Bao Bao immediately took the brocade bag from MI Zhu, opened it and took out the brocade and silk. He carefully read the contents of the brocade and silk. The more he saw the smile on Bao Bao's face, the stronger he became. Finally Bao Bao took the brocade and silk in his hand and said to the crowd, "good! King Wu ordered that our army should fight back in an all-round way against Cao's provocation! Now that the Jingzhou army has been stationed in Hangu pass, our Xuzhou army will also go out to Qingzhou! "

On hearing this news, all the people present were in an uproar, especially those generals, who were all full of fanaticism. As for military generals, they should fight on the battlefield. They have been silent for more than ten years without fighting. In addition, they have just been attacked and besieged by Cao's army for more than half a month, but these generals have been stifled. As soon as he heard Bao Bao tell the king of Wu's order, they all got up to fight.

Bao Bao glances at Sun Yi, Chen Yang and Lu Xun sitting next to him. All of them are silent. After years of Chen Ren's teaching, Sun Yi has gradually become mature and stable, and is no longer impetuous. But Chen Yang knew that he had made a big accident this time, where dare to make trouble again. As for Lu Xun, he was worried about his fate after returning to Jianye. Naturally, his teacher sun CE would not spare him. He was afraid that even his father, who had always loved him, would be severely punished this time.

Bao Bao smiles, and suddenly says, "Sun Yi! Chen Yang! Luxon! Come forward and listen to the order

Chen Yang and Lu Xun are both stunned, but seeing that Sun Yi has already got up, they also follow Sun Yi, get up, walk to Bao Bao, and salute. Bao Bao said to the three men, "the king of Wu has ordered you to join the army, and you will be given the post of general Yamen."! Go out to Qingzhou with the Xuzhou army! "

Sun Yi first made a response. Almost after Bao Bao read Sun Jian's order, he immediately clasped his fist and said, "the last one will take command."

Chen Yang and Lu Xun look at each other. They can't believe their ears. After seeing Sun Yi worship, they believe it is true. Of course, they were extremely happy. At least they didn't have to go back to Jianye. Immediately they followed Sun Yi and said, "the last general will take orders."

Bao Bao is also smiling. These three people can be said to be the elites of the next generation of Soochow. Each of them is a genius. With the three of them in the Xuzhou army, it can be said that the expedition to Qingzhou is much easier.

Next, Bao Bao and the people have to discuss some details of the expedition, although this time the army of Cao Ren in Yanzhou was defeated and suffered a lot. However, it does not mean that Xuzhou will surely have no worries. Especially this time, the Baobao insurance company has to take the army to Qingzhou. How to do a good job in logistics work is a matter of considerable brain work.

The meeting lasted a total of three hours, which was undoubtedly a torment for a hyperactive person like Chen Yang. In the middle of the meeting, Chen Yang escaped by urinating and ran out of the meeting hall. Out of the meeting hall, Chen Yang responded that he had nothing to do. Although Peng Cheng came to Pengcheng for the second time, the last time was just a stroll. After meeting Mi Fang, he ran away with Lu Xun immediately. Although Chen Yang would like to visit Pengcheng again, there are soldiers guarding the entrance of the governor's office. If Chen Yang goes out, he will be reported to Bao Bao immediately. If Chen Yang doesn't walk out of the street, he will be arrested by Bao Bao Bao. Chen Yang did not dare to go out, and only one person was wandering around the house.

The governor's office was built by Tao Qian before, but it is quite large! In Jianye, although Chen Ren was a high power, he lived in a small house with only a few houses. Even Sun Jian's house of King Wu only changed the original house of marquis Wu for a brand, which was much smaller than the governor's office. Although the decoration of the governor's office was not very luxurious, it highlighted a large one. There were four or five gardens alone, which made Chen Yang's eyes dazzled. As like as two peas,

visited several gardens, but Chen Yang love the last one. It is a peach forest. It looks like a peach blossom forest in Chen Yang's house. After asking the servant, Chen Yang knew that this peach blossom forest was the only garden that sun CE had modified before, which was arranged according to Chen Ren's garden layout. Baobao, who came from behind, also liked the garden very much. He didn't move it at all. He also liked to rest in the peach blossom forest.

Chen Yang naturally knows what sun CE and Bao Bao think. They all Miss Chen Ren. At the thought of this, Chen Yang couldn't help but curl his lips. What can I miss about that bad father. But this peach blossom forest is very good, let Chen Yang how much think of his home, and those three gentle and considerate mother.

