Seeing Dianwei as usual, he stood behind him without leaving. A trace of warmth flashed in Cao Cao's eyes. He sighed and said, "I can't imagine that I have worked so hard for so many years, but I still can't compare with the fierce tiger in Jiangdong! I thought that this secret door could bring back a game for me, but I didn't think it was better than the snake Department of Soochow! I think these snake assassins are not only here to kill Changwen, but I don't know what they are up to! " Dian Wei was silent. As the guard of Cao Cao, Dian Wei was very self-conscious. He never gave any advice to Cao Cao.

This attitude of Dian Wei is also the reason why Cao Cao valued him most. Cao Cao's guards should follow him at any time, and inevitably contact many secrets of Cao Cao. If Dianwei was a talkative person, I'm afraid that even if he was brave and good at fighting, he would not stay with Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was anxiously waiting for Hu Yan, but also waiting for a result. He walked slowly to the door of the hall and saw a glimmer of light shining in the sky. Cao Cao covered his eyes with his hands, looked at the light and sighed, "it's dawn!" In the sigh, Cao Cao's words were full of regret. He knew that Hu Yan was probably in danger. The battle between the snake tribe of the eastern Wu Dynasty and the secret gate of the Northern Wei Dynasty ended in the defeat of Cao Cao. However, the battle between the eastern Wu Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty is just beginning. No matter who wins the battle, he will become the overlord of the world to end the chaotic times!

"Sun CE? Let's see how generous you are compared to your father Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and looked at the rising sun and said firmly.

In Qingzhou, about a hundred miles to the east of Xiami City, there is an open plain, and an army is advancing slowly to the East.

"Damn it!" Sun Yi, Chen Yang and Lu Xun were the first to lead the army. Sun Yi hit the palm of his hand and scolded him. These days, the Xuzhou Army Corps they led suffered a lot. No matter which way they went, they would encounter traps and obstacles. This time, the enemy troops obviously had cavalry. Sun Yi wanted to take Xuzhou cavalry to pursue, but he could not see a ghost. After being besieged and intercepted by the other side, they had to take the army to the east of Qingzhou. Although they knew that this was the intention of the other party, they could do nothing but act according to the other party's intention.

"Elder martial brother! Don't worry Chen Yang comforted him, "we have been dragging on for so long. I think those millions of civilians must have been unable to bear it. After a while, they will surely be defeated! We just have to hold on! "

"Yes Lu Xun also advised: "to the east of Qingzhou, there are many hills. As long as we can walk through the plain and enter the hilly area. That million Legion is too big, and it's not as flexible as us in the hills

Sun Yi didn't know that Chen Yang and Lu Xun were comforting themselves. They were intercepted by Cao's interceptors several times ago with obstacles and traps. They had to waste a lot of time and take a lot of unjust ways. And the distance between Xuzhou Army Corps and pursuers is getting closer and closer.

According to the scouts' return yesterday, the million Legion has arrived in Xiami City, and it is estimated that it is not far away from them. And obviously, the other side had already known the movement of the Xuzhou regiment. Instead of rushing all night as usual, he took a rest in Xiami city. In this way, unless the Xuzhou Legion can drive all night like the other party, it may be overtaken by the other party tomorrow!

At present, the plain can't be finished in a day or two. Even if we drive all night, it's not so easy to get to the hilly areas before the other party catches up. And even if they can get to the hilly areas in time, the other side still has the elusive interception force. If it is flexible, I am afraid the other side will definitely be better than the Xuzhou army.

"What to do?" Sun Yi lowered his head and pondered, "it doesn't matter if I die. If the Xuzhou army can fight to this time, even if it is destroyed, there is nothing to do. But yang'er is the teacher's eldest son. In any case, no matter what the cost, we must ensure yang'er's safety! "

Chen Yang didn't know that Sun Yi was thinking hard to save him, and was about to continue to comfort Sun Yi. At this time, a sergeant quickly arrived at the three men's horses, clasped fists and said, "general! It's getting late at this time. Do you want to set up camp As soon as they heard the sergeant's question, they all looked up subconsciously. Sure enough, it was already dusk in the west mountain, and the sky began to gradually darken.

Sun Yi frowns, turns to look at Chen Yang and Lu Xun, as if to ask for their opinions. Chen Yang and Lu Xun are also smiling bitterly. If they set up camp, they will surely be caught up by the other party. Maybe the next morning, they will hear the sound of war drums. However, the soldiers of Xuzhou regiment were exhausted after a day's driving. If they continued to drive all night, they would not be able to bear it. In case of a pursuer, I'm afraid the soldiers will not be able to fight.

