At this time, Xia Houyuan finally saw the general's appearance clearly, and saw that he had a big square face with dark complexion. It seemed that he was more than 40 years old and powerful. He was a strong general at first sight. The most striking thing is that there is a colorful feather on the helmet of this general. Xia Houyuan saw this feather just now, but he didn't pay attention to it. Now he sees it again, it seems that something flashed in his head.

And in Xia Hou yuan this Leng God's time, that war will speed up again, already ran to Xia Hou yuan's horse. At this time, a crisp bell suddenly reached Xia Houyuan's ears. As soon as Xia Houyuan's eyes turned, he saw a string of fist sized copper bells hanging around the general's waist.

Tongling? Is that? Xiahou yuan suddenly remembered a person's name, a person's name that had not appeared on the battlefield of Soochow and Northern Wei Dynasty for a long time. However, the general did not care how stupefied XiaHouYuan was. When he arrived in front of him, he pulled the reins and raised his front foot at the battle horse. And the general held up a big knife and cut it toward XiaHouYuan.

Xia Hou yuan suddenly came back to his senses and immediately put up a long knife with both hands to block the fierce one. However, when the big sword fell, it directly cut Xia Houyuan's long sword into two sections. Without any hindrance, the big knife passed Xia Houyuan's body from top to bottom.

Xia Houyuan felt the place on his body that had been slashed by a big knife. He was staring at the general in front of him. He vomited two words: "Gan, Ning!" Then, from the top of Xia Houyuan's head, a bloodstain suddenly appeared and continued to extend downward. Finally, Xia Houyuan directly fell off his horse, leaving only the general standing majestically there.

The general was not Gan Ning, who else could he be? He took a look at Xia Hou Yuan who had fallen to the ground. He turned his head and yelled at the soldiers who were rushing towards him: "children! Go

"Roar!" All the soldiers began to speed up the speed of the attack. After such a toss, the troops behind Gan Ning finally poured out from the entrance of the hill. Looking at it, there were more than 900000 people. But behind the army, hundreds of riders rushed out. It was Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, Ganning's assistants, and the Jinfan army who had followed Ganning for many years.

With Ganning's voice, nearly a million troops have already rushed into those frightened Xiliang army with Ganning. Although the Xiliang army is famous for its fearlessness of life and death, in the face of such a force far beyond them, what they can do is to look up.

At this time, Xia Hou Shang, who fled, had already arrived in front of Cao Xiu's army. Of course, Cao Xiu would not be in the front. The Jizhou soldiers, who led a team of ten thousand men in front of him, immediately drank and asked, "who is it? No trespassing! "

Although Xia HOUSHANG was not angry with each other's attitude, the situation was better than that of others. Now it is no better than that of Jizhou cavalry, which is a large army of millions of people! If Xia Hou still dares to rush in, he will die in the hands of these civilians at the command of the little soldier in front of him. Xia Hou Shang said to the soldier, "I am the commander in chief of the camp, general Xia HOUSHANG. If you have something urgent, you should immediately inform general Cao Xiu."

Fortunately, the Jizhou soldier did not have that kind of attitude of bullying others. Although his face was still full of doubts, he did not say it. Instead, he nodded and said, "then please Xiahou general to dismount and follow me." Jizhou soldiers were able to agree with Xiahou Shang so easily, among them, the huge army behind him was also a kind of dependence. With so many guards, even if Xia Hou had any intention, he couldn't play tricks.

Xia Hou Shang, who was relieved, turned over and dismounted in a hurry and followed the Jizhou soldiers to the army. After a while, he heard the voice of speaking from the front. It was Cao Xiu who arranged the staff there. Xia Hou Shang quickly called out: "brother Wenlie! Brother Wenlie! I am Bolen

Xiahoushang can be said to have grown up with these Cao's children. Although Cao Xiu is much older than Xia HOUSHANG, their friendship is still good. Cao Xiuyi, who was impatient and wanted to lead his troops to rush up, heard the familiar voice and knew it was Xia Hou Shang. However, Cao Xiu was not too surprised, because Xia Houyuan had sent a letter to Cao Xiu when he intercepted the Xuzhou Legion and told him all about it.

Cao Xiuli immediately withdrew the aides and walked quickly to xiahoushang. However, he was shocked when he saw Xia HOUSHANG's embarrassed appearance. He ran to Xia HOUSHANG in a hurry, looked up and down at Xia HOUSHANG and asked, "it's really Bolen. How can you become this? And what about the second general? " Because XiahouDun and XiaHouYuan were officials under Cao Cao, in order to distinguish them from each other, they called XiahouDun as Xiahou general and XiaHouYuan as the second general.

