"No way!" After listening to Chen Yang's story, Tong Yuan stood up firmly and said to Chen Yang, "you can't let your father make such a fool of yourself in the future! When your father comes, I'll let him go out to fight and take you with me. Only when he is by your side, can I be relaxed

Wang Yue also nodded and said, "elder martial brother is right! Yang'er is too dangerous this time. We must take good care of it later. Without his father around, I really can't trust him to go to the battlefield! Unless he can reach his father's level, otherwise, it is possible to encounter such things in the future! It won't be as lucky as this one! "

"Ah?" Chen Yang didn't expect that he would make a fool of himself. He originally wanted to arouse the love of the two old people. When his father found him, he could rely on the two old people to stop him. But I didn't expect to frighten the two old people. If I had followed my father all the time, what freedom could Chen Yang have! Moreover, according to his father Chen Ren's character, he could walk less if he could. In addition to the current situation between the eastern Wu Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty, Chen Ren might not go out again in the future. Is that not to say that he would stay in Jianye forever and not go out?

As for Wang Yue's second condition, Chen Yang would not consider it at all. If he reached his father's level, how could it be possible? If he was more skillful than shooting, maybe after two or three years, Chen Yang would still have this chance. However, Chen Ren's natural divine power is to leave a little sister Chen Ru. The difference in strength alone makes Chen Yang unable to catch up with Chen Ren all his life.

After seeing the wonderful world outside, where would Chen Yang be willing to stay in Jianye for decades. As soon as he thought of the taste, Chen Yang couldn't help shivering. He quickly walked to the back of Tong Yuan with a smile. He pinched his shoulder and said with a smile, "well, grandfather, in fact, yang'er is not very dangerous this time! At that time, if yang'er wanted to leave, he could go at any time. How can those soldiers stop yang'er! by the way! Didn't yang'er just say that? Even Zhang Liao, the famous general under Cao Cao of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was defeated by yang'er, which shows that yang'er has a good command of skills. "

Being pinched comfortably by Chen Yang, Tong Yuan closed his eyes and nodded and said, "that's it! Naturally, my grandson of Tong Yuan is good at it! "

"So say it!" Chen Yang quickly said: "yang'er is so powerful, but he has to rely on his father to fight in the future. Others don't know that yang'er is the second generation ancestor who relies on his father's shadow! Isn't that yang'er's fame that he managed to fight hard to win all the fame to his father? "

Tong Yuan did not speak at this time. It was obvious that Chen Yang's words had some truth. He himself was not alone in the world at that time and made such a great reputation. In Tong Yuan's heart, he also agreed with Chen Yang's point of view, but just now he was in love with Chen Yang, afraid that Chen Yang would be hurt again next time. Wang Yue, on the other side, hesitated and said, "but I heard that under Cao Cao's command, Zhang Liao was only a first-class general. Above him, there were four more powerful characters called" four generals of Chang'an. ". You just won a Zhang Liao. If you meet those four generals, you may not be able to win with your present skills! "

Chen Yang immediately said, "yang'er can't do it now. There's no second uncle you are! Yang'er also decided to live in Zhaojia village this period of time! Ask my grandfather and second uncle Gong for advice so that I can be more competent. In this case, whether he is the fourth general of Chang'an or the eighth General of Luoyang! Yang'er met them, and he swept them away! "

Wang Yue has nothing to say. If Chen Yang is not his grandson, he is afraid that he will be killed as soon as he goes out, regardless of Wang Yue's affairs. In fact, Wang Yue quite agrees that a man should be in the world. Seeing the two old men relaxed, Chen Yang himself was also secretly relieved. He quickly turned around the two old men. His small mouth was as sweet as honey, which made the two old men happy.

After a long time, it was time to have dinner. Just as Chen Yang and two old men were ready to have dinner in the hall, he heard a cry: "grandfather! Second uncle! Here comes jour

is just as like as two peas before Chen, and even the tone is very similar. Chen Yang and two old men look up and see the entrance of the garden. Zhang Renzheng takes three young men and women to come over. Among them, the youngest sister Chen Yang is Chen Ru. But behind Zhang Ren, it is Chen Yang's second younger brother Chen Kang and Chen Yang's confidant Dong Bai.

Chen Ru did not look like a lady. She looked like a ghost. At first, she called out to Tongyuan sweetly. Then she threw herself at Wang Yue and cried out: "second uncle! Why don't you come back to see ru'er? " Compared with Tong Yuan, Chen Ru seems to be closer to Wang Yue, probably because Wang Yue tells her stories about chivalry.

