When Bao Bao saw Chen Yang, he still looked at himself in surprise. He remembered that he had just been thinking about things, but he had forgotten to answer his question. He laughed apologetically and asked, "yang'er, why did you like collecting gifts so much when you were a child?"

"Eh?" Chen Yang didn't expect that Baobao would suddenly ask about this. He couldn't help being stunned, but then he thought for a while and then replied, "at that time, I thought those gifts were bright and beautiful, so I wanted them very much."

"Yes Bao Bao nodded. "In fact, everyone has ambition. Children want toys. People without money want money. People without power want power. People with power want more power. It's just like the reason why you want those gifts. It's ambition. It's just that it's usually hidden in people's hearts and it's not easy to find out

Chen Yang nods, but Bao Bao smiles. He doesn't expect Chen Yang to understand the truth as soon as possible. After all, Chen Yang is only a child now. Many people have no way to understand these principles in their whole life. Bao Bao nodded and patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, indicating that he was ready to go back.

Chen Yang said, "Uncle Bao, you go first. I want to stay here for a while."

Bao Bao nodded, but he still did not forget to tell him: "don't stay too late. It's just spring, and the cold at night is still very heavy. Go back to have a rest early!" See Chen Yang nod to agree, Bao Bao this just along the side of the stairs down. Chen Yang simply lay on the roof of the building, continue to drink wine, while enjoying the night sky.

After about an hour or so, Chen Yang slowly drank up the wine in the jug that Bao Bao left Chen Yang. Without wine, Chen Yang couldn't sit on the roof of the building. He simply turned over and stood up. After patting his buttocks, Chen Yang went directly to the stairs.

Just as Chen Yang was about to turn down the stairs, all of a sudden, Chen Yang seemed to feel his whole body was cold and his hair was standing up. That kind of feeling is like when Chen Yang was a child, he met a wild boar when he was playing with his father in the countryside, and he was staring at the wild boar with great ferocity.

This is murderous!

Thinking of the incident in which LV Meng was assassinated last year, Chen Yang is now quite sure that there is a killer staring at himself somewhere around. And now the other party absolutely knows that he has found him. As long as Chen Yang moves, the other party will immediately start to act. If he is not afraid of these assassins, Chen Yang may not be afraid of these assassins, but now Chen Yang is unarmed and has just drunk so much wine. Although he is not drunk, he is still a little flighty. So now Chen Yang simply stands on the edge of the roof. He is waiting, waiting for the patience of the other party to reach the limit. Then Chen Yang may have a turning point.

In this way, in the night sky, Chen Yang stood there motionless. Fortunately, there was no wind tonight. Otherwise, Chen Yang would not be able to stand so high for a long time.

As time goes by, the assassin doesn't move, and Chen Yang doesn't move. Chen Yang wants to be patient with each other. And Chen Yang also has the confidence to win this patient competition, because over time, the better for Chen Yang. Now it's not like the meeting where LV Meng was stabbed. Since the change of Sun Wu, Cheng Yu has removed all the detailed works hidden in the snake department. Moreover, they also arranged bodyguards around the generals of the eastern Wu Kingdom. Chen Yang is the son of the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty, so Chen Yang is also one of those people who are under strict protection. This time, Chen Yang wanted to be alone, so he sent those bodyguards away in advance. If it took a long time, those bodyguards would come to find themselves if they found that they had not gone back.

Sure enough, after half an hour, those hidden assassins finally couldn't help it. Chen Yang felt a chill on his back, and there was a flash of cold light in the night sky. Chen Yang immediately knew that the other party had already started. Chen Yang rushed forward, but without the help of stairs, he jumped directly from the top of the tower.

The city tower is dozens of feet high, and it is still on the top of the city head. If you are not careful, you may jump off the city head. It is difficult to die. The assassin who assassinated Chen Yang from the back obviously didn't expect Chen Yang to jump so suddenly. Isn't he looking for death?

Of course, Chen Yang would not deliberately seek death. Just standing there for such a long time, he did not do anything. Standing on the edge of the roof, Chen Yang kept calculating the height of the tower and the distance below. He saw Chen Yang leaping in the air, twisting his body and facing the place where he had just stood. However, he saw that there were five assassins in black on the roof of the building. They all looked at him in amazement.

