This was a one-sided massacre. Cao's army, which had no intention of fighting, was caught up by the cavalry from behind, and all of them died under the cavalry's long spears. These cavalry were all light cavalry trained by Zhao Yun in Hanzhong, and their speed was not much slower than that of thunderstorms trained by Zhao Yun in Jiangdong new army. Such a light horse can't be more suitable for chasing and killing. It's like a real hurricane blowing, and the Cao soldiers who fall behind are scattered. Even if a small number of Cao soldiers escaped the pursuit, but then they had to face the slaughter of those Soochow infantry behind them. In a flash, they were swallowed up the remaining Cao army.

Dianwei looked back and knew that it was no way to go on like this. Even if ordered, the last 10000 soldiers were left to resist, providing time for the front brigade to escape smoothly. The ten thousand soldiers who were left behind were pale and knew that this was to let them do cannon fodder. Although they were reluctant, they did not dare to disobey the general's order. Before joining the army, all the families of these soldiers were registered. If they did not obey the command of the commander on the battlefield, they would be disobeying the military orders and would be subject to the military law. Although they can hide and not go back, or simply surrender to Soochow, their families left behind will suffer. It's better to have a final fight, at least the wife and children in the family can get a pension.

As soon as Zhao Yun and LV Meng looked at it, they knew that it was impossible to pursue Dianwei. Instead, they ordered to postpone the pursuit and eliminate the 10000 people in front of them. In this way, xiegu has also been captured. In addition, with the victory of xiegu pass, which was reported by the good news some time ago, two strongholds of this attack on Qishan have also been captured, leaving Chen Cangshan, who is in charge of Dong's attack.

Just when Zhao Yun and LV Meng just remembered Chen Cangshan, a sergeant rode a fast horse to catch up with him. While driving the horse, he also called to Zhao Yun and LV Meng: "general! general! Chen Cangshan's urgent report

Seeing that sergeant's anxious look on his face, Zhao Yun and LV Meng couldn't help sinking. It seems that it's not good news! When the sergeant ran to Zhao Yun and LV Meng, he turned over and dismounted and handed the intelligence to Zhao Yun. As soon as Zhao Yun opened the information, he immediately turned to LV Meng and said, "Ziming! You take 70000 people to help the Yuan Dynasty! Be careful. Chen Cangshan's guard will not be a simple man! " Then he handed the information to LV Meng.

Seeing that Zhao Yun said it seriously, LV Meng was busy taking over the information and frowned. He didn't expect Dong attack to be so defeated. It seems that as Zhao Yun said, Cao, who guards chencangshan, will not be a simple character! Immediately, LV Meng put away the information, gave Zhao Yun a fist, and said, "here Friendship means friendship. Now the relationship between the two is between the superior and the subordinate, and the rules in the army should be observed.

Zhao Yun nodded, and suddenly said with a smile, "you were deliberately messing around before the battle! Is it to disturb Dianwei's mind? It seems that I can't look down on you

When Zhao Yun broke his little abacus, LV Meng grabbed the back of his head in embarrassment. He laughed, and then gave Zhao Yun a fist and said, "brother Zilong, the military situation is urgent. I'm going to help Yuan Dynasty! I'll see you at the end of the day After that, LV Meng turned to leave, called out seven teams of ten thousand people, and began to move towards the western chencangshan.

"Good! See you at San Guan Zhao Yun also clasped his fist to see Lu Meng off and turned his head. The ten thousand Cao troops left behind in the hall had been wiped out by the Dongwu army, and the battle in xiegu was completely ended.

On the other side of the Central Plains, Jianye City, the chamber of Wu Wangfu.

Sun Jian used to be on the throne all the time, but now sitting on the throne is a new generation of King Wu, sun CE. Nowadays, sun CE is no longer a fool who wanted to compete with Chen Ren. With the increase of his age and the war in other places a few years ago, his original cream face has become a healthy bronze color, and the lines on his face have become angular. Like Sun Jian at that time, he had two thick and neat whiskers on his mouth, which made him look more mature and steady. Sun CE's bright eyes, in particular, were smaller than before. But the cold light from those eyes made no one dare to underestimate the new king of Wu.

Sitting on Sun CE's left side is still Chen Ren, the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty. However, it is obvious that Chen Ren's position has moved a lot forward than before, and is almost equal to sun CE's. As Chen Ren's student and Sun Jian's instructions to him, sun CE naturally shows his respect for Chen Ren. Chen Ren's official position in the eastern Wu was already the highest. So sun CE, as king of Wu, granted Chen Ren a marquis as king of Wu. This was also the first Marquis and Marquis position since the founding of the eastern Wu. After the imperial edict, everyone knew Chen Ren's position in the eyes of the new king of Wu. For a while, the threshold of Chen's residence was broken down again.

