With a smile on his face, Cheng Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man. He said with a smile: "Ziyu, Ziyu! To be honest, I really admire you! How many years have you been in the snake department to hide so long under my eyes? Eight years? Or ten years? With such good patience and perseverance, I believe you are not a small figure in your organization? "

The name of the middle-aged man registered in the snake department is Wei Jie, and Ziyu is his character. Now he can't be called a man any more. His left hand's five fingers have been cut off one by one. The skin of his upper body has also been branded too hot to find any place to burn. His legs have been beaten soft, and the bones of his legs have been broken into pieces with a hammer bit by bit. But the most terrifying thing was his head. His hair was shaved clean, but not for the sake of humiliating him, but for the convenience of execution. The scalp on top of his head had been peeled off to reveal a bloody layer, and he had an eye cut off, an ear chopped off, his nose cut off, and his upper and lower lips cut off.

According to the rules of snake execution, one eye is left to enable the prisoner to see clearly when identifying the person; one ear is left for the prisoner to understand the Interrogator's questions; the tongue is for the prisoner to answer questions; and one hand is for the prisoner to draw a pledge. Now Wei Jie can say that except for these four places, all other places have been punished. However, so far, Wei Jie has not given any useful clues.

After so many terrible punishments, Wei Jie could not help but feel cold when he saw the seemingly friendly smile on Cheng Yu's face. He has been following Cheng Yu for ten years. He knows Cheng Yu a little. When Cheng Yu shows this expression, it means that the other party will be in bad luck. In Cheng Yu's side, Wei Jie is very rare, process Yu shows this expression, but every time Cheng Yu shows this expression, the other side's fate makes Wei Jie shudder.

"Ziyu, Ziyu! What can I do to you? " Cheng Yu slowly walked to Wei Jie's side, squatted down and put his face in front of Wei Jie. Cheng Yu is not afraid that Wei Jie will cause any danger to him. Now Wei Jie can move, it is already thank God.

"Mr. Cheng, there's no need to waste time on the villain. The villain will not say what the adult wants!" Wei Jie knows that he is bound to die, and there is no need to be a traitor. However, Cheng Yu's hypocritical smile makes him tremble. Although he can't turn his head off, he can still close his only eye.

Seeing Wei Jie close his eyes and not looking at himself, Cheng Yu suddenly smiles coldly. He goes to one side and says to the executioner who is waiting for him: "Ziyu seems to be a little tired. Did you think he didn't sleep well yesterday? But we haven't finished our talk. You'd better help Yuqing wake up! "

"Here it is When the executioner heard Cheng Yu's words, he took a spoon of salt from an iron bucket beside him and poured it directly on Wei Jie's bloody head.

"Ah!" The crude salt touched the wound and began to melt slowly by the blood. However, it brought endless pain to Wei Jie. Wei Jie had no way to stop it and immediately cried out hysterically. After a long time, Wei Jie stopped shouting. He was just panting for breath. The pain just now consumed his little physical strength.

Cheng Yu waved his hand and motioned the executioner to stop. He said with a smile to Wei Jie who had opened his eyes: "that's right! Ziyu! It's very impolite to sleep when talking to the superior. I remember when you just came to work under my hand, I told you, how could you forget so soon? "

With that, Cheng Yu came to Wei Jie's side again and said to him, "since Ziyu has been sober up, let's continue with the topic just now! Ziyu, what have I done to you these years

Wei Jie weakly said to Cheng Yu: "adults can also look up to me these years. If it wasn't for the villain's mission, I'm afraid I would have done something for the adults."

"Yes Cheng Yu sighed with a long sigh, "among my several deputies, you are the most astute in handling affairs. I originally thought that after a period of time, I would put you in the place to experience and experience, and in the future, I would formally promote you to deputy commander of the snake department. But I never thought that you were a spy! Ziyu, do you know how painful my heart is Cheng Yu said, and really squeezed out a few tears.