Five assassins? Cao Hei Fat man really looks up to me as a child! Chen Yang's mouth corners smile, his body has begun to fall. Chen Yang reached into his arms in the air and took out a dagger. The style of this dagger is no different from that of ordinary daggers, but Chen Yang is holding the tail of the dagger tightly and throwing it at the tower which is getting farther and farther away from him. I saw that the dagger flew to the fence under the eaves of the city tower. At the end of the dagger, a finger thick hemp rope suddenly appeared. One end of the rope was in the tail of the dagger, while the other was in Chen Yang's hand.I saw the dagger go through the fence and put it on the fence. Because of the inertia, it played several circles on the fence. Chen Yang smile, at this time his body has been flying out of the city, according to this trend, Chen Yang is sure to fall down. But now there is such a hemp rope. Chen Yang tugs hard. His thin body is like swinging on a swing. It swings back from the mid air outside the city. Chen Yang looked at the building getting closer and closer. He stretched out a leg to open the road in front of him. He broke a window of the tower and fell into one of the floors of the tower.

However, the five assassins in black on the top of the building seem to be watching juggling. They are also more powerful Rangers in the north. Otherwise, they would not be paid by the secret door set up by Jia Xu and become killers. However, they have never seen this kind of Kung Fu. However, they were also masters who had experienced many battles. They immediately returned to their gods and began to chase down the walls around the tower.

After Chen Yang got into the tower, he didn't rush down because he knew that it would be very dangerous to turn his back on these assassins. So the first thing Chen Yang did was stand in the middle of this floor and quickly took out another dagger from his arms. However, this dagger was not as ugly as the one in front of him. As soon as the dagger came out, the floor in the tower was immediately illuminated. This dagger was the seven treasure Dao that Bao Bao gave to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang carefully looked at the surrounding environment, while opening the Qibao Dao, directly pulled out the Qibao Dao. Chen Yang is not good at using this kind of dagger, but Chen Yang only has these daggers on his body. By comparison, it is safer to use the sharpest seven treasure Dao.

The floor where Chen Yang is now is actually a very spacious hall. In fact, it was used to store weapons for guarding the city. However, as there is no news of any enemy attack, the equipment and weapons that should have been stored here are also stored in the warehouse in the city. Don't say it's Chen Yang's good gun. He doesn't even have an arrow. Chen Yang has to continue to use the seven treasure sword in his hand.

At this moment, the five assassins have already killed. When they see Chen Yang guarding there instead of escaping like those who were assassinated by them, these assassins are stunned. However, this is just a daze. As assassins, they have long been used to giving up all emotional fluctuations and dealing with things calmly. Although the sword in Chen Yang's hand is not fanpin, they still do not hesitate to hold up the sword in hand and kill Chen Yang.

as like as two peas, the five black clothes assassins are not the first to cooperate. They not only use long swords, but also have almost the same height and shape. They are exactly alike when they kill Chen Yang. Seeing this, Chen Yang can't help but feel a little tight. He also knows that these assassins are not so easy to deal with.

In the face of five people from different directions to kill at the same time, Chen Yang suddenly in situ a turn, the seven treasure sword in hand directly to the other side's long sword hard knock. There is no doubt that these ordinary long swords are the opponents of Qibao Dao, which can cut iron like mud. They can not even block the Qibao Dao. All five long swords have been cut off by Qibao Dao without exception.

The five assassins were surprised to see that the sword in Chen Yang's hand was so powerful that they put away their swords one after another. After a look, they saw a neat and smooth cut at the fracture of the sword. The five did not expect Chen Yang to have such a sword. All of them could not help but stop. Then a black assassin said in a hoarse voice: "his knife is powerful. Don't fight him hard!"

Chen Yang a listen secretly is a joy, this way, but to Chen Yang a breakthrough. Immediately Chen Yang danced the seven treasures sword and began to kill an assassin on the right. Now he can't let them encircle himself. In front of him, the seven famous assassin is waving his seven swords.