"Big brother!" LV Xiangyi in Cao's camp saw Lu Kuang and quickly called out. At the same time, Bao Bao would not let Lu Kuang escape so easily. The Xuzhou army behind him also killed and intercepted one after another. For a time, the two armies fought in disorder.

When the two armies fought, there was no way for Chen Yang and Zhang Liao to continue fighting. Chen Yang and Zhang Liao looked at each other and said with a smile, "General Zhang Liao! We'll fight again next time

Zhang Liao also laughed: "good! My old bone is waiting for you After that, the two men turned their horses back to their own army at the same time. After fighting for several hours, the two men were not only tired, but also tired even their mounts. If they took part in the chaotic battle again, they were afraid that if they were not careful, they would lose their way. That would be dangerous.

However, even if there were no two generals, the fighting between the two armies was fierce enough. Although the number of Cao troops was much more than that of Xuzhou army, the morale of Cao army was too low. Cao Jun's soldiers are using their own lives to delay Lu Kuang's retreat to the camp. However, it is precisely because the number of Cao's troops is too large. Even if they hold out their heads to cut down the soldiers of Xuzhou army, they will be tired to death. With such a group of Cao soldiers blocking up there, Lu Kuang finally escaped into the Cao army's camp. Seeing that the other party had already fled, he knew that there was no use in pursuing him again. Bao Bao ordered his troops to withdraw and withdraw again to Xiaopei city.

After returning to the camp, Cao Ren made an inventory of the losses, and his face turned pale. At the end of the day, only 300000 soldiers were left. What's more, Baobao is still sitting in Xiaopei's city safely and steadily. He wasted so many troops, but he made no effort. This made Cao Ren want to cry without tears. He didn't know how to write military newspaper to Cao Cao.

At this time, there was a lot of laughter in Xiaopei city. Although Xiaopei's garrison had some damage in this battle, it was much better than Cao's. Among the four gates, only Wu He in the south of the city suffered great losses. The city head in the south of the city was attacked by the enemy at one time. Fortunately, the reinforcements sent by Chen Yang and Lu Xun arrived at that time, and Cao's army was driven out again. After that, Wu he and Lu Kuang played a war of attrition, and finally survived until Lu Xun led his troops to help.

As for Chen Yang and Lu Xun stealing Bao Bao Bao's token without authorization, under Chen Yang's good words, they also escaped punishment. It's just that Chen Yang and Lu Xun's credit this time should be cancelled accordingly. For Chen Yang and Lu Xun, it doesn't matter. After today's war, Cao Ren was no longer able to trap Xiaopei. Bao Bao sent a messenger to Pengcheng as soon as he entered the city. In any case, Chen Yang and Lu Xun have helped Xiao Pei out of trouble this time.

In the early morning of the next day, the scouts at the head of the city began to spread, and the Cao troops outside the city had withdrawn overnight. Hearing this news, Bao Bao, who is not a man of words, can't help laughing.

A few days later, Sun Yi arrived with Pengcheng's army. It turned out that on that day, Chen Yang and Lu Xun had just sneaked into the Cao army's barracks, and Sun Yi arrived with those subordinates. Seeing that Xiaopei city was besieged, he quickly turned around and went to Pengcheng to carry soldiers. It's only a step too late to meet Cao Jun. otherwise, Cao Ren's remaining 300000 troops will have to be handed over here.

However, the 100000 troops brought by Pengcheng can just take over Baobao's troops and stay in Pengcheng. Baobao keeps Wu hegei in Xiaopei, continues to monitor Yanzhou's every move, and tells Wu He to keep in touch with Pengcheng all the time, so he goes back to Pengcheng with tired division.

Once back in Pengcheng, it was the warm welcome of the people of Pengcheng who welcomed Bao Bao and others. The people were beating gongs and drums to welcome the soldiers who had returned triumphantly. In fact, it is no wonder that these people are so happy. In recent years, under the governance of the Soochow Kingdom, everyone in Xuzhou has lived and worked in peace and contentment. No one wants to return to the war ridden Xuzhou. After hearing the news of Cao's attack, he even once caused panic in Pengcheng and other cities north of Xuzhou, and many people were ready to move south. Now that Cao's army has been defeated, there is no need to leave home. The people are not happy.

Chen Yang, Sun Yi and Lu Xun followed Bao Bao's back. Along the way, they were welcomed by the common people. Chen Yang is one of those people who can easily get carried away. Looking at the excitement in front of him, Chen Yang is more and more unable to stop. On the way, Chen Yang kept waving to the people on both sides of the road, and from time to time, he also put out several handsome shapes. However, Chen Yang's face is a disaster to the country and the people, coupled with Chen Yang's signature smile, immediately bewitched many women.

