LV Meng suffered a defeat in the valley, and quickly sent a letter to Zhao Yun who was in the back to support him. On the other side, Ling Cao has also led troops to the xiegu pass. It was the general Yu Jin and the 50000 Cao troops guarding xiegu pass.

Like other dangerous levels, xiegu pass is built on the mountain, occupying a dangerous place in the mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack. When Ling Cao arrived at xiegu pass, Yujin was ready for defense at the pass. In this regard, Ling Cao, who had always been steady, was not surprised at all, but prepared to tackle key problems in an orderly manner.

In the early morning of the third day, Ling Cao started to attack the key problems. In these two days, Ling Cao was making all kinds of siege equipment. Although he couldn't make those powerful siege tools, he still made a lot of basic siege weapons like the cloud ladder.

Facing the attack of Ling Cao's army, Yu Jin did not choose to go out of the pass, but prepared to rely on the strong walls of xiegu pass to resist the attack of the imperial Dongwu army. Standing majestically at the pass of xiegu pass, Yu Jian watched the dense soldiers outside the pass rushing towards this side, but he was not moved at all. He calmly arranged the guards to guard the pass. It can be said that Chen Ren's garrison tactics not only affected the generals of the Dongwu army, but also affected the generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Therefore, Yujin had prepared a lot of city guarding equipment such as kerosene and log.

Seeing that the Dongwu army was close to the archer's range at the pass, the arrows on the pass began to fall one after another, and almost every arrow could take the life of a Soochow soldier. However, Ling Cao did not hesitate, still commanding the soldiers to launch a crazy attack toward xiegu pass.

Although the arrow has great lethality to the army, it can not resist the dead soldiers. The soldier in front of him is shot, and the comrades in arms behind him will immediately lift the ladder in his hand and continue to rush forward. In the time of resisting the three pillars incense, the first ladder was finally successfully put on the wall of the pass, and then, the ladder behind was also put up again and again.

Yu Jian was not surprised at this. After all, there were 100000 people on the other side. It was unrealistic to intercept the other party and not to attack under the wall. Yu soon gave an order: "archers, back off! The swordsman is ready to fight! Log and kerosene

The swordsman carried a pot of boiling hot oil to the pass. He was not too forbidden but not too anxious to attack. He was waiting for the soldiers of the eastern Wu Dynasty to climb the ladder. Waiting for the other party to climb to half of the time, all of a sudden, his eyes shot a ray of cold light, and suddenly drank: "smash the log! Pour oil

In strict accordance with Yu Ban's instructions, Cao's swordsmen smashed logs at the enemy and poured down a pot of hot oil. All of a sudden, the valley closed and a shrill scream rang out. Many of the recruits who had just joined Cao's army jumped up in a lump. It was not too forbidden, but there was no pity. Seeing that the closed Dongwu army was temporarily repulsed, only a small number of Soochow soldiers escaped the attack of fire oil and logs and rushed to the pass. However, they were soon attacked by the swordsmen who had been waiting for a long time and were directly cut down. Yu Jin immediately waved his hand to prevent the garrison from pouring oil and logs to the gate. There are not many soldiers in the closed area now, and it is not so good to attack again. Even if some soldiers of the eastern Wu Dynasty rushed up, they would not do much harm to the closing. It is better to use less of these kerosene and logs.

At this time, Ling Cao, who was watching the war outside the pass, couldn't help but sneer, and said to his right and left Deputy generals, "look, these Cao bandit generals have learned the city guarding tactics of Dudu! I'm afraid they're going to set fire next! Hum! I'm learning very fast There was a chill in the words.

Ling Cao's assistant general frowned and said, "general! If it goes on like this, our army will lose too much. Why don't we withdraw for the time being? "

"Hum! A retreat? " Ling Cao glanced at the adjutant and said, "I Ling Cao has never retired from the army for more than ten years with the governor of Dadu! This time I have to close the valley and attack it! " The deputy general also wanted to persuade, but was Ling Cao's cold eye a stare, to the mouth of the words also to swallow back.

Ling Cao took a step forward and cried out: "order! Swordsmen continue to attack, archers to suppress! I'd like to see that this fake student of Dudu has learned some of the skills of Dudu! "

Another deputy immediately reminded Ling Cao: "general, in this case, the archer's arrow will not hurt his own people?" It is reasonable for the vice general to say so. After all, the arrow does not have long eyes. Where can we tell which is the enemy and which is our own.

