After learning about this situation, Chen Ren went to wuximan's residence in person to negotiate with several patriarchs of wuximan, and finally determined the Treaty of peaceful coexistence between Han people and wuximan. Since then, after so many years of development, wuximan, who was originally sparsely populated, gradually flourished. In order to repay Soochow, several patriarchs of Wuxi man volunteered to join the army of Wuxi barbarians. Although there were only 100000 soldiers, the unique attack style of Wuxi barbarians benefited Soochow a lot in several battles.

Take the attack on Sanguan, for example. The barbarians in Wuxi were much smoother in dealing with this kind of mountain than the ordinary soldiers of Soochow. As soon as the soldiers of the Dongwu army had just set up the ladder, the barbarians of Wuxi jumped down from the mountain walls on both sides of the Sanguan pass. They could be called divine soldiers. In particular, shamoko, the leader of the Wuxi barbarians, took the lead in flying to the pass and shooting the garrison general, which made the garrison in San Guan completely defeated. Therefore, it can be said that Wuxi man made the greatest contribution to the capture of Sanguan this time, and Tai Shici, in accordance with the instructions before Chen Ren, paid tribute to these barbarians without any distinction.

After Guo Jia explained Chen Ren's plan, Tai Shici asked, "filial piety, then should we attack Tianshui as soon as possible?" In recent years, Tai Shici stayed in Jianye and hardly ever fought a battle. Now it's rare to be able to take part in activities. Naturally, he would like to fight another battle immediately.

Guo Jia thought for a moment and said, "it's not urgent! I think that at this time, general Lvmeng should have captured Longxi, but Tianshui will send troops to attack Longxi to cut off general Lvmeng's retreat until the news of Longxi's capture reaches Tianshui. If we go too early, we are afraid that the other side's army will be scared back to the city before the other army moves out. Therefore, we should not move Tianshui for the time being. To the south of Tianshui, there are ShangBang city and Jicheng city. Let's take these two cities first

"Good!" Tai Shici and Xu Chu were totally two militant elements. When they heard that they were going to attack the city and plunder the land, they were very excited. Even if they started up, they seemed to be going to lead their troops to ShangBang city.

Guo Jia raised his hand to stop Tai Shici and Xu Chu, saying, "no, no, no! General taishici and General Xu Chu could not go to capture ShangBang and Jicheng this time! My suggestion is to let General Xu Sheng and General Chen Wu lead the 200000 east Jiang army to attack these two cities! "

However, when Guo Jia stopped him, he let them feel like a cat scratching in their hearts. Tai Shici immediately asked Guo Jia, "filial piety, why is this? Why do they have to go? I can't go with Zhong Kang? How can these two small cities need 200000 troops? I can win two cities with ten thousand men, no! Five thousand men are enough! "

Guo Jia said with a smile: "it's not a matter of how many men and horses there are. Now Zici certainly hasn't led his troops to Hangu pass. There must be no pressure on Chang'an side. We won't sit down and watch us seize the Sanguan pass like this! Therefore, in one or two days, Chang'an will certainly send a large army to capture the pass, but the strength of Chang'an city is about 200000 yuan. Therefore, Cao Cao can't match us if he relies on his troops. If I have not guessed wrong, Guan Yu or Zhang Fei came to seize Guan this time! Even Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came together! In our army, only you and General Xu Chu are the opponents of these two men, so you must stay at the gate! Only when the Cao army, who had invaded this time, was severely frightened, Cao's army would not dare to send troops again easily next time. When Zici led his troops to Hangu pass, we could easily finish the attack on other states and counties in Yongzhou. "

After listening to Guo Jia's explanation, both Tai Shici and Xu Chu burst into light. They were Guan Yu and Zhang Fei among the four generals of Chang'an. They were the top figures among Cao's generals. As the first-class generals of Soochow, they are tired of fighting with those generals in Soochow. Even though Chen Ren is as fierce as Chen Ren, it is not a good phenomenon for them to fight against the current. If they do not advance, they will retreat. If they do not make progress for a long time, their skills will become too poor.

Seeing that the problems of Tai Shici and Xu Chu have been solved, Guo Jia smiles. The only thing he has to do now is to wait for Cao's troops to seize the pass. After the battle, they can move on.

Fortunately, they didn't wait too long. In the evening of the next day, the army sent by Cao Cao to capture the pass arrived outside the Sanguan pass, as expected by Guo Jia. This time, Cao Cao sent only 100000 people, but Guan Yu, one of the four generals in Chang'an, led the troops.

Although Guan Yu was the only one, he had already made Tai Shici and Xu Chu very happy. However, Guan Yu was the only one who could not decide who was going to fight. They had to wait until the next day when Guan Yu attacked the key problem.

