Jianye City, although still maintain the original prosperity, but people who have the heart will see that behind this prosperity, there is a trace of uneasiness. A few days ago, the news that Yuzhou was attacked has reached Jianye. It is said that more than half of Yuzhou has fallen into the hands of Cao Jun, even the capital of Yuzhou, Runan city.

In the eyes of the common people, the image of Dongwu, which was so powerful that it broke down. Everyone knows that the living conditions of the people in the Northern Wei Dynasty were far less stable and prosperous than that of the eastern Wu. Accustomed to the stable and prosperous days, who would like to go back to the bitter days. But now the facts are in front of us. When did Soochow suffer such a big loss, only Soochow would beat others, when would they be beaten. Is it that Cao Cao, who has never been in direct contact, is so powerful? Even the invincible Dongwu army was defeated and retreated by him?

Compared with the panic of the people, the response of the Dongwu army was extremely calm. These officers and men of the eastern Wu still had to know more about the inside story than the people. The defeat of Yuzhou was not due to the fact that the strength of the Dongwu army was inferior to that of the other side. First, LV Meng was assassinated and Yuzhou had no leader. Then came the sudden attack of Cao's army, seizing Nanton and Caicheng. It can be said that the officers and men of the Dongwu army were not convinced by the great defeat of Yuzhou. They all thought that Cao's army had won the victory only by intrigue.

However, these reasons are secondary. The most important reason why the generals and soldiers of the eastern Wu Dynasty are so calm is originated from the large and simple looking house in Jianye City, which is hung with a plaque with two characters: "Chen Fu"!

What about taking more than half of the territory of Yuzhou? How about more powerful generals in the Northern Wei Dynasty? As long as there is Chen Ren in Soochow, who is the best in the world, there will be no problem! It can be said that half of the eastern Wu Dynasty was fought down by Dudu. Even if the whole of Yuzhou was lost, Dadu governor could also take it back! There are many fierce generals in the Northern Wei Dynasty, but Dadu is an invincible dragon general. How can more powerful generals defeat Dadu? As long as there are Dadu Dudu, Dongwu will not collapse! It can be said that this belief runs through the heart of the whole Dongwu army, and can even be regarded as a kind of faith.

In the largest house in Jianye City, namely, the residence of King Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Kingdom, a group of counsellors under Sun Jian's tent gathered together in the conference hall in the palace. Outside the assembly hall, Sun Jian personally ordered that the surrounding areas be strictly guarded, and even a fly would not want to run in.

In the assembly hall, everyone was gloomy, including Sun Jian, who was sitting at the top. Although the defeat of Yuzhou was not a bone breaking thing for Dongwu, the Xuzhou army was also very active in Qingzhou. However, as the people of Soochow think, since the beginning of the war, Soochow has never suffered such a great loss. It is not only Sun Jian who is shameless, but also these counsellors who always boast of their intelligence are ashamed.

After all, the biggest responsibility for the defeat lies in the snake department, which is responsible for intelligence. Whether Lu Meng was assassinated or Cao's army went down to several cities in Yuzhou, it showed that an intelligence department no inferior to that of the snake department had been established in the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, there is no news from the snake department, which can not help saying that it is a dereliction of duty of the snake department. Therefore, for the first time, Sun Jian severely reprimanded these important officials. Cheng Yu, who had been angry with Sun Jian, returned to the headquarters of the snake department and vented all his anger on his subordinates.

It may be because of the sense of superiority for a long time. In recent years, the snake Department has been somewhat lax, and the news that several important northern strongholds are slowly being eroded has not attracted enough attention. I believe that after this lesson, the snake will definitely bring a Jedi counterattack to the other side.

But this time, Sun Jian called his own think tank, not to reprimand them, but to discuss how to act next. After several years of expansion, Sun Jian's think tank has more and more members. In addition to the original Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Xu Shu, Cheng Yu and Zhou Yu, sun CE, Lu Su, Xun you and FA Zheng joined Sun Jian's think tank successively. Of course, the reason why Sun CE got into the think tank is that Sun Jian tried to train his successor. All the people in the think tank are intelligent people, and naturally they won't say anything.