Lu Xunsi wanted to go. Finally, he suggested to Sun Yi: "fourth martial uncle, let's go all night! If we can open the gap between us and each other, maybe there is a chance of life! Now the pursuers are so close to us, if we set up camp in the same place, we will be overtaken by the other party, and then there will be no way to live! "After listening to Lu Xun's words, he sees that Chen Yang also agrees and nods. Sun Yi also thinks for a moment. Finally, he decides to follow Lu Xun's advice and orders him to go all night. Although this will have a great impact on the morale of Xuzhou army, it is better than being caught up by the other side. However, Sun Yi and others obviously underestimated the military discipline of the Xuzhou army under the iron and blood military discipline. Although Sun Yi issued a military order to rush on the road all night, the soldiers did not make any noise. They completely obeyed the military order and continued to head for the East.

Lu Xun was also a little surprised. Obviously, the Xuzhou Army Corps was completely different from sun CE's at that time. It seems that all this is due to the Baobao who took over the Xuzhou army.

As the sky became darker and darker, the Xuzhou army did not stop or slow down at all. They just rested for half an hour to eat dinner, and then they began to move towards the eastern hilly areas. Now the only hope of the Xuzhou army is to be able to hide in the eastern hilly areas and resist the pursuit of millions of pursuers with the help of terrain.

Before long, the news of Xuzhou army's overnight journey was conveyed to Xia Houyuan's hands through several detailed works. At this time, the 50000 Liangzhou soldiers led by Xia Houyuan were resting tens of miles south of the Xuzhou army. After listening to the detailed report, Xia Hou yuan gave a cold smile: "worthy of being the young talents of Soochow! Determined to go all night! "

Xia Hou Shang said anxiously, "uncle! They chose to travel all night. What should we do? If they were allowed to hide in the hills to the East, the advantage of the million troops would not be so obvious! "

"What's the hurry?" Xia Houyuan glared at Xia Hou Shang with a bad breath, "how many times have you been warned? Don't be impatient! They are indeed faster than the Jizhou army, but don't forget that they are also much slower than 50000 of us! What's more, they have to travel all night, and the speed is certainly not as fast as in the daytime. We don't have to worry at all! We'll rest here tonight and have a good rest. Tomorrow is the last moment. We'll give them a good look

Although still a little anxious, but Xiahou still had to obey XiaHouYuan's order and set up camp and rest in situ. Moreover, from the words of XiaHouYuan just now, xiahoushang seems to hear a trace of flavor. It seems that tomorrow will be a good contest with each other, Chen Yang! Xiahoushang fiercely jumped out of the mouth of the name, eyes flashing with hate light.

After a night's journey, they finally opened their distance from the pursuers again. Seeing the rising sun, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. After a short rest and breakfast in the same place, the Xuzhou Legion again moved toward the East. Sun Yi and others can't help admiring Bao Bao's military training method. After a night's journey, they can't help but keep a good spirit. The soldiers of the Xuzhou regiment, as if they did not have any fatigue, still maintained a neat line of troops. It is no wonder that the number of Xuzhou army is not as large as that of Jingzhou army, but it is able to be one of the three major armies of Soochow with Jingzhou army.

"All right Seeing that he was almost at rest, Sun Yi stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and called out to the soldiers who were doing their work neatly on the ground. At the same time, when he saw all the soldiers in the army, he stood up and looked at all the soldiers. Sun Yi finally showed a smile that he hadn't shown for a long time. He turned over and mounted his horse, waved to the East, and said, "let's go!"

"Here it is The orderly shouts rang out, and no one seemed to be in a bad mood because of not sleeping all night. After the roar, all of them consciously picked up their weapons and parcels. The cavalry also mounted their horses and marched slowly to the East under the leadership of Sun Yi.

Chen Yang and Lu Xun walked at the back. Lu Xun looked at the Xuzhou regiment, which still maintained a strong fighting spirit. He nodded and praised: "Lord Bao is indeed worthy of being a general of Soochow! I always thought that the teacher, ah, no! The Xuzhou army was trained by King Wu in Xuzhou. It is the second only army in the world to the new Jiangdong army. But I didn't expect that after Lord Bao took over, Xuzhou army could still grow to this level! It's unbelievable