Finally, Cao Xiu suppressed the impulse and calmly gave orders to his left and right subordinates. He must not start attacking now. The other side is now at the gate of the city. If they rashly launch an attack and wait for the Jizhou army to rush down to the city, the Jizhou cavalry without impact will be attacked by Chen Yang's Xuzhou cavalry and Bao Bao's Xuzhou infantry.

At this time, Chen Yang raised his voice and called out: "I heard that the general in front of him is general Cao Xiu! General Cao Xiu! Don't you often brag about beating my father? How can I not even dare to challenge my father? "

Chen Yang's words clearly spread to Cao Xiu's ears. He heard that the blue veins on Cao Xiu's forehead were constantly protruding. Now in Cao Xiu's heart, there was a word: "I'll bear it!"

Cao Xiu is not happy here, and Chen Yang is not happy there. Chen Yang is holding his breath. Isn't that Cao Xiu's temper is not small? How to now have not come out, is it that I scold not hard enough? Chen Yang, who had made up his mind, began to scold Cao Xiu. He first attacked Cao Xiu himself, then went to Cao Xiu's mother, and then pulled out the relationship between Cao Xiu's mother and Cao Cao. Chen Yang had never asked for information from the snake ministry before. The way the snake Department inquired for information was that it did not let go of any information, which led to some gossip. Now Chen Yang is picking out some gossip about Cao Xiu, and then adding fuel to it.

Chen Yang himself said that he was tired, so he simply taught several soldiers with loud voices around him to say that it was not enough to say it once, but to say it again and again. Some soldiers thought that Chen Yang's version was not wonderful enough, so they simply developed countless versions. Even Cao Xiu's love affairs in his young age were all made up, and they said it vividly.

Cao Xiu now can be said to be flushed, the blue veins on his forehead are clearly protruding. He really wants to rush to Chen Yang now and tear Chen Yang to pieces. However, Cao Xiu still held on to his teeth and kept saying, "I'm not angry! Not angry

Chen Yang really took Cao Xiu's patience. He waved his hand and led the army into the city gate. Cao Xiu really didn't guess wrong. Chen Yang's plot was to deceive Cao Xiu into the city. However, Cao Xiu was not cheated!

As soon as he returned to the city, Bao Bao said with a smile: "how about it? Yang'er, I have said that since Cao Xiu can be appointed as a governor of a state by Cao Cao, he will certainly not be attacked by your poor methods. "

Chen Yang is speechless, but now Chen Yang is not a child in the past. He can go to Bao Bao and act coquettish. He has to be teased by Bao Bao and keep silent.

However, the joke was a joke. Bao Bao certainly would not be OK. So he made fun of Chen Yang. Looking at Chen Yang's lack of confidence because of his unsuccessful strategy, he began to persuade him: "yang'er! You are now a soldier, although you have not been crowned, but also a real man. There are some things you should keep in mind, that is, never underestimate anyone, especially in the battlefield! And you are different from other soldiers, not only because your father is the governor of Dongwu, but also because you have much better talent than others! In this way, you will at least be a general in the future! And your one instruction may determine thousands of lives, so your judgment can not be easily wrong! Do you understand? "

How can Chen Yang not know how good or bad, forced to nod and said: "Yang Er understand! Thank you, uncle Bao! Yang'er must keep it in mind! "

"Well!" Bao Bao was also very pleased to see that Chen Yang could be taught. He nodded, but looking at the Cao army cavalry outside the city, he could not help wrinkling his brow. "This Cao Xiu doesn't seem easy to deal with."

Chen Yang also nodded his approval. Cao Xiu didn't eat hard and soft. It seems that he has made up his mind to spend time with Bao Bao here. It seems that he must find a good way to solve this problem, otherwise there will be no way to complete Sun Jian's task and continue to occupy Qingzhou. At this time, Chen Yang really missed his second brother Chen Kang, who had bad water. With him, he must soon be able to think of a way to deal with Cao Xiu!

At night, in Cao Xiu's camp, Cao Xiu was throwing things in his camp to vent his humiliation during the day.

"Hateful Chen Yang! I will tear you to pieces! Only then can I vent my hatred! " Cao Xiu threw everything that could be thrown aside and finally roared.

"Newspaper, newspaper general!" A sergeant just lifted the curtain of the camp and saw Cao Xiu's madness. Even if he was startled, he would be too scared to speak.