"So what?" Ling Cao snorted coldly, as if he had changed back to the indifferent leader of the Dragon general camp in those days. However, this sentence made the vice general who came to dissuade him speechless. There is a trace of cold in Ling Cao's words, but if someone looks at Ling Cao in front of him, he will find that there is a trace of intolerance in his eyes. But this trace of impatience soon disappeared, and then Ling Cao continued: "the governor of Dadu once warned me that if you are a general, you should make a decision! If we can't make some sacrifices, we are afraid that our army will suffer more losses at that time! "At first, the soldiers and aides behind Ling Cao thought that Ling Cao was too cold. But when Ling Cao mentioned Chen Ren, they respected him one by one. Although they still felt that it was cruel to sacrifice those soldiers, they had to admit that this was the best solution.

As Ling Cao's military orders were passed on, the soldiers of the Soochow army did not hesitate at all. Among the soldiers of the Dongwu army, there was only one belief, that is, to obey orders. Therefore, after a short period of formation and integration, the Dongwu army began to attack the pass again.

Seeing that the Dongwu army attacked again, Yujin ordered the garrison soldiers to prepare logs and kerosene again, waiting for the other party to climb up the wall, and then began to attack. Seeing that the other party had climbed to nearly half of the position, Yu Jin opened his mouth and was ready to give orders.


Before the ban was issued, he heard a sound of breaking the air from far to near. Yu Jin turned his head and saw that an arrow was flying towards him. Yu Jin didn't expect that there would be arrows flying over at this time, but as a general's instinct, he drew a knife and cut the arrow in time.

It is not equal to forbidding to check where the arrow came from, and then a scream sounded from the left and right. Yu Jian saw that the soldiers on the left and right fell down one after another, and then looked down at the pass. Unexpectedly, many archers from Soochow were hiding among the soldiers who were attacking the pass. They rushed to the pass and began to shoot their arrows at the gate crazily. However, the closed defenders had no time to defend because they had tools like log and kerosene in their hands. Fortunately, one of the defenders sidestepped to avoid the arrow, and the one with bad luck was directly shot through.

"How could it be that the bow and arrow attack is still carried out at this time?" Yu Jin looked at the pass with some surprise. When he climbed the wall, the archers would stop shooting. This is the basic common sense of attacking the city. Didn't the generals of Dongwu outside the pass even know this basic knowledge? Is he not afraid to hurt his soldiers by mistake?

Yu Jin looked down at the ladder again. Sure enough, many soldiers of the eastern Wu Dynasty fell down with their companions' arrows behind their backs while climbing. There was no miracle at all. Yu Jin now doubts whether the general of the Soochow outside the pass is a madman. In order to suppress the attack, he even uses this way of attack.

However, at the next moment, Yuban knew the effect of this attack. The soldiers who were defending the pass were carrying kerosene and logs. After being turned off, many people were shot and fell, and all the kerosene and logs in their hands fell to the ground. Of course, some of the kerosene was spilled out, causing a lot of damage to the Dongwu army. However, most of the kerosene and logs fell on the ground of the pass, and some of the kerosene even spilled on the soldiers themselves, which immediately scalded the soldiers into skin and flesh.

Yu Jin frowned. In this case, Yu Jin did not dare to let the guards come to light the oil. In case the soldiers with torches were shot, the soldiers who were the first to be burned would be Yujin and the soldiers guarding the pass.

At this time, although some comrades in arms were shooting cold arrows, many soldiers of the Soochow army began to climb up the pass and scuffle with the garrison soldiers. The archers stopped attacking and slowly retreated. Yu Jin sighed with a long sigh. Although the general of the eastern Wu outside the pass seemed crazy, he was very well organized. It seemed that his long prepared defense tactics did not play a very important role, so he was cracked by the other side.

He immediately put the frustration of tactical failure behind him. He waved his Sabre and cried out: "soldiers! Drive down the enemy! Kill Since these tactics didn't play a very important role, let's fight happily with the weapons in hand! With Yu Jin's leading soldiers, the garrison soldiers also raised their weapons one after another, and rushed to kill the Dongwu army which was constantly climbing up from the wall.

Outside the pass, Ling Cao saw that the Dongwu army had successfully attacked the pass. He secretly cheered and immediately withdrew the archer. But he picked up his spear and walked quickly to the side of the mount. He turned over and mounted the horse. Ling Cao's relatives and adjutants were all in the fog. Looking at Ling Cao, Ling Cao said with a smile: "seeing that the soldiers are fighting bravely, how can I be outside the general! If you are brave enough, let me kill you! "