"Ha ha! I can't hurt you, but I'll disgust you! " Wang San, who fell to the ground in the distance, raised his head slightly, and his mouth was still covered with blood, but he laughed.

Ma Chao was stunned. Since he was a child, Ma Chao has been fighting with those alien races in Liangzhou. He has seen many fierce generals, but he has never seen such a fierce general. However, Ma Chao was just stunned for a moment. With the blood on Ma Chao's face flowing to the corner of his mouth and seeping in, the bloody taste immediately made Ma Chao feel a great shame.

"Damn the thief! Watch me take your dog's life Ma Chao's steel gun was flying fast, and the surrounding garrison soldiers couldn't get close to him. Some soldiers tried their best to block Ma Chao's steel gun with their bodies, and they rushed at Ma Chao directly. However, their sacrifice was useless. Ma Chao's steel gun was like a meat grinder. All the soldiers who tried to get close to him were ground to pieces. Ma Chao brandishes a steel gun and rushes to Wang San, who stands up with the help of soldiers, and vows to tear up the guard general who insults him!

Seeing Ma Chao rush towards with hatred, Wang San pushes his soldiers away and picks up a long gun at his feet. Wang San knew for a long time that there was no possibility of survival for Ma Chao. He simply put up his long gun and rushed to Ma Chao.

If according to the usual Ma Chao, in the face of Wang San's dying struggle, only one shot can finish Wang San. However, Ma Chao was already confused by Wang Sangang's blood. In his mind, he only wanted to kill Wang San completely. Facing Wang San's shot, Ma Chao didn't change his moves at all. He still danced the steel gun in his hand and swept it towards Wang San's body.

Without any accident, Ma Chao's steel gun directly swept Wang San's chest, and even Wang San's sternum was swept off. However, Wang San, who was no longer alive, finally showed a shred of fierce light. Originally, Wang San's spear could not hit Ma Chao in any case. However, after Wang San shot out that gun, he exhausted the last trace of strength and turned the spear that had been completely pierced out into a long gun to fly out.

Ma Chao didn't expect Wang San to be able to throw a long gun after his fatal blow. Seeing the spear getting closer and closer to his forehead, Ma Chao had no time to return to the gun grid. He had to deflect his head and avoid the shot in time. However, the edge of the gun still left a hole in his cheek. Wang San finally succeeded in injuring Ma Chao, even though he paid the price of his life.

Ma Chao's eyes widened and looked at Wang San, who was already dead. He couldn't believe that Wang San's skill of this degree actually hurt himself in the end. However, the soldiers around the city were very generous, but they were very generous to the soldiers in the city. When they saw that Wang San was killed by Ma Chao, they glared at his red eyes, raised their weapons and killed him.

However, for Ma Chao, the killing was futile. Because Ma Chao attracted many soldiers guarding the city, more and more Cao soldiers began to mount the city, and the west of the city was finally defeated. Before that, Xu Rong had already captured the north gate. After all, the north gate did not command the city, but Xu Rong was the commander-in-chief of the so-called God of the army. Xu Rong's command of the siege was just like an art. It's no surprise to take the lead in attacking the city gate.

Then the south gate was also broken by Gaolan, leaving only one east gate still in the final resistance. At the head of the eastern city, Liu Mazi was covered with blood, but he was still fighting to kill more and more Cao troops around him, but there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him.

"General!" A garrison soldier suddenly pointed to Liu Mazi's back. He knocked over a Cao soldier, turned his head and looked at the direction of the soldier's fingers. However, he found that black torrents were pouring into the city from three directions behind him. Pockmarked Liu immediately knew that the gates of the other three cities had been broken by the Cao army, and the general situation was gone.

After a while, Cao's army, who came from the three gates, began to control all the military facilities in the city. Xu Rong, Gao Lan and Ma Chao all arrived at the east gate to help capture the gate.

At the head of the city, the rest of the garrison soldiers have been completely removed, and only Liu Mazi and about ten city guards are trapped in a corner of the city by a large number of Cao troops. However, Cao's soldiers were ordered to surround and not kill Liu Mazi. Therefore, although Liu Mazi and others were surrounded by Cao's army, they did not hurt their lives any more.

Liu pockmarked son and the city guards behind him stood upright one by one. Several of them were seriously injured, but they still relied on their comrades in arms and stood forcibly. Each of them did not put down their weapons and kept a close eye on the Cao army around them.