But Lu Xun is now drooping his head and looking listless. Of course, the reason is because Sun Yi is around him. Although at the beginning, Lu Xun was cheated out by Chen Yang, but after this period of experience, Lu Xun also slowly felt the joy of being free outside. Now Sun Yi's arrival means that Lu Xun must return to Jianye. Although Lu Xun doesn't want to go back to Jianye now, in Lu Xun's opinion, sun CE's younger brother is no worse than sun CE's. in Lu Xun's eyes, Sun Yi's cold face is still cold to the bottom of his heart. In the face of such a person who does not advance in oil and salt, Lu Xun can't do anything resourceful.

Lu Xun, who has nothing to do with him, begins to ask Chen Yang, but when Chen Yang hears that he is dealing with his little elder martial brother, he immediately droops his face and comforts Lu Xun: "when I am at home, what I fear most is not my father, but this little elder martial brother. Just ask for more blessings. I can't help you! Take care After hearing this, Lu Xun is completely dead hearted. He follows Sun Yi steadily along the way, waiting for Sun Yi's arrangement after arriving in Pengcheng.From the gate of the city to the governor's office, the road was not long, but it was blocked by the people at the corner of the street, which was delayed for a long time. Finally, when he got to the governor's office, everyone turned over and dismounted. However, Chen Yang did not forget to make a fuss. He made a very graceful dismount, which caused the screams of the women around him.

However, when Chen Yang was elated, a light voice was ringing: "yang'er."

Chen Yang couldn't help but shiver. Slowly turning his head, he saw that at the gate of the governor's office were Chen Yang's uncle Mi Zhu and his second brother-in-law Mi Fang. Obviously, the faint voice that had just come from MI Zhu's mouth.

Seeing Mi Zhu, Chen Yang immediately became obedient. He walked up to MI Zhu and Mi Fang and saluted from the two hands: "yang'er has seen uncle! I've met my second uncle

"All right! All right Mi Fang raised Chen Yang with a smile on her face. After that smile, there was a trace of worry. Mi Fang asked, "yes! Did you hurt Cao Jun this time? You don't know! On that day, we learned that Xiao Pei was surrounded by heavy soldiers of Cao army. Your uncle and I were in a hurry

"Cough!" On one side of MI Zhu's face was slightly red. Obviously Mi Fang broke his mind. He was embarrassed. He covered it up with a few coughs. Then he regained his light appearance and said to Chen Yang, "yang'er! It's wrong for you to leave home without permission this time! When I got to Pengcheng, I ran like that! It seems that I want to talk to your father! If he can't teach his son, he will bring you to Pengcheng and I will teach you! "

Although Mi Zhu's tone of voice is more and more strict, Chen Yang also knows that MI Zhu is also related to himself through the information that MI Fang has just said. Although Mi Zhu and Mi Fang are not Chen Yang's nephews, they treat themselves no less than their nephew Chen Kang. Thinking of this, Chen Yang's heart is also can't help but a warm, to MI Zhu worship way: "this is Yang Er wrong, Yang Er next time will not dare!"

"Well!" There was a glimmer of admiration and affection in MI Zhu's eyes, but then it disappeared, and he still said faintly: "the ancients said:" there is no great thing that can be done to correct mistakes. ". You are able to know your mistakes and actively correct them, which shows that you are not deeply wrong. Let's have a rest in the advanced mansion

After preaching to Chen Yang, MI Zhu went to Bao Bao and others and bowed to him and said, "welcome back to Baobao

Mi Zhu is Chen Ren's relative. Looking at this point, Bao Bao is very polite to the two brothers. He immediately salutes Mi Zhu and Mi Fang with a wry smile: "where is my triumph? It's just a lucky escape from the trap of the Cao army. It's all luck With that, Bao Bao's eyes glanced at Chen Yang, who was talking with MI Fang. This time, he was able to return to Pengcheng safely. In the end, it was Chen Yang's credit. Although Bao Bao said that the credit of Chen Yang and Lu Xun didn't count, in fact, where would Baobao take advantage of Chen Yang and Lu Xun.

After exchanging greetings with the MI brothers, Bao Bao took the lead in stepping into the governor's office, and a group of people behind him also showed mutual humility and entered the governor's office. And those people outside the mansion, seeing that their hero walked into the governor's office, knew that the other party would not appear again, so they dispersed slowly.

As soon as he stepped into the Council Hall of the governor's office, everyone sat down separately. Bao Bao, a governor of Xuzhou, naturally took the top seat. As soon as he took his seat, Bao Bao immediately asked Mi Zhu, "Mr. MI, has the military information I sent to you been sent to Jianye?"

Mi Zhu nodded and replied, "Lord Bao, don't worry. As soon as Lord Bao's military information arrived, I immediately arranged for the snake department to transmit, and Jianye's reply was also sent yesterday." After that, MI Zhu took out a brocade bag from the cuff and handed it up.