Sun CE just got up to fight. As sun CE's good brother, Zhou Yu naturally followed him: "Lord! My subordinates are willing to fight with the eldest son

Before Sun Jian could answer, Guo Jia on one side calmed down and said to the two people, "don't worry, big childe, Gongjin. Although you two are brave and resourceful, they are not the best candidates for this assistance!"

Then Guo Jia said to Sun Jian, "Lord! Under the territory of Cao Dongyi, we will continue to attack! Although the foundation of our army has not yet been touched, it still has a great impact on the morale of the army and the people of Soochow. Therefore, in order to send troops this time, we must boost the morale of the whole army of Dongwu. Although the eldest young master is brave and brave, his prestige is not so high. Therefore, in this war, either the Lord personally leads the army to go out, or Chen Zici leads the army! "

"However, in filial piety, Zici is now taking Ziming to seek medical treatment and has not come back yet." Xunzi frowned and said that it would be great to let Chen Ren lead the army. However, since the last time LV Meng was assassinated and injured and his wound was poisoned, Chen Ren took LV Meng out to seek medical treatment, but he has not come back yet. "If you let the Lord rush out to fight, what will happen..."

Sun Jian is not a timid person. The tigers of Jiangdong were killed with one knife and one gun. Sun Jian's face gradually recovered. He waved his hand and said, "OK! This time, I will lead the troops myself, and I will rescue the Jingzhou army, and let Cao Cao know how powerful I am in Soochow! "

"It's not right! My Lord As soon as Sun Jian said this, everyone objected. Fazheng said: "as the Lord of the kingdom of Soochow, although going out to fight is conducive to stabilizing the morale of the army and public opinion, this expedition is very important. In case the Lord is in some accident, the foundation of Soochow that the Lord has so hard to establish will fall into chaos in an instant!"

Zhou Yu also dissuaded him: "my Lord! Now everything in Soochow is just stable. If the Lord rushes out to fight, if something happens in the rear, I'm afraid no one in Jianye can make the decision! I hope you will think twice

Sun Jian said angrily, "if I don't go out, who will lead the troops in this rescue?"

Sun Jian's words immediately made everyone speechless. Sun Jian also knew that they were all for their own good, and they all said it in reason. But the problem is that no one can take his place to lead the army!

"Newspaper --!" Outside the door came a sergeant's cry.

Sun Jian immediately threw all his anger on the sergeant at the door and scolded him in a loud voice: "what's the matter? Didn't you tell me not to disturb the business? "

The sergeant was worthy of being a close soldier who had been with Sun Jian for many years. At last, he was not frightened by Sun Jian. He still replied calmly: "report to the Lord! Governor Dadu, please see you

"What!" The sergeant's words immediately made everyone in the hall stand up. Sun Jian was overjoyed. He ran to the gate directly and opened the gate to meet him.

I am y d's divide cut line, Qingzhou, Langya city.

The original black "Cao" flag has disappeared, replaced by the blue "Wu" flag, and there are traces of war on the wall. Although Langya city is also a relatively large city in Qingzhou, it was broken four days ago under the attack of Chen Yang and Bao Bao.

The other army led by Sun Yi returned to Rencheng according to Bao Bao's instructions after the capture of Lu Guocheng to prevent Cao Ren's sudden attack in Yanzhou. After seizing Langya, Bao Bao and Chen Yang did not rush to move on to Linzi, the capital of Qingzhou, but began to rest in Langya.

"General Chen! Lord Bao, you have to discuss important matters with the general! "

When Chen Yang was still inspecting the rest of the soldiers in the army, a sergeant came to convey Bao Bao's order. Chen Yang was only slightly stunned and nodded to show that he knew.

After several baptism on the battlefield, Chen Yang has completely washed away the previous green astringency and become more and more mature. Although Chen Ren used to fight with Chen Ren in the vicinity of Jianye City, they were all children's family games, which could not compare with the training effect of Chen Yang on the real battlefield. It must be because of this that Chen Ren left Chen Yang in the army of Baobao.

Chen Yang learned that Baobao Xiangzhao, of course, would not delay. After a little arrangement, he rode on a fast horse to Baobao's temporary office, which is the prefect's office in Langya city.

Perhaps Bao Bao had given orders before, so as soon as Chen Yang arrived at the gate of the mansion, the sergeant guarding the gate immediately led Chen Yang to the Council hall where Bao Bao was. As soon as he stepped into the conference hall, Chen Yang was stunned. It turned out that Bao Bao was not the only one in the chamber, but an old man in a Taoist robe was talking to Bao Bao.

"Ah! It's grandfather God When Chen Yang saw it, even if he laughed, he knew that he was no one else. It was Yu Ji, the real man of Nanhua in Langya palace.