Sun Jian said with a gloomy face, "gentlemen! Now that Cao Cao has captured the city of Runan, Cao's army is still in the trend of going south. How do you respond? "

Things have become so urgent that even Guo Jia, who has always been unruly, has a serious face. As one of the latest members of the think-tank, FA Zheng naturally wants to give a good performance and immediately says, "my Lord! According to my subordinates, if Cao Jun really went south, my Lord should be glad! Cao's army is not far from failure! "

Sun's face was a little better? Come on

FA Zheng stood up and continued to say, "my Lord! Cao's army caught us by surprise this time. If we talk about the real combat effectiveness of Cao's army, I'm afraid it's just as good as that of the regular army of the Soochow kingdom. There is still a certain gap between Cao's army and the regular army of Soochow, not to mention the new Jiangdong army, our king's brand army of Dongwu. If Cao's army dares to continue to March south, the Lord only needs to order Jingzhou and Yangzhou to attack from the left and right. If Cao's army goes deep alone, it will only be self defeating! "

Of course, Fazheng's words are reasonable, but only if Cao Jun is willing to go south. Guo Jia shook her head gently. Although Fazheng was very resourceful, he was obviously greedy and rash and didn't think about it in depth. Guo Jia, Pang Tong and Zhou Yu looked at each other. Pang Tong frowned, and Zhou Yu shook his head slowly.Sun Jian also saw the small movements of several people and immediately turned his head and asked, "filial piety! What's your opinion? "

After Sun Jian named him, Guo Jia only took the risk of offending Fazheng and replied: "Lord! My subordinates think that the Cao army should not continue to March south! "

Although Guo Jia's answer did not positively reject the proposal of Fazheng, it also made Fazheng's face a little ugly. However, at this time, Guo Jia has not taken care of so much. Since he has said it, he does not intend to stop. Guo Jia said to Sun Jian: "according to the information, Cao Cao seems to be very confident about the operation and sent commander Xia Houdun. However, the comparison of military power between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the eastern Wu Dynasty is obvious. Can you imagine that Cao Cao was so confident in his army? Think that only 600000 troops can defeat all our troops in Soochow? Therefore, his subordinates think that Cao Cao's troops did not want to attack Soochow in one breath. If the attack reaches Runan, Cao's army will not continue to March southward! "

Fazheng was obviously unconvinced and immediately asked, "if Cao Cao doesn't want to continue marching southward, what's the purpose of this campaign? Is it just to get half of the territory of Yuzhou? But is it necessary to send 600000 troops for this half of the territory? We need to know that the Xuzhou army is now occupying more than these territories in Qingzhou! "

However, Guo Jia did not answer the question of Fazheng, because he did not understand the mystery. Guo Jia's silence, on the contrary, is to let Fazheng realize that he has just lost his temper, so he quickly covers up his gaffe with a cough. Suddenly, Xu Shu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly seemed to think of something and called out: "bad! It's Hangu pass! "

At first, all of them were shocked by Xu Shu, but all of them, except Sun Jian, sun CE and his son, all came up with the problem from Xu Shu's exclamation, and they all changed their faces. However, Sun Jian and sun CE saw the faces of the people. Although they knew there was a problem, they did not know what the problem was. Sun Jian quickly asked, "gentlemen! But what did you think of? "

Xun Yu said pale: "my Lord! It's Hangu pass! The target of Cao Jun must be Hangu pass! "

"Hangu pass?" Sun CE some do not understand, "Hangu pass is not there Jingzhou army?"

Xunzi shook his head, and Pang Tong then replied: "Cao's action should have two goals: first, to plunder a large amount of grain and grass stored in Runan city; second, to cut off the retreat route of Hangu pass, and then attack back and forth to wipe out the Jingzhou army at Hangu pass completely!"

"Ah When sun Jianyi heard Pang Tong's words, he immediately jumped to his feet, and his voice trembled: "no, it won't. that, that, that Hangu pass has a full army of 50000 or 500000! Plus the natural danger of Hangu pass! "

This time, it was Zhuge Liang's turn to shake his head and reply, "it's no use, my Lord! Although Hangu pass is a natural danger, if Cao Cao is determined to win it, I'm afraid there is no problem. Perhaps the 600000 troops in Yuzhou are not enough, but Cao Cao still has at least 800000 troops to deploy from Yongzhou, Bingzhou and Liangzhou. What's more, the attack from around Hangu pass has cut off the logistics source of Hangu pass. I'm afraid the Jingzhou army on Hangu pass will not last long! "

After hearing this, Sun Jian's face became as pale as the others, and he fell powerlessly on his seat. Yuzhou was defeated, but he only lost some cities and not many people. However, if Hangu pass is really like what people say, it will be a great bad news for Soochow. It is necessary to know that the garrison of Hangu pass is the Jingzhou legion, which represents one of the three military forces of Soochow! Moreover, according to these advisers, Cao's Army wanted to encircle the Jingzhou army at Hangu pass, and it was impossible for the Jingzhou army to return!

Sun CE frowned and stood up immediately. He hugged Sun Jian and said, "father, don't worry! I would like to lead a large army to support Hangu pass