On hearing this, Bao Bao had a headache and called out, "yang'er!"

The two young men turned around immediately. They were Chen Yang and Lu Xun! But now they look a little embarrassed. They don't know where to get the armor of Cao soldiers, and their faces are blackened.

As soon as Chen Yang saw Bao Bao, he immediately rushed to Bao Bao with a smile. He hugged Bao Bao and said, "Uncle Bao! Young miss you so much Lu Xun in the back also respectfully saluted Bao Bao. Although Bao Bao was born in a bad family, Lu Xun's teacher did not dare to be rude when he saw Bao Bao.

Bao Bao, however, had a stiff face. He waved his hand to show all the soldiers in the camp to go down. Then he yelled at Chen Yang: "yang'er! How can you come here at this time? "

Chen Yang seemed to have known that Bao Bao would lose his temper and said with a smile, "Uncle Bao! Young is here to see you

Seeing Chen Yang's brilliant smile, Bao Bao Gang's anger gradually subsided. Although Bao Bao married a wife a few years ago, he has not had a child. In Bao Bao Bao's eyes, Chen Yang was like his child. Bao Bao sighed and said, "yang'er! This is not the right time for you to come! Don't you see so many Cao troops outside the city? Xiaopei city is full of crisis now, but you have chosen this time to run. If you have any accident, how can I tell your father? " This is indeed Bao Bao's words. If only he and Wu he lead the troops in the garrison, he will be very open, and he will die in his duty. Chen and Lu Yang must be in the city to protect their lives.

"Ah! Ann Chen Yang was not worried at all. He said to Bao Bao: "Uncle Bao, don't worry! Before that, we also inquired about a lot of information for uncle Bao in the camp of Cao Jun! "

Lu Xun also said to Bao Bao, "Lord Bao! Cao's army had been prepared for this time. The passageways to all places had already been arranged. Surely Lord Bao must have sent messengers for help before? But those messengers may have been intercepted by Cao Jun! "

After Lu Xun confirmed his previous conjecture, Bao Bao's face was even worse. He said to them, "what are you doing here? We should go back to Pengcheng immediately! How can you get out so easily once you come in? This is nonsense

Chen Yang was not afraid of Bao Bao's anger. He was still smiling at Bao Bao: "Uncle Bao, don't worry! This time yang'er is running out secretly. I think my father will send someone to chase him. I'd better leave the task of reporting the news to those who come after yang'er! "

See Chen Yang here have all planned, Baobao also has nothing to say. It's too late to say any more. Now that Chen Yang and Lu Xun have come in, it's not so easy to go out again. Cao Jun may be very relaxed about people who come in from outside, but if he wants to go out, he has to go through many hurdles. Even the snake scouts who follow Bao Bao can't help it, let alone Chen Yang and Lu Xun.

"All right! okay! Stop talking! You've been working hard all the way! I'll get you a place to live. " Bao Bao is not a person who is afraid of things. At that time, Bao Bao will protect Chen Yang's life from harm.

Three days later, early in the morning, Bao Bao had a feeling that Cao Jun would definitely do it today. Sure enough, before Bao Bao finished his breakfast, the drums outside the city began to ring. Hearing the sound of drums, Bao Bao and Wu he immediately left the camp and went to the north of the city and looked outside. But I saw the Cao army's barracks outside the city, just like the tide, constantly pouring out people and horses.

"Hum!" Bao Bao looked at the Cao troops who were lining up outside the camp. He said, "you can't help it! Good! It's a long time ago! Yunba! They should attack the city on all sides at the same time. I will guard the north of the city! Go to the south of the city at once

"My Lord! What about the East and west of the city? " Wu he was stunned and immediately asked.

Bao Bao frowned and said, "let your two lieutenants go and send more troops to them at that time! Today, we must let these Cao troops know the strength of our Dongwu army! "

"Here it is Wu he immediately clasped his fist, and then turned around to carry out Baobao's order. As soon as Wu Hegang came down from the city wall, he saw Chen Yang and Lu Xun rush to the city.

Chen Yang saw Wu he and asked, "Uncle Wu! What's up? Has Cao's army attacked the city? " Although Wu he is not Chen Ren's comrade in arms like Bao Bao, he is also a confidant of Chen Ren, so he is very familiar with Chen Yang.

Wu he nodded solemnly on his face and said to Chen Yang, "yang'er! You and Mr. Lu go back to the barracks first! But I sent the instructions from Lord Bao! "

"Uncle Wu, be careful!" When Chen Yang looked at Wu he's face, he knew that things were not easy. During these three days in the city, Chen Yang finally figured out the difficulties facing Xiaopei city. The grain in the city is only enough for three or four days. Although there are 100000 garrisons in the city, there are 500000 troops outside the city. If there is a fight, it is really a problem whether Xiaopei city can keep it.

Looking at Wu Heyuan's back, Chen Yang suddenly said to Lu Xun, "Bo Yan! We have to help defend the cityLu Xun shook his head and said, "Lord Bao won't agree. Without Lord Bao's nod, we can't do anything even if we are in the city! You can only kill the enemy as a small soldier! " This is not Lu Xun's boasting. Although Lu Xun didn't go to the city to observe, it was Cao Ren, who was always good at using troops, to control the troops outside the city. If Cao Ren attacked the city, he would certainly try his best to encircle the garrison of Xiaopei as little as possible. Even if Cao's army is divided into four sides, each side has at least 100000 troops. At present, the biggest problem of the garrison is that there are not enough generals to help defend the city. Only one of Bao Bao's men is Wu He, who is able to defend the city. In addition, Bao Bao Bao can only guard the two walls, so there will be no general commanding the remaining two walls. If they go to the city but have no way to command, it is no different from not going. After all, it is useless for a person to kill many people.

Chen Yang suddenly smiles and takes out two pieces of tokens from his cuff, which is in front of Lu Xun. Lu Xun immediately opened his eyes to the two tokens and asked in surprise, "isn't this Lord Bao's token? When did you get it? "

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang said with a smile on his face: "do you think you have guessed that the enemy will attack the city on all sides at the same time? As soon as I heard that the old man Cao Ren was leading the army, I had already guessed it, so I stole these two tokens from Uncle Bao's camp the day before yesterday. If I'm right, uncle Bao must have been guarding the north gate himself. Uncle Wu must have been carrying out uncle Bao's arrangements for the other three gates. We'll keep an eye on Uncle Wu and see which side he's going to guard. Then we'll take care of the remaining two sides! "

"Well!" Lu Xun knew that this matter was not only related to the ownership of Xiaopei City, but also to the ownership of Xuzhou. Lu Xun also nodded to Chen Yang's idea. Cao Jun? Lu Xun couldn't help but sneer. When Lu Xun followed sun CE in Xuzhou, he did not seldom fight with sun CE and Cao Jun. Sun CE even gave Lu Xun a team to lead his troops to Yanzhou in order to cultivate Lu Xun's independent combat ability. Although Lu Xun is still young, and he is white and tender, he once beat the Cao army. Today, Lu Xun has to kill the Cao army again!

Chen Yang's estimation was correct. They followed Wu he quietly all the time. Wu he pulled out his two most effective Deputy generals from the barracks, told them about it, and went to the south of the city in a hurry. And the two aides also began to pull up the men and horses, ready to drive to the East and west of the city respectively.

Chen Yang and Lu Xun nodded to each other. Taking advantage of Wu he's distance, they quickly walked to the two vice generals. Knowing the identity of Chen Yang and Lu Xun, the two aides quickly clasped fists and saluted them.

Chen Yang, however, pretended to be very anxious and asked the two deputies: "two generals! Do you know where Uncle Wu is? "

The two aides knew that "Uncle Wu" in Chen Yang's mouth was their general Wu he. One of the deputies on the left said, "general Wu went to the south of the city to guard the city under the order of Lord Bao! However, the two princes should not go to general Wu for the time being. They are preparing to defend the city at the head of the city, which may be very dangerous. The two princes should go back to the barracks to have a rest, and then go to general Wu after defeating the enemy's attack. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "no way! Uncle Bao asked me to find Uncle Wu quickly, and then told us to guard the East and west of the city separately. "

The two aides were stunned. Didn't they just say that they should guard the East and west of the city? Why did you change these two kids again? Another aide general said suspiciously: "impossible? General Wu just told us to guard the city

"What did I do to deceive the two generals?" Then Chen Yang immediately took out two pieces of tokens and showed them to the two deputies, "look! This is a token from Uncle Bao! Let's keep the East and the west of the city separately. "

Naturally, the two deputy generals recognized Bao Bao's token, which made them believe more than half of them. However, they were still puzzled by Bao Bao Bao's sending these two young boys to guard the city. They looked at each other and did not know whether they should believe it or not.

"Oh! What are you hesitating about! Since Uncle Wu has gone to the south of the city, we will not go to him. Uncle Wu must have arranged for the two generals to guard the city, right? Well, this general and I will go to the east of the city, and the general and Bo Yan will go to the west of the city! " Chen Yang directly cut through the mess with a quick knife and arranged the two vice generals on his own.