One night later, Guan Yu arrived at Sanguan with 100000 troops beating the sky shaking drums. According to Cao Cao's instructions, Guan Yu also knew that the Dongwu army that captured the pass was very strong. If only relying on the number of men and horses, it was estimated that they could not attack the pass. Therefore, Cao Cao ordered Guan Yu to kill the general of Dongwu who was guarding the pass, so that the garrison at Sanguan was not under command. Naturally, it was much easier to seize the pass. This is also the reason why Cao Cao sent Guan Yu instead of Zhang Fei. Guan Yu's sword technique is the most suitable for such a single fight to kill the enemy general.

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed and watched the door slowly open. A large number of soldiers poured out from the door, but the two generals were the leaders. A man looks about 40 years old. His face is white and he doesn't need it. He is energetic. He carries two iron halberds on his back, but he holds a silver gun in his hand. The other was about the same age, but he was very strong, with a long knife in his hand.The cold light in Guan Yu's eyes flashed and his legs clipped. He drove his horse and rushed to the front of the pass. Guan Yu can see at a glance that these two generals are definitely not easy ones. He wants to take advantage of the other side's unstable foothold to suddenly attack. If he can preempt one step to kill a general, the remaining one will be much easier to deal with.

However, Guan Yu's idea is good, but Tai Shici and Xu Chu are not the glutinous rice dumplings. Guan Yu can make them at will. They have been paying close attention to Guan Yu ever since they left the pass. When they were in Jianye before, Chen Ren talked about the characteristics of the four generals of Chang'an for many times. Chen Ren also reminded people many times that Guan Yu was very good at surprise attack, and his Sabre technique was very fast. Therefore, when he met him, he must be careful. So when they learned that Guan Yu was the one who led the troops to attack the key problem, Tai Shici and Xu Chu were very careful. Seeing Guan Yu's sudden attack, the two men were surprised by Guan Yu's speed, but they were not unprepared. They all set up their posture and prepared to meet Guan Yu.

Although Guan Yu was surprised that the opponent's generals were not frightened by his own speed, he was already on the point and had to shoot. Moreover, Guan Yu was very confident in his own sword technique. Immediately, Guan Yu speeded up his speed and rushed to the weak looking Tai Shici. He waved the green dragon sword and chopped at Tai Shici.

As soon as the green dragon sword was wielded, it was with a roaring sound of breaking the sky. It sounded like a legendary dragon chant. The green dragon sword crossed a cold light in the air, and cut towards Tai Shici with a very strange track. Although he was prepared in his heart, Tai Shici was still shocked at the sight of Guan Yu's sword technique, and quickly raised his silver gun to block Guan Yu's knife.

However, it is not so easy for Guan Yu to resist this knife. It is necessary to know that when Guan Yu and Zhang Fei met for the first time, they fought with Zhang Fei for strength, and they were even with Zhang Fei. It can be seen that Guan Yu's strength is not weak. In addition to the huge impact of driving his horse before, Tai Shici is not good at strength. How can he resist the two Guan Yu's all-out sword.


With a loud noise, he saw that Tai Shici's silver gun just slightly blocked Guan Yu's green dragon sword, and was immediately opened by the green dragon sword. Fortunately, the silver gun, including the barrel, is also made of high-quality materials. The green dragon sword has only left a scratch on the barrel of the silver gun, but it has not caused much damage to the silver gun. But Tai Shici, who had lost the protection of silver gun, opened the middle door, and the green dragon sword had been cut at his neck without hindrance.

Tai Shici was about to die on the spot. Just when Tai Shici could clearly feel the cold of the green dragon sword, he suddenly had an idea. The whole person suddenly lay back and lay directly on the horse's back. But in this way, Tai Shici narrowly escaped Guan Yu's fatal blow. The green dragon knife was almost cut against his nose.

For Tai Shici to be able to avoid his fatal blow, Guan Yu is very surprised, his move Guan Yu confident that in addition to meeting Chen Ren that abnormal guy, no one can resist. Although Tai Shici can only be regarded as dodging, it is enough to surprise Guan Yu.

However, Guan Yu has experienced many battles. Although Tai Shici surprised him, Guan Yu didn't believe that he could still escape from his current situation. As soon as he turned his hands, he made a circle of the green dragon sword in the air, but it was held high above Tai Shici. The blade of the Green Dragon Sword flashed cold light under the sunlight, and suddenly turned towards him Tai Shici, lying on the horse's back, chopped it down. This time, Tai Shici really had nowhere to escape. He could only watch the green dragon sword cut down towards his abdomen. If this knife was cut down, Tai Shici and his horse would be chopped into two pieces.

Just when Tai Shici was dying, Guan Yu suddenly heard two noises of breaking the sky. The light from the corner of his eye was just seeing two black spots, which were fast hitting his head and arm.