After listening to LV Xiang's words, Zhang Liao on the other side waved his hand and said, "otherwise! In my opinion, this Bao Bao Bao is really a great general's talent! Indeed, there are many talented people in Dongwu

Originally, Zhang Liao refuted LV Xiang's words. The Lu brothers wanted to be angry, but Zhang Liao's popularity among Cao generals was also good. The Lu brothers knew that Zhang Liao had no malice, so they just shut their mouths and sulked. And the head of Cao Ren also nodded and said: "Wenyuan is right! On that day, we raided Xiaopei city. This bag was not alarmed. We were able to command the army to advance and retreat freely. We could not find any loopholes to attack. We could only watch him lead the army into the city. This calm is very rare! Even if it is a famous general in ancient times, there may not be! If only this general can be recruited into the prime minister's account, that would be great

Man Chong said with a smile: "general Cao, don't worry. In my opinion, it's not difficult. Now Xiaopei city has been trapped for more than half a month. Xiaopei city is just a small city. There will not be too much grain stored in the city. However, the daily consumption of grain and grass of the 100000 troops brought by Baobao is not a small amount. It must not be long before Xiaopei city will be out of food. When the time comes, Xiaopei City, which has no food and grass, will have to surrender. Naturally, Bao Bao will be able to capture him! "

"Well! Sir, you have a point Cao Ren nodded. Although he said so, he didn't think so. Although man Chong was also a schemer, he was still a scholar, and he didn't know much about the bloodiness of the warrior. According to Cao Ren's previous observation of Bao Bao, when he gave the order, he had a firm expression on his face. He was not like a person who would easily surrender. He was afraid that the plan of full favor would not be realized so easily.

"So, we've been around Xiaopei all the time?" Song Xian, who had not spoken for a long time, asked. Cao Cao is different from Dong Zhuo and Dong min. after surrendering to Cao Cao, he has completely integrated the Bingzhou army into Cao Cao's army according to Cao Cao's means. Only the generals of Cao family and Xiahou family can be regarded as having the power of unifying the army. These generals are only the relatives of hundreds of soldiers. Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are all good. After all, they are generals who really have the ability to unify the army. However, people like Song Xian and Wei Xu are more difficult to mix up. Without soldiers in their hands, they even speak carefully.

After listening to Song Xian's question, Cao Ren was also very hesitant. According to Jia Xu's previous deployment, this war must be a quick battle and a quick decision. To wipe out Xuzhou in a month, it has been more than half a month. Can we still wait? However, if we make a strong attack on this issue, it will violate the original intention of making this plan. After much consideration, Cao Ren was still unable to make a choice. Finally, he said, "we will wait three more days. If Bao Bao doesn't surrender after three days, we can't wait any longer! Only a strong attack

When Cao Ren and others were in a dilemma, Bao Bao stood upright on the head of the northern city of Xiaopei, looking out at the Cao army camp outside the city.

"Ha ha! adult! You are more and more like the governor now A middle-aged general beside Bao Bao said with a smile, "but I remember that when I was in Yuzhang City, the governor was like you standing at the head of the city to watch the mountain Yue troops outside the city!" This middle-aged general was no one else. It was Wu He, the general of Yuzhang when Chen Ren was in charge of Yuzhang city. Over the years, he has been following Bao Bao Bao as an assistant general.

Facing his old comrades in arms who had cooperated for many years, Bao Bao also showed a smile on his unsmiling face, gently shook his head and said to Wu He, "how can I be comparable to the governor general! If the governor was here, let alone Cao Ren, who brought all the troops of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the governor would never lose! " For Chen Ren, Bao Bao is a kind of blind worship which is close to belief. This worship is not only on Bao Bao, but also on all the Garrison who participated in Yuzhang city.

Wu he said with a smile: "the adults are not bad! That Cao Ren is fierce, but after being beaten back by the adults several waves of attacks, isn't he afraid to attack the city? "

Bao Bao frowned and said, "no! Cao Ren didn't come to attack the city, not because he was afraid of us, but because he didn't want to cause too much sacrifice. This time, the Northern Wei Dynasty suddenly sent troops to Soochow. I think they just wanted to take us by surprise! It's just reducing their losses! "

"Isn't that better?" Wu he's eyes twinkled. "The Cao army has been held by us for more than half a month. The messengers we sent must have arrived in Pengcheng long ago. There are 100000 troops in Pengcheng. In addition, there are 200000 Xuzhou troops scattered all over Xuzhou. They can fight against Cao's army. Mr. Mi Zhu, who stayed in Pengcheng, was also resourceful, and would certainly inform Jianye King Wu and the governor. As long as we wait for a while, when the reinforcements arrive, we will attack inside and outside, and let Cao Ren not come and go! " At the end of the day, Wu he's tone is full of murderous spirit. He was besieged by Cao Ren in Xiaopei city. Wu he was not upset.

