In addition to Huang Chengyan, who is still studying the array in Huashan, Dong Bai has also been recognized by all Chen Yang's elders. With Huang Chengyan's love for Chen Yang's temper, I'm afraid there is no problem. Tong Yuan took a look at Zhang Ren and asked, "Ren Er, why? Why didn't Zici come here? "

Zhang Ren was still indifferent, and said to Tong Yuan, "master, the younger martial brother was supposed to come along with him, but he was recruited by the king of Wu temporarily, saying that he had an urgent business to discuss with him."

"Well!" Business matters, but Tong Yuan is not unreasonable. Even if he pulls Chen Kang aside, Wang Yue takes Chen Ru and walks into the hall. Zhang Ren just glanced at Chen Yang and Dong Bai and followed them directly behind them. Chen Yang and Dong Bai looked at each other with a smile, and they walked up shoulder to shoulder.

Old man Li is a famous old man in Liaoxi County, not because he is not good, but because he likes to brag. Ordinary people, boasting at most can be famous in the local county, but old man Li can be famous in the whole Liaoxi County, which is very rare. Therefore, if old man Li walks into the street, those who know him will respectfully address him as Mr. Li.

Early this morning, Mr. Li rushed to the seaside with his fishing rod and basket. His family lived in a small village not far away from the seaside. Therefore, he often went to the seaside to find a clean place to fish. If you can catch one or two fish, you can not only improve your home, but also provide some capital for old man Li to boast about.

Come to a fishing platform in the past. This platform was discovered by old man Li last month. It is not only smooth, but also surrounded by mountains and rocks. It can help to block the sea breeze. In front of it, you can enjoy the scenery of the sea. It is really a good place to fish. About this place, Mr. Li has never talked to anyone about it, and it has become his own secret base.

As usual, old man Li went to the platform and prepared his fishing rod. He threw up his fishing rod and started fishing for a day. Today, there is a thick fog floating on the sea, and old man Li can only see a vast expanse of white, which is far from the boundless scene in the past. For this reason, old man Li can't help mumbling, is obviously very dissatisfied, but old man Li can't do anything with the fog, and he can only curse himself in the bottom of his heart and begin to concentrate on fishing.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, as if something had collided with each other, which scared old man Li who had just sunk into fishing. Even when old man Li stood up and looked at the sound of the sea in horror, his heart was very scared. Just now, old man Li scolded a few words in his mouth. Who knows if he has offended the god Buddha there. At the thought of this, old man Li severely slapped his old face.

Just want to worship God when the old man Li suddenly saw the front of the sea fog more and more light, did not wait for old man Li to react to what was going on. Suddenly, a huge ship broke out of the thick fog. Old Li Tou lived a long time, but in his life, he had never seen such a big ship. That boat is bigger than their village!

However, old man Li's surprise was not over, and then more and more such boats rushed out of the thick fog, and the old man Li almost screamed. But fortunately, old man Li is still clever, and covers his mouth and nose with his hands, and finally suppresses the scream that rushes to his throat.

"My God! Such a big ship, isn't it sent by the Dragon King? " Looking at those big ships, old man Li couldn't help but smack his tongue and thought to himself, "yes! I am old man Li! I saw the boat sent by the Dragon King today! What a blessing! I have to talk about it when I go back today. They always say that old man Li is bragging! I'll tell them the truth today, but I won't shock them! " Old man Li thought that in the future in the street, big guys will look at themselves with more respect, and that's a beauty in his heart! Even the fear of seeing these huge ships was thrown out of the air.

Although old man Li thought happily, when he went back, he told others what he had seen and heard, but no one believed him. Only when he was bragging again. However, old man Li got very sick. After he got well, he just shut up and began to be quiet. This made a boaster in Liaoxi County short.

The ship that old man Li saw was, of course, the Navy led by Gan Ning. After rescuing the Xuzhou army, Ganning set foot on the road again and arrived at the far north of Youzhou by water. Although Jia Xu doubted the raid on Youzhou ten years ago, ten years later, with Cao Cao's troops at his elbow, the coast guard was gone. Therefore, this time, Ganning led the water army to come to Youzhou again, and no one knew except that old man Li saw him.

