About four or five hours after Longxi city broke down, in the prefect's house of Longxi City, Lvmeng and other major generals gathered in the conference hall, laughing and talking about the war just now.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lu Meng raised his tea cup in front of him and pointed to Xun you Yijing, who was smoothing his beard. He said, "thanks to Mr. Xun you's strategy, our army was able to easily capture Longxi city without a single soldier! Sir, great talent! It's a pity that you are not allowed to drink alcohol on the way out of the war. You can only use tea instead of wine. I'd like to offer you a cup of tea! "

Xun you also ha ha smile, can be so praised by Lu Meng, Xun you heart is naturally happy, immediately also raised in front of the tea cup, salute LV Meng, put a drink to the mouth.

Chen Dao, that is, the black faced general who took 30000 troops to disguise as Cao's army and rushed into the city first, asked Xun you with a smile: "Mr. Xun you! Now that we have completed the first task assigned by the governor, are we going to attack Jincheng

Xun you said with a smile, "General Chen! Don't worry about it! For the time being, we will stay in Longxi city first! "

"What?" LV Meng, Chen Dao and Dong Xi all looked at Xun you in surprise. LV Meng frowned and asked, "Mr. Xun you! This northern expedition is very important, but it's not a joke! How can we delay the capture of Liangzhou? Don't laugh, Mr. Xun you. You'd better tell us your plan

Xun you, however, laughed and said, "general Lu! Xun did not laugh! Our army is really going to stay in Longxi city for a while! For nothing else! In order to prevent Cao's army from seizing the rear of our army Then Xun you stood up and went to the generals and said, "have you not noticed, generals? Of the six armies, we have the least number of troops, but the difficulty of our targets is not the lowest. What general Bao of Xuzhou wanted to capture was Qingzhou, which had been occupied by Soochow. The difficulty of their target was the lowest, but even general Bao's army had 300000 troops! It is impossible to fail to see the truth with the ability of Dudu, but Dudu still arranges in this way. Do you know why, generals

Listen to Xun you so mention, three will you look at me, I look at you, but completely can't say why. Xun you continued: "our goal is the farthest Liangzhou. There is a long way to go, and Cao's army from Yongzhou is looking forward to it. At any time, we may be cut off by the other party. If the army has no food and grass supply, it will not be able to capture Liangzhou at all! I believe the governor of Dadu naturally knows this, so his obviously unreasonable arrangement must be reasonable and hidden in it! "

After listening to Xun you's last words, the three generals immediately knew that Xun you was going to talk about the key points, and they all put up their ears to listen. Xun you said: "when Jianye ordered generals, Dudu Dudu arranged the six Route Army, only two of them were set by Dadu, and the others were just setting a goal. Among these two armies, one was the one that captured Liangzhou, and the other was that general Tai Shici attacked Yongzhou. Therefore, I think that the arrangement of the governor of Dadu is to cooperate with general taishici to capture Liangzhou and Yongzhou! "

With these words, Xun you quickly walked to the corner of the assembly hall, took down the parchment with the map of Northwest China on it, laid it on the ground directly, and said to the three generals, "please have a look! The route that the governor of Dadu arranged for our army was to start from Dazhong, seize Longxi, and then seize Jincheng. The route for general Tai Shici was to start from Chen Cangshan, take Sanguan first, and then seize Tianshui! So the two routes collide! The two cities of Longxi and Tianshui formed horns with each other, which is the reason why Cao Cao had 20000 to 30000 troops in the two cities. No matter which city is captured first, the rest of the city can cut off our retreat after we leave! And we can't leave too many troops in the city, so we can't accomplish the purpose of our expedition

The three generals also left their seats at the same time, surrounded by the map, listening to Xun you's explanation: "therefore, after taking Longxi, we must stay here, waiting for general taishici to seize Tianshui, and then continue to march toward Jincheng! This time, our eastern Wu is attacking the Northern Wei Dynasty in an all-round way. We can't seek speed, we can only seek stability! Only in this way can we ensure the success of the northern expedition! Moreover, our army's goal is only Liangzhou. After taking Liangzhou, our army only needs to stay in Liangzhou. The focus of this northern expedition is Yongzhou and Yanzhou. We can only ensure that Cao's troops in Liangzhou will not go south to Yongzhou to help! "

After listening to Xun you's analysis, the three generals nodded their heads involuntarily. Even with a smile, LV mengdang paid homage to Xun you and said, "thank you for your guidance. Otherwise, LV Meng must make mistakes! It would be no harm if LV Meng lost his life, but if he broke the Northern Expedition plan of the eastern Wu Dynasty, it would be a great sin

