Like Jiang Qin, Gan Ning and his 500000 army attacked youbeiping, but he did not even fight. The garrison surrendered directly. Ganning was also very depressed. From this point, we can see that Cao Cao was really very tight in his forces. Even big cities like Liaoxi and youbeiping had only a few hundred defenders. Of course, this is also related to the geographical location of these two cities, which can be said to be in the hinterland of Youzhou, so even if there are only a few hundred garrisons, there is no problem. It was in this way that Ganning was given the opportunity to seize the two cities easily.

Different from the two of them, Zhou Tai's journey was not very easy. With 300000 troops, Zhou Tai's first target was a small city on the edge of the Great Wall, Lulong city.

Although in terms of the scale of the city, Lulong city can not be compared with Liaoxi city and youbeipingcheng City, there are 3000 garrisons in this city. Zhou Tai also looked down on this small town before, that is, he sent one of his aides with 50000 people to attack, but almost fell in this small town. After a whole hour, Zhou Tai did not even take the city. Zhou Tai guessed that the city was not so simple. He came with the remaining 250000 troops.

As soon as he got to the edge of the city, Zhou Taiyuan saw that in addition to Cao Cao's "Cao" flag, there was also a "code" flag on the head of the city.

"Code?" Zhou Tai frowned. The famous general named Dian under Cao Cao's tent was Dian Wei, one of the four generals in Chang'an. Could it be that this fierce general came? incorrect! Zhou Tai immediately shook his head and denied the conjecture. Everyone knew that Dianwei was Cao Cao's bodyguard. It was impossible for Cao Cao to send him out unless he had to. Now Chang'an city is facing the threat of Hanzhong allied forces, and Cao Cao will not send Dian Wei to the far north to defend the city. But in addition to Dian Wei, Zhou Tai had never heard of a war general named Dian under Cao Cao's account who had this ability.

At this time, the deputy general sent by Zhou Tai to attack the city also arrived in front of Zhou Tai. He immediately knelt down and said to Zhou Tai: "the final general will attack the city unfavourably. Please punish the general!"

Zhou Tai didn't have the heart to punish him. He waved and signaled that he would go down. Then he watched the movement on the head of the city and secretly made up his mind: "no matter who it is! I don't believe it! My 300000 army can't attack a small Lulong city! "

With Zhou Tai's command, the 250000 troops behind him integrated the 50000 people who had attacked the city before, just like a giant wolf, rushing towards the small Lulong city. Zhou Tai was not wrong about this. There was no doubt that 300000 troops had captured Lulong city. Half an hour later, Lulong city was declared broken, and all three thousand garrison troops in the city were killed. The city's general also committed suicide when the city was broken.

After entering the city, Zhou Tai arrested several civilians to inquire about the situation, and then learned some information. It turns out that although the general of this city is not Dianwei, it is closely related to Dianwei. This general is dianman, Dianwei's own son! As one of the four generals of Chang'an, Dian Wei's successor did not allow his son to rely on his father's shadow, so he asked Cao Cao to send Dian man to the far north for training.

As for the number of garrison troops in this city, it is not without reason. It turns out that Gao Shun killed all the foreigners in the desert for military training, but those who stayed in the north of Youzhou were able to survive. However, after more than a decade, these alien groups showed signs of rising again. However, Cao Cao was bent on dealing with the eastern Wu Kingdom, and could not spare any time to completely eliminate these alien groups. Therefore, he deployed more troops in these border cities to prevent alien invasion.

"Alien race!" After hearing the news, Zhou Tai not only did not worry and fear, but also licked his lips. Although dianman caused him some trouble, Zhou Tai still didn't enjoy the fight. As soon as I heard the news, Zhou Tai actually put his mind on those alien people.

Not my race! The heart will be different! This is what Chen Ren often said to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin when he took them with them. Therefore, in Zhou Tai's mind, these alien races are absolutely forbidden to stay! Fortunately, the next few cities, the final target of Daijun, was a little difficult. Zhou Tai simply divided his forces into two, and asked the deputy general to take 150000 troops to continue the attack according to the original route. However, he himself rushed out of the Great Wall with 150000 troops and killed them in the desert.

In this period of time, Cao Zhen had a headache.

