Yang Feng was very upset.

At this time, Yang Feng was walking up and down in his big tent, his eyes from time to time dropped on the three brocade bags that had been opened on the table, which were three secret letters. However, these three secret letters were not sent from Chang'an, but the three letters of persuasion that Yang Feng received in the past month were all shot by the Dongwu military outside the pass. Fortunately, there are all the soldiers of Yang Feng's children above the Jiguan pass. Otherwise, if Cao Cao knew about this matter, I'm afraid Yang Feng would not be able to do it under Cao Cao.

Speaking from his heart, Yang Feng did not intend to pay for Cao Cao's life, but he did not intend to surrender to Dongwu. Just as he surrendered to Cao Cao in those years, even if he wanted to sell, Yang Feng wanted to sell himself for a good price. But now the price offered by Soochow is too small. A prefect even wants to send him Yang Feng? I don't think much of people! What's more, Yang Feng knew the consistent military management system of Dongwu. When he arrived in Dongwu, Yang Feng would never be in charge of the army. If he had no army and no power, what would be the benefit of Yang Feng's taking refuge in Dongwu? Yang Feng is not willing to rush this kind of useless thing.

"Gongming!" Yang Feng suddenly raised his head and asked Xu Huang, "what do you think I should do? If the treatment given by Soochow is the same, I really don't want to surrender like this! "

Xu Huang was very dissatisfied with Yang Feng's intention to surrender. At that time, Yang Feng abandoned Dong min and turned to Cao Cao. It was because Dong min was cruel and was not a Ming Lord. Now Cao Cao is very important to Yang Feng, and according to Xu Huang's own observation of Cao Cao, he should be called Mingzhu. However, Yang Feng betrayed Cao Cao, which made Xu Huang unhappy. However, Yang Feng is his master son, which Xu Huang still remembers firmly. For Yang Feng's decision, he can only comply with it.

"General! From the general's point of view, the general can be sold at a high price. Since Soochow refuses to pay a high price, the general will stick to Jiguan. The longer the delay, the greater the importance of the general and the more favorable it will be for the general! " Although dissatisfied, Xu Huang is still very loyal to offer his own strategy for Yang.

"Yes! I think so too Yang Feng nodded and agreed with Xu Huang's plan. "All the generals leading the army this time are young generals of the eastern Wu Kingdom. It's impossible to break through my Jiguan without paying the price of blood! Since Soochow can't see my value clearly, let me let them see how much I'm worth to pay! " With that, Yang Feng never walked back and forth again, his hands clenched and his face firmly looking at the sky outside the tent.

"Newspaper!" A sergeant suddenly came outside the tent and said, "general! The grain and grass transported from Jinyang has arrived after the customs clearance! There are 38 vehicles of grain and grass delivered this time! The general, please

"Yes! I got it! Let's do it as usual. " Yang Feng said to Xu Huang with a smile, "Gongming, fortunately Prime Minister Cao has transferred all the people from Bingzhou. Otherwise, the grain supply of Bingzhou can't support it." This grain was also one of the supports for Yang fenggan's confrontation with the Dongwu army at the Jiguan pass. Although the land in Bingzhou was poor, there was more than enough food and grass to support the 100000 troops in Bingzhou.

After getting Yang Feng's order, the sergeant went to the north gate and called to the soldiers at the gate: "open and close the door!" And the soldiers at the gate, after hearing the cry, four or five people directly began to pull the gate. The door closed heavily and opened slowly with a squeak.

With the opening of the door, an army of about 1000 people outside the gate, driving nearly 40 carriages, began to move slowly into the pass. A soldier on guard looked at a soldier sitting in the first carriage and said with a smile: "Li Dali! Why are you so depressed? Is it hard to be hollowed out by your mother-in-law at home and has not recovered yet? "

The soldier's dirty jokes immediately made him shut down and laughed. As the subject of ridicule, Li Dali, the soldier sitting in the first carriage, did not answer back as usual, but still kept his head still. This strange phenomenon is that some soldiers guarding the pass are not quite right. A soldier who has some friendship with Li Dali quickly comes forward and asks, "Dali, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, a soldier sitting next to Li Dali showed a face of embarrassment and said to everyone, "you don't know. Some time ago, the mother-in-law of the Dali family ran away and took all the valuable things of the Dali family away!"

