After Xun Yu and Zhou Yu rejected Tai Shici's opinion, FA Zheng bowed his head and thought for a while. Suddenly, he bowed his hand to sun CE and said, "Lord! The governor of Dadu also mentioned that he should use the advantage of Dongwu army to harass the Northern Wei Dynasty. My subordinates think that now is the best time to carry out harassment tactics! The capture of Qi Mountain by General Zhao Yun this time will undoubtedly make Cao Cao panic. As Wen Ruo and Gong Jin said, they will send people from all over the north to Chang'an. In this way, will not the rest of the Northern Wei Dynasty be much less? "

Xu Shu, who was by Fazheng's side, suddenly said with a smile: "I understand the meaning of Xiaozhi. Do you mean to send troops to attack after the garrison in other parts of the Northern Wei Dynasty has been mobilized? Do you want to make a fuss

FA Zheng nodded with a smile, but Zhuge Liang, sitting on the other side of Xu Shu, shook his head, frowned and said, "although filial piety is wonderful, it's not good enough. At present, only Chang'an, Yanzhou and Jizhou are the places where our army can go out. In addition to these three states, Cao Cao also has Youzhou, Bingzhou and Liangzhou. If Cao Cao wanted to send troops to resist the army coming from Qishan, he could send troops from these three states without using Yanzhou and Jizhou troops! Besides, these two states are also very close to Cao Cao. If the three states that Cao Cao used to transfer troops can not be resisted, it means that our army has sent most of its forces from Qishan, and it will not be too late to transfer troops from Yanzhou and Jizhou by then. "

After listening to Zhuge Liang's analysis, the smile on Fazheng's face began to dissipate. After careful consideration, Cao Cao was likely to act as Zhuge Liang said. Two proposals were overturned one after another, but there was no one to offer any advice. There was silence in the chamber.

Seeing that no one was talking, sun CE frowned a little. Just as he wanted to turn his head and turn to Chen Ren for help, he saw Chen Yiyi smiling and winking at Sun CE. Sun CE looked down at Chen Ren's eyes, only to find that all the ministers were frowning, but there was a man with a relaxed face and a smile on his face. Sun CE couldn't help laughing, yes! How to forget him? This is a wise man no less than Chen Ren!

Sun CE said to the man with a smile, "Mr. fengxiao! I don't know if you have a plan? "

The person Chen Ren suggested to sun CE was no one else, it was Guo Jia. Guo Jia, who is nearly middle-aged, is still dressed like a dandy, but now she has been restrained a lot and doesn't go out looking for flowers and willows as often as before. This is also because Guo Jia, whose parents died 10 years ago, was arranged by her teacher to marry a wife. With a wife in charge of her, Guo Jia can't be as handsome as before. At most, when I was addicted to alcohol, I went to Chen Ren's house to rub wine.

Guo Jia, who was named by sun CE, still kept smiling and arched his hand at Sun CE and said, "my Lord! As a matter of fact, the governor of Dadu must have already had a good idea of his suggestion! Let the next member of the family throw a brick to attract jade! "

With that, he reached out to his arms and took out the wine pot that Sun Jian had licensed. However, he felt it empty. Then he remembered that his own wine pot had been confiscated by his wife for a long time. Looking at the joking eyes of several friends of Chen Ren and Xun, Guo Jia could not help but get his old face red. He coughed several times to cover up his embarrassment. Then he said, "in fact, the proposal put forward by Xiao Zhi is not a good plan, but the direction is correct, but it needs to be changed slightly."

After hearing Guo Jia's suggestion, Fazheng, who was somewhat depressed, could not help but stand up and stare at Guo Jia for fear of missing a word. Guo Jia said with a smile: "the governor of Dadu had already pointed out before. Next we should focus on harassment, that is to say, we don't care about the gain and loss of the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now the Qishan defense line has been broken, and the balance between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the eastern Wu Dynasty has been broken, which means that Cao Cao must rearrange the defense line. Just imagine, after Cao Cao had laid out a defense line in front of Chang'an City, we suddenly sent heavy troops to the Yanzhou border. What should Cao do? "

Hearing this, Xu Chu couldn't help but reply: "Cao Cao must be in a hurry to transfer the army from Yongzhou to Yanzhou to lay out the defense line!"

"Not bad!" Guo Jia slapped his hands and laughed: "if Cao Cao had worked hard to set up a defense line in Yanzhou, and we suddenly sent troops from Qingzhou to Jizhou, what would Cao Cao do?"

When Guo Jia said this, several smart people had already guessed it. Pang Tong laughed: "I'm afraid Cao Cao has to work hard to send Yanzhou's army to Xuzhou to defend again!"