As Cao Cao's adopted son, Cao Zhen was highly valued by Cao Cao, but he was not a member of the Cao family after all. Cao Zhen also knew the position of the governor of Youzhou, which was admired by many people. Therefore, since he became governor of Youzhou, Cao Zhen has been conscientious and dare not make any mistakes, for fear that he will be caught by someone with a will and drive him out of office. When the time comes, it will not be as simple as Cao Zhen's disgrace, and Cao Cao will also lose face, so Cao Zhen will not want to turn over by Cao Cao in the future.

However, just a few days ago, several bad news came suddenly. Several cities in the northeast of Youzhou suddenly lost contact, which made Cao Zhen feel very uneasy, and even suspected that those alien invaders had invaded. To this end, Cao Zhen quickly mobilized the army and was ready to deal with alien attacks at any time. However, Cao Zhen did not intend to tell Cao Cao about the news, because Cao Zhen could imagine that if he spread the news to Chang'an, he would not be able to keep his position even if he liked him any more. Therefore, Cao Zhen can only choose to rely on his own strength to solve this crisis."Newspaper!" A sergeant came from the outside and came to the door of Cao Zhen's study. He knelt down at the door directly, clasped his hands and said, "report to the general! The one sent by Xiping has already returned! "

"Oh?" As soon as Cao Zhen, who was in trouble, heard the news, he was surprised and said, "have you come back? How fast! Come on! Send him in

"Here it is The sergeant took a drink and retired.

After a while, a dusty Sergeant came from the outside, but he still stopped at the door of the study, knelt down on his knees, and gave Cao Zhen a hug: "villain has seen the general!"

When Cao Zhen saw the sergeant's appearance, he knew that he must be a detailed work sent to inquire about the news. He quickly asked, "tell me! What happened to youbeiping? "

He made a direct reply: "report back to the general! The villain didn't go to youbeiping, but came back on the way

"What!" Hearing this answer, Cao Zhen was immediately stunned. Is this meticulous work too bold? Not only did not complete the task, came back without authorization, but also dared to speak in front of himself in a dignified manner. Is this guy a madman. Stupefied for a while, Cao Zhen immediately angrily said: "be bold! How dare you say it! Somebody! Drag out this daring fellow and cut him off

As Cao Zhen's voice just fell, a few sergeants guarding the door of the study immediately pressed the fine work, and they would drag him down. The meticulous work immediately scared his face white, and quickly called out: "general! general! I am wronged! Please listen to the villain

After listening to Cao, he thought that the two soldiers were not so careful. Cao Zhen said with a cold face! What's wrong with you

He was fully aware of the fact that Cao Zhen was in a bad mood and couldn't touch him. Immediately carefully, he threw himself on the ground and said to Cao Zhen, "general! There is a reason why villains come back on the way! That's because the villain met a huge army on the way, which came from the right Peiping direction! The villain saw that the army was quite large, so he didn't dare to delay and rushed back immediately! This is not a villain who deliberately fails to complete the general's orders! Please, general, have a good look at it

After listening to the detailed explanation, Cao Zhen didn't have the heart to worry about whether the detailed work deliberately violated the military order. Instead, he looked at the work with wide eyes and asked in a trembling voice, "you, you, what do you say? Say it again When he said this, Cao Zhen's hands were shaking, and he felt very bad in his heart.

He also knew that his news was so shocking that he quickly replied again: "general! On the way, the villain met a large army of about 500000 people. Starting from the right Peiping direction, they are heading for Fan Yang! "

"Five, five, five hundred thousand?" Cao Zhen couldn't help swallowing his mouth, and his face turned pale. The whole Youzhou garrison was only 700000, and the enemy troops this time were 500000. What can Cao Zhen do and explain to Cao Cao. How much responsibility should Cao really bear when such a large army suddenly appeared in his territory! As for the cities and counties in the northeast of Youzhou that Cao Zhen had been concerned about before, now they are almost outside the city of Fanyang. What will happen to those cities and counties?

Cao Zhen finally maintained his final calm, but his face was blankly asked: "have you ever seen what kind of army the other side is?"? Is it a foreign race

"Report back to the general!" Seeing Cao Zhen's appearance, he finally guessed that he didn't have to die. He quickly resumed his half kneeling posture, but he still did not dare to get up and said, "villain, watching from the distance of that army, is mostly infantry, and it is well armored, and it is not like the armies of other races. What's more, the villain also saw that the army was flying two flags, one side of which was written with the word "Gan" and the other side was "Dongwu water army"! "