Chang'an City, in the palace of King Wei.

In the assembly hall, the civil servants and military generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty were all chattering and talking, while Cao Cao, who was sitting at the top of the Council, rubbed his forehead and leaned against one side, which seemed to be very painful.

"My Lord! Would you like to see the doctor? " As soon as Jia Xu, sitting next to Cao Cao, saw the appearance of Cao Cao, he knew that it was Cao Cao's old fault that he had committed again. Jia Xu couldn't help worrying. Today, the Northern Wei Dynasty was beset with difficulties, but Cao Cao's health was getting worse and worse. Jia Xu couldn't imagine whether the Northern Wei Dynasty could survive if Cao Cao fell down at this time.

Cao Cao raised his other hand and waved it to Jia Xu, indicating that he was OK. He took a look at the people who were still arguing, and his brows could not help but gather a few points. Cao Cao clapped his hands lightly, but the applause made the huge meeting hall quiet. All the generals turned their heads to Cao Cao. Cao Cao said with a gloomy face, "gentlemen! Now that the war in Qingzhou is over, Qingzhou has become our territory again. What do you think we should do next? "

"Lord!" The first one to stand up was Zhong Yao, who had just replaced Chen Qun. He paid homage to Cao Cao and said, "after the battle of Qingzhou, the Xuzhou regiment has no combat effectiveness any more. Now the three regiments of Soochow have gone to the second! A new Jiangdong army alone should not be able to deal with the whole front. My subordinates think that we should take this opportunity to go south! "

Cao Cao took a look at Zhong Yao and went south? Cao Cao never thought about going south any more! But is the situation right now? Cao Cao looked at Zhong Yao and asked, "Yuan Chang! Since you propose to go south, what's your reason? Or where do you go south? "

Zhong Yao bowed his hand to Cao Cao, and then to other people. Zhong Yao is also an aristocratic family. In terms of etiquette, it can be said that he has reached an instinctive level. After the ceremony, Zhong Yao cleared his throat and said in a loud voice, "my Lord! The capture of Qingzhou, the Lord has allocated Jizhou people, although has successfully captured Qingzhou, but the impact on Jizhou is great! The next year's grain and forage income of Jizhou will be a big gap! Therefore, my subordinates think that we should seize more territory from the south before we harvest grain in the next year, so that we can fill the gap of grain and grass! One of them! Second, Soochow sun CE has just been in power, and Xuzhou regiment suffered heavy losses, which will be a great blow to the rights of Soochow sun CE! The Lord can take advantage of this opportunity to go south. I believe that the Soochow army will not be able to make effective defense! If we wait for sun CE to stabilize the situation, I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity again! So I think it's an excellent opportunity to go south at the moment! As for the direction of going south, my subordinates think that the newly created Xuzhou regiment is just a time of weakness. Besides, Xuzhou is also a rich place. There must be a lot of grain stored, which can solve the problem of food and grass in our army! So my subordinates think that we should take Xuzhou as a breakthrough point and attack Wu from the south! "

Cao Cao lowered his head and thought about Zhong Yao's words, which seemed to have some truth, but he could not persuade Cao Cao to send troops without authorization. After all, the military strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty is still much worse than that of the eastern Wu. It is lucky that the eastern Wu did not fight. Cao Cao was asked to send troops to fight against Dongwu at this time? Cao Cao himself wiped a cold sweat in his heart.

"I don't think it's right!" At this time, another person suddenly stood up, but it was Yilang Dong Zhao. Dong Zhao saluted Cao Cao and then saluted Zhong you. After all, he wanted to refute Zhong Yao's opinion. "The first point that Mr. Zhong said is that I agree with him, but I think the second point is inappropriate! Although sun CE has just ascended the throne, perhaps he is not as good as Sun Jian in controlling the political power, but Lord Zhong should not forget! Besides the king of Dongwu, there was a man who could command the army of Dongwu! This person is closely related to sun CE, is also sun CE's teacher, is an absolute supporter of sun CE. Moreover, Chen Ren had a high reputation in the Dongwu army. Zhao Yun was his senior brother in Hanzhong. The leading generals in Chengdu, Bajun, Yangzhou and Xuzhou were all Chen Ren's subordinates. In particular, the Jiangdong new army had never changed other commanders in the past ten years. As long as he supports sun CE, sun CE's leadership of the Dongwu army will not have any problems! If our army hastily sent troops to the south, we were afraid that it would be severely attacked by Soochow, and even other defense lines would be lost! Therefore, my subordinates think that we should never go south easily! " After all, Dong Zhao again paid a courtesy to Zhong you. After all, it was for business. If he offended his colleagues, it would not be worthwhile.

Cao Cao's face became more and more gloomy. What Dong Zhao said was exactly what Cao Cao was most worried about. To say, the political situation of the Soochow Kingdom might have a chance to take advantage of it. But the army of Soochow is a piece of iron. As long as Chen Ren is there, there is no way to shake the big tree of Dongwu army! In order to deal with the Dongwu army these years, Cao Cao did not use less brains to stir up the relationship between other members of the sun's family and Chen Ren. He wanted to make Chen Ren lose power in Dongwu. However, he did not expect Sun Jian to trust Chen Ren so much. Last time, Cao Cao simply wanted to trigger a coup in Soochow, but it was destroyed by the old generals in Jianye city! Think about it. Although Cheng Pu and other veteran generals are old, they have not yet reached the point where they can't move. However, they are recalled to Jianye by Sun Jian. Is this to prevent Cao Cao from playing such tricks?

