Although he had guessed Li Dian's plot, Dong attack had no way to deal with it. First of all, he couldn't give orders to the Dongwu troops who were still fighting at the foot of the mountain. Secondly, even if Dong attacks on the mountainside, there is no solution to such attacks. Now the Dongwu army has been forced together by the thousands of Cao soldiers. Although the burning logs rolled down the mountain road, they attacked the mountain road and both sides of the mountain road. Even if the Dongwu army starts to dodge now, it is very difficult for the Dongwu army to avoid the attack of these logs. Dong attack could only watch the Dongwu army attacked by these burning logs at the foot of the mountain. The only thing he could do was to ask the herald to call gold and let those Dongwu troops withdraw from Chencang mountain as soon as possible.

And those Cao Jun, who had not been left much, had a resolute look in their eyes. They are all the dead men carefully selected by Li Dian. Although they are doomed to die here this time, Li Dian has arranged the future for them, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the family. So even though they knew that they were about to die, they still firmly fought against the Dongwu army, that is, they would not have time to find a place to hide.

When the Dongwu army finally solved these difficult Cao soldiers, the logs rolled in front of them. For a moment, the screams of Chen Cang mountain were heard all the time. However, Dong attack could not send troops to help. In the face of these heavy logs surrounded by fire, no matter how many people went up there, they could not cope with it.

Finally, when the log attacks ended, a fire broke out on the hillside. Some soldiers who escaped the log attack were trapped in the fire and burned into black charcoal. Dong's face was blue, and the smell of burnt meat from the mountains floated in the air. How can Dong Cheng accept such a result? Dong Cheng, who has always been calm, almost can't help but rush up the mountain with the remaining 50000 people. However, looking at the big fire on Chencang mountain, Dong attack finally forced himself to calm down. This is not the time to be impulsive.

It can be said that with very little sacrifice, Li Dian solved the problem of Dong's attack of 50000 people, only about a few hundred people escaped from the heaven. In this way, Li Dian has more and more hope to keep Chen Cangshan. If Dong attack rushes forward now, even if there is no burning fire, Li Dian can undoubtedly defeat Dong attack's Dongwu army by relying on the normal defense of the garrison.

Finally, he closed his eyes! pitch camp! Ask for help from the back

On the top of the mountain, Li Dian looked at the retreat of the Dongwu army at the foot of the mountain. He was also very relieved, but his mood was completely different from that of Dong Cheng. Li Dian immediately said to the soldiers behind him: "after the fire is extinguished, go to clean up the bodies of those brothers on the hillside and bury them deeply."

"Here it is At the same time, the soldiers clasped their fists to Li Dian, with a trace of gratitude in their voices. People always hope to be safe in the land, and no one hopes that their bodies will be destroyed in the wilderness after their death. Seeing that Li Dian can treat his comrades in arms in this way, the soldiers naturally respect Li Dian more and more.

However, Li Dian was not so easy to think about anything else. He looked at the retreating Dongwu army. This time, although he temporarily repelled the Soochow army, he believed that the other side would surely come back soon. What's more, the next time there will be two or three times as many people. Today, Li Dian's moves can only be used once. The other party can't be cheated again. At that time, Li Dian will not have the confidence to be able to resist several times the attack of the other party.

What's more, Li Dian is most worried about whether the other two places can prevent the attack of the Dongwu army. According to the truth, the three places belong to this Chencang mountain, which is the most difficult to defend. Xiegu pass has a dangerous pass and relies on the wall. Although there is no natural danger in xiegu, Dian Wei is a fierce general of the three armies, and his men and horses are twice as much as Li Dian.

However, Li Dian still doubts whether these two places can be held. Although Yu Jian is calm, he is still stuck in the form of tactics and lacks of change. If there are some sudden changes in the battlefield, Yujin will not be able to make the right response. Although Dianwei is brave enough to be the third army, if he meets a general who is more powerful than him, or several generals sent by Soochow will hold him down. There was no general to command and no wall to rely on. I was afraid that the number of the enemy was several times that of his own Dongwu army.

Li Dian especially missed lejin, who died in Bingzhou at that time. He was brave and not impulsive. Although lejin's martial arts may not be as powerful as Dian Wei's, lejin is especially good at judging the situation. If he is there, Li Dian will be more sure to guard Qishan.

