Hu Yan doesn't want to start with No. 0 and others so early. In the current situation, although he can hold No. 0, his three subordinates are not as good as Wang Rong and an da. With these two people around zero, it is very difficult to keep zero with their lineup. Now Hu Yan only hopes that the remaining men of the secret gate can come to help quickly. As for the army, although Hu Yan has been in Caocao for so many years, he is still a Ranger in his heart. The government can't be asked to assist in the fight between Rangers, which is also an unwritten rule among Rangers.

However, anda seems to have seen through Hu Yan's mind and said with a smile, "brother hu wants to come, but he is waiting for your men of secret doors to come to help? However, I still advise brother Hu not to wait any longer. I'm waiting for a tour in Chang'an today to eradicate the secret gate of the Northern Wei Dynasty. I believe that the secret gate base hidden in the north of the city should have been eliminated by our men brought from the snake department! "

Hearing this sentence from anda, Hu Yan's mind is blank. The gentle words of Anda represent that Hu Yan's efforts in the past ten years are all destroyed! Hu Yan has never doubted what Anta said. People with such identities as Anta and No.0 will never be aimless. Now that anda is so confident that it has destroyed the secret gate's headquarters in Chang'an, it must be right. Hu Yan suddenly felt powerless and said to the three giants of the snake department in front of him: "unexpected! Hu Mou ten years of planning, but today is a total failure! But if you can lose in your hands, Hu will have no regrets in this life! "

From Hu Yan's words, zero can hear that Hu Yan has sprouted the meaning of life and death. For Hu Yan, No. 0 is also very much admired. Although the snake Department won this time, it can be said that some won't win. After all, the snake department was set up more than ten years ago than the secret gate, and the secret gate was able to compete with the snake department in a short period of ten years, which shows that Hu Yan's ability is very strong. Such a talent, but today to fall here, zero can not help but some reluctant to give up. However, seeing Hu Yan's resolute expression now, No. 0 swallowed the words of dissuasion that No. 0 was just about to say. Just as he would not betray Soochow, Hu Yan would certainly not betray the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Three brothers! Today, Hu is going to implicate you! " Hu Yan a face miserably to the side of the three secret door Master said.

"Ha ha ha ha! Brother Hu! What are you talking about? " Yang Tianchang, the secret door expert who had advised Zhang Hu to leave, said with a smile, but there was no regret on his face. "If brother Hu hadn't saved me, I would have died outside the Great Wall! What Hu owes you is your life! How can you say that you are implicated? "

"Yes "Lao luotou is right."

The other two were also shouting. They were all chivalrous people who were famous in Youzhou at that time. Hu Yan had saved their lives. So when Hu Yan went to work under Cao Cao and set up a secret door, they were the first batch of helpers to turn to Hu Yan. The secret gate has made such great progress in ten years, and they have also contributed a lot.

"Good!" Hu Yan's face was suddenly full of pride. He gave a big drink. He waved his whip and made a sound in the air. The four people's eyes were closely fixed on the number zero and others in front of him. Their eyes were full of fighting spirit. And No. 0 and others slowly came together, even Wang Rong also put away the expression of banter before, which is to show enough respect to the opponent in front of him.

"Come on With a loud drink, a great war began.

On the other side of Chang'an City, in the palace of King Wei.

"What's going on?" Cao Cao's clothes were not neat, and he ran to the front hall from the back yard in anger. At this time, the inside and outside of the front hall were full of guards, all armed, staring at the outside nervously.

Dian Wei, dressed in black armor, stood upright in the hall. Only after Cao Cao came out did he kneel down. After losing to Zhao Yun in Qishan, Dian Wei has been staying in Sanguan for several days now. After recovering his wounds, he immediately returned to Chang'an. After all, his identity is the guardian of Cao Cao, and it is Dianwei's main responsibility to protect Cao Cao's safety.

When Cao Cao saw that it was Dianwei, his face was slightly better. He motioned to Dianwei to stand up and let the servants who followed him help him to dress. Dianwei stood up, but said with a straight eye: "report back to the Lord! Sheriff Zhang Hu sent someone to report that the imperial historian, Lord Chen Qun, was assassinated on his way home and unfortunately died! "

"What!" Cao Cao had just asked his servant to dress him, but he had not had time to tie his belt. When he heard the news from Dianwei, his face changed greatly. He rushed to Dianwei, grabbed Dianwei's stout shoulders and asked, "who did you say was killed? Chen Qun? Are you sure it's Chen Qun? "

However, Dian Wei still maintains the indifference on his black face. His face and Zhang Fei's face are known as the two blackest faces in Chang'an city. However, who wants to be blacker, there is no difference between them. But there is no doubt that Dianwei's big black face will never look better. In the face of Cao Cao's question, Dian Wei still calmly replied: "Lord, it is indeed Chen Qun and Lord Chen who was assassinated!"