"Yes! Ha ha ha Guo Jia also laughed, "compared with the Northern Wei Dynasty, our eastern Wu has such a great advantage, that is, its troops are widely distributed! There are hundreds of thousands of troops in Hanzhong, Chengdu and Bajun in Qishan, and Jiangdong new army and Yangzhou force in Yuzhou and Yangzhou! In Qingzhou, there are Xuzhou legions stationed there! Although the Northern Wei Dynasty successfully disabled the Jingzhou army last time, they also suffered a lot, and they were absolutely stretched out in terms of military strength! "

At this time, Xun you, who had never opened his mouth, also stroked and said with a smile: "in addition to the troops, we in Dongwu have a strong logistical advantage over the Northern Wei Dynasty. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a shortage of grain and grass. Although the grain and grass hoard in Runan was taken away last time, Qingzhou, a major grain producing area, was lost. When we repeated this, Cao Cao didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He had to be led by us to run back and forth. The food and grass consumed in it would make Cao Cao's head ache! "After the analysis of several top strategists, the advantages of this strategy have been made clear. Then, people discussed carefully how to send troops and how to distribute food and grass, gradually improving the plan. Chen Ren looked at Chen Ren from above. He coughed and said that he was going to speak. Immediately, the whole assembly hall was quiet, and everyone turned to stare at Chen Ren.

Chen Renxian held his fist to sun CE to show his respect for sun CE's identity. Where would sun CE receive Chen Ren's big gift, he immediately held his fist in return. Chen Ren then stood up and said, "the plan of filial piety coincides with mine. My subordinates think that harassment is only a means, but the real purpose is to defeat the Northern Wei Dynasty and achieve the great cause of the eastern Wu Kingdom! So we must make a real main attack direction! His subordinates suggested that garrisons could be mobilized from Jiangdong towns and quietly March to Yuzhou. When the time is right, they can cover their ears and replace the Jiangdong new army, and then let the new Jiangdong Army march from Hangu pass, and take advantage of Cao Cao's unprepared situation, and take Chang'an directly! "

"Good!" This time, several generals echoed in unison. Although there were some flattering elements, they sincerely agreed with Chen Ren's plan. As the generals of Soochow, they have been waiting for more than ten years. Now they finally have the chance to start fighting on the battlefield. How can we not excite these hot blooded men!

Chen Ren made a quiet gesture and continued: "Cao Cao is a treacherous man. It is estimated that even if we succeed in capturing Chang'an, we may not be able to catch him. But even so, it is bound to make the situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty in chaos. At that time, we will let Hanzhong, Yuzhou and Qingzhou go together! Completely annexing the Northern Wei Dynasty and completing the great cause of unifying the whole country

Chen Ren's words immediately won the house's applause, and even sun CE, who had always maintained his status as king of Wu, waved his fist excitedly. The husband is in the world, for the purpose of making contributions and making contributions, and will be famous in history in the future! Now that sun CE has inherited the great cause of the eastern Wu Dynasty, the only thing he wants is to complete the great cause of unifying the country that Sun Jian failed to accomplish.

"Wait!" After a burst of applause, a man suddenly made a voice and drank. They turned their heads and saw that it was Gan Ning, the commander of the Dongwu water army. Gan Ning has been expanding its territory overseas with the water army of the Soochow kingdom all these years. This time, it is rare for Gan Ning to return to the throne and attend sun CE's enthronement ceremony. Gan Ning just finished listening to Chen Ren's words, but when the excited head passed, he suddenly felt wrong and immediately called out.

Chen Yiyi looked but Gan Ning opened his mouth and asked with a smile, "xingba, do you have any questions?"

Gan Ning could not be polite to Chen Ren. He and Chen Renna were friendly friends and martial arts men. They didn't pay attention to etiquette as much as Xunzi and other literati. They just clasped fists at Sun CE and Chen Yiyi and said, "governor Dadu! According to your plan, is it not that there is nothing wrong with our water army? How can this work! How can I fight against Cao Cao

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" I had already guessed that Ganning would have some opinions. Now when I heard Gan Ning put forward it, Chen Ren couldn't help laughing. "Xingba, it's not that I don't help you. The Yangtze River Valley can't extend to Cao Cao's territory. I know that the strong water army is not that I don't want to use it, but I can't use it at all!"

"Well." Gan Ning was blocked back by Chen Ren's words. He didn't know how to answer it. Finally, he made a move that had not been used for many years, and threw it!

"I don't care! You are the governor of Soochow! You are in charge of both the army and the army of Dongwu. Your two bowls of water have to be balanced. You can't treat one with another! " With that, Gan Ning simply stepped out of the line and directly sat down on the corridor in the hall with both hands. "If you don't give me a way out, I'm going to sit here and not get up! My Lord! You can find someone else to be the commander of the Navy

The governor of the Dongwu water army stayed there like a child. Everyone could not help laughing. How can we say that Ganning was also the second leader of the Dongwu army, and now he is still using the usual tricks of being a water thief. Xunzi, Zhuge Liang and others had a little rest. They just covered their mouths and laughed secretly. Taishici and other generals laughed freely. However, Guo Jia and Pang Tong were the two guys who simply laughed on the ground. Guo Jia covered his belly and beat the ground with his little arm.