However, the people sitting at the bottom are clear about their civil and military skills, and they do well on the left and right sides. Except for the generals who are fighting in the field, it can be said that all the important officials and officials in Jianye city have been present.

Sun CE summoned all the people to come here, which was the first meeting of sun CE after he ascended the throne. Naturally, the purpose was to discuss the issue of marching into the Northern Wei Dynasty. The murderer behind the "change of the sun and Wu" had also been thoroughly investigated by the snake department. As expected by Chen Ren before, this incident was just what Jia Xu, a military adviser close to Cao Cao in the Northern Wei Dynasty, did.Jia Xu began to organize intelligence organizations around Cao Cao as early as early as early as Chuping, and named it secret gate. By the time of Zhongping year, the secret gate had trained many excellent works for the Northern Wei Dynasty, and had sent them to all parts of the eastern Wu. The first detailed work of the snake department was Wei Jie, who was highly expected by Cheng Yu, who was also the general leader in the secret gate of the eastern Wu Dynasty. Since Cheng Yu pried open Wei Jie's mouth and successfully obtained the intelligence, Cheng Yu immediately dispatched a large number of snake department personnel to assassinate, kidnap and arrest them, and arrested all the details of these hidden doors in the eastern Wu Dynasty.

However, since it is found out that the person behind the "change of Sun Wu" was the Northern Wei Dynasty, sun CE naturally would not forget about it. Before that, there were sneak attacks on Xuzhou and LV Meng, and the Jingzhou Legion was almost wiped out in Hangu pass. Even though sun CE issued the order to start a war in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Chen Ren, who brought the Dragon general camp back to Jianye, and a cadre of think tanks in the eastern Wu Dynasty, offered timely plans for sun CE.

In view of the fact that Cao Cao had become a popular figure in the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was unrealistic to defeat the other party at one stroke. Therefore, Chen Ren proposed to sun ce that harassment should be given priority to and attacks should be made in various ways, which was to take advantage of the superiority of the army of the eastern Wu Dynasty. Pang Tong and Guo Jia also proposed to attack Qi Mountain and capture the natural barrier.

Just the day before yesterday, the army led by Zhao Yun, LV Meng, Ling Cao and Dong attack successfully captured three key points in the Qishan mountains. Now they are on the verge of dispersing their troops, and Qishan is no longer a barrier for the Hanzhong army to attack Chang'an. After getting such a good news, sun CE was overjoyed and immediately discussed with Chen Ren and others for one night, but there was no practical plan. So sun CE summoned Jianye officials to discuss how to attack next.

Sun CE briefly explained the situation. Tai Shici immediately clasped his fist and said, "my Lord! Is this still negotiable? Since Qishan has been broken! We can send a large army from Qishan to Chang'an now! Just catch the old boy of Cao Cao! "

"Not right!" Zhou Yu, who had just been promoted to the rank of commander of the Dongwu army, was against Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was a member of the Dongwu think tank. No one had ever put forward this proposal among the wise men in the think tank. Now Tai Shici put forward this proposal. Zhou Yu immediately objected: "although the barrier in Qishan has been taken down, Cao Cao must have paid more attention to this point than us We will send heavy troops from all over the north to guard the road from Qishan to Chang'an. If we send troops from Qishan to attack, it will certainly become a hard fight with Cao's army. In this way, it will become a tug of war. Although in the end, the victory of Soochow is in the majority, but the loss will also be great. "

When Zhou Yu had just finished speaking, Xun Yu nodded and said, "good! Our war with the Northern Wei Dynasty is to wipe out the Northern Wei Dynasty completely, occupy the northern land and unify the whole country! Instead of just fighting with Cao Cao for Chang'an City, even if we succeed in seizing Chang'an city at that time? Cao Cao could have escaped with the Han Emperor before we captured Chang'an. At that time, we would only get a city of Chang'an with all our troops and financial resources! "

Taishi Ci's old face is red. In fact, he only proposed this proposal on the spur of the moment. If he wants to fight according to his suggestion, he must go to battle according to his suggestion. Originally, Tai Shici didn't have any confidence in whether his proposal could be passed, so even if it was refuted immediately, Tai Shici didn't have any unhappy appearance, but just grinned.

How can Xiaojiu in taishici's heart be concealed from Chen Ren? Chen Ren just looks at Tai Shici with a smile, but he doesn't express much opinion. Now his identity is different after all. He is the head of the group of Ministers worthy of the name. His opinions can be said to be the determined plan. Therefore, Chen Ren is always the second from the bottom to express his opinions in the discussion of think tanks or in such formal meetings. As for the last one to give his opinion, it is naturally sun CE, the leader of the eastern Wu Dynasty.