The result of the battle did not change because of the morale of the garrison. The battle lasted for six hours and ended in absolute victory of Cao's army. Although there were some problems in the middle, Xia Houdun could accept the result.

At this time, the whole Nanton city was basically under the control of Cao army, and only a few small garrison soldiers on the head of the city still fought and resisted tenaciously. However, the large forces of the Cao army have entered the city, and their weak resistance has been eliminated one by one in front of the wolf like Cao army.

XiahouDun, with Zhang Ying and Gaolan, went up to the head of the city and looked at the corpses all over the ground, most of which were garrisons of Nanton city. The three XiahouDun were veteran generals fighting in the battlefield all the year round. Naturally, they would not pity these soldiers who died in the war. But they came to find the general who led the resistance. If possible, Xia Houdun really wanted to recruit him.

"General! I found it A soldier of Cao's army called in front of him. Xia Houdun's eyes brightened, and they walked quickly along the soldiers' shouts. But when they got to the soldier and looked along the soldier's fingers, their eyes darkened again.

It was true that he had found the general, but XiahouDun could never surrender him. He was standing on the edge of the city wall, facing the outside of the city, with an angry face. In his hand, he still tightly held the big knife which was already incomplete, and several spears had been deeply inserted into the general's chest. Although the guard general's eyes are still staring at the eldest, they are dim. Looking at the blood on his body that is about to coagulate, he should have been dead for a long time.

Xia Hou Dun sighed gently, not only for the spirit of the general's death rather than surrender, but also for the inability to attract such talents. He turned to the soldiers of the Cao army and said, "bury him well!"

In fact, Nanton was only the first target of the XiahouDun's troops, so we should not delay here for too long. After a little rest, Xia Hou Dun and Zhang Ying Gaolan began to move towards the next target, Cai Cheng.

Cai City is not the same as Nantong city. Although it is the border city of Yuzhou and Yanzhou, but the distance between Caicheng and Yingyang city of Yanzhou is too close, so there are more people and horses stationed than Nantong City, with a total of 50000 people. For the first time, those who stayed in the city arranged two guards, all of whom were Lu Meng. Under the heart of Jiangdong new army, their abilities were not much worse than those of Nanton.

In order to capture Cai City as soon as possible, Xia Houdun decisively transferred the 200000 troops of Xu Rong and Ma Chao, and gathered up a total of 400000 troops, and then directly headed for Cai City.

At this time, Cai City has received the military information of Cao's invasion, the whole city has entered the alert state, and from Runan came the news of LV Meng's assassination. Although it was not said whether LV Meng was dead or not, as LV Meng's confidants, the two generals of CAI Cheng were very anxious. If Cao Jun was not about to kill him, they would like to go back to Runan to see LV Meng's injury.

In the meeting hall, two guards were gloomy. One of them was not sure how to sit down. He simply got up and walked back and forth in the conference hall to eliminate the boredom in his heart. Another white guard general couldn't help it. He frowned and said to his companion, "Wang San, don't turn. I feel dizzy when you turn! Don't worry. The general is very good at martial arts. Even if he is attacked by a thief, he won't be hurt too much. What's more, the general has been escorted to Jianye! Jianye has governor in! There is nothing to keep the general! " In the minds of these generals born in Jiangdong new army, the governor is omnipotent. As long as it is in the governor's hands, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

The general, who was called Wang San, heard his companion talk about the governor. Then he looked better. He sat down on the side of the table and said: "these damn Cao thieves! What a mean thing to do

Another guard general listened to Wang San's words, and his face was a little more ferocious. He said coldly, "those thieves want to attack Yuzhou while the general is not seriously injured. Laoduan's Nanton city has been sent to them. I think Lao Duan has also been poisoned by them. In my opinion, their next target should be Cai City! "

"Hum!" Wang San, who finally sat down, stood up again and cried out, "good come! Pockmarked Liu! This time, our brothers will let these despicable Cao troops know the strength of our Dongwu army! We must avenge general Duan and Lao Duan! "

"Of course Pockmarked Liu nodded hard. Although his face was not as ferocious as Wang San, the cold light in his eyes was even colder than that of Wang San.

"Newspaper --!" A sergeant quickly ran into the assembly hall, facing two people and said: "report to the general! A large number of Cao troops have been found in the east of the city, and they are attacking here! "

"How fast Although he had already known that Cao Jun would attack him, he obviously didn't expect the other side to have such a fast speed.

