Chencang mountain is the closest to Sanguan and the farthest from Dingjun mountain. Therefore, by the time Dong attacked and led his troops to arrive, Li Dian had already set up a defense line on Chencang mountain.

Dong attack is different from Ling Cao. Ling Cao becomes so cold when fighting, but Dong attack is natural. When he was in the Jiangdong new army, Chen Ren appointed him as the assessor, which was exactly his personality. In the face of Chen Cangshan's intact defense line, Dong attack didn't say much. He just took up his sword and rushed to chencangshan.

The 100000 troops that followed Dong's attack this time were basically men and horses brought by Dong's attack from Bajun. They are very familiar with Dong's fighting style. When he saw Dong attack, they all rushed to Chen Cangshan.

Standing on the top of Chencang mountain, Li Dian looks at the Dongwu army who has begun to attack the mountain. A chill flashes in his eyes and makes a gesture to the herald around him. The herald immediately ran to the drum on the other side and conveyed Li Dian's orders to the sergeant who beat the drum, and the sergeant began to beat the drum regularly.

With the slow sound of war drums, the Cao troops on both sides of the entrance of chencangshan mountain road began to intercept the Dongwu army. Although there were only a few thousand people, the chencangshan mountain road was narrow, and Cao soldiers were hiding on the stone platforms on both sides of the mountain road. The Dongwu Army could not rush to those Cao troops and surrounded them. They had to shoot at each other with bows and arrows.

However, unlike the Dongwu army on the mountain road, the Cao soldiers were surrounded by bushes and trees to cover, while the Dongwu soldiers were completely exposed to each other's arrows, so the Dongwu army still suffered from such a confrontation. Moreover, although the Dongwu army had an advantage in the number of people, the mountain road was so wide that only a few hundred people could go up at one time. Under the intensive attacks on both sides, the Dongwu army was immediately stuck at the entrance.

Dong Xi is not Lu Bu. Although the arrows shot by Cao soldiers on both sides can not hurt him, he can not rush to the top of the mountain alone. Only when he went down the mountain again, he looked at the Cao soldiers on both sides and said coldly, "Archer! Rocket! Burn the mountain

Dong's orders were simple and clear, and the Dongwu army immediately followed Dong's orders. Rockets were neatly placed on the longbow and fired at Cao Jun on both sides of the mountain pass. According to the range of fire, the Cao army at shandaokou could not shoot that far from the top to the bottom, let alone the Dongwu army at the foot of the mountain. However, the purpose of Dong attack was not to shoot the Cao troops, but to light the bushes on both sides of the mountain pass. Although it was spring, the air humidity was high, but it could not withstand the continuous burning of rockets. In an instant, the mountain pass was full of fire, and the fire spread quickly, and soon it had burned to the feet of those Cao troops.

"Stop!" Li Dian nodded. He never expected to be able to rely on the layout of those mountain passes to block the attack of the other side. It was good to consume a little soldiers of the other side. The herald also gave instructions in time according to Li Dian's order. In a short time, a long interval of gold Ming was heard on the top of the mountain.

Although Dong's counterattack succeeded in driving away the Cao troops who were lurking in the mountain pass, because of the fire, Dong attack had to wait until the fire on these mountain passes was extinguished before he started to attack.

Probably because of the spring, the fire did not burn for long, and soon stopped spreading. After all, the shandaokou had just passed the fire, and the air there was very cloudy and the temperature was very high, which was not conducive to the attack. When the heat wave had almost dissipated, Dong attack ordered the army to attack Chen Cangshan again, but this time he did not lead his troops up the mountain. It's not because of fear, but because from the first round of contact, Dong Cheng realized that the commander of the other party was definitely not a simple person. Dong might as well stay down the mountain to make timely response.

In accordance with the previous arrangements of Dong's attack, the Dongwu army did not rush forward like the previous one. Instead, it was divided into three groups. The first and second groups attacked in turn, and the third group remained behind.

Li Dian on the top of the mountain looks a little surprised when he sees Dong's arrangement. Judging from the attack just now, Li Dian thought that the other side was an impulsive and reckless general, but the arrangement of this attack was obviously much more prudent and steady. It seems that the other side is not an easy role to deal with! Li Dian can't help feeling. Suddenly his face turned white. He bent down and coughed violently. The soldiers around him immediately rushed to Li Dian to wait on him.

Li Dian bent down and coughed, while waving his hand to the sergeant, the other hand tightly covered his mouth. After a while, Li Dian stopped coughing and slowly stood up straight. Her face was slightly better.

"General? what's happening? Do you want to call the military medical officer? " The deputy general asked with concern.