"No On hearing this, all the soldiers around were surprised and ran to Li Dali one after another. Li Dali's body suddenly trembled, then slowly raised his head, revealed a smile even worse than crying, and said, "is it necessary for me to make fun of this kind of thing? It's gone! That woman is really cruel Speaking of the last sentence, Li Dali's expression on his face can be described as gnashing his teeth.

Li Dali's encounter immediately aroused the sympathy of everyone. They all patted Li Dali on the shoulder with regret and said, "take care, brother! However, the officers would not let them have so much time to sigh and shout: "what are they doing! Let's go! What is it like to have so many carriages blocking the door? "

The officer spoke, and they found that because Li Dali's first carriage was blocked at the gate by them, the carriage behind could not come in at all. After that, the 38 carriages began to stagger into the Jiguan pass.Under the leadership of the Quartermaster in the pass, thirty-eight carriages went to an open-air warehouse built with fences. These carriages were smoothly driven into the warehouse, and were directly covered with tarpaulins by a group of cooks led by the Quartermaster. A cook suddenly swearing and swearing, pulled out a big knife and stabbed at a load of grain.

This action is to one side drive the soldier to give a fright, angrily shout: "what do you do?"

The cook took out a big knife, reached out and grabbed a handful of grain in the pierced rice bag. Then he said with a smile, "I have to see how the grain delivered this time is. Don't be as old as last time. It's some old rice!"

As soon as the soldier pushed the cook, he said, "you bastard! The food that we have worked so hard to bring to you day and night, is it for you, the bastard, to spoil it! You stay away from food and grass! " Said, hastily put down the oilcloth, and then glared at the cook, like that, would like to eat that cook!

"Hey! Sorry! You have to know how much trouble we made in the last incident. We were the cooks who suffered losses in the end. Some even said that we used our power for personal gain and took new rice for old rice. If the general didn't show up at last, I'm afraid the brothers of our camp would have been eaten by others! " With that, the cook also seemed to have a palpitation to pat his chest.

Listen to the Cook said interesting, the soldier is not good to continue with a stiff face, said: "so you always see, no problem?" Then he looked at the food in the hands of the cook with his eyes.

"No problem! Absolutely no problem! " The cook looked at the white grain in his hand and laughed so much that his mouth could not close. The Quartermaster also stepped forward to round the field, which made the cooks and the soldiers disperse.

At this time, the Quartermaster said with a smile to the soldiers who delivered the food: "brothers! The general said that it was hard for you to send food this time, and specially asked the gang camp to open a small stove for you and reward you well! let's go! Go to the camp and have a good meal! It's said that a large pot of braised pork has been stewed today Although the food of the army in the Northern Wei Dynasty was not bad, most of them ate a bowl of porridge and several large steamed buns. The meat dish of braised pork in brown sauce was already enjoyed by officers.

Sure enough, I heard that there was braised pork in brown sauce. All the soldiers who delivered the food were cheering and cheering. They almost didn't shout "long live the general.". The Quartermaster secretly winked at the cook, who nodded knowingly and then showed a strange smile. Next, the Quartermaster went to the camp of the gang camp with thousands of soldiers who had been red eyed by braised pork.

As it was getting dark, the Quartermaster kept toasting the soldiers who were delivering food in the camp. Originally, drinking was not allowed in the camp. However, almost none of the generals of the army would come to this camp, and the other soldiers were more or less benefited from the Quartermaster. Having said hello before, naturally, no one would have been involved in this business. Anyway, the cooks of the gang camp didn't go to the battlefield to fight. Even if they were drunk, they couldn't delay any fighters.

Finally, the last soldier who sent food also got under the table in the toast of the Quartermaster and those cooks. The Quartermaster gave a cold smile. At this time, the cooks from other camps came to repay the quartermaster, and the soldiers who were arranged in other camps were also drunk. The Quartermaster nodded and said to the cooks, "OK! First move these guys to a camp, and then we'll slowly process these idiots after we've transported all the new rice out

"Good!" All the cooks showed greedy looks on their faces. They have done this kind of food exchange several times, but they were made big by the soldiers last time. So this time they decided to find some scapegoats to avoid making trouble again, which would be doubted by others.

At this time, another cook came in from the outside. Seeing the situation inside, he knew that the Quartermaster had already got it. He said to the Quartermaster quickly: "boss! Those rice merchants' caravans have already sent the old rice they want to change to the outside of the pass. They will wait for us to deliver the grain there. "