As soon as he heard Cao Xiu mention it, Xia HOUSHANG immediately remembered that Xia Houyuan, whose life and death was unknown, could not help but blush. He attached himself to Cao Xiu's feet and began to cry: "brother Wenlie! Uncle, uncle, he

"What? What happened to the second general? " Cao Xiu suddenly felt bad. He had sent troops to intercept the Xuzhou army that was trying to attack Xia Houyuan. Even the mysterious troops who had just come out of the hills could not have rushed over so quickly.Xia Hou Shang wiped the snot and tears on his face and said what had just happened. When it comes to his impulse to kill Chen Yang, Xia Hou Shang slaps him in the face. It is just because of his impulse that he makes such a mistake in this already inevitable situation.

Cao Xiu frowned and listened to Xia Hou Shang's account of the whole story. In particular, Xia Houyuan frowned when he said that the mysterious army was the reinforcements of the Soochow kingdom. It's true that if it wasn't for Xia HOUSHANG's impulse, Chen Yang and Sun Yi alone, even if they were good at their skills, would not have broken through the defense of ten thousand people, causing any harm to XiaHouYuan and xiahoushang. However, compared with what happened later, Xia Hou Shang's mistake can be ignored. If the mysterious army is really the Dongwu reinforcements, even if Xia Hou does not make mistakes, the more than 10000 people can not stop the other party in any case.

Now Cao Xiu is concerned about where the mysterious Dongwu reinforcements came from? And how many people are there in this army? Thinking of this, Cao Xiu's heart was shaken again. It seems that the situation is no longer the winning one.

Cao Xiu helped Xia Hou Shang up, and then he said to the herald behind him: "Mingjin! Let Jizhou cavalry withdraw first! "

The herald was stunned at first, but he still faithfully carried out Cao Xiu's military orders. In a short time, from the back of the array came a clear sound of gold, spread all over the battlefield. In front of them, the Jizhou cavalry, who had managed to keep their pace under the fierce impact of the sudden outbreak of the Xuzhou army, were stunned when they heard the sound of gold. However, as soldiers, they still resolutely carry out the military orders. At the command of the leader of the cavalry, Jizhou cavalry retreated quickly to the rear.

At this time, Chen Yang and Sun Yi have already arrived. When they see Cao's army running away like this, they are still preparing for a war, but they have not even met the ghost shadow of the enemy. At this time, Lu Xun also dragged his bloody body to Chen Yang and Sun Yi and asked, "I just heard that we have reinforcements. Is it true?"

Mentioning this topic, Chen Yang immediately got excited, nodded repeatedly and said: "really! Of course it's true! It's uncle Gump! It's uncle Gump who has come to save us! " With that, Chen Yang also pointed back. Lu Xun and Sun Yi looked down at his fingers and saw the scene that the Xiliang army, which had been a headache for so many days, was submerged. Looking at the dense soldiers, even Chen Yang himself was stunned. He had only known that Ganning had come to rescue, but he didn't expect that there were so many people!

Chen Yang looked back and looked at Sun Yi and Lu Xun with the same look of surprise and exclaimed in unison: "water army!"

That's right! At present, Ganning is leading the water army which is the most powerful one in the world. Although there is no enemy in the waters, Soochow has no more enemies. However, the water army of Soochow has never been reduced. Instead, it has greatly increased, breaking through one million people. Over the past few years, the Dongwu navy has been operating overseas, and the last time sun CE ascended the throne, Ganning also happened to return to the Central Plains. As soon as he heard that the eastern Wu Kingdom was about to wage war with the Northern Wei Dynasty, Gan Ning set Ma Lai to stay in the Central Plains, and he would take part in the battle.

However, Chen Ren did not want to let go of such an idea of strong fighting power. The water army of Dongwu was not only able to fight water battles, but also had received regular military training. Although the combat effectiveness on land may not be comparable to some special regiments in Soochow, it will not be worse than that of ordinary soldiers. In this way, Soochow will immediately have a million more troops. In addition, with the transportation capacity of the Navy, the million troops of Dongwu could appear anywhere near the waters in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Originally, under the secret orders of sun CE and Chen Ren, Ganning's water army went to Youzhou along the coastline and directly occupied the rear of Cao Cao. However, since the accident in Qingzhou, Chen Ren has dispatched a boat from Xuzhou to catch up with Ganning, who is still on the way, to Qingzhou for rescue. When Ganning received Chen Ren's secret order, he had already arrived at Tai Shici's hometown of Donglai. As soon as he heard that Chen Yang was in trouble, Gan Ning, who had always loved Chen Yang, immediately went ashore from Donglai and took almost all the water troops of the eastern Wu Kingdom to the east of Qingzhou. Only soldiers who could only maintain the normal navigation of the ships were left to drive the ships to the east coast of Linzi.