All of a sudden, Li Dian's face turned white. Suddenly, he spurted forward, but a mouthful of blood came out. At the sight of Li Dian's side, the soldiers were all in a panic. They quickly helped Li Dian, who fell backward, and kept calling: "General Li! General Lee! Medical officer! Where is the medical officer? "

"Cough!" With a mouthful of blood, Li Dian's face became more pale. He raised his head and said, "it seems that I can't continue to stay here. Let's go back to Sanguan for the time being! Remember, we have to secretly retreat from the back mountain, and put banners on the Chencang mountain, leaving more than a hundred people to light their cooking cigarettes on time every day! When the Dongwu army attacks the mountain again, let these soldiers evacuate from the back mountain as soon as possible! " Li Dian knew that his body could not hold up, so he quickly told the sergeant how to deal with it."Here it is Several soldiers immediately clasped their fists and went according to Li Dian's instructions. Li Dian looked at the blue sky with pain on his face and cried out: "my Lord! Li Dian has failed to defend Chen Cangshan. Li Dian is guilty After calling out this sentence, Li Dian's head tilted, and she fainted, and the soldiers around her were in a hurry.

Dong Cheng, who had just left at the foot of the mountain, didn't know. After he had gone for a long time, so many things happened. Instead, they set up camp ten miles away from Chencang mountain, and promptly reported to Zhao Yun in the rear for help.

At this time, Zhao Yun had already received LV Meng's letter for help. When he learned that Dianwei had arrived at xiegu, Zhao Yun immediately took the army to the camp of the Dongwu army outside the xiegu. As soon as he arrived at the camp, Zhao Yun got off his horse and went to see LV Meng in his camp.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that LV Meng was reading a Book of war. Zhao Yun immediately said with a smile, "Ziming, when did you become so serious? Even if I'm injured, I'm still working hard! "

As soon as LV Meng saw that Zhao Yun was coming, he was about to stand up and see the ceremony. Zhao Yun quickly walked a few steps and stopped Lu Meng. When they sat down, Lu Meng grabbed his head with embarrassment and said with a smile: "when I was in the new army, Dadu governor urged me to study hard every day. At first, I didn't want to read. Later, I became used to it. Now I don't read books for a day, it seems that there is something missing!"

"Wei Liao Zi?" Zhao Yun glanced at the title of the book that LV Meng read. "This is a good book!"

Lu Meng also nodded and said, "it's a good book. There are a lot of things in it that are worth learning. Since I started to read carefully, I realized that fighting a war is not as simple as rushing forward with a knife. It contains a lot of knowledge. As it is said in this book, "all soldiers are conquered by Tao, by prestige and by strength." It turns out that I used to rush forward and fight like that, but I fell behind the bottom "Lisheng."

Zhao Yun looked at LV Meng with appreciation and said, "Ziming, if you can study so hard, you will surely become a general in the future."

Lu Meng suddenly said with a wry smile, "brother Zilong, don't make fun of me. If I really have such skills, I won't be hurt one after another. In the end, I will come to you for help

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Zhao Yun patted LV Meng on the shoulder and comforted him: "Ziming! My younger martial brother once said that everyone has his talent, and your talent should be at the back of the army and be at your command. After all, there is only one dragon general in the world. There are only a few who can command and attack like my younger martial brother! "

LV Meng's character is just like a Maha. After Zhao Yun's consolation, LV Meng immediately regained his original hilarious attitude and said to Zhao Yun, "in this case, brother Zilong, tomorrow depends on your ability to attack the enemy! Dianwei is one of the four generals of Chang'an. He is very good at it. "

Speaking of Dianwei, Zhao Yun suddenly exuded a strong sense of war, his face showed incomparable confidence, Zhao Yun's mouth slightly tilted, said to LV Meng: "don't worry! In this world, except for Shifu and Zici, I am confident that I will not lose to anyone! "

After a night's rest, as soon as the sun rose in the morning of the next day, I heard the drum beating again in the barracks of Dongwu. Zhao Yun and LV Meng, on horseback and with the army, came out of the camp again and came to the mouth of the valley.

At this time, Dianwei also dressed neatly, and drove out of the valley with his Cao army. As soon as he saw LV Meng, Dian Wei said contemptuously, "my defeated general! Even dare to fight! "

Although LV Meng has become more mature and steady in recent years, his hot temper recurred immediately after Dianwei's sarcasm. He glared at Dianwei and scolded him: "I was not well the day before yesterday, so I was given the opportunity to take advantage of it! Today, I came out with injuries! I'll cut you under the horse

"Hum!" Dianwei was very disdainful to say: "depend on you? It's not enough to warm up your grandfather! Let's go back and Practice for a few more years! If you want to go to the valley of your grandfather Dian, go and call Chen Ren, the Dragon general He waved his hand, as if to drive away LV Meng as a fly, but his face turned green.