"The king said," he was very excited! I can't believe that these bastards are so quick to die! Pockmarked Liu! Come on! Let's go to the head of the city now. This time I have to let this Cao army come! " With that, he pulled up pockmarked Liu and ran directly out of the room without giving him a chance to speak. Pockmarked Liu originally wanted to go to the head of the city, so he ran with Wang San.When they arrived at the head of the city, they looked out of the city at the same time! A total of 400000 troops, all surrounded outside the city, have now surrounded the entire city of CAI. However, they are veterans of the new Jiangdong army. They have also gone through such big scenes as the battle of Nanjun, the battle of Hanguguan and the battle of Hanzhong. Now they are faced with so many people of Cao's army, they are not afraid.

"Thief Cao is really working hard! So many people come to fight us, Cai City is just a small city Wang San was still in the mood to make a joke, but it also relieved the tension of the garrison at the head of the city.

Liu Ma Zi frowned and said, "look at this, Cao's army should be no less than 300000, which is still more than that recorded in the news from Nanton city! It seems that Cao's army should have increased some troops! "

"Hum! We'll take whatever comes! Somebody! Prepare for the battle Wang San snorted coldly and drank loudly.

"No!" Pockmarked Liu immediately grabbed Wang San. "The generals of the other side are only afraid that their martial arts are not so good. You and I should guard the four walls separately. We are in a tight position. Don't go out of the city to fight at will! Our task is to ensure that Cai City will not be attacked by the other side. As long as we do this, we will live up to the general's trust to us! "

Originally, Wang San couldn't hear what Liu Mazi said at the beginning. However, the last sentence of pockmarked Liu mentioned LV Meng, and Wang San was quiet. Pockmarked Liu calmly said to Wang San, "what we need to do now is to calmly face the enemy's attack, as long as we wait for Runan city to come and help us!"

Outside the city, besides Xia Houdun, Zhang Ying and Gao Lan, who attacked Nanton city before, there were Xu Rong and Ma Chao. Ma Chao is about thirty or forty years old. He is extremely magnificent, but his face is very delicate, and his face is white and tender. I really don't know how to keep his skin so good in the harsh weather of Xiliang Gobi. Ma Chao now has a powerful silver armor, holding a thick and long steel gun, riding a white horse. That appearance, natural and unrestrained, deserves the title of "Jin Ma Chao".

When Ma Chao just came to Chang'an with his father, many of Cao's generals didn't think highly of him because of his appearance, thinking that Ma Chao was just a little white faced man. However, Ma Chao has his own special methods. In a short period of three days, Ma Chao selected all the generals in Chang'an city. In addition to drawing with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Dian Wei, the most powerful generals under Cao Cao's hands, others, including Zhang Liao, Zhang Ying and Xu Huang, were defeated by Ma Chao one by one. This made Cao Jun completely change his outlook on Ma Chao, calling him the four generals of Chang'an with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Dian Wei.

On the other side, Xu Rong met with the commander-in-chief, Xia Houdun, at that time, the Fenshui River, which broke the dike outside Jinyang City, almost drowned Xia Houdun. But another member of Cao Cao's fierce general Le Jin also died in Xu Rong's hands. For this reason, Xu Rong, who had just surrendered to Cao Cao's hand, had a long period of panic. Following Xia Houdun on the expedition this time, Xu Rong was also cautious and did not dare to make any mistakes. He was deeply afraid that he would be caught by XiahouDun and avenge himself.

Xia Houdun did not pay attention to Xu Rong's thoughts at this time. He was now introducing Cai Cheng to the public: "there are 50000 garrisons in Caicheng, and there are two generals. They are all the soldiers who used to follow LV Meng!"

As soon as Xiahou Dun said "close soldiers", Zhang Ying and Gao Lan were shocked. They both had the figure of guarding general on the head of Nanton city at the same time in their minds. However, Ma Chao looked at the head of the city with disdain on his face. As for Xu Rong, he showed consistent rules and regulations.

After a look at Ma Chao's arrogant look, Xia Houdun didn't explain. After all, it was easy for them to capture the Cai City in front of them. No matter how much Ma Chao belittled the enemy, there would be no big problem. XiahouDun said faintly, "this is probably the case. Let's allocate the siege for the rest! General Zhang Ying attacked the east gate, general Gaolan attacked the south gate, General Ma Chao attacked the west gate, and General Xu Rong attacked the remaining north gate! Do you have any questions

"Here it is The four generals immediately threw their fists at XiahouDun and took orders one after another. With 80000 people each, they rushed to the target arranged by XiahouDun, but Zhang Ying was the most relaxed. Their army is now outside the east gate. They just need to wait here for the drum to ring, and then they start to attack the gate.