On hearing Cao Xiu's order, the middle-aged man was so happy that he almost didn't jump up and kowtowed to Cao Xiu. After a while, a sergeant was holding a tray, on which there were twenty gold bars, each of which had five taels, and twenty were exactly one hundred taels.

Cao Xiu looked at the middle-aged man who was already drooling, raised his head and said, "this is yours. Take it!"

The middle-aged man couldn't help it. He knocked several heads toward Cao Xiu again. He got up and grabbed the gold bar on the tray and frantically put it into his arms. Cao Xiu looked at him with disgust, and waved his hand to show that he had withdrawn the middle-aged man who was full of his arms.

The middle-aged man was very grateful to Cao Xiu, bowing and clasping his fist. Then he ran out in a hurry, afraid that Cao Xiu would regret it and rob him of his gold.

After dismissing the middle-aged man, Cao Xiu gave a cold smile. Did Bao Bao and Chen Yang really regard themselves as idiots? How dare you come up with such a bad trick? Good! I'll make you regret it tonight! Let you know the cost of belittling me, Cao Xiu! Immediately, Cao Xiu ordered the soldiers outside the big tent to call for the two deputy generals of Cao Xiu.

After a while, the two vice generals rushed to the big tent and saluted Cao Xiu. Cao Xiu is not only a senior official, but also a favorite nephew of Cao Cao. Although the two vice generals are older than Cao Xiu, they dare not put on any airs of seniority in front of Cao Xiu. Cao Xiu waved his hand and motioned for them to sit down and talk again. But when all three of them sat down, Cao Xiu repeated what the middle-aged man had just said.

On the right hand side of the goatee vice general immediately frowned, stroked his beard and said, "general! There's something wrong with it! I heard that Bao Bao was Chen Ren's confidant for many years. He was very careful in his work, so Sun Jian promoted him to be governor of Xuzhou. If he really wanted to plot such an important matter, how could he be overheard by such a recently surrendered servant? What's more, now that the Xuzhou army and our army are fighting each other, how can he escape from Beihai City, a small family soldier? According to my subordinates, what this person said is absolutely untrustworthy! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cao Xiu suddenly looked up at the sky with a smile and said, "are you really stupid? During the day, Chen Yang tried every means to lead me to the past. I was not caught in the trap. Someone will report this evening? What a coincidence! I just heard a message from someone, I knew there must be a ghost in it! Sure enough, the guy felt guilty when he saw me. When I was scared, he began to sweat! So I knew for a long time that this man must be a liar sent by Bao Bao and Chen Yang to cheat us to send troops! "

"The general is wise!" Two vice generals quickly clasped their fists to Cao Xiu. One flattered him, which made Cao Xiu laugh again.

After laughing for a long time, Cao Xiu said to the two vice Generals: "I now invite the two vice generals to discuss how to deal with it! In my opinion, Bao Bao and Chen Yang deliberately let this cheater come to deceive us, saying that they would withdraw from Beihai City tonight. They must be leading us to the south of the city to intercept us! Then they can rush out of the encirclement from the north of the city, and then continue to attack Linzi northward

After Cao Xiu finished her guess, the two vice generals nodded and agreed. Cao Xiu also said with a proud smile: "since we know their plans, we certainly will not let them do so! In my opinion, we might as well make a plan! I have put the cheater back. I reckon that the cheater will report back to Beihai City as soon as he leaves the camp. Bao Bao and Chen Yang must think that we are in the middle of the scheme and will set out to Linzi from the north of the city tonight! As long as we ambush on the road from Linzi, Hokkaido, when they arrive, we will be able to beat the Xuzhou army to pieces. Even if they can't catch Bao Bao and Chen Yang, they will not be able to go north again! "

When the two vice generals heard Cao Xiu's words, the man had already let go, proving that Cao Xiu was determined to do so. They also felt that Cao Xiu's action was not wrong. Even when they clasped their fists at Cao Xiu, they said again, "the general is wise!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Cao Xiu couldn't help laughing up to the sky again. He seemed to have seen the scene that Chen Yang was caught by himself. He couldn't help but cry for pleasure. He immediately said to the two aides: "in this case! Let's do it right away! The cheater must have three sticks of incense before he can reach Beihai city. "

"Here it is The two vice generals immediately got up and responded with one voice. Then they turned around and went to do it according to Cao Xiu's arrangement.

Cao Jun's efficiency is still very fast, after a while, Cao Xiu and his army began to set up ambush on the necessary passage from Beihai to Linzi. Of course, Cao Xiu didn't forget to ask an aide general to take thousands of people with him to light more torches, disguised as 100000 people, and rushed to the south of the city, so that Bao Bao and Chen Yang in the city thought that he was really cheated and stopped in the south of the city.

