"Ah? no way! This is absolutely not possible! " It seems that he song is surrounded by Chen Ru. In fact, he song is very vigilant. Chen Yang played this trick badly in those years. He Song didn't know how many times he had been hit. Now, where can he be so easily hit.

Seeing he song didn't hit the mark. Although Chen Ru was a little surprised, she was not very surprised because she had already prepared for the latter move. Chen Ru went to He Song's back, stretched out a pair of small hands, and knocked on He Song's back. While knocking, he said: "good elder martial brother! You can help! Now big brother also ran out, leaving us in Jianye city very boring

Chen Ru's small hands were pinched on He Song's shoulder. He Song certainly did not feel comfortable, but he knew the strange power of Chen Ru. Although there is no display now, if Chen Ru gives him such a move, he song's shoulder bones will be pinched and broken. He song had goose bumps all over his body, but even so, he song still shook his head and replied firmly: "no! This matter I can't help, if the teacher knows, must teach me a lesson! Yang'er is gone. You can go to Kanger! " He song is really afraid of Chen Ru, but he is more afraid of Chen Ren.

"Cut!" Chen Ru suddenly added a few strength to his hand, but he song was scared to shiver. Chen Ru pouted and said, "the second brother is not fun at all. Every day he drills in the stack of books and asks him ten words. Thank God that he can reply to the last one."

Chen Ren's second son, Chen Kang, is not as mischievous as Chen Yang and Chen Ru, but he is not like a normal child. He reads books in Chen's study all day long. However, he was only a teenager, but he was even more diligent than an old scholar and could not say a few words all day long. However, if you think Chen Kang is honest, you are wrong. This boy, in the words of his father Chen Ren, should be the most insidious of the three children. He has completely inherited Chen renyin's tricks. Many of Chen Yang's and Chen Ru's moves were Chen Kang's ideas behind the scenes. Compared with Chen Ren, at best, Chen Kang is more like a strategist behind the scenes. At worst, Chen Ren's bad water is poured into Chen Kang's stomach. Therefore, the whole upper echelons of Soochow have reached a consensus, that is, none of Chen Ren's three children are simple, they are all freaks!

Seeing he song never let go of his mouth, Chen Ru simply spread her coquettishness. Holding He Song's shoulder in both hands, she swayed back and forth. Her mouth was still coquettish: "elder martial brother! You can help people! Otherwise, ru'er will suffocate to death! "

"Oh! It's broken! It's broken! It's going to break Where can he song resist the shaking of Chen Ru's great strength? He is dazzled and asks for mercy from Chen Ru behind him.

As soon as he song begged for mercy, Chen Ru stopped immediately and said happily to he song, "elder martial brother! You agreed? Excellent! I knew my elder martial brother loved me the most! "

"No way!" However, he song was still very determined to spit out such two words after he recovered his strength. However, Chen Ru was so angry that even if he took a hard pat, he song would feel painful.

If you can't make a plan, add another one! Chen Ru's eyes turned, and her angry face immediately returned to normal. With a strange smile, she said to he song, "forget it! Elder martial brother, since you don't want to help ru'er, forget it! "

"Ah?" He song couldn't believe his ears. How could this little witch let himself go so easily?

Chen Ru slowly walked to sun Shangxiang and said, "by the way, why haven't you seen your sister-in-law all the time? Isn't your sister-in-law here? "

"Eh? Your sister-in-law took Qing'er to the Taoist temple to worship the gods! " He Song said that Qing'er is the son of He Song and Lei's family. He Qing is only three years old this year. But he song listens to Chen Ru's tone, feeling more and more bad in his heart.

"Oh Chen Ru is still that pair of secluded appearance, took out a piece of some worn-out brocade silk from the cuff, swaying in the air, "then I'll wait for my sister-in-law here. When she comes back, I'll talk to her."

As soon as he saw the old brocade and silk that Chen Ru took out, he song immediately changed his face and pointed to the brocade and silk trembling voice and said, "you, you, where did you get it from?"

