After listening to Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao was stunned at first, but then he looked up to the sky and laughed. He said to Jia Xu, "ha ha ha ha! Sir, you still look down on me! Mr. Zhang has known me for a long time. Do you still think that I, Cao mengde, are those people who seek fame and reputation? If you have any plan, sir, you can say it

When Jia Xu looked at Cao Cao's eyes, he immediately had some admiration. Although it was only for a moment, it was very rare for a veteran like Jia Xu. Jia Xu quickly saluted Cao Cao and said, "the Lord's bearing is really extraordinary! I admire you so much! "

After being helped up by Cao Cao, Jia Xu said with a smile: "but please come to me with your ear. This plan is too insidious. It can only be taken out of the mouth of the subordinate and into the ear of the Lord. It can't be noisy in the world! So, I'd like to invite a few aggrieved people to listen to me! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" People were also amused by Jia Xu's words, but they did not dare to neglect it. After all, people in this era still revere heaven and earth. Since Jia Xu has said so, it shows that Jia Xu's plot is indeed very insidious, but these people are not good people. After getting the permission of Cao Cao, they all came to Jia Xu one after another.

Jia Xu smiles and whispers in the ears of several people, and their faces turn blue and white. After a long time, Jia Xu finished. Everyone slowly drew back, and his face was not as relaxed as before. Looking at Jia Xu, there is also a trace of fear in his eyes, especially Sima Yi. After Sima Yi was used by Cao Cao, he realized that he was younger than Jia Xu. Sooner or later, he would replace Jia Xu. In addition, Jia Xu is usually very low-key, which makes Sima Yi despise. Now it seems that Jia Xu could even think of such a scheme, and Sima Yi had to look at Jia Xu differently. It is estimated that Sima Yi would not dare to be rude to Jia Xu in his lifetime.

Cao Cao frowned and bowed his head to ponder. Although he had just said that he did not care about prestige, he was now the ruler of the whole North, so he had to worry about it. Jia Xu and others were silent. Their duty was to provide advice to Cao Cao, but it was Cao Cao himself who made the final decision. The character of Cao Cao was very clear to Jia Xu and others. Although he was generous to everyone now, it was because Jia Xu and others did not touch the bottom line of Cao Cao's heart. If they touch the bottom line of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will not cherish their talents and will kill them, so they never want to influence Cao Cao's thoughts.

Especially in the year before last, Tian Feng, who planned the Chang'an incident, surrendered to Cao Cao's counselors and tried to make Cao Cao return to the Han Emperor several times. He contacted Cao Cao's subordinates everywhere, intending to exert pressure on him and force him to submit. But now the power of the Han emperor is not as powerful as before. All the important officials of the Han Dynasty were slaughtered completely last time. Now all the important officials in the court are Cao Cao's confidants, and the Han Dynasty has long been the talk of Cao Cao. This action not only failed to achieve any effect, but also caused Cao Cao's intention to kill. Finally, at the beginning of last year, he was framed by Cao Cao as the remaining evil of the Chang'an rebellion, and he would be killed by the whole family.

All six of us here are smart people. None of them wants to end up like Ju. So they all consciously shut their mouths and wait for Cao Cao to make his own decision. Cao Cao looked down and thought about the time of three sticks of incense. At last, he raised his head abruptly and said to Jia Xu with a smile: "let's see you, sir. It seems that my bearing is not as big as I thought, and I will hesitate for such a long time! However, I have already figured out, sir, this plan is really wonderful! Everything depends on your plan

"Here it is Cao Cao made a decision, six people at the same time to worship Cao Cao, a chorus of drinks.

Three months later, on the border of Qingzhou and Jizhou, in Le'an city.

At this time, it was midnight, the moon was high in the sky, and the city of Le'an was gradually falling into the night, and even the flower buildings were slowly extinguished.

The tallest building in Le'an city is the tower at the head of the east city. A young man is sitting on the roof of the tower, looking up at the stars. In the moonlight, the young man's handsome appearance is revealed, but it is Chen Ren's baby son, Chen Yang, who has joined the Xuzhou army.

Now, it has been nearly half a year since Chen Yang joined the army. During this half year, he fought with Baobao in Qingzhou, which is also a lot of credit. Chen Yang's military position is constantly rising, and his prestige in Xuzhou army is also getting higher and higher, and he has created the name of a little dragon general. Of course, this name is also stained with a lot of his father Chen Ren's light.

Recently, according to the order from Jianye, he also came to the Qingzhou border with the Xuzhou army, but he was far away from home. For half a year, Chen Yang's family members have been missing more and more.

