"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of battle drums rang out from behind Cao's army. When Cao's troops on all sides heard the drums, they began to attack the weak walls of Cai City. Do not know whether Ma Chao is lucky or not, Wang San is arranged by Liu Mazi in the west gate he attacked. Although Wang San is very impulsive, it does not mean that he has no brain. At present, each city gate has only a little more than 10000 troops, facing the attack of 80000 people outside the city. Wang San also had to calmly organize the counterattack.

"Damn it!" Ma Chao waved the steel gun in his hand. Although he didn't know the news of the east gate, from a distance, the city heads in the South and north of the city began to smoke. It was obvious that Gao Lan and Xu Rong had already attacked the city head. However, looking back on my side, I rushed several times in a row, but even a soldier didn't rush up. At most, half of the city wall was smashed down.

Ma Chao obviously underestimated Wang San, a guard general who came from the family of soldiers. Although he said that Wang San's skills might not be good, Chen Ren, commander-in-chief of the new Jiangdong army, was good at guarding the city. As a soldier under Chen Ren's command, if he didn't have any skills in guarding the city, how dare he come out to meet people. Wang San's skills in defending the city may not be as good as Bao Bao's, but Ma Chao rushed forward and had no tactics to speak of. Naturally, Wang San could barely cope with it.

Seeing that the first feat of attacking Cai Cheng was about to be taken away by others, how could Ma Chao, with his legs clamped, lifted the reins, drove his mount to the wall. Ma Chao decides to attack the city in person, and the soldiers behind him naturally follow Ma Chao and protect his life.

Siege war is different from field combat. Under normal circumstances, generals on the siege side are only responsible for commanding the battle and rarely show their own martial arts. After all, to attack the city, the first thing is to climb the high wall. In the process of climbing the wall, the life of the general will be in great danger. Maybe a stone falls down and you'll lose your life under the wall. So most of the generals are just standing behind the army, commanding and boosting morale. However, Ma Chao could not help it. If he could not capture the city, he would not have the face to see Xia Houdun and others after the war.

Ma Chao drove his mount and rushed to the bottom of the wall in one breath. It was probably because Ma Chao's silver armor was too conspicuous. Several arrows immediately shot at Ma Chao. However, how could such a few arrows hurt Ma Chao? I saw that he swept the steel gun in his hand. Just relying on the strong wind swept by the steel gun, those arrows were blown away directly. Ma Chao jumped up from the horse's back with one hand and jumped to a ladder on the wall of the city. While waving a steel gun with one hand, Ma Chao shot down the arrows that were fired at him, and climbed up the city head quickly.

Although this ladder is the simplest siege equipment, its manufacture and use are very exquisite. First of all, it must be firm. When a ladder is used, it must stand at least 20 people, so it must be able to bear weight and not collapse when it is stepped on. Secondly, the length of the ladder must be set according to the height of the city wall. After all, not all the walls of every city are of average height. If the ladder is too high, it will be bad for the soldiers guarding the city Don't worry about anything else. Just push the ladder away.

And the use of the ladder is also very important, that is, when you build the ladder, you must be stable and accurate. Stability means that the bottom of the ladder must be firmly inserted into the ground at the first time when building it. In this way, the ladder forms a triangle with the ground and the wall, and the soldiers will not feel insecure when climbing the ladder. The criterion is that the top of the ladder must be at the bottom of the city head, not on the top of the city head. In that case, it will be pushed away by the city guards immediately, and it can't be too low, which is not convenient for the siegers to climb up the city head. They can only lean a little lower than the head of the city. If the garrison wants to push away the ladder, they must lean out more than half of their body and use long weapons. As long as the climbing soldiers climb to the top of the ladder, they only need to reach out and grab, and then they can climb to the top of the city. Therefore, do not underestimate this small ladder, but also has a lot of knowledge.

When Ma Chao climbed the ladder, he quickly climbed to the top of the city. Wang San on the top of the city noticed Ma Chao and immediately ordered to attack Ma Chao. For a moment, stones, arrows and wood were smashed at Ma Chao. Ma Chao now people on the ladder, can only use one hand to wave the steel gun to fight back, that is called in the heart of a strangled ah!

"General, be careful!" The soldiers under the wall also began to climb the ladder one after another, but they were far away from Ma Chao. They could not protect Ma Chao at all. Only when Ma Chao was in danger, they made a sound warning.

Hearing the reminder from his relatives, Ma Chao looked up and saw that on the top of the city, several garrison soldiers were holding up a big pot right above Ma Chao, which was still steaming out.