Xun you, however, showed a great family's upbringing. He was not surprised by his honor or disgrace. He said with a smile, "general Lu is too modest! As a matter of fact, since Dudu chose general LV as commander-in-chief of the army, he naturally had confidence in general Lu. As long as general Lu thought about the mystery, he would understand it in a short time. Xun was just helping general Lu to understand in advance, which was nothing. "All of a sudden, Dong Cheng said, "Mr. Xun you, since we have seen through the intentions of Dudu Du, we are naturally in a good position. But how should general taishici inform them? What if they didn't understand the governor's intention and didn't listen to the governor's arrangement and attack Chen Cang after they captured the Sanguan pass? " There is some truth in Dong Chan's saying that. If the commander of this army was replaced by someone else, he might not have the courage to change Chen Ren's route. However, Tai Shici's position among the generals of the eastern Wu Dynasty was also very high, just under Chen's office. Moreover, he had a good relationship with Chen Ren. He didn't care about the title of Governor Chen Ren. If he suddenly rose and changed Chen Ren's route, maybe there is still this possibility!

Xun you shook his head and said with a smile, "this is absolutely impossible! Although general Tai Shici likes to make jokes with Dudu, he is very strict in governing the army and will not change his military orders at will. What's more, have the generals forgotten? There is also a ghost talent Mr. Guo Jia beside general Tai Shici! Mr. Guo's talent and wisdom are far better than Xun's. what Xun can see, he will never fail to see. What's more, Mr. Guo has been in contact with Dadu governor for many years, and he knows the mind of Dudu most clearly. I'm afraid that Mr. Guo has already told general taishici about the governor's idea now! "

After hearing Xun you say this, the third general is really relieved. Xun you looks at the map on the ground, and his eyes are slightly narrowed. The governor can make such arrangements. Naturally, he is familiar with their temperament and wisdom. Xun you also felt that the arrangement made by Dudu would not be such a simple response to the Cao army in Tianshui.

What Xun you didn't expect was that when he praised Guo Jia, Guo Jia was praising Xun you to taishici and other generals in the army of taishici who had already conquered Sanguan.

"Xun Gongda is a rare genius in the world. Different from Xun Wenda, he is good at tactics and military strategy, so he will be able to guess Zici's ideas. Don't worry, general Guo Jia said with a smile.

In front of Guo Jia, it was Tai Shici, Xu Chu, Xu Sheng and Chen Wu, who had just analyzed Chen Ren's ideas with Tai Shici. Xu Sheng also raised the concern that no one could guess Chen Ren's idea along the way, which led to loopholes in the plan. However, Guo Jia praised Xun you in the army of LV Meng, but it may be because of the intimate relationship between Guo Jia and Xun Yu. Although Xun you is 13 years older than Guo Jia, Guo Jia praises Xun you like an elder, which makes people laugh and cry.

However, Guo Jia didn't give any advice to taishici in the battle of seizing Sanguan, because he led a full 500000 army, including Wuxi barbarian soldiers, a special kind of army, and powerful generals such as taishici and Xu Chu. On the other hand, there were only 10000 garrisons above the Sanguan pass. There was no need to use any tricks at all. When he attacked Sanguan yesterday, Tai Shici only displayed 500000 troops outside the Sanguan pass, which had already greatly reduced the morale of the garrison. With Tai Shici's whip, the army attacked San Guan rapidly. Without encountering any strong resistance, they had already taken down Sanguan.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that Wuxi barbarians, who live at the junction of Jiaozhou, Yizhou and Jingzhou, are named after the five streams of xiongxi, Weixi, Chenxi, Youxi and Wuxi. However, their attitude towards Han people is different from other foreigners. Because of their own civilization, they are close to the Han nationality. They not only cultivate good farmland, but also make iron wares. Therefore, they do not invade the Han people's territory because of food problems, as other barbarians do. It was only at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty that the local Han officials exploited these barbarians, which led them to rebel. However, the target of their rebellion was very clear. They only dealt with the Han officials and the army, but they were quite friendly to the Han people.

Since the Dongwu captured Jingzhou, Yizhou and Jiaozhou, wuximan was destined to become the residents under the jurisdiction of Dongwu. When the Dongwu army, which had always been tough with foreigners, wanted to attack Wuxi man, it was dissuaded by the local people.