As soon as Ling Cao's words were spoken, he was immediately opposed by his aide general and his relatives. The deputy who had been reprimanded by Ling Cao for proposing a temporary retreat immediately came forward to dissuade Ling Cao: "general! There are many crises in the siege. How could the general, who was entrusted by the king of Wu, commit suicide lightly Others have also come forward to dissuade.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Ling Cao suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed, "I Ling Cao was just a white body. If it wasn't for the king of Wu and the governor of Dadu who looked up to me, how could I have the present glory and wealth? Now the king of Wu and the governor of Dadu need me to fight. If I still hide behind the soldiers, how can I be worthy of their kindness! Don't say much! If there are eggs below, kill them with me After that, Ling Cao turned his horse's head and rushed to xiegu pass.

Ling Cao's words were impassioned. All the soldiers left behind in the rear array were excited, including those aides and relatives. They all raised their weapons one after another, drank a lot, and charged after Ling Cao. Even the archers who had just retired put their long bows on their bodies and rushed to close them. They picked up the weapons of their dead comrades and launched an impact on them.

Ling Cao was riding a horse, so he had to arrive at the gate a step earlier than the others. With a long gun in one hand, he climbed the ladder with the soldiers in one hand. At this time, the garrison soldiers at the pass were busy fighting with the Dongwu army who had already rushed to the pass, so ling Cao and his soldiers climbed up the pass smoothly.

As soon as he got to the pass, Ling Cao immediately noticed Yu Jian, who was killing the soldiers of the eastern Wu Dynasty. Seeing Yu Jian waving his sabre, he was very skillful. Ling Cao immediately burst out a strong sense of war in his eyes. He raised his long gun and drank a lot. Then he attacked Yu Jin.

As soon as Yu Jin killed a soldier who was trying to attack him, he heard a roar like thunder. When he turned his head, he saw that a general in excellent armor was rushing towards him with a long gun. Just by looking at the momentum of the other side, Yu Jin knew that the other side was definitely different from other ordinary soldiers. However, he did not expect that he would be the general of the other side for a moment. After all, it is a traditional practice for the general to command in the rear in the Siege war.

Although he didn't know that the other side was a great general, Yu Jin didn't mean to despise the other side at all. He set up a big knife and faced the long spear of the other side. The point of the spear directly stabbed the blade of the broadsword. The two men tried hard at the same time, but they were not sure whether to win or lose. Finally, both of them could not help but retreat three steps backward.

Both of them looked at each other with a dignified face. Just after the contact, they both knew that the other side was not inferior to their own masters. And the soldiers around also consciously made room for their generals and continued to fight each other.

"I am Prime Minister Cao of the Northern Wei Dynasty. General Huwei is in charge of it." As a respect for his opponents at the same level, Yu Jin consciously gave his name. The title of general Huwei was granted to Yujin by Cao Cao last year. It was just a miscellaneous general, and did not represent any other substantive role. However, for the generals of this era, this honor is enough to make them swear their loyalty to their Lord.

Since the other party has given his name, Ling Cao is not willing to be outdone. He shouts out loud: "I am Ling Cao, the former commander of the new Jiangdong army and the prefect of Chengdu Prefecture in Dongwu." Chengdu prefect is Ling Cao's present official position. Although he has raised many ranks than before, he is not as proud as the former leader of the Dragon general camp.

Yu Jin's eyes narrowed. Of course, he had heard of Ling Cao's name. The Dragon general camp of Jiangdong new army was so powerful that the people who could become the leader of the Dragon general camp would naturally let the spies of the Northern Wei dynasty focus on the investigation. Ling Cao is a key figure in the intelligence given to Cao's generals by spies. Knowing that the other side is Ling Cao, Yu Jin's heart can not help but realize that the Dongwu army's seemingly crazy but decisive tactics suddenly dawned on him. Yu Jin has no regrets for losing to Ling Cao tactically.

After knowing Ling Cao's identity, Yu Jin didn't have any fear. Instead, he was just like Ling Cao, and his heart was ablaze with flames of war. When he picked up the sword, he cut it at Ling Cao's side. Ling Cao was not in a hurry at this time. A long spear was in his hand like a dragon. He removed Yu's sword one after another, and occasionally launched several counterattacks.

In terms of martial arts, Ling Cao, who had a war with Xia Houdun in those years, had a slight advantage. After all, Yu Jin's ability to become a general of the Northern Wei Dynasty did not depend on his martial arts, but on his excellent ability to control the army. However, Ling Cao wants to beat Yu Jin, and he can't do it for a while. So ling Cao simply turns to the defensive, that is, he wants to lure Yu Jin to attack himself, and then he can find the flaw and defeat Yu Jin as soon as possible.

