"All right The Quartermaster nodded, then waved his hand and said to the other cooks, "let's all do it! Be quick

"Roar!" They all raised their hands and feet, and began to carry the drunken soldiers to the camp tent nearby.

The Quartermaster nodded, and then ordered a dozen or so cooks, and said, "you all follow me to the warehouse and pull those carts of grain to Beiguan to exchange rice!" The cooks who had been ordered were all in high spirits. They were much more relaxed than their companions moving people here. They winked at their companions and triumphantly followed the Quartermaster out of the camp.

Those cooks who were left behind were full of indignation. Obviously, they were not reconciled to their failure to get the share of merit and demerit. However, it was no use not to be reconciled again. They did such a thing by completely listening to the arrangement of the Quartermaster. Since the quartermaster has appointed those people, he can only be envious. In any case, we all got the same amount of money in the end, so we just have to complain.

In fact, there are no more than 30 people left in the camp. In addition, there are five or six large camp accounts, with a total of thousands of people. It is really necessary to make these cooks work harder.

One of the cooks was the man who stabbed the rice bag with a knife in the warehouse during the day. When his eyes turned, he saw the soldier who had scolded him before. Immediately, the cook came to the soldier's side, kicked the soldier with his foot, and scolded: "Damn it! It's just a little minion! How dare you be so cruel to me

Thinking of the way the soldier looked at him before, as if he was going to kill him, the cook felt more and more resentful. He simply took a knife from the side, pulled out the scabbard, and looked at the soldier who made a fool of himself. Around the companion saw, can't help but exclaim: "big head! You are crazy! Why do you draw a knife

"Cut!" "Anyway, these guys are going to be our scapegoats. Since I've decided to kill them, what's the matter if I kill one of them in advance?" he said After saying that, it is not the same as the company's voice to stop, lift the knife and cut to the soldier who delivered the food, and the target directly pointed to his neck.

Just as the sword was about to fall on the soldier's neck, an iron hand was firmly grasped on the wrist of the big head cook, and the big knife stopped in the air. The big head cook was stunned and looked down, but he just saw the soldier suddenly open his eyes. The eyes were flashing cold light, where there was still half drunk.

"Woo!" The big head cook was so surprised that he just opened his mouth that he was about to cry. However, the cold light in the eyes of the grain delivery soldier flashed suddenly. His other hand was thrown in the air. A sharp dagger suddenly shot out of his wrist armor and directly penetrated into the mouth of the big head cook. The hand of the grain delivery soldier was also covered in his mouth.

Because the big head cook was in the corner of the camp at the moment, the cooks around him only saw his back, but they didn't see any abnormality at all. At first, they were all disgusted by the big head cook who killed himself in his own way. However, there was a certain truth in what the chief cook said. Besides, seeing that the big head cook's knife had fallen down, they were not talking about anything. They were all busy moving people.

At the next moment, hundreds of hands suddenly appeared in the kitchens' throats, and the same daggers on their wrists stabbed them in their throats, and their movements were neat. Immediately, all the cooks lost their breath of life and became a pool of mud. Then, at the moment when these cooks fell down, the hundreds of soldiers who delivered food in the camp all stood up. They looked like drunk people with indifferent faces, but they looked like killing gods.

One of the soldiers looked at the corpses of these cooks on the ground and frowned. He said to the other soldiers, "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It seems that our action will be advanced! Zhang Jiu! If you go to meet general sun, they must have solved the former Quartermaster and cook! Li Shi! You go and call up the brothers in the other barracks and tell them to stop acting and be ready for action at any time! Other people are on guard around the camp, so we will use the camp of this camp as a temporary base

"Here it is They clapped their hands and whispered to the soldier, and they all followed his orders. Outside the camp, we could see the dark shadows constantly gathering in the camp. From time to time, there was a cry or two in a hurry, but they were trying to solve the remaining soldiers in the camp. This is also due to Quartermaster and those cooks, probably because they are doing these shady business. It's not convenient for the soldiers to patrol before they are in charge. Otherwise, no matter how skillful they are, they will be discovered by others if they do these things so frequently in the camp.