In these necessary passages, Cao Xiu specially found a place with a slope on both sides to ambush the army, dividing the army into two and ambushing on the slopes on both sides. When the Xuzhou army arrived here, at an order, the Jizhou cavalry on both sides directly rushed to the Xuzhou army along the slope, and the Xuzhou army could not resist it.

Ambush well on the slope. In order to keep hidden, Cao Xiu even ordered the horses to be tied up, so as not to suddenly neigh and alarm the Xuzhou army.Sure enough, after waiting for more than an hour, an army was rushing from the direction of Beihai City in the south. Taking advantage of the moonlight, Cao Xiu vaguely saw that the leader was Chen Yang, who had been scolding himself at the gate of Beihai City for a day.

Cao Xiu's deputy general saw that the Xuzhou army had arrived, but Cao Xiu stopped him even if he wanted to give an order. He whispered to the vice general, "don't worry. This is just a vanguard team. Let's start now, and the Bao Bao Bao behind will surely withdraw to Beihai city immediately. When they have passed more than half of the time, they will start to block their way back to the North Sea. They just want to run, and there is no place to run! "

"The general is wise!" At this time, the adjutant did not forget to flatter Cao Xiu in a low voice. However, Cao Xiu did not have the time to pay attention to the vice general at this time. He was staring at Chen Yang, who was looking around. He thought of the insult he had brought to himself during the day. His eyes caught fire. Cao Xiu made up his mind to catch Chen Yang even if he could not catch Bao Bao Bao later! At that time, we must let Chen Yang suffer from torture in order to solve Cao Xiu's hatred!

It took more than half an hour for the 150000 army to pass through. At the next moment, Cao Xiu's deputy general suddenly pointed to a horse at the foot of the slope and said to Cao Xiu, "general! Look! That's the guarantee

Cao xiushun looked at the assistant general's fingers and found that he was a very powerful general, riding on his horse. It seems that Bao Bao's character of being cautious is not wrong. He even personally breaks the post and escorts the grain and grass. However, Cao Xiu was relieved. Since he was carrying food and supplies, it proved that the Xuzhou army was really ready to leave Beihai City and march toward Linzi city! Immediately, Cao Xiu made a gesture to the herald behind him. The herald immediately ran to the side of the drum, picked up the mallet and began to beat it.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

"Kill!" "Catch Bao Bao alive! Capture Chen Yang alive

With the sound of war drums, countless torches lit up on the slopes on both sides. Then, under the traction of cavalry, Jizhou iron cavalry rushed down to the Xuzhou army in the middle.

The Xuzhou soldiers were obviously in a panic, and they ran away with Bao Bao's mount. Cao Xiu was not in a hurry. If the other party fled to the south, he would certainly stop him. But since he was going to the north, he was not afraid. The northern part of Qingzhou is still full of Cao Cao's territory, and Cao Zhang's 100000 troops are in charge there. The panicked Xuzhou army will not be able to run for long. Cao Xiu rushed down the slope with his cavalry and took the supplies of Xuzhou army.

Those soldiers of Xuzhou army were scared to death. When they saw Cao Xiu's cavalry, they all fled. Cao Xiu thought that there would be a fight, but now it seems that he has overestimated the fighting spirit of Xuzhou army!

Food and grass! How long can the Xuzhou army stay in Qingzhou without these supplies? Cao Xiu snatched so many grain and forage piled high by the carts. He was so happy that he ignored the fleeing soldiers of Xuzhou army and directly took Jizhou iron cavalry to accept the rich supplies.

"General! This, this, this is not right The assistant general quickly walked to a carriage, lifted the coarse cloth wrapped with grain and grass, looked at it, and then overturned several carriages in succession. His face suddenly changed and he said to Cao Xiu in a panic.

"What's the matter?" Cao Xiu is happy on the head, but by this adjutant's words make some not very happy, frown asked.

"General!" The vice general finally got up the courage and said, "general, how come all these supplies are hay?"

"Hay? What's so strange about hay Cao Xiu didn't care much about the vice general's words. After all, the Xuzhou army also had cavalry, and hay was used as food for horses. That's just right. "Thanks to you, you're still the Deputy General of Jizhou cavalry. Don't you know the common sense of horses eating hay?"

The vice general was scolded by Cao Xiu, but even his face was pale with anxiety. He said eagerly, "but, this, this, this, here are all, all are hay!" Even if hay is grain for horses, it is impossible that the whole grain transported by Xuzhou army is the ration of horses? So what are the soldiers going to eat? I've never heard of people eating hay like horses.