Longxi city is the junction of Hanzhong, Yongzhou and Liangzhou. It can be described as the gateway of the three states. Its importance in Yongzhou is second only to Tianshui and Chang'an.

Since he got the news that Dongwu was preparing for the northern expedition, Cao Cao was in a state of panic. He strengthened his military defense in several cities and even forcibly arrested local men to serve as strong men. Although it caused great public resentment, there was no way to deal with it. Cao Cao knew that the strength of the eastern Wu Kingdom was far greater than that of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he had never taken the initiative to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty. That was because Sun Jian, the former king of Wu, was unwilling to sacrifice his own strength. However, he did not expect that the last time he plotted a plot against Soochow, provoking sun Bi and Wu Jing to rebel against him, but he was a young and vigorous sun The top policy. Now sun CE is not as worried as Sun Jian. He has only been in power for a long time. However, both the two armies of the eastern Wu Kingdom have lost their combat effectiveness, so they have to devote all the forces of Dongwu to carry out an all-round attack on the Northern Wei Dynasty. In contrast, Cao Cao was caught unprepared and made every effort to build up a 20000 strong garrison in Longxi.

But are these 20000 garrisons enough? When Soochow led 200000 troops to the south of the city, the generals guarding the city would be confused. 200000 to 20000, ten times the gap! How can you resist it?

However, the general was also loyal. Even though he knew that he could not resist the enemy's army, he never thought of leaving the city to escape. Instead, he chose to defend the city and sent people to Tianshui to seek reinforcements. Cao Cao also arranged nearly 30000 people in Tianshui, but it was precisely to provide assistance to Sanguan and Longxi.

On the seventh day of getting the news that LV Meng had brought his troops to attack the city, in the early morning, outside the southern border city of Longxi City, the sound of war drums sounded. At the sound of the battle drum, the general of the garrison shivered. He looked at the South with some helplessness. However, he rushed to the south of the city with the garrison. However, he saw that there were dense enemy troops outside the city, gathering about two miles outside the city, ready to rush towards the direction of the city.

"Prepare to defend! Prepare to defend When he saw that the other side concentrated all his troops in one direction, he could not help but feel relieved. In this way, he did not need to disperse the few garrisons. He only needed to gather all the 20000 garrisons in the city to the south of the city and confront the other side. In the battle of defending the city, it is always the Garrison who has the advantage. The garrison can take advantage of this and delay Longxi city for a long time.

After a while, the Soochow army had already reached a distance of about 500 steps. Under the command of the general, the soldiers on the head of the city bent their bows and arrows one by one, aiming at the enemy in front of them. They could start to attack only when the other side rushed into the range. At this time, however, the general saw the front of the enemy, wearing black armor and riding a horse. It was obvious that he was a general of the enemy. He was holding a long bow and was aiming at the head of the city. What are you going to do? Now he is 500 steps away from the city! Are you going to start shooting at that position?

But just when the general was in doubt, the enemy general's arrow suddenly left the string and shot at him quickly. Although it was far away, it did not slow down at all, and it shot at the head of the city with a strong penetrating power. Suddenly, the guard general was frightened and rushed to the ground. However, he heard a scream behind him. He turned his head and saw that the arrow was deeply in the throat of a soldier behind him. The soldier was breathless on the spot. Looking at the frightened look of the soldier before he died, the general could not help swallowing his saliva. He slowly stood up and looked at the enemy general. When he saw that the enemy general had put the long bow in his hand, he stood up at ease.

The enemy general was about to look at the timid appearance of the general, and he could not help laughing: "I, the commander of the northern expedition of Dongwu, came to attack Cao Cao in the Northern Wei Dynasty! Don't open the city and surrender! You can be saved from death, otherwise, when the city is broken, you will be killed! That arrow just now is to let you know my skill! I am Lu Meng, a general of the eastern Wu Dynasty. "

Lvmeng! At that time, the commander of the Shandao camp of Jiangdong new army was appointed governor of Runan. It is said that he was not only brave but also good at using troops. Even when Cao Cao captured Yuzhou, he had to send people to assassinate LV Meng. Only when he confirmed that LV Meng was not in Yuzhou, could he dare to send troops at ease. But now, such a strong general has come to attack the city he is guarding, and he has brought a full 200000 people. The guard general does not know whether he should be happy or sad.