Cao Xiu stared at the sergeant with his red eyes and roared: "what's the matter! Say it

"Yes, yes, yes!" The sergeant immediately knelt down and settled his mind. Then he clasped his fist at Cao Xiu and replied, "report general, there is a man from the camp who claims to be the family soldier of the former prefect's family of Beihai city. He has something important to report to him when he joins the general."

"Something important?" Cao Xiu finally forced himself to calm down. After hearing the sergeant's report, he was stunned, but then with a cold smile, he said to the sergeant, "let him wait for the big account! Just say that general Ben will be here soon! "

"Here it is When the sergeant heard Cao Xiu's orders, he immediately answered, and then retired, leaving Cao Xiu alone in the camp laughing.After a while, Cao Xiuyi Jia walked out of the camp in order, and ordered people to clean up the camp which he had made a mess of, and then walked towards the big tent. As soon as I entered the big tent, I saw a timid middle-aged man standing in the middle of the big tent, shaking constantly. With a cold smile, Cao Xiu went directly to the top seat of the big tent.

At this time, the middle-aged man found Cao Xiu, and immediately worshipped him and said, "general Cao! I have something important to report to you! "

"Hold on!" Cao Xiu looked at the middle-aged man coldly and asked, "how do you know I am general Cao?"

The middle-aged man was stunned at first, and then he said with sweat: "well, the villain is the family soldier of the North Sea prefect's family. When general Cao came to Beihai, the villain had seen general Cao once!"

"Oh Cao Xiu seemed to suddenly realize that he was talking to himself, but his voice was just enough for the middle-aged man to hear: "so you should be real!"

The middle-aged man's forehead sweat more and more, immediately knelt down on his knees, facing Cao Xiu and said, "general Cao! General Cao! Villain is really the family soldier of the prefect's mansion! General Cao! You have to believe in villains

"All right, all right!" With an impatient look on his face, Cao Xiu waved his hand and said, "general, it's better to be careful! okay! If you say you have something important to report to general Ben, you can say it! "

The middle-aged man's sweat trembled at Cao Xiu and said in surprise, "return, reply to the general! The villain was originally the family soldier who guarded the back door of the prefect's mansion. On that day, Beihai city was lost, and the governor died at the head of the city. The villain was deeply favored by the governor. Now when I think about the kindness and virtue of the prefect, I am secretly grieved. " With that, the man began to wipe his tears.

Cao Xiu looked more and more awkward, frowned and said, "choose the most important thing."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The middle-aged man was so surprised that he didn't have time to wipe off his tears. He immediately nodded and said, "after the city was broken, the prefect's house was occupied by the Dongwu army. The villain also made a compromise and surrendered. This made him a servant in the prefecture. This afternoon, the villain worked in the prefect's residence as usual. However, he saw a young boy of the Dongwu army rushing in angrily. There was still the old guy behind him. The villain remembers that these two men were the leaders of the Dongwu army. general! Villain, this is to seek information, otherwise I would have rushed to die with the leader of the Dongwu army! " The middle-aged man did not forget to show his loyalty, but Cao Xiu gave him a cold sweat.

"When the villain saw that the old guy was pulling the young boy into the Council hall with a smile, he knew that there must be something important to talk about, so he secretly hid outside the meeting hall and pretended to sweep the floor, but actually he was listening to them. However, he didn't expect that the villain really heard a big news." The middle-aged man used his hand to draw a big circle in the air to show that what he said was really big.

It's a pity that Cao Xiu didn't even raise his eyebrows. He just held his head in one hand and looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was sweating again. He lowered his head and honestly said, "it turns out that the old man wants to withdraw to Pingchang this evening and then attack Linzi from Changyi city! After getting the news, the villain escaped in the dark and reported it to the general! "

"Oh?" At this time, Cao Xiu seemed to have some interest in saying, "well, you are a great achievement! I have to reward you! Come on! Do you want to take a military position in our army? Or shall I introduce you to a civilian? "

The middle-aged man quickly waved his hand and said, "no, no, no! Villain has self-knowledge, not the official material! I'd rather be a rich man in a village, but I hope the general will succeed! " The middle-aged man's meaning is very obvious, that is to want money.

There was a chill in Cao Xiu's eyes, but the middle-aged man kept his head down and couldn't see it. The chill in Cao Xiu's eyes was also gone. Then a smile appeared on his face and said, "this is easy to do! Somebody! Give me a hundred taels of gold In this era, the value of gold is very high. A large number of people may be extremely poor and have never seen gold in their whole life. One or two gold is enough for an ordinary family to live a good life for decades. A hundred taels of gold can also make the middle-aged man realize his dream of becoming a rich man.