Li Dian shook her head with a smile and said, "it's OK, but I was infected with cold wind some time ago! okay! The Dongwu army has already attacked the mountain road. Get ready. Let's give these Dongwu troops a bit of hardship! "

"Here it is Seeing that Li Dian was all right, the officers and men were relieved. Especially when they heard Li Dian's last words, they were all excited to death, and they were all ready to go according to Li Dian's words.

Taking advantage of all the people left, Li Dian secretly put his hand which had just covered his mouth in front of him, and glanced at the bright red of his palm, which revealed a trace of pain in his eyes. But then he wiped it on his palm with the inside of his cloak behind him. Then he looked at the Dongwu army on the mountain road and made a secret decision in his heart: "if the Dongwu army wants to capture Chen Cangshan, then cross over the corpse of Li Dian!"The Dongwu army's attack on chencangshan was very smooth. Cao's army on the top of the mountain did not make any counterattack. However, the Dongwu army marched steadily step by step in strict accordance with the arrangement of Dong's attack.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a little doubt in Dong's eyes. Is Cao Jun poor? impossible! This Cao army has been preparing in chencangshan for a long time, but it is impossible to do so with just a little means. A strong uneasiness suddenly welled up in Dong attack's heart, and immediately said to the soldiers around him, "order! The whole army stops moving! Defense in place! Five hundred men out to continue the attack! "

Dong's order was also quickly conveyed to the Dongwu army on the mountain. Although it was not known why the Dong attack made such a decision, the Dongwu army did so in strict accordance with the arrangement of Dong attack. The Dongwu army, which had been pounding up the mountain, suddenly stopped on the hillside. Only the first group of Dongwu troops separated 500 men and made exploratory progress upward.

Li Dian on the top of the mountain saw that the Dongwu army had made such a change, and his face immediately showed a look of admiration: "how cautious! I didn't expect that there was such a general in Dongwu, surnamed Dong? Is it the Dong attack of the new Jiangdong army? No wonder! But it's too late to stop now Li Dian just from the Dongwu army flag, he can judge the identity of Dong attack, but without any worry, he makes a gesture to the herald behind him again.

Then there was another burst of drums from the top of the mountain, but this time it was a little more intensive. Dong Xi at the foot of the mountain stood up as soon as he heard the drums. Just after a battle drum sound, the Dongwu army was ambushed by the other side. What does the drum sound mean this time? Three times the sound of the war drum stopped suddenly. For a time, the whole Chencang mountain was in a strange silence, only the sound of the wind blowing banners.

"Kill!" Suddenly there was a burst of shouts, and countless Cao troops sprang out from both sides of the mountain road. This time, it was not an attack with bows and arrows, but directly killed the Dongwu army with a knife and a gun.

When Dong Cheng saw this, he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was even more puzzled. The Cao army, which was ambushed on the hillside, looked like thousands of men and horses, and survived to death no more than 10000. On the other hand, there are 50000 soldiers on the mountain. Even if it is a surprise attack, these thousands of people can not pose any threat to the Dongwu army?

Dong Cheng's estimation was correct. Although Cao's army suddenly appeared, the Dongwu army was only a little surprised at the beginning, and was killed by Cao's army and retreated. However, when the Dongwu army gathered in the middle of the mountain road, Cao's army could not continue to attack and kill the Dongwu army because of the dense relationship. At this time, the Dongwu army began to fight back against the Cao army, and the Dongwu army and the Cao Army started fighting on the mountain road. Just like Dong's attack, the thousands of Cao soldiers were about to be wiped out by the soldiers of the Dongwu army in a flash. Although the surprise attack took a loss of two or three thousand people to the Dongwu army, the loss was nothing at all for the 50000 strong Dongwu army.

However, since Dong attack can think of it, Li Dian can't be unaware. On the top of the mountain, Li Dian looks ferociously at the fallen Cao soldiers on the mountain road, and says to the soldiers behind him: "start! Don't let those brothers die in vain

As soon as Li Dian's voice dropped, he saw that the top of the mountain suddenly lit up and the fire suddenly appeared. On the entrance of the mountain pass, there were logs burning. Then, those Cao soldiers who stood behind the log gave it a kick. The burning logs rolled down the mountain road from the top of the mountain.

At the sight of Dong Cheng at the foot of the mountain, his face suddenly changed. He finally understood why Li Dian let the Dongwu army attack the mountainside so easily! I also understand why Li Dian sent thousands of people to attack 50000 people in Dongwu! What Li Dian has done before is just for this attack!

The purpose of not obstructing the Dongwu army is to make it climb the mountain as much as possible, and it will not be easy to escape if it climbs halfway up the mountain. The purpose of sending thousands of people to attack the Dongwu army is not to kill the enemy, but to drive the army to the mountain road, so that the Dongwu army can gather together more intensively!