Wang Yue touched Chen Ru's head happily and said, "the second uncle just arrived. I have something to look for your grandfather! How are you doing? I haven't seen your second uncle for such a long time. Do you want to miss your second uncle

Chen Ru naturally replied, "yes, I really want to.". At this time, Chen Kang also respectfully went to Tong Yuan and Wang Yue, made a salute, and then stood obediently beside Tong Yuan. Tong Yuan gently patted Chen Kang on the shoulder and looked at Chen Kang with kindness on his face. It was another form of love for his disciples, Tong Yuan and Wang Yue. If Chen Kang and Chen Yang and Chen Ru are as lively and strong as Chen Kang, maybe the two old people will not love Chen Kang so much. However, it is precisely because Chen Kang's body is so thin that he can't practice martial arts at all except for some simple kung fu skills. Therefore, the two old people are very fond of Chen Kang.However, this time, the attention of the two old people quickly moved away from their grandchildren, and their eyes were focused on Dong Bai, who had been quietly writing behind Zhang Ren. Dong Bai was still a little timid when he saw the two old men, but after seeing Chen Yang's encouraging eyes, Dong Bai finally got up his courage and went to the two old men and said, "Xiaobai has met my grandfather! I've met the second uncle! " Although Dong Bai has not yet passed through the door, she is now a concubine of Chen Yang. Naturally, she has to follow Chen Yang's name.

Tong Yuan and Wang Yue are extremely satisfied with their granddaughter-in-law. They are quiet, beautiful, and have a big family girl temperament. Then they look at Chen Yang on the side. They are like golden children and jade girls. They can't help laughing. Tong Yuan Xu helped him and said, "get up! I don't need to be restrained here. All of them live in mountain villages and do not have as many rules as those big families in the city! "

"Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, second uncle! " Dong Bai is very clever to stand up, I have to stand aside Chen Yang's side, see Chen Yang is smiling at himself, Dong Bai can't help but blush.

"Well! pretty good! Not bad Wang Yue nodded and said with satisfaction, "yang'er! If I remember correctly, you should be 16th birthday on the 19th of next month? At the same time, it's time for you to crown the ceremony! "

"The second uncle is not wrong. Yang'er was crowned at that time!" Although it's strange that Wang Yue suddenly asked about this, Chen Yang still nodded his head to confirm it. This is actually why Chen Ren had to ask Gan Ning to take him back. It's just a matter of fooling around outside. Chen Yang's crown ceremony must be at home. With Chen Ren's current status, I'm afraid that all the important people of the eastern Wu Dynasty will come to participate in the ceremony. After all, Chen Yang is Chen Ren's eldest son, that is, the successor of Chen Ren's career in the future. At this moment, if Chen Yang is not here, how can we do it!

"Well!" Wang Yue continued to nod his head and said: "after the crown ceremony, you are a real man. Then hurry up and marry Bai'er! Remember! We must work hard to produce ten eight! Let your second uncle and grandfather have a great grandfather's addiction

"Ha ha ha ha! good point! Young! We must work hard! " Tong Yuan also burst into laughter, but made Chen Yang and Dong Bai's faces red with laughter, especially Dong Bai, whose face was already bright red. It seemed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground.

Being teased by the two old men, Chen Yang is also a little embarrassed. If it is normal, Chen Yang must be reluctant to run to the two old men to act coquettish. But now that Dong Bai is around, Chen Yang is embarrassed to pretend to be tender and coquettish, which is detrimental to his powerful image in Dong Bai's mind. Chen Yang also only stands there smirk, only sees Dong Bai nearby, in the heart sweet Zizi.

Knowing that he has been recognized by Tong Yuan and Wang Yue, Dong Bai is naturally very happy. Although she was born in a powerful family, Dong's family has declined. When Dong Huyang was a child, she was worried about whether she could accept Chen Huyang's maidservant. Although he has been recognized by Chen Ren and his three wives, Dong Bai knows that Chen Yang has other elders. If he can't get the approval of those elders, everything will be in vain.

Today, Dong Bai was still doing needlework in the backyard as usual, but he was called to the hall by three ladies and asked her to follow a middle-aged man with an indifferent face to meet Chen Yang's grandfather. Dong Bai immediately felt nervous. Especially after seeing the indifference on the face that Chen Kang and Chen Ru called the second master, Dong Bai could not help but feel a little afraid. Fortunately, Huang Yueying sees through Dong Bai's mind and asks Chen Kang and Chen Ru to come with him. I'm afraid Dong Bai doesn't dare to come.