However, it is not so easy to tempt Yu Jin to attack. Among the four foreign generals who followed Cao Cao in his early years, Dian Wei was good at defense, and he was good at attacking. Li Dian had more wisdom, but Yu Jin was calm. It is precisely because of this that Cao Cao dared to hand over such an important place in Qishan to Yu Jin and Li Dian, which was full trust in their abilities.

Therefore, although Ling Cao kept showing his flaws and luring Yu Jin to attack, Yu Jin turned a blind eye to it. If you don't attack, I won't attack, and we'll spend our time here. Since Yu Jin took the initiative to attack the first few knives, he also began to take back the big sword and put on a defensive posture, but Ling Cao was very angry.Since the small abacus did not succeed, Ling Cao simply gave up those little nines and launched an attack on Yu ban, one shot after another, and one shot was more fierce than the other. At this time, Yu Jian finally knew Ling Cao's shooting skill, which even Xia Houdun often praised. Every time he shot the next shot, he consumed a lot of physical strength. After receiving more than 20 guns from Ling Cao, Yu Jin retreated 20 steps in a row. After another step back, Yu Jin was close to the wall on the other side of the pass.

Yu Jin, who was panting for breath, watched Ling Cao attack again with his gun. Suddenly, a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He leaned aside to get rid of Ling Cao's gun and cried out: "kill me!"

Ling Cao realized that he was unwittingly led to the central area of the Cao army, surrounded by covetous Cao soldiers. However, this does not mean that Ling Cao will stand still. Seeing that he is surrounded, Ling Cao quickly steps back to the back, and the long gun in his hand starts to keep moving towards the surrounding points.

It was not easy to lead Ling Cao here. How could Cao's soldiers let Ling Cao run away? They raised their weapons and killed Ling Cao.

Aware of each other's killing intention, Ling Cao immediately felt the pressure around a lot. However, Ling Cao had been fighting for a long time, not to mention that when he was in Jiangdong new army, he had been fighting all year round. Even when he came to Chengdu later, Ling Cao was not idle. He often went out to fight against the southern barbarians with Dong attack in Bajun. This kind of situation was not unheard of. At that time, his body was short and attached to the ground. With his left foot as the axis, he made a circle around the body with his spear in his hand. The Cao soldiers who just wanted to kill Ling Cao were swept in the legs and fell into a circle.

However, this does not mean that Ling Cao is in danger of breaking away. What Yu Jin is watching and waiting for is at this time, when Ling Cao's old strength is not exhausted and his new strength is not born, Yu Jin jumps up suddenly, and the big knife in his hand sees the top of Ling Cao's head and cuts it down.

Ling Cao has been careful to pay attention to this side of the Yu ban, but did not expect that Yu ban can see so accurately, picked such a good opportunity to attack. Ling Cao raised his head and looked at Yu Jin who was fighting in mid air. However, his body could not make any defensive or evasive actions in time. He cried out in his heart, "my life is over!"

"General, be careful!" It was just when the forbidden broadsword was about to be cut down to Ling Cao, a long gun suddenly pierced out of the side, and it was just on the blade surface of Yu Ban's broadsword, which tilted Yu's dagger and landed on Ling Cao's side, dangerously close to Ling Cao's wrist.

Ling Cao will not miss this opportunity. He kicks Yujin away. He stands up immediately and looks at the owner of the spear who saved his life. He saw a man standing by Ling Cao's side with a long gun in his hand, helping Ling Cao repel the Cao soldiers who came up around him. Isn't he the adjutant who was reprimanded by Ling Cao many times before?

"General! Are you all right? " The deputy general asked as he looked at killing the enemy.

Lingcao is just a Leng, then returned to normal, said to the lieutenant general: "I'm ok!" Then he looked at Yu Jin, who had already stood up.

A trap arranged by Yu Jin, who only hoped to kill Ling Cao at one fell swoop, and the Dongwu army, which had damaged the general, would also be defeated. However, he did not expect that the final success would fall short. How could Yu Jin not be disappointed. On the left and right, although the morale of Cao's soldiers was not bad, the morale of the other Dongwu army was like a rainbow, and its number was far more than that of the garrison. In particular, Ling Cao took the lead in promoting the morale of the whole Dongwu army, and the Cao army's soldiers were constantly defeated. There was no doubt that the battle was lost.

Yu Jin's face turned blue and white. At last, he gave a long sigh. He took a look at Ling Cao, who was fighting. He turned his head and said to his soldiers: "order, the whole army retreat! Back to San Guan! "

"Here it is After a while, the whole Cao army began to retreat slowly under the military order. Before leaving, Yu Jian did not forget to set fire to the grain and grass stored in the xiegu pass, and could not give it to the Dongwu army at a low price.

Ling Cao, who had already won the victory, did not order the pursuit of Yu ban. Although Cao's army was defeated, they did not have much confusion when they retreated. They were indeed well-trained. At this time, if you want to pursue, you can't take advantage of it. It's better to put out the fire inside the pass. How much food and grass can be saved.