Bao shook his head and frowned even more: "yunba! In my opinion, the reinforcements will not come! "

"What?" Wu he obviously didn't expect Bao Bao to make such a judgment suddenly. He quickly asked, "my Lord, why do you say that?"

Bao Bao pointed to the continuous Cao army barracks outside the city, and explained: "Cao Ren is not a fool. On the contrary, if he can be entrusted with heavy responsibilities by Cao Cao, he must be a general who is good at using troops. How can we not know that his 500000 army may be able to attack and attack, but there is no chance of winning against our Dongwu army. However, it has been half a month since the siege, but Cao Ren has no intention of leaving and does not attack Xiaopei. It seems that he has no fear! According to my analysis, Cao Ren must have sent someone to block the passage to other places. All the messengers we sent out should have been intercepted by Cao Ren. At this time, Pengcheng did not know that we were besieged. "Hearing Bao Bao Bao's analysis, Wu he was immediately stupefied and asked in a hurry: "Sir, are we not going to be besieged here all the time? Now there is only enough food and grass in the city for a few days! "

Bao Baoxian frowned and pondered, but after a moment, he showed a smile on his face, waved his hand to Wu he and said, "you may as well do something! I don't think Cao Ren thought of the small town of Xiaopei. I would have hoarded so much grain and grass in advance, enough for 100000 troops to eat for more than half a month! As long as he dares to attack, we don't have to worry, for fear that Cao Ren will continue to besiege us. However, it is estimated that in a few days, Cao Ren will be unable to restrain himself from launching a strong attack! "

"Why?" Although Wu he is not the kind of general who can only use brute force, he has been fighting with Chen Ren and Bao Bao Bao for so many years. Everything is planned by the top, and he just needs to do it. Habit became natural, and Wu he was too lazy to think.

Bao Bao looked at Cao Jun outside the city with a cold smile: "hum! We can't wait, they can't wait any more! Didn't I just say that? Their attack is a sneak attack. If it takes a long time, it will be meaningless. Even if we capture Xiaopei City, we will soon be recaptured by our Dongwu army in the end, and we will have to meet our strong retaliation from Soochow! So, they will attack the city in a few days! Yunba! You go to give orders, let the brothers are ready these days, pay attention to the distribution of food, but you must not let the brothers hungry! If you can't, ask the people in the city for some food, but you must not rob them by force

"Here it is Wu he took his orders excitedly. As a general, he liked to fight. It was better than staying in the city and doing nothing. As for the large number of Cao troops outside the city, Wu he was not afraid of this disadvantage for him, who had followed Chen Ren with thousands of people to resist 100000 people.

Wu he just went down, but a sergeant ran to the head of the city. He clasped his fist at Bao Bao and said, "my Lord! Chengnan caught two spies, claiming to be from Jianye! I want to see you

"What?" Bao Bao immediately frowned, Jianye? According to the analysis of Baobao, it is impossible for Jianye to know about the siege of Xiaopei city? Do you think wrong? Cao Ren didn't send anyone to intercept the messenger?

Bao Bao was just stunned for a moment, and immediately came back to his mind. It's useless to think more here. It's better to find out quickly. Immediately let the sergeant take the lead, get off the city, and then mount a horse to the south of the city. After about a stick of incense, Bao Bao finally came to the garrison camp under the city wall in the south of the city. After turning over and dismounting, Bao Bao quickly walked to the camp.

Under the leadership of the sergeant, Bao Bao soon came to a camp inside the camp. Outside the camp, Bao Bao heard a cry from inside the camp: "I'm not saying that! I come from Jianye! Come to you, Lord Bao! Don't hurry to find you! He knows me

Baobao was familiar with the voice, but his face appeared in his mind. Suddenly, his heart began to sink. It's not really him, is it? If he were, it would be really bad! How can he be here at this time!

The sergeant who had been carrying Bao Bao could not help but feel a little strange when he saw Bao Bao standing outside the camp door, but was only in a daze outside the camp and did not go in. The sergeant went to Bao Bao Bao and said, "my Lord! The two spies are in there

"Ah? Oh Bao Bao was called by the sergeant, and then he came back to his senses. He had to open the tent door and go in. As soon as I entered the camp, I saw two men in Cao's armor standing with their backs to the tent door, while seven or eight soldiers around were watching the two men with weapons in their hands.

One of the men yelled, "how many times have you said it! We are not spies! I am Chen Yang, the eldest son of Chen Ren, the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty! "