"Ha ha!" Hearing sun CE's attitude, Sun Jian also seemed very happy. He waved his hand to sun CE and said, "Bo Fu! I know what you mean, but we should take a long-term view! I will retire sooner or later, and you are destined to take over the foundation. It is easier to take over early than late. Besides, I'm old, which is an indisputable fact. If I were still in this position, there would be a lot of curfews who would use crooked brains. This time, Wu Jing and sun Bi are examples. It's better to let the young and strong you go to the top directly, so that at least we can eliminate the delusions of many people! "

Sun CE was silent this time. Although Sun Jian didn't say who the gangsters were, it must be sun's people who could take over Sun Jian's position. Although several of sun CE's brothers are all right, the sun family is full of branches and leaves, and there are so many families with such status that it is hard to guarantee that a second one will not come out. Therefore, Sun Jian's worries are not unreasonable.

"All right Sun Jian said with a firm expression: "the matter of abdication has been settled, and there is no need to mention it in the future. Just now we talked about the imperial seal. In the eyes of people in the world, it represents the symbol of imperial power. At that time, your teacher specially found this imperial seal for me in Luoyang. He told Cheng Pu and several of them that this is a treasure given to me by God, and it can be used for great things! Now there are only two of us, father and son. I will make it clear that you have the same ambition as me. However, you should remember that without full assurance, this imperial seal can never exist! Even the person closest to you can't tell him about the imperial seal. Only when you pass on the throne to your descendants will you be able to tell this to your heirs! Do you understand? "

After Sun Jian's persuasion, sun CE has already strengthened his confidence. Listening to Sun Jian's instructions with great care, he nodded forcefully: "father, don't worry! The children all understand! The child must follow his father's instructions

Sun Jian nodded with satisfaction and continued: "this imperial seal is only one of them. The second thing is about our Sun family. I Sun Jian now can have this achievement, your uncle is indispensable! To tell you the truth, I'm sorry for your uncle in this matter of sun Bi! In the future, you must treat your uncle and your cousins well! I have seen some of your cousins. They are not so arrogant and arrogant as sun Bi. They are all materials that can be made. You can use them as you like! "

Sun CE kept nodding his head, and sun CE, the remaining sons of Sun Jing, had seen him. In particular, Sun Jing's second son, Sun Yu, and his third son, sun Jiao, were very good military personnel.

Sun Jian continued: "as for your brothers, Zhongmou is good at literature and Tao, and Shubi is good at martial arts, which can be your right and left hand. Kuang'er and lang'er, though of mediocre quality, are also stable people. Your brothers should help each other and plan big things together

"Father, don't worry! Children should treat their younger brothers well and never let them get hurt Sun CE said with a firm face.

Sun Jian was very pleased to smile. To say that the most owed person in his life was his brother Sun Jing. He didn't want sun CE to follow his own footsteps in the future.

"As for the other members of the sun family, you should use them carefully, but you can't let them out of your control! The most merciless emperor's home! This is the sentence that I heard your teacher read. It's very reasonable! For the sake of the foundation of the sun family, we should be ruthless and never be soft hearted! " At this point, Sun Jian's eyes flashed a cold light, and Sun Jian was worried that sun CE would be too considerate of the sun family's feelings, and would be soft hearted and leave behind future troubles.

But the next moment, the chill in Sun Jian's eyes immediately disappeared, and he said to sun CE with a smile: "you may not understand what I said now, but I believe you will understand when you officially ascend the throne! Next, I have one last thing to tell you, which is about your teacher

"To be able to put your teacher into the account may be the most correct thing I have ever done in my life! I heard the snake department's spy around Cao Cao mention that Cao Cao had to sigh at least three times a day. Why couldn't he recruit your teacher first! Ha ha ha With that, Sun Jian could not help but imagine Cao Cao's sighing in his mind. He couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Sun Jian continued: "I have known your teacher for more than 20 years, so I can't understand your teacher's temperament. If I hadn't treated him with respect, I'm afraid he would not have worked so hard for Soochow. Your teacher is the most indifferent person I have ever seen. And that's why I dare to use your teacher so much. People like him can never do rebellious things. I also hope you can continue to trust him in the future, more than your wife, your son, your brother, even more than I do! Because your wife and brother may betray you, I may be hoodwinked, but he is your teacher, as long as you are good to him, he will not betray you! Do you understand? "

Sun CE immediately replied, "the child understands that the child will obey the teacher's orders." Sun CE did not have to tell Chen Ren to do what he said.