When the general was pale, the soldiers around him called out: "general! general! Look! Look east

Hearing the soldiers' shouts, the general looked to the east of the city. However, he could not see clearly because the distance was too far. The Dongwu army led by LV Meng outside the city suddenly stopped because of the arrival of this army, and LV Meng seemed surprised by the arrival of this army.

When the army moved in slowly, the garrison general had a chance to see the true face of the army. There were about 230000 soldiers in the army. All of them were wearing black armor of ordinary Cao army, and the leading soldiers were still holding a "Cao" flag in their hands. Not far in front of this army, a cavalry was running towards the city.

"That seems to be Wang Laojiu who went out of the city to patrol this morning." Another soldier seemed to have sharp eyes and recognized the cavalry immediately.What's going on? So many things happened suddenly, which made the general confused. After seeing the troops coming from the East, the Soochow army in front immediately withdrew quickly under the command of LV Meng. However, the general was relieved. Of course, the general did not have the courage to pursue Lu Meng's 200000 army with 20000 men.

"Go and find out where the army came from." The general immediately ordered his soldiers to find out, but he was still at the south of the city. He was afraid that this was some kind of trick played by the Soochow army.

After about half a column of incense time later, the soldiers who went to investigate ran back quickly and reported to the general: "general! That horse is really the Scout of the city, Wang Laojiu! Today, I was ordered to go out of the city to investigate. I just came back to report that I met the reinforcements on the way! After investigation, it was confirmed that it was from Tianshui! Therefore, he specially took the reinforcements to the city. For fear of misunderstanding, he ordered Wang Laojiu to go ahead and report the news, so as not to be injured by accident. "

"Reinforcements?" When the general heard this word, he almost jumped up with joy, "come on! Come on! Take me to meet the reinforcements into the city! Stay here and be on guard. If the Dongwu army comes to attack again, blow the horn immediately

"Here it is Under the shouts of the garrison soldiers, the general rushed to the lower part of the city. No wonder he was in such a hurry. These days, the general is on pins and needles. The safety of Longxi city is on his own. He has been worried for several days without sleeping. Now, the size of this army should also be 230000, which should be the largest number of troops that Tianshui can send. Presumably, the general who leads the army must be the general of Tianshui sent by Cao Cao. In this way, the general can completely hand over the responsibility of guarding the city to the other side, and he will be much more relaxed.

When the general arrived at the east of the city, the black armour army outside the city was only about 800 steps away from the city. The general ordered to open the gate and went out to meet him in person. The troops outside the city saw that the gate was opened, and they speeded up their march towards the city. In particular, there was a cavalry troop of about 1000 people at the front, but it was the fastest. The leader was a dark, emaciated general. Judging from the excellent armor on his body, he must be a senior general. Maybe he is sent from Chang'an!

The guard general thought like this, then accelerated the action of the foot, smiling face to greet. However, after a few steps, the general noticed something was wrong. At this time, the other side was already very close to the gate. However, the reinforcements, including the thousand cavalry, did not mean to slow down at all. They still ran towards the gate. In particular, the leader of the black faced general, with a low head and only a pair of eyes, was staring at the guard general in front of him. His face was full of murderous spirit, and he didn't look like a reinforcements.

"How does it look like you've come to attack the city?" Guard general just subconsciously murmured a word, suddenly eyes open big, seem to think of something, hurriedly turned around, toward the city gate shouting: "close! Close the gate

However, it was too late. Just after the second word of the general, the cavalry had already been killed. The black faced general who took the lead ran behind the general. The general could already feel the heavy breathing of the horse behind him. He suddenly turned around and saw a burst of white light. Then, as if he suddenly flew up, he flew directly into the air, watching the cavalry rush into Longxi city which he had been guarding for a long time and killed the soldiers at the gate of the city. When the guard general fell down, his whole head was buried in the mud at the gate of the city.

After the black faced general was beheaded, all the soldiers in the city were stunned. Even the garrison on the head of the city could not resist the soldiers entering the gate of the city to launch an attack. All of a sudden, all the 230000 troops rushed into the gate. At the same time, in the south of the city, Lu Meng, who had just retreated, appeared outside the city with his army and began to attack the city. But at this time, Longxi city was already in chaos. Without the suppression of the general, several vice generals raised white flags at the head of the city and declared their surrender before Lu Meng led his troops to the wall.

In the first battle of the northern expedition, Longxi City, representing the gate of Liangzhou and Yongzhou, announced the change of ownership!