With small boats to transport more than 900000 sailors to the shore, Ganning did not let the ship go. Chen Ren's goal for Ganning this time is to completely occupy Youzhou and put a nail in Cao Cao's back! Most of Cao Cao's army was delayed to the south of the line of defense, simply unable to take care of Youzhou. Although the 900000 troops of Ganning are all water troops, they are enough to capture Youzhou.After integrating his troops, Gan Ning began to give orders. He said to several Navy generals standing in front of him: "Jiang Qin! I give you 100000 people, you must take Liaoxi and Liucheng down for me! Any questions? "

Jiang Qin used to be very calm, but he learned a lot under Chen Ren, so he has been promoted continuously in recent years. Now he is the deputy governor of the water army under Ganning. Jiang Qin clasped his fist at Gan Ning and said, "don't worry, governor! Jiang qinding does not disgrace his life! Take Liaoxi and Liucheng and offer them to the general! "

"Good!" Gan Ning cheered, turned his head and looked at Zhou Tai, another deputy governor under his command, and cheered: "Zhou Tai! I give you 300000 people, you give me along the Great Wall to fight westward, all the way to Daijun! You have this confidence

Zhou Tai was still the same as before, but his eyes and expression had calmed down a lot. He immediately held his fist and said to Gan Ning, "governor, don't worry! If Zhou Tai can't do it, I'll come and see you! "

Gan Ning was very confident about these two subordinates, otherwise he would not have given them such an important task. Then he turned to the others and said, "the rest of the people, follow me, take youbeiping first! Take Fan Yang again! Our Dongwu water army has not been exposed on this land for a long time! I'd like to see if those old friends of Cao Cao have forgotten our Dongwu water army When he said this, Gan Ning's white teeth were slightly exposed and looked very ferocious.

Three days later, outside the city of Liaoxi, a huge army suddenly appeared. Because Youzhou is located in the far north, and there is no handover with any neighboring countries, so the guard of this city is just an ordinary civil servant. The official usually managed and managed the registered residence, but he was very scared when he saw so many troops even outside the city.

Outside the city, Jiang Qin, who led a hundred thousand troops, looked at the chaos at the head of the city, his mouth slightly tilted, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at the army behind him and said, "brothers! See, what cowards are guarding the city ahead! We're going to take this city in an hour! Do you have any confidence? "

"Yes! yes! Yes There were three roars, but the ground was shaking.

"Good!" Jiang Qin turned around, drew up his sword and pointed to the western city of Liaoxi in front of him. He yelled: "go!"

With Jiang Qin's violent drinking, 100000 troops immediately cried out and followed him to the west of Liaoning. Unfortunately, even when the number of garrisons was the largest, there were only thousands of troops in the western city of Liaoning, not to mention that Cao Cao had deployed most of the garrison to resist the southern defense line. Now there are only a few hundred people in the city, and hundreds of people are used to defend the attack of 100000 people from the other side, and the result is not surprising.

Before Jiang Qin and his army rushed to the city wall, he saw that countless swords and guns were suddenly thrown down from the city head. On the city head, the civilian official who had just fainted, climbed on the wall and called out to Jiang Qin outside the city: "general, general! We, we vote, surrender! Surrender

Surrender? Although Jiang Qin knew that the battle would be easy, he did not expect to win without fighting. This was beyond his expectation. Although this saved time and saved the soldiers from wasting, Jiang Qin could not help feeling that he could not use his fist. Jiang Qin stopped the army behind him and raised his head to the civilian official at the head of the city and said, "are you sure you want to surrender? If not, let's have a look at it first. Maybe you can still prevent it

The civilian official at the head of the city suddenly had a look worse than crying. He called to Jiang Qin outside the city: "this general, don't, don't make fun of it! We have only a few hundred garrisons here. We don't even have enough teeth for the general. How dare we confront the general's army? " With that, the civil servant turned his head and yelled to the soldiers behind him: "don't you open the gate quickly! Come on

Jiang Qin was very depressed when he heard the civil servant's words. These years, he had really choked down the water army. When he was abroad, he did not need any effort to deal with uncivilized savages. I finally came back to the Central Plains. I heard that there was a war, but I was so happy that I didn't close my eyes for a few days. But now it seems that we can't fight a happy battle at all. We just don't know whether our next target, Liucheng, will surprise Jiang Qin.