"Ah!" Chen Yanggang just wanted to sigh, but suddenly there was a sigh from the other side. How could someone rob the sigh? Chen Yang immediately felt very depressed, and hurriedly walked toward the direction of the sigh, while walking also asked: "who is there?"

"Ah A short cry of surprise, Chen Yang heard clearly this time, clearly is a woman's voice. This should be regarded as the inner court of the governor's office. Is it Bao Bao's wife? That is Chen Yang's aunt. When Bao Bao got married, Chen Yang also met that aunt. She was a very gentle woman and was very kind to Chen Yang. I remember the first time I met, the aunt gave Chen Yang a piece of sugar.

At the thought of aunt Bao, Chen Yang immediately began to smile. He hadn't seen her for a long time. He really missed her. Chen Yang then quickened the pace, while walking quickly in the past, but also at the same time shouting: "is aunt? I'm yang'er! AuntBut I don't know why, Chen Yang obviously felt that the man in front of him was running away quickly. Although the speed was not fast, this reaction was definitely not Bao Bao's wife. Chen Yang immediately frowned, stepped up the pace again, drank and asked: "who is it?"

This time Chen Yang used the light body skill. Since he was not Bao Bao's wife, who would it be? According to the truth, even the maid of the governor's office will not escape after hearing his own cry! Is it someone's plot? At the thought of this, Chen Yang was a little worried. He simply jumped forward and quickly jumped forward. The next moment, Chen Yang saw the front of the peach trees in a corner of the clothes, Chen Yang again drink asked: "who? Stop

I don't know if it was Chen Yang's roar or because of the stones on the ground, so the man immediately fell to the ground. Chen Yang will not let go of this opportunity, quickly rushed to that person's side, focus on a look. She was a young woman indeed. She was lying on the ground in her maidservant's coarse cloth dress, with blood stains on her knees, and she kept shaking, but she didn't know whether it was the pain on her knee or the fear.

Chen Yang immediately drank to the woman and asked, "who are you? Why do you want to escape when you hear me! I don't want to recruit you from the facts

The maid did not care that her knees were still bleeding, so she fell on the ground in a hurry, turned around and kowtowed to Chen Yang. She cried and begged, "my Lord! Please don't punish your servants! Please don't punish your servants! Please, my Lord The voice was so pitiful and desolate that Chen Yang could not help but feel a little unbearable.

Chen Yang reached out to help the maid. When his hands touched the maid, he obviously felt his body trembled. He was obviously afraid. Chen Yang gently patted her on the shoulder, also no longer to touch her, whispered: "get up, don't kowtow, in kowtow words will break."

Obviously, the maid didn't expect that the adult in front of her would speak like this. After hesitating for a while, she kowtowed her head again and said softly, "thank you very much." This just slowly stood up, but still did not dare to raise his head, low head, do not see the face clearly.

The maid stood by Chen Yang's side, but made Chen Yang feel uncomfortable. She felt as if she was bullying a little girl. However, Chen Yang didn't clear up the doubts before. He would not let the maid go so easily. So Chen cleared his throat and asked, "why did I call you before, but you want to run away?"

The maidservant trembled for a moment, and then knelt down again. Chen Yanghe was helpless. Just as he wanted to get the maid up, the maid began to lie on the ground and cry and say, "please forgive me! There are rules in the house. The peach blossom forest is the resting place for the governor. The servants are not allowed to enter the peach blossom forest without permission. If the housekeeper knows that the maids have come in, they will be severely punished! So when I heard the voice of the Lord, I thought it was the housekeeper who came to arrest the maid. I was afraid and ran away. Please forgive me

Subconsciously, she reached out to help the maid up, but at the thought of her reaction, Chen Yang gave up. He said to the maid, "get up! I just feel strange to ask you, don't be too afraid. Since you know that entering the peach blossom forest without permission will be punished, why do you want to come in? " After hearing the maidservant's explanation, Chen Yang also remembered the temperament of Bao Bao and his wife. He should not have made such a regulation. It must be those in charge of the matter below. In order to please Bao Bao Bao, he made decisions without authorization?

Hearing Chen Yang's next question, the maid's body trembled again, but she didn't stand up again. She just replied intermittently: "because, because there is such a peach blossom forest in my hometown, I miss my hometown. I can't help but walk into the peach blossom forest."

As soon as Chen Yang heard this, she immediately frowned. What the maid had just said was not true. Chen Yang could tell from her tone that the maid was not used to lying at all. However, Chen Yang also ruled out the idea that the maid was a spy, because the maid's ability to tell lies was too poor. No matter which side of the forces, they would not send such a clumsy and detailed work to the undercover of Xuzhou provincial government.