. But the next moment she shook her head and said, "no! Even if we don't take the women's army with us, we can't run away. We are afraid that we will be caught back by the snake people just after we leave the city gate. " Now the snake department is no longer a secret in Soochow. Everyone knows that there is such a secret department in Soochow, not to mention sun Shangxiang and Chen Ru.

Chen Ru didn't have any trouble. Her eyes twinkled with cunning. She said to sun Shangxiang with a smile: "sister, you can rest assured of this. Just give it to my sister. As long as you are willing to go after all, sister?"

After thinking for a while, sun Shangxiang finally nodded and agreed. Chen Ru suddenly said with a smile: "I knew my sister would agree. Who is my elder brother already in Xuzhou? Isn't it? Sister in law? " Speaking of this, Chen Ru can't help laughing with her stomach on her horse's back.

"Good! You dare to tease me Sun Shangxiang, who was blushing in an instant, immediately became angry and scratched towards Chen Ru's armpit. What's more, Chen Ru also hit sun Shangxiang's mind. When he thought of Chen Yang's handsome and charming smiling face, sun Shangxiang's face turned a little red.

"Oh! Good sister-in-law! Ha ha ha ha! Good sister! Give me a break! Ha ha ha A clear sound of silver bell like laughter in the empty street floating, very pleasant.

After a few days, Chen Ru secretly called sun Shangxiang out, but she could not help saying that and took sun Shangxiang away. Sun Shangxiang looked behind him and whispered to Chen Ru, "ru'er, sister! The snake people are following us! We can't just go out of town like thisChen Ru didn't even look back and said, "don't worry! You just listen to me As he spoke, he did not stop at his feet. Turn east and West in the street, but come to a tall building in front of. Sun Shangxiang was dragged around by Chen Ru before, and his head turned dizzy. He would look up and find that it was not far away from the King Wu's mansion. Moreover, sun Shangxiang recognized that it was the largest restaurant in the eastern Wu Dynasty, Leishi restaurant, which was in Jianye.

Before sun Shangxiang asked, Chen Ru took sun Shangxiang and went to the restaurant. The bartender at the entrance of the restaurant saw that the two witches were coming, and he was secretly complaining, but he didn't dare to show it. He only put on a flattering smile and said to Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang, "Miss Chen! Princess! Why are you here? Please be seated

"Go!" Chen Ru kicked on the bartender, but Chen Ru's heart is not so bad, the kick on the bartender did not force at all, just left a faint footprint, "go and find your uncle!"

"Yes, yes! I'll go to the small one now Chen Ru said, of course, refers to their uncle Leishi restaurant, that is, Chen Ren's disciple he song. Hearing Chen Ru's orders, the bartender, who dares to delay, runs upstairs.

After a while, the bartender brought he song out. He song, who was a new father, looked more mature than before. He slowly walked down the stairs and said to Chen Ru from a distance: "ru'er! Why do you come to me today? Ah! The princess is here, too After seeing sun Shangxiang, he song also saluted sun Shangxiang.

"All right, all right! Don't be sour Chen Ru waved her hand impatiently, "elder martial brother! My sister and I have something to do with you, but we'll talk to you at your cashier's office! " Say, also no matter what song answer does not agree, pull sun Shangxiang to the account room upstairs to go.

He song has a wry smile on his face. Who's home is this? How can Chen Ru, a little girl, be more familiar than his master! Helpless, also only followed in the back upstairs.

As soon as she entered the third floor account room, Chen Ru closed the door, turned her head and said to he song with a smile: "elder martial brother! Your restaurant has been doing well recently

Sun Shangxiang didn't know what Chen Ru was up to, but he also knew that Chen Ru would never be aimless. He sat quietly and did not speak. He song is also a Leng, but his Leng God is not because of Chen Ru's problem, but Chen Ru's expression now. He song is really too familiar. He has been following Chen Ren since he was a child. As long as Chen intends to be a Yin person, his face will be like this, and later Chen Yang has been like this since he was a child. Chen Ren's family did not have a good stubble. At the thought of this place, he song immediately began to take a chill behind his back. This Chen Ru should not want to Yin himself?

"Well, thanks to the teacher's fine wine formula, the restaurant business is getting better and better." He song then but carefully answered, for fear of being caught in front of this famous Jianye little witch.

Chen Ru's two willow eyebrows went up and went on to say, "it's said that the Leishi restaurant of senior brother has been opened all over the country of Soochow now. It must be a day's advance to fight for gold?"

"Well, it's OK! Small capital and small profit are all small businesses. " He song's forehead began to sweat. Chen Ru's uncertain questions made him confused about what she was going to do.

"Ha ha!" Chen Ru's laughter was like a silver bell, but in He Song's ear, it was like a demon girl's successful trick. "Elder martial brother, you are modest! Martial brother Wu knows a lot about wine every day. He goes to see the wine in the red fire restaurant

A few drops of sweat flowed down he song's cheek, and nodded subconsciously: "it's OK. After all, there are so many people to raise!"

"Speaking of it, it seems that no one will check the food and drink materials of Leishi restaurant when they go in and out of Jianye?" Behind Chen Ru, it seems that there is a pair of bat wings flapping.

He song didn't know why Chen Ru would ask about these questions, but he answered honestly: "this is also the trust of King Wu, a special case of Lei's restaurant."

"That would be fine!" Chen Ru jumped happily, patted her two small hands, and said with a smile, "elder martial brother! If my sister and I want to go out of the city, we'll lend you the car of Leishi restaurant to transport food and drink materials for cove