Seeing that the other party was about to turn the cauldron over, Ma Chao pushed hard and jumped directly from one ladder to another. Just as Ma Chao jumped off, the cauldron was turned over by the garrison soldiers. Suddenly, a pot of hot oil spilled down, but pity the Cao soldiers below. One by one, they were scalded to pieces and rolled on the ground in pain.

Rao is a brave man. He is also frightened by the fact that he escaped from death. This attack on the city wall is not done by ordinary people. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. After calming down, Ma Chao began to climb up carefully. As soon as he saw the garrison soldier with a big pot on his head, he immediately jumped away. Fortunately, there are a lot of ladders on the wall of the city. Otherwise, Ma Chao would have no way to escape after jumping several times.Because of too much concentration on Ma Chao, the garrison at the head of the city also relaxed its attack on Cao's soldiers. At this stage, dozens of Cao's soldiers have attacked the city's head, but they were immediately chopped into meat and mud by the long-standing ambush of swords and axes.

Ma Chao here, though slowing down, is still climbing up. This Kung Fu has climbed to the top of the ladder. The garrison soldier above him quickly drew up a big knife and cut at Ma Chao's head. However, a steel gun from the bottom to the top directly penetrated his forehead, and then was picked out of the city by the gun and flew down.

Ma Chao's arm is very long. Even if the ordinary soldier reaches the top of the ladder, it is difficult to climb up the city. However, Ma Chao's arm was stretched out, and he easily hooked up the wall of the city. Then he heard Ma Chao yell: "get up for me!" Ma Chao's majestic body in the air, directly from the ladder over the city.

As soon as he saw Ma Chao turning over the city, the swordsmen raised their swords and chopped at Ma Chao as usual. However, Ma Chao was not comparable to ordinary Cao soldiers. What's more, Ma Chao has been standing at the head of the city with his feet on the ground. It's not like he just stood on the ladder and could not fight back. As soon as Ma Chao saw the swordsmen who had been chopping with their swords, his eyes flashed with cold light. His steel gun quickly swept towards them. He immediately swept these swordsmen into several sections. Ma Chao wanted to vent all his frustrations on the cloud ladder.

It's just that they're too angry to be the weak guards around the city. Wang Sany saw that Ma Chao was so powerful that he could not stay behind. Although he knew that he was not Ma Chao's opponent, Wang San was still strong and courageous and rushed to Ma Chao with a big knife.

When Ma Chao was just outside the city, he could see that this bearded man was the commander of the garrison at the head of the city. At the moment, his kung fu was indeed several times higher than that of other soldiers. However, even so, it is far from enough to deal with Ma Chao.

As Ma Chao slaughters the soldiers guarding the city around him, he coldly watches Wang San rush to the front of Ma Chao. However, he saw Ma Chao throw it casually, and the steel gun in his hand directly stabbed Wang San's shoulder socket. Wang San was also pinned in front of Ma Chao by this steel gun, and Ma Chao could not be cut down.

Originally thought this was over, Ma Chao was trying to take back the steel gun and give Wang San a fatal blow. However, Wang San, with red eyes, grabbed Ma Chao's steel gun and thrust it into his shoulder socket. Moreover, Wang San's legs were pushing back. Suddenly, Ma Chao's steel gun directly stabbed Wang San's shoulder socket.

He's crazy! This is the first thought in Ma Chao's mind. Ma Chao looks at Wang San's self mutilation with suspicion, but there is no flaw in it. He still uses his other hand and legs to repel the garrison soldiers who are constantly attacking around him. In Ma Chao's distraction, Wang San's low head suddenly lifted slightly, and his eyes flashed a little red. Wang San's legs continued to push hard on the ground. The steel gun that had pierced his shoulder socket slipped along the blood hole. God knows how painful it is for Wang San when the steel gun passes through Wang San's shoulder socket. However, at this time, Wang San seems to have no feeling at all. He once again raises his big knife in his hand and kills Ma Chao.

Although Ma Chao has been shocked by some food shocks, he has been fighting for many years, but his subconscious hands and feet are not slow at all. When he raises his feet, he kicks Wang San in the stomach. Wang San finally rushes to Ma Chao's body and just wants to cut down. However, Ma Chao's foot directly kicks Wang San out. The gun goes through the blood hole on Wang San's shoulder socket again. Wang San lost his last chance to attack Ma Chao, but there was no despair on his face. When he was just kicked out by Ma Chao, Wang San suddenly puffed up his mouth and spurted a mouthful of blood directly from Wang San's mouth and sprayed on Ma Chao's white and tender face.