Since Chen Ren helped Yu Ji connect with other Taoist schools, Yu Ji often went to Jianye to find Chen Ren. There's no way. Now wudoumi sect has agreed to combine the three ways into one, but the Xianmen sect has never let go. Chen Ren's current status is the successor of the Xianmen's martial road. Although he is not the leader of the Xianmen sect, the wudoumi sect is also an important branch of the Xianmen sect. Besides, the immortal gate has been avoiding the world. Yu Ji has no way to contact the immortal gate except to find Chen Ren.In this way, Yu Ji came to Chen Ren's house many times and became familiar with Chen Ren's children. Probably because of Yu Ji's immortality, the three brothers and sisters of the Chen family have always called Yuji immortal grandfather. Yu Ji has been practicing Taoism for many years. When he was helping the common people in the world, he was also called Yu immortal. However, there was no such call from the three brothers and sisters of the Chen family that made him happy. After all, as a Taoist, it is doomed that there is no future. In Ji's eyes, why don't you take the three brothers and sisters of the Chen family as their descendants.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Yu Ji turned his head and looked at Chen Yang. Even with a happy smile, he said, "it's yang'er! I can't imagine how long I haven't seen you. Yang'er has grown so big! "

Chen Yang first saluted Bao Bao Bao and then to Yu Ji. Bao Bao kept nodding. Chen Yang's identity is different now. He is no longer the original urchin. As a soldier, of course, we should put military law first, which Chen Yang did very well. Yu Ji also looked at Chen Yang kindly and said, "I heard that the Xuzhou army came to Langya. I thought that brother Bao was an old friend, so I came to see him, but I didn't think you were in the army. It seems that yang'er has really grown up and has begun to fight in the battlefield! "

Chen Yang immediately scolded himself for being stupid. The Langya palace is not right next to Langya city! Why did not think of it before! However, even if Chen Yang thinks about it, it may not be useful. The rule of Langya palace is not to interfere with the secular world. Even if Chen Yang came to find Yu Ji, Yu Ji would not agree to help Chen Yang.

Three people exchanged greetings for a while, Bao Bao suddenly turned dark and said to Chen Yang, "yang'er! Just now Taoist priest Yu brought bad news. Just as we attacked Qingzhou, Cao Cao sent troops to attack Yuzhou! "

Chen Yang was stunned at first, and then said with indifference: "Uncle Bao, don't worry. Uncle Lu is there in Yuzhou! Although uncle Lu is not my father's disciple, but Uncle Lu's skill is what my father once praised. There is absolutely no problem in resisting Cao Jun for a while! As long as the first few waves of Cao's attack were blocked, there were uncle Ding in Yangzhou and uncle Liu and uncle Wen in Jingzhou. They won't sit back and watch uncle Lu being bullied by Cao Jun. they will definitely send troops to rescue him. Cao's attack on Yuzhou will only be self inflicted! "

Although Bao Bao was very satisfied with Chen Yang's analytical ability, he continued: "in fact, if Uncle Lu is there, you are right. But the problem is that your uncle Lu is not in Yuzhou now. At the same time of Cao Cao's attack on Yuzhou, your uncle Lu encounters an assassin in Runan and is seriously injured. Fortunately, the guard of your family comes in time. Otherwise, uncle LV would have been killed by the assassin! "

"What!" Chen Yangyi, who had just sat down, immediately stood up and stared at Bao Bao and Yu Ji with wide eyes and astonishment, "how could this happen? What about the snake people? Didn't they send someone to protect uncle Lu? "

"Yes Bao Bao frowned and said, "the problem is that the assassins on the other side are very fierce. All the people arranged by the snake Department beside your uncle Lu are killed by the assassins silently."

After several battles, Chen Yang soon forced himself to calm down, slowly sat back in his seat, and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter with Uncle Lu?"

This time, Yu Ji answered. He stroked his white beard and said, "don't worry, general Lu was not seriously injured because he was rescued in time. However, the weapons used by the assassins were smeared with poison. Although they were treated by medical officers, general LV was still in a coma. The sergeant sent General Lv to Jianye, and your father took general Lv to seek medical treatment. With your father's ability, I think there is no problem for general Lv to come. "

Listening to Yu Ji's words, Chen Yang's heart hanging in his throat finally sank down. Lu Meng also loved Chen Yang very much, so Chen Yang certainly didn't want anything wrong with him. According to Yu Ji's words, Chen Yang immediately knew that his father must have taken LV Meng to Xianmen to seek Hua Tuo's treatment. He was relieved that there was no injury that Hua Tuo could not cure.

As for why Chen Yang knows about Xianmen, it is because of his bad father Chen Ren. At that time, Chen Ren promised Hua Tuo and others to find suitable successors for them. Where was Chen Ren willing to look for talents everywhere, he sold his three children without conscience.