Wei Jie also stayed in the snake department for so many years. How could he really believe what Cheng Yu said, but he also knew that Cheng Yu didn't want to sell kindness, so there was no meaning in breaking through Cheng Yu, so he kept silent and waited for Cheng Yu to say his final goal.

Cheng Yu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his cuff, and said with a long sigh of relief: "speak up! I remember I taught you about interrogation skills! As long as a person is a person, he has weaknesses. When we interrogate prisoners, it is like two martial arts players in a martial arts contest, which is to seize the weak points of prisoners and attack them! " As he spoke, Cheng Yu began to spin around Wei Jie. It was like a teacher teaching his students."The weakness of ordinary people is the fear of death. As long as we frighten him with death, he will confess honestly! However, there are also quite a number of people who are not afraid of death. For them, death is a kind of relief and a kind of accomplishment. At this time, we will begin to torture criminals with pain. However, there is a certain limit to the pain. We should make the prisoners understand that we won't let them die easily. As long as they don't tell the truth for a day, they will suffer endlessly. In this way, most prisoners will obey These words, from the mouth of a weak scholar like Cheng Yu, made those high and strong executioners around him shiver.

"But Cheng Yu suddenly turned around and leaned in front of Wei Jie and said, "even so, there are a few people who have received training and are not afraid of suffering from pain or physical damage. Severe punishment has no effect on them. Do you remember what I said at that time, Ziyu

Wei Jie's silence is not that he doesn't remember what Cheng Yu said at the beginning, but that he seems to have vaguely guessed what Cheng Yu is going to do. Even when he was being tortured, Wei Jie did not have the slightest fear, but his face began to show a little panic.

"Let me count! 8、 Nine, ten! by the way! You have been by my side for ten years! In the ten years of Jianye, do you have no feelings for Jianye city? Don't you even have any feelings for anyone in Jianye city? "

"No, no, Lord Cheng, no!" Wei Jie's face was full of fear at this time. He even ignored the wound on his neck and shook his head involuntarily.

Cheng Yu gave a cold smile, and suddenly clapped his hands. He saw a tall man coming in from the door of the interrogation room. In his arms, he was holding a little boy about five or six years old. However, the little boy was drooping his head and fell asleep.

Cheng Yu walked up to the tall man with a smile, stretched out his hand and pinched a few on the little boy's chubby face. He said with a smile, "Ziyu, your boy is still so cute!"

Wei Jie saw his son was held out, his whole head began to be confused, especially when he saw Cheng Yu's hand stretched out to his son's face, Wei Jie's heart was about to lift up. If Wei Jie's teeth had not been knocked out by Cheng Yu, I'm afraid Wei Jie would choose to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"My Lord! adult! Please, please. Please, please. Let go of my son! Let him go! He's only five years old! He doesn't know anything! My Lord Wei Jie watched his son fall on Cheng Yu's hand, and even forgot his wound and pain, desperate to rush to his son. But the rope on him was firmly tied to the wall and could not move at all.

Cheng Yu suddenly turned his head and said to Wei Jie, "Ziyu, you have been with me for so many years. Why don't you understand my temper? Sometimes I am very easy to talk, like you have done so long in my side, no credit also hard work, isn't it? As long as I can meet my requirements, I will accept whatever conditions you put forward. "

Wei Jie stares at the only left eye at Cheng Yu, and his eyes show infinite resentment. But Wei Jie also knows that Cheng Yu can't be killed only by his eyes. After staring at half a column of incense, Wei Jie suddenly leaned back, as if the news had consumed all his strength and all his spiritual strength. Although Wei Jie had just been punished so heavily, the whole person seemed to be as strong as a bluestone, but at this time it was completely softened.

"Lord Cheng! As long as you can keep my son's life safe, I, I say The last two words seem to be plucked out of Wei Jie's mouth, but Cheng Yu's eyes burst into laughter.

"To deal with a criminal who is not afraid of physical destruction, we must seize his mental weakness! Since he is not afraid of torture in his body, then torture him in his spirit! As long as we grasp the weakness of his spirit, then these few people will surely give in! "