"Young son?" There is a voice behind Chen Yang. Chen Yang doesn't have to look back and know who it is. In this Le'an City, only two people will call him that. One is Sun Yi and the other is Bao Bao. It's just that Sun Yi is not the kind of person who comes to see him when he has time. As long as he has time, Sun Yi must have gone somewhere to practice his gun, so the only thing left is Bao Bao.

Bao Bao sat by Chen Yang's side and handed the small wine pot to Chen Yang. He said with a smile, "don't tell me you can't drink! I remember that when you were only eight years old, you stole your father's good wine! Although the wine here is not comparable to your father's wine, it is a strong liquor from the north. If you taste it occasionally, it will have a special flavor. "Chen Yang listened to Bao Bao talk about his childhood embarrassing things, but also can't help but blush, and then think of the past bit by bit at home, the heart of the family's memory has deepened. After taking over Baobao's wine pot, he opened the lid and poured it into his mouth. For Chen Yang, who had drunk the high-quality wine made by Chen Ren, this northern wine was still a small thing to him.

Bao Bao looked at Chen Yang with a wry smile, filled half a pot with one breath, shook his head and said, "yes! After drinking your father's wine, the rest of the world seems to have lost its flavor! " After that, he wanted to give back the wine pot in his hand, but after thinking about it, he felt reluctant to give up. He did not know how long he would stay here. There was no Leishi restaurant, which could serve Chen Ren's fine wine. Although these wines are not as good as Chen Ren's, they are better than none.

"Uncle Bao!" Chen Yang suddenly asked, "how long do we have to stay here?"

Bao Bao turned to Chen Yang and said with a smile, "what's the matter? Homesick? "

Chen Yang also did not deny, directly nodded, and then said: "homesick, father said, homesick man, is the real man. I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but now I understand a little bit. I miss home. I miss my father, my mother, my mother, my second brother and my younger sister, and my sister Xiang and Bai er. "

"A man who is homesick is a real man." Bao Bao repeated this sentence in a low voice. Like Chen Yang, he looked up at the night sky and said faintly, "your father didn't say anything wrong. No wonder your father always talks about when he will be able to go home every time he goes out for a battle."

Chen Yang turned his head and asked, "Uncle Bao, have you never thought about home? I don't want to pack my aunt and Xiao lian'er! " Xiao lian'er is naturally Bao Bao's son. Now he is only about two years old.

"Yes! Why not! " Without hesitation, Bao Bao replied directly, "but I've been blessed by the king of Wu and your father. It's my responsibility to open up new territory for the eastern Wu Kingdom! Yang'er, you say that you understand a little bit the meaning of your father's words, then you should also be able to understand my thoughts. A man's husband sometimes has responsibilities like this and that. It is because he can think about his family that he will work harder to fulfill his responsibility. Men rely on their own hands to make their families live better

Chen Yang listened to Bao Bao's words and became silent. He began to drink wine with Bao Bao and watch the night sky. Chen Yang suddenly asked, "Uncle Bao! When do you think our responsibilities will be fulfilled? After defeating Cao Cao? "

Bao Bao shook his head: "no way. After defeating Cao Cao, the king of Wu only unified the Central Plains. Your father has let the king of Wu see how big the world is. Before we put the world under the control of King Wu, our responsibility as a minister will not be over. "

"No?" Chen Yang glared at Bao Bao with big eyes and a face full of disbelief. "Isn't the king of Wu a senior brother now? I remember elder martial brother is not a man with great ambition! Dad often said that the world is never a person, a dynasty can always control! Why did the elder martial brother make such a great effort to do it? "

After hearing Chen Yang's words, Bao Bao couldn't help laughing. Although Chen Yang was smart, he still had too little experience. Although sun CE followed Chen Ren, he did not show much ambition. However, the successor who could be selected by Sun Jian would not be a successor without ambition. Moreover, Bao Bao had heard Chen Ren's comments on Sun CE and said that sun CE was the only one among Sun Jian's sons who could lead the eastern Wu Kingdom to dominate the world.

Bao Bao has always had unconditional trust in Chen Ren's words. Moreover, he has never heard Chen Ren praise a person so much. Therefore, in Bao Bao's mind, sun CE's ability is also put at a very high starting point. This time, sun CE became king of Wu. Bao Bao also had a lot of confidence in Dongwu. He believed that under sun CE's leadership, Dongwu would be able to achieve the goal of unifying the Central Plains.