"What is it?" Chen Ru's face was innocent and innocent. She asked in amazement. Then she looked at the brocade and silk in her hand and pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said, "Oh! Is that what elder martial brother said

He song's face was already very pale, pointing to the brocade and silk, he nodded vigorously and said, "how can this thing be in your hands?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Ru said with a smile: "in fact, this is what big brother gave me last year. He said, this is something worth remembering. It was a love letter from my elder martial brother to Aunt Wang's daughter next door! Elder sister, you come to have a look, the writing is very numb With that, Chen Ru simply unfolded the brocade and silk and put it in front of sun Shangxiang. Sun Shangxiang was surprised to hear Chen Ru say that. He song, a calm man, would do such a frivolous thing. On the other hand, sun's love story is not stopped by silk brocade."My God!" He song really wanted to cry without tears. This love letter was picked up by Chen Yang unintentionally, which is the beginning of He Song's tragedy. He song was blackmailed by Chen Yang in those years. I don't know how many times he song was blackmailed by Chen Yang.

"Ru'er! Good ru'er He song finally couldn't stand it, and began to compromise, "your request, elder martial brother, has agreed! But elder martial brother has a little request! " He song walked quickly to the window and slapped two pieces of three slow five times toward the window. After a while, a man in black directly stretched out his head from the top of the window and said, "Mr. He, what can I do for you?"

He song zhengse said to the man in Black: "I want to see number zero, please pass it on to me!"

"Yes! Please wait for a moment, Mr. He! " As soon as the voice of the man in black fell, he drew back with a whoosh.

Chen Ru asked in surprise, "elder martial brother, is that the snake part?" Although Chen Ru knew that there was a snake department, this was the first time that she really saw the snake department. The snake department was really convenient. With such a clap of the hand, she could immediately come out to serve. However, Chen Ru's surprise was soon replaced by anger, staring at he song and saying, "elder martial brother! How can you do this? Report to the snake department! I really misjudged you

He song, with a bitter smile on his face, looked at Chen Ru and explained, "you are really naive! Don't you think I don't know about the snake? How can the snake department be so easy to be cheated by you two little girls! If there are no other accidents, what we just said will be sent to the headquarters of the snake department in an hour! "

"Ah?" Chen Ru was completely withered. She thought she had thought of a good way, but she couldn't escape the snake's tracking. Think about it, if the snake department is really so easy to cheat, it will not become the most mysterious department in Soochow and make great contributions to Sun Jian.

"Ha ha! Mr. He has a good reputation A cold laugh suddenly rang out, which startled Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang, two young women who thought they were brave and wise. A middle-aged man in black appeared in the room like this. The figure of the middle-aged man in black was thin, but his appearance was very ordinary. His eyes were like two pieces of ice. Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang could not help shivering.

He said to him, "he is very familiar with the number zero, but he seems to relax his hand soon."

The middle-aged man in black No. 0 saluted he song and said, "I'm near here, so I know Mr. He's calling, so I'm here right now! What can I do for you, Mr. He? "

"I am not worthy of your command!" He Song said Chen Ru's request to zero, and then said to zero, "this ru'er is my junior sister after all. Since she wants to go out and play, I also hope to help. As for the princess, I believe that even the king of Wu doesn't want the princess to stay in the city all day long. It's a good thing for her to go out and relax. "

No. 0 was silent for a long time, and then asked with a smile, "what does Mr. He hope I can do?"

He song continued to reply: "although I have also agreed with ru'er and the princess's request, I don't intend to do exactly what they want. After all, ru'er and the princess are girls. This safety issue must be considered. So I hope that this time I can be helped by the adults of the snake department to protect their safety on their way out. I hope adults can help

Zero fell silent again, then said: "this matter involves the personnel transfer of the snake department. It's not easy for the next person to make the decision. Only go back and report to the chief leader, who will decide."

He song also knows that the head of the snake department is the big leader mentioned by number zero, but he doesn't know who the big head leader is. He song nodded with a smile and said, "I know this, but can you please tell me a request to the chief leader. Don't tell the king of Wu about this matter for the time being. If you tell the king of Wu, I'm afraid that the king of Wu will not allow the princess to leave. Please help me

"This..." No. 0 is really hesitant this time. Although the snake department is mysterious, it is under the direct leadership of Sun Jian after all. If there is news without informing Sun Jian, it will be unreasonable for him to understand his feelings and reason, so zero has to consider it clearly.