After a while, we saw another group of people coming to the camp from outside. Just arrived at the entrance of the camp, suddenly appeared a burst of bird calls, the team immediately stopped, one of the leaders whispered: "it's me!"At once, a soldier came out of the darkness and walked quickly to the team. After a salute, he took the pair of men and horses to the camp and went directly outside the largest camp in the camp. The leader made a sign to the men behind him, and they lined up in the camp, but he went straight in.

After entering the camp, the man showed his face in the light of the camp. It was Sun Yi, a general of Dongwu who should be outside the pass at this time!

Seeing Sun Yi coming in, several other soldiers in the camp also saluted Sun Yi. Sun Yi nodded his head and said, "I've learned about the specific situation from the Quartermaster! Although the action is a little ahead of time, the situation seems to be better than the plan we arranged before! Tai Shiheng! You take a thousand people to take the north gate! It seems that the northern gate is not well guarded. There are only dozens of Cao's troops. You should pay attention to some movements! "

"Here it is The one who answered Sun Yi was the one who had just killed the big head cook's food soldier. However, his real identity was Tai Shiheng, the only son of taishici, the commander of the army of the eastern Wu Dynasty. Although he was young, he was already a veteran of Feixing camp of Jiangdong new army. It was Tai Shici who sent him to Jiangdong new army for training.

After Tai Shiheng was ordered to go out, Sun Yi said to another young soldier, "Bu Xie! If there are more than 2000 soldiers, you should pay attention to it, but if you don't have more than two thousand soldiers, you should take care of it! After taking the pass, they issued a secret signal to the army outside the pass. But remember! Do not open the door too early, it will cause the attention of Cao Jun in the pass! Just wait until the army outside the gate arrives outside the gate, and then open the door! "

The young soldier clasped his fist and said, "the last general will take orders." This association is the son of Bu Li, the current governor of Wu County. Among the young generals of the east Wu army, this association is also regarded as an outstanding one. Now he is a small captain of thunderstorm riding.

After finishing the arrangement, there are less than 300 left for Sun Yi. However, the task of the three hundred men was more arduous than that of the other two. That was to capture Yang Feng alive! Sun Yi's arrangement is to seize Yang Feng, the highest General of Bingzhou's main army. As long as Yang Feng is captured, the garrison of Jiguan will surrender without fighting!

Just before he killed the quartermaster, Sun Yi had already interrogated him once and had a thorough understanding of the situation in the Jiguan pass. So Sun Yi, with more than 300 people, drove directly to the camp where Yang Feng was stationed. Because they were wearing Cao's military uniform, even if they met one or two patrol soldiers along the way, they fooled them and took them off unexpectedly.

Soon, Sun Yi arrived outside Yang Feng's camp with 300 soldiers from the eastern Wu Dynasty. Yang Feng, as the chief general, naturally had heavy troops to guard his camp. Sun Yi calculated roughly that there were about 20 soldiers standing guard in front of the camp, and there were 50 or 60 soldiers on the left, right and rear of the camp. Sun Yi quietly made a gesture to the soldiers behind him. He was not in a hurry to do it now. If he made a gesture now, the Cao army in the whole pass would attack him. Although Sun Yi was good at martial arts, he was not conceited enough to be able to deal with 50000 people in the pass with these 300 people.

It wasn't long before Sun Yi had the chance to wait. On the south side of the pass, there was a sharp sound of friction. In the silent night, it was so striking. Soon, Yang Feng's plain clothes a disorderly to drive out of the camp, full of panic to drink loudly asked: "what's the matter! Who opened the door? "

"Do it!" Sun Yi suddenly murmured, and the whole person was like lightning. He rushed at Yang Feng, who was still in a panic, with a long gun. At this time, Cao Jun, the guards around, was surprised when the door was suddenly opened. He had no idea that such a strange soldier suddenly appeared. At this time, Yang Yijia is not only wearing a gun in his body, but also has no weapons.

However, Yang Feng was a veteran general who had been fighting for many years. He immediately realized that Sun Yi had come for him. Although he had no weapons in his hand, he reached out and grabbed a soldier beside him and threw him at Sun Yi. Even then he turned and ran towards the camp, shouting: "there are assassins! There are assassins