Cao Cao was still thinking about it, but another man stood up again. This time, he was a general, Xia Houdun, the governor of the Northern Wei Dynasty. According to the news from Qingzhou some time ago, Xia Houdun almost didn't faint after the death of Xia Houyuan in battle. During this period, he has been recuperating in his own house. Today is the first day when XiahouDun takes office again. For the death of Xia Houyuan, Cao Cao is also very sad, Xia Houyuan is Cao Cao Chen Liu soldiers, has been with the side of the veteran, but also Cao Cao's brother. Now that Xia Hou yuan was killed in battle, how could he not make Cao Cao sad? For this reason, Cao Cao called back Cao Xiu and Xia Hou Shang back, and severely disciplined him. It was also a vent of anger. Now when he saw XiahouDun, Cao Cao could not help thinking of XiaHouYuan, and could not help feeling a trace of apology.Compared with the extreme grief of the previous few days, it seemed as if XiahouDun had returned to his former appearance, but his face was still colder. Xia Hou Dun clasped his fist and said, "my Lord! I think we should go south at this time! After the bloody battle in Hanguguan and the battle in Qingzhou, Dongwu should also be greatly damaged. If you don't take this opportunity to go south, I'm afraid it will be too late until the eastern Wu recovers its vitality! "

"Yuan rang, do you agree with Yuan Chang Cao Cao looked at XiahouDun and asked, and the tone of his speech was much softer.

But XiahouDun shook his head and said, "no! At the end of the day, he only agreed with Lord Zhong's suggestion of going south, but he didn't agree with his suggestion of attacking Xuzhou! Although the Xuzhou regiment was recently injured, the details of the Xuzhou army are still there. The governor Bao Bao of Xuzhou just suffered some skin injuries in the last assassination. I'm afraid that he will be well recovered now! If the army of Xuzhou is attacked by our army, it will be attacked fiercely! Besides, Xuzhou is close to Yangzhou and Jiangdong. The reinforcements of Soochow can quickly rescue Xuzhou. If we attack Xuzhou, our army will end up with nothing but nothing. "

After listening to Xia Houdun's analysis, Cao Cao nodded frequently, but Zhong Yao was blushing with shame. After all, Zhong Yao is only a civil servant and a leader in the administration of government affairs. But in military affairs, how can he be compared with a veteran general like Xia Houdun.

Cao Cao comforted Zhong Yao with a smile and then asked Xia Houdun, "where should we start when we want to go south?"

Xia Hou Dun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "the last general thinks that we should capture Hanzhong!"

Xia Houdun's words from Hanzhong immediately caused an uproar, and all of them stood up against it. Everyone knows that it might have been a good idea to capture Hanzhong in the past, but now that the natural danger of Qishan is no longer in Cao Cao's hands, it is not too difficult to capture Hanzhong! Only Jia Xu and Sima Yi, who were sitting next to Cao Cao, bowed their heads and pondered without saying a word.

Cao Cao glanced at the two counsellors whom he regarded as his right and left. He raised his hand to make everyone quiet. Then he looked at Xia Houdun and asked, "Yuan rang! Tell me your reasons! I don't believe it's the kind of person who aims at nothing! "

"Here it is XiahouDun made a standard military salute, then looked up and said, "first of all, the importance of Hanzhong. At that time, the state of Qin laid the foundation stone and achieved hegemony by relying on the land of three Qin. Now Yongzhou is under the control of the Northern Wei Dynasty. If Hanzhong is captured, the vast and fertile land in Hanzhong can provide sufficient food and grass for the Lord. Secondly, among the several States and counties adjacent to the Northern Wei Dynasty, Hanzhong is the most remote. At this time, the troops of Chengdu and Bajun had already gathered together with the people and horses of Hanzhong. Jingzhou and Jiaozhou were not only far away, but also inadequate. Therefore, there is no need to worry about attacking Hanzhong! "

However, Dong Zhao never sat down. After listening to Xia Houdun's words, he could not help but interrupt and say, "Dudu! However, there are nearly 400000 troops under the command of General Zhao Yun and Ling Cao in Qishan! In addition to the natural danger of Qishan mountain, if we want to capture Hanzhong, it will be difficult to capture Xuzhou? "

Xia Houdun still kept his indifferent expression. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry. He just glanced at Dong Zhao and said, "Mr. Dong, this is not true! I just said to capture Hanzhong. Who said to attack Qishan? "

Hearing Xia Houdun's words, Dong Zhao was stunned and didn't understand Xia Houdun's meaning at all. Jia Xu and Sima Yi on one side suddenly laughed. Jia Xu pointed to Xia Houdun and said with a smile: "I didn't think of it! It turns out that general Xiahou is such a wonderful man