After saying so much, Sun Jian felt a little thirsty. He picked up the tea cup next to the square box, drank a large amount of water, and then continued: "as for the three children of your teacher, I have observed carefully. After all, although your teacher will not betray the sun family, it is difficult to guarantee that his descendants will not be alienated. However, after observation, I was completely relieved of your teacher. Although I don't know how your teacher educated them, his three children are not people with too much ambition. Although yang'er is active, he is still childish, and has no desire for power. Besides, I intend to give xianger to him. I believe he will be a great help to you in the future! Although kang'er is very deep in the city, I can see that his mind is full of research on knowledge. I don't know who your teacher asked him to become a teacher, but I believe that he will not be willing to serve as an official in the future. As for ru'er, she's just a girl, so don't worry. From this point of view, at least to your next generation, the Chen family will be beneficial and harmless to our Sun family. As for the future, we can't even manage what we want to do. " Sun CE also continued to nod and agreed."All right Sun Jian suddenly patted his thigh and said, "I've said a lot about Datong. I also believe that you will become a good ruler in the future! Bofu, the future of the sun family will be handed over to you! " Finish saying, Sun Jian stares at Sun CE tightly, quite deep look at own this successor.

Sun CE got up and stepped back a few steps. He worshipped Sun Jian and said, "father! I will try my best! Live up to your father's trust

"Good! Good! Good Sun Jian yelled three times. He stood up and raised sun CE, who was worshipped on the ground. He pointed to the shelf behind him with a smile and said, "this is the place where I keep the secret things of the Soochow kingdom. As I said just now, this place is only known to you and me. This is the list of the snake department, as well as the list of some spies arranged by Soochow in various places. They are not in the same system as the snake department. Your teacher suggested me to set up this list. Their task is to supervise the work of the snake department. This is a tiger amulet used by the army in all parts of Soochow. Each of them has a pair of amulets, and the other is in the hands of the commander-in-chief of the army. Although you already have a tiger card that commands the army and horses of the eastern Wu Dynasty, there are only two tiger cards in your hand. The other one is still in yang'er's hand, which is not as practical as these tiger charms. And this, this and that... " Sun Jian took the trouble to count the objects on the shelves to sun CE. Each of them was very important to the eastern Wu Dynasty.

While listening to Sun Jian's introduction, sun CE kept in mind that these things might be used by him one day in the future. Fortunately, he had a good memory under Chen Ren at that time. Although he couldn't forget it, there was no problem to write down these things.

At the same time, Sun Jian taught sun CE. At the other end of King Wu's residence, the exclusive dungeon of the headquarters of the snake department, a miserable cry echoed in the dungeon.

The first thing Sun Jian did to quell the rebellion that day was to find out the suspected spy problem inside the snake ministry. Since it has been determined that there are spies in the snake department, with Cheng Yu's intelligence, it is natural to find out the spies hidden in the snake department. However, I didn't know. I was scared. The snake department, which should have been the most strict, actually hid more than ten spies! To this end, Cheng Yu, who has always been calm and calm, was also shocked and took the initiative to run to Sun Jian to plead guilty. However, Sun Jian also thought that the credit he had made in Cheng Yu for so many years was only a fine on Cheng Yu's salary.

Sun Jian was able to let Cheng Yu go, but he would not let go of these spies. For nearly a month, Cheng Yu has been in this dungeon to interrogate these spies. These more than ten spies can be said to be unable to survive or die. There is not a piece of skin all over the body is intact. Although these spies seem to have received special training, in the face of Cheng Yu's torture, no one has ever spoken.

Cheng Yu has been the most stubborn leader of the Department for many years. I didn't expect that this time there was such a big omission. Cheng Yu had a hard heart this time. He must ask the truth!

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Cheng Yu has a gloomy face. This man is one of Cheng Yu's few special aides, but he didn't expect that he was also a spy. It's no wonder that some snake parts in the north are so easy to be taken away by Cao Jun. no wonder LV Meng's house is so easy to be infiltrated by enemy assassins. Cheng Yu is angry at the thought that he stole many important secrets from his side.