After Dianwei reconfirmed, Cao Cao's face changed from pale to livid. A servant wanted to help him tie his belt, but Cao Cao kicked him out. Pain on the ground straight hem, but also dare not shout too loud, lest again irritate Cao Cao. Cao Cao suddenly turned his head and looked at Dianwei and said, "what's going on here! All of you are assassinated! If one day someone comes to assassinate Gu, isn't it impossible to stop him? "This was the first time that Cao Cao lost his temper at Dianwei, and he claimed to be "lonely" on a formal occasion. This shows that Cao Cao is very angry now. Dian Wei also hesitated for a moment, whether to tell the next bad news to Cao Cao. However, Dian Wei's hesitant expression fell into Cao Cao's eyes. Cao Cao's eyes were cold and he said, "say it! What kind of solitude you don't know

As soon as the power of Cao Cao was released, even Dian Wei couldn't resist it. He knelt down on the ground again and bowed his head to Cao Cao and said, "report back to the Lord! Just received the news, the governor full of favor, the Lord Bo Sima Lang Sima, was also killed in his own house! "

Cao Cao's face turned white again. He could not help but stagger down and sit on the ground. Cao Cao couldn't help but be surprised. These people were all capable ministers who were mainly responsible for Cao Cao's logistics. Now they were assassinated. How can Cao Cao accept this. In fact, Cao Cao didn't have to think about it. He also knew that these assassins must have been sent by Soochow. He assassinated the generals of Dongwu one after another. If the other side didn't make a statement, wouldn't it make people laugh at him?

The servants around him did not dare to step forward to help him, and Dian Wei did not dare to stand up because he did not have Cao Cao's command, so he knelt down in front of him. After a long time, Cao Cao came back to his senses, and immediately stood up and yelled at Dianwei: "what about the secret door! Where are those people at the secret door? What about Hu Yan? Why don't you send experts to protect these important officials? " Cao Cao didn't lose his head at last. He knew that the snake Department of Soochow was not easy to deal with. It was absolutely impossible for ordinary patrol soldiers to deal with it. However, Cao Cao blamed all his sins on the secret gate. After all, the nature of the secret gate was similar to that of the snake sect. The idea of establishing the secret gate was also to deal with the snake tribe in the eastern Wu Dynasty.

Dian Wei continued to lower his head and replied: "the three adults are surrounded by secret gate experts, but the assassin ability of each other is too high, and those secret door masters can't resist these assassins!"

"Waste! It's all rubbish Even if Cao Cao started to abuse, he was obviously not scolding Dianwei, but scolding those secret door experts. Cao Cao was born in a rich family. He didn't know the difference between these Rangers. He always felt that he had invested a lot of money in the secret door, but in exchange for such a result, he was certainly angry. Cao Cao yelled at him. Obviously, he didn't feel satisfied. He said to Dianwei, "what about Hu Yan? Let him lead the secret door alone, he even brought out a class of rubbish! I want to punish him

Dian Wei didn't even dare to lift his head. He continued to reply: "according to the report of the public security officer Zhang Hu, commander Hu Yan is catching the assassin who assassinated Chen Qun! I think I'll come back later! " For Hu Yan, Dianwei still has a good opinion, although Dianwei's loyalty did not let him excuse Hu Yan, but Dianwei's tone in the discourse was still biased towards Hu Yan.

After a cold hum and a temper, Cao Cao gradually calmed down. The three targets chosen by the assassin were Wen Chen, obviously because those generals were surrounded by elite soldiers fighting from the battlefield. Although these assassins are powerful, they are still useless when they encounter a large number of soldiers. His family are all well chosen, one in a million elite, which is more than one notch higher than the guards of other generals. So it seems that the safety of Cao Cao and his family members should not be worried.

Cao Cao turned his head and asked Dianwei, "have other ministers sent more guards to their homes?" Although Cao Cao's tone was not as kind as usual, but it was eased a lot. Compared with just now, it was quite different.

Feeling that Cao Cao's tone had changed, he was also secretly relieved. He quickly replied, "please rest assured. At the end of the day, I will send those guards who have been on sabbatical leave to your families! The generals' families have also sent people to inform them that, with the strength of the guards of these generals' houses, as long as they are vigilant, there is no need to worry about Assassins' assassins! "

Cao Cao finally nodded, but as if exhausted, he said to Dianwei: "get up! I know it's not your fault! "

Hearing that Cao Cao claimed to be "I", Dian Wei finally felt relieved, and then he gave Cao Cao a big drink: "thank you for your consideration!" Then he stood up and stood straight behind Cao Cao.