After holding about half a column of incense, Xia Houdun and a group of Cao army generals also set foot on the head of the city, through the encirclement of the Cao army, and came to Liu Mazi and others. Xia Houdun, looking at pockmarked Liu, who still maintained the fighting spirit of a general though covered with blood, said with a smile: "this general! You've lost! "

Pockmarked Liu glared at XiahouDun, suddenly grinned bitterly, nodded and said, "yes! I am indeed defeated in this battle"But in this battle, the general was not defeated by his own ability, but by his strength. We have attacked the general with 400000 and 50000 with it. We won't win Xia Houdun still kept smiling and said faintly, "and talents like general are actually guarding such a small county. Don't the general feel that he is bent?"

But without any hesitation, pockmarked Liu replied, "victory is victory! Defeat is defeat! Liu although not talented, but also won't lose the war, still find an excuse! What the general said about Qu Cai is really a big joke! Who is pockmarked Liu? However, I was born as a farmer in the field. Fortunately, I was appreciated by the governor of Dadu. With the help of general LV, I was born today! In Soochow, there are thousands of people like me. If I can become a general of a city, general Lu thinks highly of me! How can we make a statement about it? "

In this case, the reply of Liu Mazi was still clear and clear. Xia Houdun saw it and his idea of putting pockmarked Liu under the account became more and more intense. But what Liu pockmarked just said sounded obviously loyal to Soochow. I'm afraid it's not easy to surrender. However, XiahouDun was not reconciled, and continued to persuade: "General Liu! As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to live in, and good ministers choose their masters! My Lord is the Prime Minister of our country. He has a great master in the north. Although Soochow seems powerful now, it is already a great building! If General Liu is so talented, why should he be buried with him? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" After listening to Xia Houdun's words, pockmarked Liu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "do you even say that Dongwu mansion is going to fall? Do you know the foundation of Soochow? Who are your opponents to the governor of Dongwu? Let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you win my little role, but as long as there is Dadu governor in Soochow, what you just said is Tianda's joke! How can you, a group of villains, be the opponents of Dudu except by means of assassination and sneak attack? Cao thief's delusion to defeat Dongwu? Dream

Liu Ma Zi's words, Xiahou Dun can not help but get a long face, and even forgot to talk back for a while. Just now Xia Hou Dun's words of persuading him to surrender were completely intended to tempt him, but he didn't expect to be broken by him. Xia Houdun underestimated Chen Ren's prestige in the hearts of the generals and soldiers in the eastern Wu Dynasty, which also brought a wake-up call to Xia Houdun's heart. Although these battles were exceptionally smooth, as long as there was a dragon General Chen Ren in the eastern Wu, Soochow would always have the power to counterattack.

"Brothers!" After scolding Xia Houdun, pockmarked Liu did not give him a chance to speak again. Instead, he turned to the soldiers behind him and called out, "we are all greatly favored by King Wu and Dudu Du! Now there are those who bear the heavy trust of the king of Wu and the governor of Dadu! If there is a brother who wants to find a way to live, I will not blame this brother! "

"Death with the general!" After Liu pockmarked son, those soldiers guarding the city, one by one, showed their determination. None of them stood up and cried out with one voice.

At this time, Xia Houdun and other generals did not say anything. They also knew what Liu Mazi and others wanted to do, but they did not mean to stop them. Although pockmarked Liu and others are enemies, the spirit they show is secretly admired by the generals.

"Long live King Wu! Long live Dadu! " Liu pockmarked and the soldiers behind him cried out in a loud voice, and then raised their swords at the same time, directly cut their own throat, a piece of blood flew out, floating in the air into a blood mist.

XiahouDun and his generals looked respectfully at the slowly falling pockmarked Liu and the soldiers guarding the city. Under the leadership of XiahouDun, Cao's troops saluted the corpse of pockmarked Liu. Then, according to XiahouDun's order, Liu Mazi and others were buried properly.

In the autumn of the 10th year of Zhongping period of the Han Dynasty, Xia Houdun, the commander of the Northern Wei Dynasty, led Cao's generals Zhang Ying, Gao Lan, Ma Chao and Xu Rong to seize two cities in Eastern Wu and Yuzhou, Duan Qing and 30000 soldiers in Nantong City, Liu Mazi, Wang San and 50000 soldiers in Caicheng. All the troops were destroyed and no one survived. If Cao Ren's sneak attack on Xuzhou and Xuzhou's invasion of Qingzhou were the only skirmishes between the two princes in the world. Then this battle completely opened the prelude to the war between the eastern Wu Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty.