According to the speed of Ganning, we could have arrived long ago, but on the way, something went wrong. The water army led by Gan Ning got lost in the hills, and turned East and West, but they couldn't figure out the direction at all. Finally, he heard a burst of drums and marched along with the thundering drums. Only then did Gan Ning realize that they had inadvertently reached the edge of the hills. In this way, at the most critical moment, Ganning and his army arrived.

If Cao Xiu knew that it was the sound of his drums that attracted the support Army, I wonder if he would slap himself in the face and kill all the drummers. In short, on the battlefield, all armies are recruiting their own troops. Cao Xiu is bleeding from his heart when he looks at the Jizhou cavalry who has lost nearly 6000 people! The only real army he had was tens of thousands of people. The millions of troops were nothing but a bubble. After the war, no matter whether they were victorious or defeated, these civilians could not fight for Cao Xiu any more.

And Cao Xiu's heartache for the loss of Jizhou cavalry was only temporary. Soon, he was shocked by the sight. At this time, the Xuzhou army had already entered the support Army's array, so there was no barrier between Cao Xiu and the Dongwu reinforcements. We could directly see the size of this army. Cao Xiu did not expect that there were so many reinforcements. According to his conjecture, the Dongwu army had gathered their troops in Hanzhong and Yuzhou. Even if there were reinforcements, they would be 100000 local troops at most. But now the number of reinforcements has obviously reached about one million. How can Soochow have such a powerful army?

Cao Xiu was surprised at the same time. Gan Ning on the opposite side was also a little surprised when he saw the Cao army in front of him. He had only received news that the Xuzhou army might be attacked by Cao's army, but he did not expect such a large-scale army in any case. At this time, the sky was completely dark. Before the battle, the two armies only used torches to illuminate. Looking at the continuous light of fire on the opposite side, Gan Ning had no idea. Although he has brought more than 900000 troops this time, Cao Cao's army is obviously about two million in size. When did Cao Cao have so many troops!

"Uncle Gump!" Just when Ganning was suspicious, Chen Yang, Sun Yi and Lu Xun settled the Xuzhou army, and they came. The first one named Ganning was Chen Yang, who had a good relationship with Ganning since childhood.

Gan Ning turned his head and saw that Chen Yang didn't seem to be hurt. He felt more secure and said with a smile: "yang'er! What's the matter? Is Gao not happy to see Uncle Gump coming

Chen Yang ran to Gan Ning and said with a smile, "Uncle Gan, it's really time for you to come. If you come a little later, we'll be wiped out!" Sun Yi and Lu Xun, who were behind Chen Yang, saluted Gan Ning one after another. Now in the Dongwu army, Gan Ning is second only to Chen Ren, and they can't help but disrespect them.

Gan Ning also accepted the ceremony carelessly, pointed to the millions of Cao troops in front of him, and asked the three of them: "what's the matter with this? Why are so many Cao troops chasing you? "

Hearing Gan Ning ask about the millions of Cao's troops, Chen Yang and others suddenly turned pale. Lu Xun said that Cao Cao had driven the people into soldiers. However, the millions of Cao troops in front of us were actually ordinary people. Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and other generals of the water army all looked very ugly. Gan Ning scolded a rude word: "dog day's Cao Cao, such vicious moves can think out!"

"Governor! What's next? " Jiang Qin frowned and asked. Since he knew that the millions of people in the opposite side were just ordinary people without formal training, and those with nearly a million sailors were naturally no longer afraid. Although the number of the other side is still several times as many as that of the Dongwu army, after all, all the soldiers here have received regular training and can be called elite soldiers. It is still possible to defeat these ordinary people. However, if the opponent is regular Cao Army soldiers, they can also attack, but those are only ordinary civilians. How can these soldiers fight.

Ganning also knew Jiang Qin's concerns. He was really not good at answering Jiang Qin, and he could not easily do so. Even if they could, the accusation of killing ordinary people would be borne by the eastern Wu Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Lu Xun suddenly laughed and said, "don't worry about some generals. In my opinion, the enemy will surely retreat without fighting!"

As soon as Lu Xun's words came out, they were startled and retreated? How can it be that, although they have brought nearly a million reinforcements, but the other side has spent so much time, even at the back of the name, how could they give up?

However, before Gan Ning and others asked questions, they heard a lot of noise. The millions of troops on the opposite side suddenly retreated, just to cooperate with Lu Xun's words. Chen Yang and Sun Yi are better. After all, they have known Lu Xun's intelligence during this period of time. Gan Ning and others are so surprised that their eyes are about to pop out. It is not that they do not recognize the thin and pale little general in front of them. They know that he is the disciple of sun CE, the current king of Wu, and that he is also the disciple selected by Chen Ren for sun CE. But at most, the young general is 16-7 years old. How can he guess so accurately? Isn't it similar to those evil spirits in Jianye city?

Looking at Gan Ning and others, Sun Yi also smiles. Since he left Le'an City, Sun Yi has not been so happy for a long time. He said to Lu Xun, "Bo Yan, why did Cao Jun retreat? You see, governor Gan, they are all dying of anxiety. " Now that Cao's army has retired, the battle is over. As for the pursuit, I believe all the people present will not have such a stupid idea.Lu Xun nodded, then explained to the crowd: "in fact, although there are millions of people in Cao's army, they are actually at the end of their strength. During this period, they went on their way day and night, and only yesterday they had a rest in Xiami city. These soldiers are only civilians who have been caught temporarily. They have no military training at all. How can they cope with such a high-intensity March. If the regular soldiers of Cao's army were not oppressed by force, this army would have been broken. If such an army was able to fight with the wind, it would collapse as soon as it met with a little setback. Not to mention that governor Gan brought in nearly a million people at this time, even if he had brought more than 500000 people, Cao's army was definitely not an opponent! If we wait for that time to retreat, I'm afraid that even the tens of thousands of Jizhou regular army mixed in it will not escape. "

Chen Yang also nodded. What Lu Xun said was similar to his guess. Gan Ning was also a careless person. He waved his hand and said, "OK! In any case, the order given to me by the king of Wu and the governor of Dadu was to help you. Now that the pursuers have retreated, my task is over! It's time for me to finish another task of our Navy

Chen Yangyi heard Gan Ning say the two words of the task, immediately his eyes flashed, thrust out a face to Gan Ning and said: "task? What are you going to do, uncle Gump? Where are you going? Will you take me there

Ganning slapped Chen Yang on the back of his head and said, "you little bastard! This time, your father specially told me! After finding you, the first time is to send you back to Jianye! It's better for you to play outside and not go home! I told you! Go home honestly, or your father will suffer a lot if he comes out to look for you in person! "

Chen Yang couldn't help but shiver, and now he remembered that he ran out of Jianye without permission this time, and he has not returned home! As soon as he thought of his bad father's means, Chen Yang gave up all his thoughts, drooped his head, and was ready to go home for training!

Gan Ning took a look at Chen Yang's appearance, ha ha a smile: "don't worry! I heard that Lao Bao was transferred back to Jianye for his injury. If he is in Jianye, your father will not punish you too much. If you can't, you can hide in your grandfather's house. If you move your grandfather out of the mountain, your father can't even fart! " Ganning obviously liked to see Chen Ren eat shriveled, so he began to induce Chen Yang. Tong Yuan's identity is no longer a secret in Dongwu, so Ganning also knows that Chen Ren's master lives outside Jianye city.

Chen Yang's eyes were bright at first, but then he turned back to the listless look. He pouted and said, "no way! My grandfather has a second martial uncle. He has a fierce temper. Every time I make a mistake and want to take refuge with my grandfather, I will be scolded by him first! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Gan Ning suddenly said with a loud smile: "silly boy! If you don't tell your second martial uncle that you've made trouble, will you! I'll see your grandfather first. When your father comes, your grandfather will protect you. No matter whether it's your father or your second martial uncle, no one dares to do anything about you! " Listen to Gan Ning this seems to be very experienced guidance, you can imagine that when Ganning was a child, he was not a worry maker.

After listening to Gan Ning's words, all the people on one side unconsciously wiped a cold sweat, so they openly taught Chen Yang. Only two people in the world dare to do so. One is Guo Jia, who is far away in Jianye, and the other is Gan Ning. Others either won't do it or dare not. Are you kidding? Other people dare to teach bad Chen Ren's baby son without asking him how many heads he has grown!

Chen Yang, on the other hand, nodded frequently after listening to Gan Ning's words, and his eyes flashed. Obviously, Gan Ning gave him such a bad idea that he was deeply in his heart. He was afraid that after returning to Jianye, he would immediately go to Zhaojia village to find Tongyuan. Sun Yi and Lu Xun can't help but sweat. It seems that even if they go back to Jianye, they are afraid that they will not live well!